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Your Dudes Thread
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In the midst of creating a Chaos Warband for 8th ed. Basic idea is that they were White Scar successors who got some kind of skin mutation. They find a medicinal cure, but it's super addictive, and eventually the Chapter gets excommunicated for their irresponsible behaviour after it has basically consumed the will and rational thinking of the Marines. Obviously they worship Slaanesh, and have gotten into a habit of stealing technology due to lack of knowledge on how to repair most of their equipment that isn't a bike or rhino. Ride into battle on bikes, huffing weird drug stimulants through rebreathers fitted into their helmets, accompanied by Daemonettes mounted on Steeds of Slaanesh.
>tl:dr Shiny and Chrome but Chaos Space Marines
This is my first foray into the 40K Universe pls no bully If i get fluff wrong
My dudes got stomped because of the keyword system. You cant have good rules without named characters now.
Still trying to come up with a name. Currently waiting on my 2x Storm talons to arrive for conversion therapy into walkers, and for my 2x Dark Imperium primaris forces to arrive for painting.
Adeptus Slutchanicus
>Homeworld is on a penal world, every death row inmate is actually a candidate for Astartes procedure.
>1st and 2nd Companies are the elite and only companies allowed to wear power armor, 3rd through 10th companies all wear Scout armor
>3rd through 10th companies are not organized in squads but in kill teams that are trained to ambush and surround enemy positions
still tying to decide on the fluff/scheme for my dues.
So far i'm leaning towards an Exorcists successor chapter founded to guard some sort of warp rift or other demonic nonsense.
For the name I'm thinking Perditions Vigil
He's pretty lazy and just sits around talking about bullshit with his veteran pal.
Digging the colors
Red/Black is master race imo
Man, I've got too many to count. I'm trying to whittle them down, lately. Let me try and give a sentence for each.
>Ultramarines descendants on a daemon-infested graveyard world that specialize in fighting chaos and are closet heretics
>Death Guard descendants who didn't turn traitor during the HH and try to atone for their brothers by being medical specialists and focusing on combating Nurgle diseases and zombies (also plague-doctor beakie helmets).
>Iron Hands descendants who turned traitor and replace their bodies with daemon-possessed cybernetics
>Sisters of Battle/Skitarii on an ocean world (the only one of my dudes I'm actively trying to build minis for)
>Nurgle/Isha-worshipping Chaos Eldar
>Auzzie Imperial Guardsman on a frozen penal world where they turn old tanks into cozy mobile homes
>Sikh Imperial Guardsman/Navy Armsmen with a cryogenics fetish
And probably some other dudes I'm too lazy to remember.
The Basilisks answer the call, m'lord.
Salamanders geneseed, Ultima Founding. Maintain strong bonds with Nocturne, even going on pilgrimages when time permits to see the old homeworld again. Favoring Shock attacks, large number of Inceptors and Aggressors alongside other unit types, striking targets in coordinated and overwhelming attacks. Name chosen early on for their penchant for the swift destruction of enemy scout elements and a policy of never taking enemy prisoners ("To meet their gaze is to invite certain death" as some rebels have been known to say) Still maintain compassionate view towards mortals, and get along well with most Imperial organizations through professionalism and politeness. Some minor issues with the Inquisition regarding the Inquisition's less-than-rational approach to threat containment and sterilization of civilian elements. Big fans of Guilliman's command style, and have adopted most of the Primarch's strategies and philosophies. Would love to reunite with Vulkan one day, but for now, there's a job to do, and a galaxy in need
So, Blood Ravens V company?
Pyre Lords?
Monolith Seers Space Marine Chapter. Defective oculus lobe which makes them blind. Stationed on the very edge of imperial space and deal with a ton of unidentified xenos incursions. Their planet has a ton of ruins from some alien civilisation which have proven to be indestructible. They're attempting to study the biggest ruin they found and find a way inside it, unsure of what's waiting for them within. They would have been purged by the Inquisition by now if they weren't so far away.
