1. What is the reason you play your favorite 40k army? What about them draws you in?
2. What's the real reason?
1. What is the reason you play your favorite 40k army? What about them draws you in?
2. What's the real reason?
I play Tau because I was a 15 year old weeb when the army was released and it's taken me nearly 15 years to paint them.
I recently purchased the Dark Vengeance boxset on release day (seems recent...when did it come out?) and will most likely be finished assembling and painting a small Dark Angels detachment sometime in 2032.
1. Tau. I got into them in 5th edition because I loved the look and aesthetic of their model range, and it only got better over time. I realized I liked their playstyle too. Shooting but melee weakness.
2. See above.
1. Carnifex
2. Carnifex
yes i was sad since 3rd, but im happy now with 8th.
1. I play SoB because I love their religious aesthetic and because St. Celestine is my favorite 40k character.
2. I actually play them because Tau were OP in 7e, so I switched to a lower-tier army so people would still play with me (and to challenge myself)
1. I play IG because I loved the art for them, like in the OP and pic related. The average man fighting, not to mention even having a chance of beating half the bullshit in this game was pretty cool in my eyes and I've been playing infantry guard ever since. Been with them thick and thin, love my army of crazy little badasses.
2. I, like almost every IG player I've ever met, started out with a small force he cared about and tried to not lose too many guys. Over time I became jaded and calculating, and now I'll happily throw away a squad of guys just to take an objective for a turn. I even put a ton of work into building and customizing my army and yet I still ended up acting just like your average IG commander in the lore. I take a somewhat disturbing pleasure in grinding my opponent into the ground with wave after wave of infantry, gladly trading casualties in fights that I can easily replace that he can never recover from.
1. Imperial Guard. I love the idea of mounting massive assaults with units and following up with various vehicles. Sometimes without the vehicles. I also love the variety of ideas the Guards have as well along with the idea of abhumans being used. I mean, The odd tiny mutation is nothing that an entire service and dedication to the emperor cannot fix. Only issue I have is I want some female troops among my mix.
2. I have been a fan of 'Hold the Line' kind of gameplay and such and while I get frustrated when my defenses fall, it gives me such a thrill to make a giant fucking shooting line in an attempt to shoot everything down. That and friend convinced me recently of Catgirl Imperial Guards and I am messing with the idea of making a mock model on Blender. I used to be an Ork lover, But now I want to see rather beaten down lookin' abhuman guy and gir;s who are probably the first sent in as penance for being a loyal mutant of the emporer
I've rocked Tyranids since Rouge Trader.
I've always been a huge fan of the swarm and body horror alien/bugs that dominated Science Fiction. Coupling this with a love of daikaiju and other sorted monster movies, Tyranids were a natural choice for me.
I play IG because I loved the idea of sending hordes of infantry against the horrors of the galaxy. They were to me the most badass of the badass, just men with their flashlight vs superhumans and alien horrors. I am also in love with starship troopers (both the amazing book and the shitty yet fun movie).
Also I play renegade guard because it's the same but more...evil?
1. Word Bearers. Because if you're going to serve Chaos, you might as well be up front about it.
2. Chaos Space Marines have been an underdog army for awhile. I enjoy learning the fine details of an army considered weak, as I learn more that way.
1.) Imperial Guard. Because i like the humanity against all odds aspect.
2.) I like playing armies, and literally all my life ive played armies with all the kids i grew up with. I guess i do it because security is important to me.
Thats pretty much how it goes really. When you realise you can solve your problems by throwing more man at them you arrive at that conclusion one way or another.
That is probably the first lesson of how to be an officer in the Military Academy of the Emperors most vaunted Guard
People who play regiments like catachan etc. forget that in large scale engagements even they operate on a similiar principle.
1. IG because I love the concept of the biggest army in the Galaxy made up of regular humans. I love their aesthetics especially.
2. No one else really plays them or knows about the Guard where I am which gives me a slight advantage.
Geeze, all this IG
Power Armor pansies BTFO
1.Death Korps of Krieg
2. To die for the Emperor
IG players confirmed for NEETS who can post all day
Ofcourse you are somewhat acting the way the game is intended for you to act.
