Choose your Allegiance Edition
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>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>WIP Math-hammer doc
Choose your Allegiance Edition
>Latest news :
>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>WIP Math-hammer doc
So thoughts on the griffon?
78 points for 2D6-take-the-highest STR 6 AP -1 damage D3, ignores cover and LOS shots, 234 for a battery of 3.
Seems okay, its by far the cheapest artillery vehicle IG has now.
Re-posting my list, made with leftovers of my Vraks Renegade and the content of the Starter box.
+++Batailon Detachment+++
Typhus – 164pts
Winged Daemon Prince of Chaos – Mark of Nurgle, 2x Chaos Claws – 180pts
x20 Poxwalkers – 120pts
x20 Poxwalkers – 120pts
x7 Plague Marines – Plasma Rifle - 160pts
Chaos Rhino – Combi Bolter – 72pts
x11 Renegade Disciples – Covenant of Nurgle, Missile Launcher – 86pts
x10 Renegade Disciples – Covenant of Nurgle, Missile Launcher – 80pts
x10 Renegade Disciples – Covenant of Nurgle, Missile Launcher – 80pts
Foetid Bloat-Drone - 158pts
+++Spearhead Detachment+++
Malignant Plaguecaster - 110pts
Armageddon Pattern Medusa – Medusa siege gun, Heavy Bolter – 111pts
Hellforged Leviathan Dreadnought – x2 Grav-flux Bombard – 305pts
Wyvern – Heavy Bolter - 93pts
Chaos Vindicator - 160pts
r8 h8 and maturb9
OP declared for Grand Alliance: Faggot
I came up with this on the fly, thoughts?
>God is watching, look busy" +3CPs
Overlord: Warscythe, Ress Orb - 147
Illuminor Szeras - 143
20x Warriors - 240
20x Warriors - 240
10x Immortals: Tesla - 170
5x Lychguard: Shields - 185
Deceiver - 225
Nightbringer - 230
Doomsday Ark - 203
Doomsday Ark - 203
Pretty sure Plague marines are troops only in death guard armies
In which program you make such lists
Shit, you are right.
I'll have to swap them with a Disciple squad and count them as Renegade infantry then.
Optimal Chimera loadout?
I'm thinking double flamers.
RIP Roster Creator. Guess GW doesn't want competition for their as yet unreleased list builder.
If flamers werent so fucking expensive I would agree, otherwise autocannon chimeras are actually pretty damn good.
Do orks have a brain? Literally asked, not if they are stupid.
Wy Tesla on your Immortals ? Hordes shouldn't be a problem with what you are allready feilding.
There is no more such program...
Yep, Ghazzy was holding his in with his hands when he met mad dok Grotsnick. That adamantium plate is doing that job now.
So now that apothecaries are independant characters and restore wounds (or one model) to a unit instead of giving FnP, what is the best way to use them now?
Is it best to just have them follow another character to keep them alive?
How the fuck do the Red Scorpions get to don the aquila on their armor?
Daily reminder that autocannon chimeras are Krieger vehicles and resist boltguns on 2s.
Opinions on Centaur infiltration move? Stromtroopmoving Grenadiers anyone?
Yeah but it only occasionally matters
If you're smart with your placement, yes. If not, he'll get mulched in close combat.
Alternatively have him baby sit devastators in your deployment.
I haven't played Necrons, so i thought having a squad of Tesla would be good insurance
But if Gauss would make the list more effective overall then i'll change
Krieg resist everything
Storm Chimera seems better
They are the purest
Loyalist EC
Also reminder that krieg leman russes are just flat out superior to regular AM leman russes and can fire ALL of their heavy weapons without movement penalty AND get coaxial bonuses AND have a 2+ save against S4 and below.
How do I Nidzilla in 8ed ?
how much fodder do i need and which one between terma and horma ?
Carnifexes, Tyrannofexes, etc. Run swarms of Hormas to tarpit as you move, some warriors are good as mid-tier troops and synapse fun.
Fexes are double scything or double double deathspitters. Bio-plas to taste. FW Crusher Fexes aren't bad either.
Implying they aren't the most OP part of your army.
Either babysit a character or babysit a unit where a single downed model, including the first you would choose to die, is worth replacing.
How are my Stukas? I mean Avengers.
When using Death to the False Emperor with a squad of Plague Marines, do you choose which weapon gets the extra attack?
Seems like Kiregers are 40k equvalent of Lamborgini or Porshe.
Dont belive porn, size dont matter most of the time. Your walllet size makes them wet most, or gun to the head. Trust me Im your friend.
t.Noise Marine.
thats a nice horsey face you got there chap
You have say 3 attacks, you can pick to attack with one weapon once and the other twice.
>He looks at the face
Krieg gets no Air Support though.
You roll dice of difrent clour for difrent weapons.
That wasnt the question.
The breasts look unnatural as fuck too.
I feel I got my final list worked out before list builder went down.
I am more or less happy with my list but i am thinking about the ratio of assault cannon and auto cannon dreads. Earlier I was using three assault and one auto. Now I have two of each. I am now pondering one assault and three Auto.
Any thoughts would be welcome.
Yes it was.
I am still probably fucked on how the keywords and detachements work, but I can get Air Support detachement, cant I?
Not bad. No LoW can hurt tho.
I wish Chaos got some HQ dread as well.
That would be fun to watch.
I have a 7e army I wanted to put together when Traitor Legions came out, a bit of a "comedy" army in its own right. The idea was to combine a Helforged Warpack and Word Bearers WL traits to fish for a Warlord Psyker Defiler (pic related).