Scouts receive the oculus lobe as their last geneseed implant in a ritual they call the Darkening. A lot of their tech is used to compensate for lack of sight, such as modules which enhance their remaining senses.
Necron dynasty lead by a Gorgonesque queen, who conserve life in the universe mostly by removing other life that would threaten it – Chaos, Tyrannids, Mechanicus, regular humans who industrialize heavily... their queen believes that since the C'tan denied her destiny to save her own people, it is therefore her destiny to preserve others whether they like it or not.
Their fluff has become rather ungainly long, not without help from Veeky Forums in prior Your Dudes threads. I'm the sort who tends to add to it bit by bit rather than condense for brevity.
How about a squad of Exorcists killed to all but a man attempting to purge an infested moon base, with the sole survivor going on a power fist rampage and successfully completing the objective. Then, due to his heroism and the necessity of guarding the location, he's made chapter master of a new founding.
Fantastic scheme. Be sure to post some minis when you start painting, I'd love to see how it turns out.
I didn't know how much I wanted this to be a thing until right now
That sounds really cool. Would you be willing to post a pastebin of the fluff?
Their chapter homeworld is a gas giant. Not the rings, the gas giant itself.
One of the trials is an entire group hunting an atmospheric beast in an airship.
Working on a Primaris marine chapter, successors to space wolves.
They recruit from an Agri-world that is set up with a huge towering skyfarm for crops, as well as large rolling plains for cattle. The planet has a small admech outpost upon one of its moons. The Fortress Monestary of the Chapter is on the other.
The Chapter mostly works to defend their homeworld and the sector as a whole from threats that might topple it, seeing themselves as defenders of such a source of life for worlds that can't provide food for themselves.
Tactics-wise they prefer mechanized assaults by air if possible
It'd be my pleasure. Let me just do some touching up first, I lost some data in a hard drive crash (shame on me for not backing up more frequently) so there's probably some stuff missing.
Don't have a picture on my phone but i made an Unforgiven chapter called the Lions Militant (working name).
They're meant to be a chapter that makes heavy use of the Ravenwing and supplement its fast attack doctrine with long range supporting fire from tactical or devastator squads. Their reliance on bikes, razorbacks, and aircraft mean they revere their Master of the Forge has a higher position in the Inner Circle than even the Master of Sanctity.
They have an ongoing feud with the Assassinorum after their own Matter of the Ravenwing was killed by a rogue Vindicare. Though they have some evidence to suggest that he was acting under orders and refuse to name a new Master until the Assassinorum is brought to justice. Electing instead to have the 2nd company run by their own Raven Council with 5 members from each area of the Ravenwing; speeders, Black Knights, bikes, jets, and 2 Veteran Techmarines.
Like the Dark Angels they obscure their numbers from the High Lords. Using their unaccounted for Marines to hunt Cypher, whether most of those Marines know it or not.
They largely focus on the capture of Cypher in their hunt, as they believe the Legion's vigilance against the Fallen has absolved them long ago.
Fitting with their pallid appearance due to a geneseed defect, they are grim in personality, however, outside of direct combat they are known to be sardonic. Engaging in gallows humor with their serfs and comrades from within and without the chapter itself.
My dude is an overweight black dragon living in a dwarven society working as a magic arms and armour trader. He spends the good majority of his day there, only leaving to eat, lounge around on the mountainside or go sleep somewhere.
He's "my dude" because the players keep going back to him and expecting him to have exactly what they need to solve whatever kind of quest they have, to the point that they've spend sessions just talking to "my dude" to pass time while he works on crafting things.
>that feel when forever DM and your players enjoy just talking to a pretend character for four hours straight
>that feel when game night is now "fantasy social" night and we sit around the table doing this while having SIPPs and snacks
I feel lucky as fuck.
The one with the Hathor/Medusa Queen and the King that shares his consciousness throughout her harem guard? They like music and shit?
I was in that one
Da Tekboyz!
Not long ago, on a long-abandoned Mechanicum forgeworld, wiped out by a virus, A band of Ork Boyz Stumbled across the old cities, and got to looting...