In online games of company of heroes where your units gain veterancy and can pickup equipment like enemy light machine guns and such, you instead adopt a tactic of a rolling advance as you send half veteran squads back to the medical tent rather than grinding them into mince.
>What is the reason you play your favorite 40k army? What about them draws you in?
I like playing Imperial Guard because they're able to field multiple tactics and they have much more flexible lore.
>What's the real reason?
I bought them cheap from a friend.
1. Genestealer cults because I like their models and i get a boner for irregular guerilla forces with improvised equipment.
2. I can recycle my old guard units ans get secondhand IG stuff around here for a good price to supeplement the army.
1. Admech. Because i like them having all the cool technology and i was interested in machines and shit since i was a kid (am electrician now)
2. Because my secret and greatest wish is replacing most of my body with mechanical parts
1. I love the idea that the way the imperial guard win battles is by drowning the enemy in the blood of fellow guardsmen.
2. thats really it.
yeah the no female troops is a pet peve of mine. i bought metal heads to fix it. not a perfect fix but they activate the autism less than not having them at all.
Looking at this thread we can conclude that most of the people that are actually playing the game in/tg/ are guard players and there is a very vocal minority of chaos and marine shit posters.
Chaos, Sisters, DE.
I started 40k when I was 14-ish....what drove me was the edge, that why them. Its still is.Those 3 have all I need.
But mostly chaos due to promise of power, also larping for Dark Gods bring funny results. What I loved them WAS CHAOS OF 3.5ed. I never used list more than 3 times and I played 5times a week back then. Great rules, great art, alway changing army. Drugs, dark magic and Night Hunter.
Sisters are for redemption and to look at ideal women not 3dpd gold digging backstabin cock suckers most of them are. Also my wife isnt jelly about Sisters as she is about Infinity Nomad asses :D
I play Necrons because I like skulls. No really, that's what drew me to them when I was younger. I liked painting skulls, I liked modeling skulls, and I like the idea of an incomprehensible skeleton army cutting over armies in laser blasts of eerie green light.
The real reason though is because I have way too much fun modeling robot skeletons and giving them little green stuff cloaks, or funerary shawls, or battle damage or what have you. They just look so perpetually grumpy and fun to mess with.
I've always mixed ministorum units with guard and inquisition.
I really love the specialized aspects of humanity. In my armies I always bring a smattering of different units. I like all the customization and lore you can come up with.
Real reason is I saw the art of the inquisitor lady looking fierce and cool and I wanted to be that too.
1. Tau cos mecha
2. Tau cos painting takes ages and these figures are fukcing epxensive
1. CSM because World Eaters, Kharn is a cool guy
2. When I started playing I was a huge edgelord and the berzerker/butcher/kill maim burn thing was the coolest thing in the world to me. I still have some issues, and am still an edgelord who can't stop thinking about killing, but I've worked a great deal with therapists and it's not anywhere as bad as it was. But I still love Kharn and the World Eaters, and still feel like I can relate to Angron except the hating my dad part.
1. Orks like to Ork.
2. Orks like to Ork a lot.
>dark Angels
Reason: because I feel out of all the space marine chapters they are the most diverse in their army structure with the deathwingx Ravenwing and green wing. I always loved their look and feel, thenkind of knightly order and even before that their original lore with them being more Native American themed with the deathwing. Also like the Lion despite all the memery going about them
Real reason: I actually really really like terminators despite them being crap and love the deathwing.
Tyranids, because...
1. Bug-Dinosaurs who all work together in harmony and unity (when not eating each other gruesomely)
2. I also often feel an all-consuming hunger that wishes to devour everything in the universe.
1. I play space wolves because I like the idea of beer drinking badasses who live a warrior culture and can admit they enjoy the simple things; theres an honesty in that type of behaviour compared to the modern world where everybody hides behind bullshit refusing to admit they secretly laugh at black jokes or that they protest for fun and the adrenaline rush and not JUSTICE.