As the warband grew, The orks slowly realized the astounding tech was useful for combat. Better tech meant better Power Klaws, Better Dakka, Fasta and louda vehicles. So, with a small army of Mekboyz, they got to work building "Da Best Techy-ology in Da Galaxy!"
They are led by Warboss Wulf-Crusha and his Cybork Nobz "Da Tekboyz" propa.
Their Colors are Orange shirts, with scrap metals Bronze and Steel coloring their vehicles.
Tactics involve Mixed Vehicular and bombardment attacks, making use of their tech.
Pastebin up. Alas, more was lost than I hoped, but this is the gist.
No, but that sounds pretty fab. Mine plays up the lost beauty aspect instead. Didn't realize there was another snek lady bumming around with the space skellies, though. Got any more details on them?
As for mine, I've been bandying this one around for a little bit getting critique and stuff. A drawfag (Ty) drew this based on the initial description of a "gorgon Necron" before I actually got the chance to post the fluff so it's not quite on base, she's missing her mask and shield and the colors are not what I've currently got (White body/Brass accents/Green lights), but that's on me for not being quicker with the description. I hadn't actually intended to go with the snake body but after he drew it I kind of fell in love with the dozens of little legs so I've decided this is her "battle body."
My Astartes were from the cursed founding and are a Fleet Based Chapter that have a space hulk nearly the size of their home worlds moon trapped in the orbit of said home world. Needless to say, this is treated as their Fortress Monastery and the thing has never been successfully navigated/moved/positions since their take over. They use the lingering Ork and Genestealer presence as live fire training for their Chapter. They are a lot like Reasonable Marines (Though I made these guys a good time before we all got together for Veeky Forums generated Chapters) due to diplomacy with any Xenos that aren't a bunch of insufferable pricks (Somewhat on respectable terms with Eldar and T'au), use of Infiltration and Hit and Run tactics on the battlefield, favoring use of camo-cloaks on all Astartes. For fleet and sky they are close to the skill of the Hawk Lords with a penchant for using Autocannons, Missiles, Flamers and Meltas more than any other weapon. It is common for them to work alongside IG, even being fairly amicable with anyone who isn't an immediate threat or known enemy. They are extremely skilled in fleet to fleet based combat. Due to sudden mutations in their geneseed that has lead to some members becoming blanks they work closely with the Mechanicus wherever possible so they have a large number of Apothecaries while having more Chaplains present to help offset the workload of the minuscule Librarium.
They work closely with a sect of Sororitas that they have brought into their Fortress Monastery. Any candidates for the Chapter who can not survive or make it as a Neophyte is instead turned into their version of PDF where they work alongside the Astartes and gain the skills, wargear and experience befitting veteran guardsmen. This has led to a lack of servitors and far more scientific and technologically minded unaugmented men and women being present.
Had an idea for one bumping around.
>Chapter has next to zero Serfs and only a few Servitors, as such each Marine has to maintain their gear themselves
>They use beefed up Lasguns because they lack the logistics for Bolter ammo
>Each Marine's equipment looks a bit different due to them having to maintain it themselves, some are even reduced to wearing partial suits (Uses Scout stats)
>This has had the side effect of making them incredibly skilled at attrition warfare, as they don't have any supply lines to worry about and Lasguns can be powered by the Power Armor indefinitely
>Tend to be shooty with little vehicle support, enjoy turtling in fortifications (Maybe ImpFists descendants? )
Still never came up with any backstory to explain why they're so resource starved. Maybe they're borderline renegade and had their supplies cut off by the high lords, or it's some kind of grand experiment by them to see if they can make a "stripped down" chapter still function
make them located in a sector that is heavily under attack so supplies are far and few between
or make them like the spes sharks in that they operate outside known space so there's nobody funding them and they gotta get new stuff the hard way
I've had this colour scheme knocking around for ages, any ideas for a name?
Lodestar Brethren.
The Phaerakh looked like pic related but with big ole horns that acted as pylons that would gather a small sun between them to blast her enemies. She could also sing people into dust, basically Hathor. Her husband's consciousness was uploaded to the cloud and downloaded amongster her guard and will transfer to another adjacent body if one dies. The Phaeron is essentially a literal one man band, as he plays a mean Harp of Dissonance.
The Crypteks of the dynasty focus on sonic theory and bioengineering, literally singing flesh into shape and changing living organisms by sonically altering DNA at the molecular level. This is not always sucsessful. Thusly they have a large as shit slave population from across the galaxy, which actually outnumber the Necron. The end goal behind this is three-fold; To create an "ideal" body that is less shit that their original bodies so they can go back to a life of decadence and art, breed pariahs to kill the warp, and of course have a stable population that can do the menial tasks and heavy fighting for them.
Names of anything where never established
that shit is too grimdark man
Whats their preferred method of warfare? Always helps in creating a name.
The Knights Fucking Hideous
I've always wanted to try making Dia de los Muertos marines, I feel like the designs would look really good on Space Marine armor. I'm just not very good at painting yet. :-(
Iron hand successors that got abandoned by the Inquisition during a Tau raid and got rescued by the AdMech. The name of the chapter is "Brotherhood of the Forge" and they were saved by forgeworld Eon and it's legion "Scions of the Forge". The BotF basically cut ties with the imperium and pledged themselves (a whole 100 marines and a dreadnaught) to the AdMech. The Inquisitior want happy but she couldn't do shit because messing with the AdMech is just begging for your gellar field to fail mid-warp flight or your personal servitor to explode after pouring you tea. The whole chapter is supplemented by skitarii until and after they regrow their numbers. The iron hands themselves were pissed as fuck when they heard the inquisition pulled this shit so that's a thing in my campaigns. They will not be getting primaris marines because officially they are a "lost" chapter and rowboat doesn't know about them.
I don't have many concrete ideas right now, but one thing I liked the sound of was mechanized flame assault, lots of assault marines in rhinos, that kind of deal.
Been playing around with a few color schemes, this is my favorite so far. No fluff beyond being Knights. Suggestions? bonus points if you can tell what inspired it.
Also, does anyone have suggestions for a primarily white color scheme?
That paint job looks pretty cool, do you have any fluff for them yet?
Name Ideas:
Azure Crusaders
Cerulean Knights
Combining that flame assault with your black arm scheme, how about something like Ashen Fists/Hands?
I love those names, anything that pushes the gothic space-knight aesthetic, Black Templar-style gives, me a massive hard-on. They're real Adjective Noun-y, but that's life.
I'm a lorefag, so while I likely won't ever shell out for actual models, I've created multiple space marine chapters to use while working in tandem with some friends to create our own 40K galaxy to use for deathwatch and such. I've been working under what I call the 18 legions plan, trying to create both chaos warbands and loyalist chapters based on the 18 known legions.
First up is Kerberos, World Eater's loyalist who decided to flip Angron the bird and went out to the eastern rim to make sure that the traitors were hounded regardless of how far from the Emperor's light they were. Overtime they've gradually cooled off, becoming less hot headed and more similar to the war hound legion of old, becoming something approaching bro-tier marines who will fight and die for each other, other astartes, and citizens of the Imperium. They primarily recruit from a jungle death world, the concept of loyalty being so deeply ingrained into the culture of Kerberos, that initiates are forced to work as a team if they wish to survive the trials.
Their mentality is pretty much 'be strong enough to watch your comrade's back and your own' along with 'comrades before honor.' If your enemy is challenging you to a sword fight and you have ammo, you Indiana Jones him. Regardless, they still love close range combat, their favored tactics being to use tanks and other big guns to break up enemy formations before assault marines close distance to mop up.
They do have primaris marines (Thanks Cawl, you crazy fuck) but they're viewed as too inexperienced leading to mixed squads of primaris and normal marines, and even sometimes normal marine sergeants leading entire squads of primaris marines.