2. I'm an adrenaline junkie IRL who enjoys doing bad shit for the excitement it brings, and I can relate to my guys.
This tbqh
Plus I love the idea that they use forbidden magic to make up for the fact that they're mostly outnumbered and outgunned
1. Customizing models isn't merely accepted, it's expected
2. Green is best.
Outgunned, definitely. Outnumbered, not so much. There's always a certain joy in throwing down a tide of Cultists.
I ran Word Bearers with Traitor Legions, with a Chaos Warband and Helcult, and did a lot better than I thought I would. There were a surprising amount of little tricks I could pull off, from running Horrors as snipers, to suiciding empty Dirge Caster rhinos to shut down Overwatch, to running min-strength Slaaneshi Bike teams w/ Lance Champs to hunt down tiny Gladius units.
Crusader was the most underrated USR too, since roll 2d6 pick highest for running helped a lot with objective play (3-man Terminator drops were...surprisingly useful).
1) Guard, because i really like tanks
2) I actually love the fuck out of tanks and the guard have more tanks than anyone.
Blood Angels. As a kid I was very attracted to them essentially just being better than everybody else, BUT WITH A DARK SECRET.
The 3rd edition rules effectively catered to this theme, too, with them being essentially overpowered space marines who occasionally lost control when they failed a "red thirst roll" to show how fucked up they were. Of course it only resulting in them moving closer to the enemy to fuck them up even more.
My lost fond memories were during 5th edition IIRC, where my mechanized army of Baal Predators, Rhinos and Land Speeders would dump my entire army of tactical and assault marines on top of the opposing army and table it by turn 4. The sons of Sanguinius proudly and pointedly never competed a single mission objective throughout the entirety of that edition, just killing everybody at the local store instead.
Tau because it pisses people off.
Because I hate people.
1.I play Death Guard because I love the aesthetic
2. I play Death Guard because I'm a fat slob who hates everything and wants to virus bomb it out of existence.
Sounds legit.
1. IG. Tanks, "normal dudes" syndrome, the possibility to clumsily cram almost any third party miniatures.
2. Got a really cheap second hand army. May have gone tau otherwise, or mechanicus if it existed back then.
1 Chaos Space Marines because of the massive amount of kitbashing and customization possible with squad leaders and Chaos Lords lets me have interesting lore for everyone in my army from Cyrano the Coward to Palaghrim the Blight Lord.
2. Playing as the bad guy lets me write lore for each battle easier and I can write anything from a tragic tale of loss and hubris to a drunken farce with Alpha Legionnaires on leave. Also, I have alot in common with self-loathing guys who escaped from strictures and now aren't sure what to do.
I play Inquisition because it lets me field a Jokaero Weaponsmith army and what's better than a barrel full of monkeys on the table?
The real reason is because I don't take the game seriously whatsoever and I enjoy making people get upset that I'm not playing the object of their obsession 'correctly'
tau because I like ranged mobility
because I like gundam weeboo
1. Dark Eldar. I picked the army because my introduction to 40k came way back when 3rd edition was shiny when I split the starter box with a friend. He picked Space Marines, I went with Deldar. I grew to love the fast and fragile playstyle, everything else felt slow and cumbersome. Twenty years later I still gravitate towards fast, high risk high reward play styles in most games I play.
2. See above, plus I love the "new" 5th ed models.
Is...is that Chares Bronson?
I'd love to run some Storm Troopers like this with some Valkyries and Vendettas.
Wait, you mean there's a game?
I just like painting Orkz
1. I play the Black Legion because the idea of a Chaos faction that still has it's head on straight and doesn't need some superpowered manchild Primarch to lead it appeals to me.
2. I wanted an excuse to throw in every Chaos model I liked and the paint scheme was easy for a beginner.
I work in IT with a bunch of dumb motherfuckers who parrot methods and techniques they don't understand as if they're magic spells,
The AdMech is my way of embracing my daily hell and taking it to its ridiculous extreme.
The mechanicum.
My boner for cybernetics and robots aside, I love the history of the AdMech and their flavour. The keepers of knowledge scrambling for one last bit of lore. I love the constant struggle to put together fragments of the old science. I love the brief flashes of insight that see a piece of old tech come back into production. I love the terrible tragedy that as a discovery is made, something to help pull humanity from the darkness, anouther forge so critical to the Imperium falls, its secrets and innovations lost it of greed and desire for power as knowledge is hoarded.