Best version
Putting them the other way around would be pretty good too,
Crusaders Azure
Knights Cerulean
hey can you help me make a space marine chapter wich is super dread heavy im banging my head on a wall trying to think of a color scheme. ive got a back story for them but no color
Next idea up is a Dark Angels chapter called Knights of the Azure order. Yes I know that they don't have any blue on their paint scheme, the Azure order comes from the fact that their most holy relics are 3 swords that glow with a blue fire when activated, and I mean they seem like smaller scale versions of the sword used by Big E.
They're actually descended from the Angels of Absolution, so they don't have as much an obsession with hunting the fallen, they'll still join in because 'fuck the traitors' but they aren't neurotic about it.
They're also a fleet based chapter and highly mobile, if distress signals from Imperial subjects reach them, they'll go off on a crusade in a heart beat. They've thrown most of the codex out the window, where instead each company is a battle company and veterans are spread out among the tactical squads of each company.....they may also exceed the ten company limit but considering how often they're in the thick of it no one really wants to harass their saviors about if there are more of them than they think their should be.
Things between them and their parent chapters are strained, but they're still happy to call themselves sons of the Lion and are willing to keep the secret of the unforgiven as long as they're allowed to keep fighting the good fight.
sure, but can you tell me their back story and what legion they descend from?
Here's what I've worked on as of now.
Blazing Truth, Imperial Fists successor, focus on highly mobile close-quarters assault with specialities in assault marines and flamers.
VERY supersticious, all psykers are trained in pyromancy as a form of divination and are consulted before any action is taken within the chapter. Big space-knight aesthetic. Tokens/ relics/ fetishes worn on all marines armour, blessed by Chapter Pyromancers, are believed to afford protection from harm and to draw the gaze of the Emperor in battle.
I'm in the process of writing up the lore for my chapter now that I'm almost done painting my army so here's an idea of what a dreadnought heavy chapter can be like
Sons of Ymir
Iron Hands successors. Retain some aspects of the machine cult their proginators practiced with some variations. For one do not hold a strong disdain for the flesh rather viewing it as a necessary step all life must take with its own strengths. Augmentations, things that make one more of a machine, are reserved only for those found worthy. Bionics, and other cybernetics are viewed as a mark of honor for those wounded in battle instead of a means to improve oneself as chapters like the Iron Hands and Sons of Medusa believe and practice to large degrees. The ultimate mark of worthiness within the Sons of Ymir is to be interred into a dreadnought, due to the process not only being reserved for marines catastrophically wounded in battle but also a procedure that has a strong chance of killing the subject outright. Therefore dreadnoughts are seen by the chapter as those truly strong enough in both will and body to serve as an avatar of the God Emperor Ymir's fortitude made manifest through the mighty chassis of a dreadnought.
Because of these beliefs the Sons of Ymir are very headstrong in battle, each fighting ferociously to steady themselves for when the day comes that they like many of their brothers before them are crippled in battle and brought to the great obsidian slab to undergo the battle of becoming one of the Jotunn, the title for the chapters dreadnoughts.
Christmas knights?
Would look better if only one upper quadrant was red or green
also a picture of some of them, chapter master in the middle still need to come up with a name
These were your guys? What's your recipe for that bronze on the helmets?
thanks for the input, it's always a work in progress. My first attempt at a color scheme made them look too similar to the ultramarines. As demonstrated in this picture.
leadbelcher base, brass scorpion layer, nuln oil wash, heavy drybrush with runefang steel
That simple? It looks real cool, working on anything else for these dudes?
A former penal colony to a world aligned with the Mechanicus. They were sent to a nearby planetoid where the flora of the planet had highly poisonous pollen that was harvested and used by the mechanicus.
When the planet fell to session and chaos they tried to take over the planetoid but were met with fierce resistance by the prisoners who made use of various tools and the unrefined toxic pollen to fend them off until the Guard came in.
Now they have earned ownership of both planets and their own Imperial guard forces make use of a specially modified chem sprayer that uses the toxic pollen as a weapon sense it goes inert after a while and they are considerably hardy against most poisons and diseases.