I love the dark truth that the admech's grip on humanity is what stops it from sliding into darkness, but that same grip strangles it. Smothers the questing spirit. And keeps technology bound in superstition instead of for the good of mankind.
I love the Mechanicum.
And I love the dieselpunk aesthetic of 30k admech that is soon coming to 40k
It's also the reason I hate Cawl so much.
Unlike in the Imperial Armor books (especially for war machines of the astartes) powerful technology like contemptors, neutron casters, or fire raptors came from rediscoveries. From scavenging old tech from ancient battlefields.
And then those forge worlds who painstakingly out together the tech again began disseminating it from pacts and those unknown forge worlds were barely beginning to make a dent on a galactic scale. They were slowly entering production again and a fragment of the glory of the STC returned to the galaxy.
And then Cawl is like 'oh yeah, that crazy new tech? Made that last Thursday. Every marine in the galaxy has it now. Logistics? I have perfect logistics. I basicly teleport them into the hands of the astartes.'
it's a toss up between ig and admech so often i ally them both.
I like my robots and i like my men, so they allow me both.
i really do love them
1)The Inquisition. I can field all sorts of cool units in the same army.
Short answer: Humanity Fuck Yeah
Long answer: I like having cool fluff, and I just couldn't see myself (and my gang) as Xenos or Space Marines. So humans it had to be.
Patron Saint of the Tempestus Scions in my book, user.
Krieg IG because they're cool gas mask trench warfare guys.
Krieg IG because Krieg will never fail again. Krieg will never be failed again.
1. I play Renegades and Heretics because I love the idea of a renegade guard force. I primarily used the Bloody Handed Reavers(Which are basically pirate traitor guard)
2. Because I suck dick and want everyone to know it. The Bloody Handed Reavers were pretty good honestly, but I stomped house when I ran the Unending Horde list. I always wanted to run Bloody Handed Reavers instead but I didn't have the right book for it, and thus was stuck with the then newer Krieg book.
Pick VERY related
1. Imperial guard, i found them shortly after starting with SM and have considered them my main army since (despite owning more marines than guardsmen, thanks box sets)
2. Because i love the "basic human in a galaxy of insanity" trope, and doing crazy or outlandish things with decidedly mediocre soldiers make for extremely memorable games
IG players tend to be a pretty passionate playerbase in my experience.
It's weird because we really do love our little guys and gals, but goddamn I swear we're the most ruthless playerbase in the lot.
Not many other armies solely refer to their men by what weapons they're carrying. Even guys who put a real name on every trooper tend to do it. That, and the fact that many IG players will get the science of "acceptable losses" down absurdly fast. Watching a new IG player become a heartless little number crunching monster might be my favorite part of getting people into this hobby.
Step 3 of course is the bastard with a heart of gold phase, where you're still an evil bastard but after the hundredth guardsman doing something ridiculous like killing a carnifex with a bayonet you can't help but respect the little boogers. I'm starting to think you can tell how long a guy has been playing IG by how many ridiculous stories he has about his guardsmen. It's like rings on a tree or something.
>tfw been building and paintng guard for ages
>only been able to play a few matches in the span of a decade because the nearest FLGS is over an hour away and i dont want to cross half my state to get there
My painting skills tell more stories than anything
>old minis are THIN YOUR PAINTS tier
>new minis are much better but still lack shading and highlighting (only recently aquired shades)
The random dudes who have histories are my favorite.
>Lone survivor rolls a 2 on leadership and cockblocks a unit of melee terminators
>Sergeant makes it two turns across open ground with my Inquisitor to charge a gunline
>Veteran who blew up Abaddon the Despoiler with a krak grenade
>Russ Vanquisher that always seems to survive the battle.
I've started awarding those random dudes medals.
they have some neat stories.
1. I don't have a favourite. Nids, because they are so single minded. Tau, for the aesthetics. Marines, because I've played them since RTB01. Orks because they're mindless fun.
2. I just fucking love 40K, no matter how depressed I've been or how often I've had to move house, no matter where I go, there's always been a FLGS or gaming club I could go to and feel at ease, meet new people, shoot the shit, and have fun among my own kind.
Normies out, reee, as it were.
1 - Tyranids. Liked the models, theme, fluff. I'm a sucker for Xenomorphs, Zergs and the like.
2- Liked the models, theme, fluff. I'm a sucker for Xenomorphs, Zergs and the like.
1. IG because normal men fighting against horrible odds and the fluff on the old GW site was pretty cool. Men with nothing but a lasgun, flak jacket and some guts behind it.
2. Psyker augmented tank spam with two vendettas won me many a game. All that AV14 looking at the enemy was a sight to behold.
>Even guys who put a real name on every trooper
Each and every single one of my guys has a name on his/her base.
2) I'm edgy but not evil, as well as WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH
Ad mech
Because the idea of a galactic technocrats with power and secrets they try to hold on their own because they know what lies beyond them if it fall into wrong hands.
Truth: they are more mecha than tau. Look at this shit, they have warband of half-cyborg convicts, army of loyal tin men with 16th century aesthetic, squad of deadfaced mecha-man that fly and shoot lightning, mechanized praying mantis, battle-crazed automatons, and giant robot that can punch your cover camping asshole in the face to make a new one. Tau are pointlest tryhard Gundoom faction that was created as an (failed) attemp to sapping Wing fans into the game.
Can you tell me more about your army
My goal is a NODish mix of shitty inf spam with high tech walkers/vehicles- chaosy, Im thinking RH is my best bet
i have 4k + points each in orks, dark angels, imperial fists,death guard, iron warriors and smatterings of smaller forces. i dont really have a favourite i just look at what would make a cool painting/modeling project next.
I dont really understand the "X army player" thing or "x army players are like this", im a warhammer player, is everyone else newfags or something? like are there people here that have played since say 3rd edition and still play one army?
1. Necrons, because I like everything with skeletons
2. I really fucking like skeletons
God forbid spmeone creates new better things instead of aimlessly hoping to find some shred of a blueprint that MIGHT be worth producing after some dumbasses procrastinate a few hundred years while the Imperium desperately needs new and better shit you fucking dumb asshole.
1.CSM because how I like their aesthetics, the mutations and fucked up machines get me wet.
2.Somebody has to be the bad guy.
1. Chaos Space Marines. I love the aesthetics, the spikes in the power armor and the idea of 'free' space marines doing what the shit they want.
2. I fucking miss Malal mate, and the CSM at least have the sons of Malice...
I don't play. I was thinking I might when my faction got 83rd own damn codex, but then 8th happened. As for who and why, either a The Thousand Sons or Craftworld Eldar. I like the XV because they are Egyptian Space Wizards, and Tzeentch is my favorite. Eldar because I'm a Elf fan and a huge weeb. Those are my reasons.
If I were to give you less shallow reasons they would prolly be I can identify with both and the lore of them both resonate with me. For the Sons its the abused empowered nerd in me. For the Craftworlders its the old arrogance that comes with being better.
1. Blood Angels, their lore is pretty cool.
2. Red is my favorite color.
1. I play Black Templars because I like power armored super soldiers, and knights. I also think the models looked cool and fun to paint.
2. My favorite chapter is actually Legion of the Damned, but their models are really expensive and also not plastic.
Orks. Because they highlight the sillyness of the game in a humerous way. Over the top violence and showboating snowflake heros, insanely sized guns on everything, a focus on combat with giant mechanical claws and chainsaws over accurate ranged combat and the Rule of Cool.
Stop typing rouge you fucking faggot
1. Tanks and military guys are cool.
2. Tyrannids are cute but I didn't want to be a stereotype so I went with the second cutest.
IG player for 8 years, can confirm the 3 stages.
>Stage one is when you think that IG are normal dudes just like you and me who can be heroes.
>Stage 2 is when you realize they are dudes just like you and me who are going to die a horrible, probably inglorious death, because there are no heroes, only the laughter of thirsting gods.
>Stage 3 is when you realize they were heroes all along.