I don't know what I would call them but their main gimmick aside from urban fighting and use of chem sprayers is they have built on rebreather masks that can lift up and slide down to show their faces and the guard commanders are the "nobility" of the various criminal families that would assume power after the session.
sorry super late reply. so the chapter was assisting the mechanicus on the outer edge of the milky way and came across a world with a plague locked away. the mechanicus opened it and the marines were afflicted with a virus wich ate muscle tissue. when the mechanicus found a cure the marines unaffected numbered near 200 and the affected survivors were nothing but crippled forms with shriveled limbs. thus they afflicted were interned into dreadnoughts. this chapter as it has ties to the mechanicus has more then average dreadnoughts and less marines. the marines see the dreads as holy relics wich they polish and clean and adore with lots of flash out of respect. thats the tldr well kinda the chapter master is also a dread
These guys.
It's fine, anyway with how you describe these guys, I'm pretty sure they'd make heavy use of gold in their color scheme. Something bright and blinding that makes even the most ignorant of imperial citizens understand 'this is a holy object.'
I may have to disappear shortly but I'll be back later and post a few color schemes I can come up with. I do like the fact that their chapter master is a dread, always fun to have situations like that.
sounds neat my discord here btw always love another who is into the lore as well. Esdese
#6648 and yeah I wanted them to really be flashy Love flamboyant armies like my eldar or
EC so I would like a scheme that is loud and makes the dreads still look deadly almost angelic. Np get back to me when you can.
Thanks, /pol/
I don't have a computer nor know how to color the template, but I will talk about my dudes.
They are from the 23rd Sentinel Founding, made from the White Scars gene-seed. They were originally a fleet-based crusade chapter, however after a particularly fierce void battle against a Chaos fleet, their fortress-monastery battle barge was forced to crash land on a nearby planet, taking the rival flagship with it. As the Knight House was near-exterminated by Chaos, and as recognition for their deeds and deflecting the Chaos incursion, the world was given to the Chapter.
Interesting that both these gorgon inspired dynasties wound up focusing on genetics and having a theme of "perfecting" the Necrontyr genome. Wonder why that is? I went for the genetic purity angle as a spin off of the "lost beauty" aspect of the Medusa myth. Wonder how the other guy got there.
got these guys, a land raider, rhino and some devastators/long fangs done with just got 20 tacticals/grey hunters to finish up along with a kitbashed techmarine I've been working on
In case you already haven't guessed I made this chapter primarily to get my viking muhreens without the space wolves stuff, it wasnt just the excess wolf stuff, the baby blue color scheme just didnt work for me and a lot of their lore is pretty bland in my opinion
I'm honestly considering mounting some marines on the ogre mournfangs from fantasy for thunderwolf cavalry equivilants, a stocky tusked beast of burden works more for something a space marine would ride than just an oversized dog in my opinion but thats just a thought, more likely to just get some more dreadnoughts and finish working on a kitbashed techmarine as well
>The Cameron Star
>I see what you did there
>Dat paint scheme
Hail, fellow Kindraa-warrior!
I know it is kind of chalcas, but it fits. Especially with the Dragon looking Dreadnought coming out soon.
I intend to enlighten some stravags about the honours of mechanized combat. Seyla.
anyone want to help with my dreadnought chapter? tldr story im mostly looking for a good color scheme
My eyes, they have been opened. Holy shiiiiiit.
I don't really see it
Perhaps the similarities will become more apparent with this?
I just love the fact that I can create Space Wolf successors that don't ride fucking wolves into battle or something equally stupid.
Vorradis 75th a imperial knightworld IG regiment. Planet deals mostly in mining, harvesting gases and minerals essential to the the production of plasma weaponry.
Regimental commander is neice of the high king and a failed knight aspirant, unexpectedly beaten out by her brother to succeed their father. Shamed, she joined the imperial guard in the next tithe, due to her social rank, military experience, and zealousness in battle she was given command of the regiment. Defensive specialist, they excell at drawing enemies in to break them on fortifications while faster elements circle around to devastate from the flanks.
Some of their unqiue armory elements include large suits of thickly armored archaic power armor used by the most stubborn and bloody minded of veterans to act as frontline fighters (stand in bullgryns) and lightly armored walkers dubbed "demi-knights" that act as flankers and harassers (stand in sentinels) able to keep up with things like hellhounds and tauroxes.
Produced "in house" these things border on tech heresy and often rub the mechanicus the wrong way but what the regiment lacks in connections with the admech they male up for in connection.with the ministorum for their almost redemptionist like fevor.
Its been pretty damn fun figuring out how to pull it all togther, once I'm home i'll post some pics for you guys.
That was my motivation with this. I wanted to do something with the Norse and viking aethetic, but I didn't want to go full icy frost wolf wolf with it.
I'm still not solid on the color and some of the details, since the most I was certain on was the setup of their homeworld.
>not making power armored cavemen on cybermammoths
I've wanted to make an army of Astral Knights for a while now but well, they're all dead.
I think I could use the primaris marines as an excuse to make them, claiming that their chapter was "reborn" through the wonders of technology and numerous corpses.
or stored seed, the promo did mention rebirth to the decimated, they could take lessons from the last surviving knights, a scant handful mentioned in the world engine book, not enough to restore the chapter on their own, given chance to train their successors, they had likely been whiling away in Deathwatch, possibly as black shields up till this point. The Primaris Knights would have a hefty legacy to live up to and would probably have good relations with the mechanicus, basing themselves around the hulking remains of the engine that the cult are still researching
They could also be named something else, like the Astral Templars or something, claiming that the Astral Knights are dead and they are merely taking up their legacy.
They spend most of their time guarding the ruins of the World Engine but from time to time go and fight some necrons that pop up near their base.
anyone got a fancy flamboyant color scheme that would look good on space marine chapter tied to the mechanicus?
Mentioned them before in many threads like this they're a chapter of marines with a malfunctioning Sus-an membrane as well as a resistance to the warp. Although I added that they have a lower than average rejection rate for gene seed (assuming in a regular chapter 1 in 10 become a space marine with the Steel Hawks it becomes about 9 in 10) however this is balanced out by their hyperactive sus-an membrane causing more casualties with new marines than other chapters (if in a regular chapter 25% of newly raised marines die with the Steel Hawks about 75% would) although they're still slightly over strength.
>The Rats of Kovlast. IG regiment. Dirty, urban, post apocalyptic aesthetic. They're vets who specialize in urban combat, guerilla warfare and hazardous environments.
>>Their planet used to be a hive world that did a lot of mining. It was an old world with a long history, until a Hive Fleet splinter dropped by.
>>>Apocalyptic war, the Kovlasti survive by nuking their own planet with atomic and chemical weapons. 99.9% of the population dies. The survivors hole up in the old mining tunnels and basically starve the nids out. Now their world is nothing but the shells of the old hives, mutants and leftover nid organisms, with the survivors living as rag-swaddled scavengers in a daily fight for survival.
First time doing this I guess.
Making their home on a fist shaped asteroid that comes into Necromunda’s orbit every I don’t fucking know, the Tempest Fists are thought by some to be the punchiest of The Emperor’s avenging Angels. Lead by the mighty Astartes known by the name of Omni-Punch they are known to ride out into the cold dead of space, never stopping until they fulfil both their punch quota and their dead battle-brother quota and may thus return home. As the developers of the weapons, they are the most skilled users of the sniper fist in the known galaxy, and shall use this skill to punch with accuracy unheard of in the ranks of The Glorious Emperor’s servants and enemies.
The Dal'yth Special Intelligence Contingent.
They do a lot of counter-insurgency work on gue'la worlds, rounding up dissidents for "reeducation". This is often a cover for their primary mission: they take a special interest in Chaos - "unexplained phenomena" to them - and work to contain it, eradicate it, study it, and most importantly keep all knowledge of it from the Empire at large. Think a cross between XCOM and the Men in Black. (Their colors are black, grey and purple.)
They tend to have a very, very high casualty percentage when Chaos comes around, because they only have the faintest idea what they're dealing with.
Do they actually field ratlings?
Knights of the Blood Hawk (Working title)
A fleet based chapter, all Primaris. A feudal society, they only recruit from the male heirs of space marines, because they are obsessed with ancestors. Incorporating the bones of their ancestors into their armor, weapons & even the voidships themselves. They have three trials to succeed. The Trial of Blood, which is basically proving that you are a SM's son. The Trial of Conquest, where they are given arms & equipment & told to take over a new planet that the fleet encounters, & the Trial of the Hawk, in which the initiate must spend one night in meditation in a chamber that houses a strange Warp artifact that looks like a bird of prey. For some nothing happens & they reflect on themselves & their purpose. For some they receive visions that guide them, & some are driven mad.
They are fairly Codex compliant, & they favor jump packs & drop assualt, & have above average number of psykers.
I don't have the color fill chart but, they have ash grey armor on limbs & head, black chest & accents, & red backs, especially on jump packs which they style after bird feathers.
Is there a blank template with the purity seal on the marine's belt? If so, I specifically need that one.
I got you senpai
>tfw you can't say f a m
One thumb up for nice clean, well-fitting lore, and another for a nice neutral colour scheme.
Part 2
They have family crests painted on as well.
Led by Lord Bradley, they were founded by a batch of fresh Primaris & put on a mission to conquer/reconquer systems that went dark during the Fall, with the voidship fleets a feudal hierarchy quickly became the norm, with people usually inheriting the job skills of their parent.
They go into battle with the conscripted soldiers of their fleetships (Imperial Guard) the Blackstone Irregulars.
They're hated enemy is Chaos & demons
Lords of Arkha, Iron Hands successors. Their planet is a former forgeworld turned techno barbarian world by a failed tyranid invasion. They're pretty neglectful as far as caring for their recruitment world goes, only stepping in when the feral tyranids or chaos cults get too out of hand
You colored his right knee, not his left.
Since I might be getting into 40k for the first time, I figured I'd make my entrance alongside Primaris marines.
The Adjudicators, successor chapter of the Black Templar comprised of mostly Primarines. As a newly formed chapter, they've been put on crusade to flush out xenos and heretics as they planet ho throughout the edges of the Imperium. While they are eager to prove their worth to the Imperium, their overzealousness manifests as extremely deadly but reckless melee combatants, a fatal combination only made worse by the chapter's profound talent of getting themselves into deep shit similar to the Lamenters. They may or may not be accompanied by a small Custode force but I'm still working out the fluff for why that would happen (I'm considering them to be the test batch for Custodes that were shunned due to their defects so they joined to prove themselves to the Emperor?)
Still deciding on a paintjob, but I'm thinking mostly silver, maybe a touch of black, with red and/or gold details, although it may be too similar to Grey Knights.
While they were original going to be based solely from the Lamenters, I liked the Black Templar playstyle more. They'll still retain their original backstory of fighting conflicts on planets based on other sci-fi works, like their efforts in the siege of Klendathu, the awful mishap on LV-426, or their skirmishes with the space pirates on Zebes.
Thinking of starting a project to get back into 40k with 8th. Was thinking of a feral Kult of Speed list, using Savage Orc boarboys converted to cyboar biker boys. Looking at the Ironjaw guys for nob bikers, but fuck, they are expensive.
Made this quick mock up. Was hoping to throw in some more color somewhere but not overdo it. Was thinking some red but I wouldn't know where to put it
Red stripes down the arms, or diagonally across the shins?
Not a lot of skellybones players on here, huh?
What if I did something like a white and red tabbard?
Thinking Space Wolves successor. Open to suggestions.
The chapter resides withing a hollow planet. Outposts at the poles. Uses anti-grav tech on all transports. Every unit carries a banner.