This army was pretty much a "I want an excuse to model a cathedral on legs", and wasn't meant for super-serious/WAAC play (not to mean it was supposed to be a pushover either). The idea was to use "some summons" to reinforce, while sacrificing Cultists to roadblock stuff/disrupt backfield units (I might shuffle points for more autoguns), and stomping things at range or in melee.
When I went over the list, I realized that the Horrors and Herald cost exactly the same as a Forgefiend, so if I switched them out, and turned the Plasmafiend into another Hades fiend, I have 25 pts to spend. On the other hand, 4 Hades Autofiends might be too "all or nothing." Another alternative might be dropping the Ectofiend, giving access to 2 Heldrakes, but I dislike the mini and that would feel too "that guy" (even if Drakes aren't that hot), and using leftover points for more small cultist units/autoguns.
Thoughts? I'm waiting for codex drops before considering 8th, for now.
What should I fill this 1750 pt army with? More troops?
I feel like I need some buffer units
Well, could get a Chaplain Dread still. That, and the other Dread variants, could stoll be used for variety. Would be fun to play against, regardless.
Shame Daggan doesn't have a model; Blood Swords chapter master was a ven dreadnought.
98 points gets you a taurox prime with double volley guns and a punisher cannon
103 points gets you a storm chimera with an autocannon, heavy bolter and a 2+ save against S4 and below.
Dakka versus safety, its a better paradigm than a vanilla chimera.
I'm unsure? Like, if your army is Krieg battleforged, no, but I'm unsure if all your detachments have to be Krieg to use Krieg stuff.
Why are people so retarded? All the list builders have wolf guard pack leaders cost 16 like they are wolf guard when pg 198 of the imperial index says
"Many units are led by a champion of some kind such as a Sergeant.
Unit champions often have better characteristics and weapon
options than the models they command. With the exception of
Wolf Guard Pack Leaders in Terminator Armour, unit champions
have the same points cost as the others models in their unit."
Ugh. The least attractive of the Ivy's.
Yes. Lots more.
Well I have a hard on for the box dread so that's the primary reason I have avoided other types. And because of many Forgeworld units in my other army I have decided to use none in this one. I am using the Chaplain model as my Death Company Dread becuse that model is amazing.
No. Plauge marines have one shooty weapon and one CC, save for champion.
So they cant use that rule on other weapons since they have FUKIN ONE.
And its good sportsmanship to use diffrent colour of dice to roll a bunch so everything is transparent and neat.
Think before you post, and than dont post.
Should I go with tactical marines or scouts?
I have some sternguard vets, but they also seem too expensive to use that way
The battlecannon + autocannons is nice too.
It is a good either or. I think base Taurox with dual autos shouldn't be overlooked either.
Well from what I understand, they all have keyword Imperium, so they can be used together? Like that is to point of Imperium keyword?
Actually I am unsure on interaction of Astra Militarum/Faction keyword and regiment/subfaction keyword. My original understanding was that you can have units with different subfactions in one detachement, but they do not benefit from special rules. But that is wrong.
Fuck me, I feel like 8th edition bingo playing autist.
Tacs honestly. Need bodies. Scouts are for Sniper Rifles, you just need bodies.
Not sure. Thats how AoS is I think?
Confussed samefag, I am quite lucky that in my group no one really hates FW and we are more RAI than RAW, unlike jerks cropping out online, so it would not be such a big problem. Still I would rather understand it correctly.
>make the standard marine for my custom chapter
>like the look, but forgot to copy down the color #hex for all paints
fuck me
Ok, I haven't played 8th yet.
I really like tactical marines, but they weren't very good for me in 7th.
Are 10 man squads the way to go this edition? Also I hear there are new HQ units that can buff them
Thanks for input!
What are the current opinions about Intercessors, Hellblasters and Inceptors now that people have had a little time to play with them?
How well do they synergise with the HQs?
Tacts. You need more dudes on the table, and not just straight filler... ten-man tact units are pretty good at clogging up areas in and around objectives. Plus, you have a lot of great heavy and special wep options this edition if you're so inclined to put points into that.
I don't understand the question
I might be retarded, but where does it say that it can fire all heavy weapons (not just the turret ones) without penalty when moving?
Any recommendations on how to weight dice properly and not be caught? I'm trying to win a sort of tournament. Most 500 pt casual games won wins a dark imp box set this coming weekend.
Are corsairs any good?
Intercessors are great imo, being able to unload a fuck ton of shots out of deep strike has been fantastic.
Never got into the AoS beyond thinking how to canibalise models for 40k (Sigmarines are problem, their heads are awesome for cultist-ish characters and their legs could probably be used for truescaling-primarising the regular marines, but I hate the bodies)
You could try gitting gud
Does anyone have the Manta rules? I looked in the MEG, but all the info is gone from the file, it's just the unit frame and FOC slot displayed.
Yeah, I can help you, but you need to buy a box set of tools that retails at $250.00 MSRP + Shipping.
Great bait, but still defenestrate yourself.
Dead army. Abandon hope. They're useless now.
which is a shame, because their rules and brace of pistols are so cool.
They might be if they existed in any appreciable amount. Their squads are ok. Can get all shardcarbines, which is nice.
I was thinking of running them in a biker ynnari gang with reavers, lancers, and skyweavers.
I like to take 3 sniper squads with camo. Plop them into cover and enjoy. If theres a mid field objective camp on that.
Might get a list later.
> builder is down
Well, fuck.
Why is it that renegades can take baneblades while Genestealer's can't?
Those cost you a bit more but yeah.
Could work. They have the jump pack squad. Also Wasp Walkers.
genestealers are NPC Xenos Race :^)
What does the Key word mean?
That would be cool. As I have a nurgle and slaanesh dreadnoughts under construction.
The bikes are maby the one good unit. A good way to get alternate special weapons on bikes.
God I hope so. I put a ton of money into a converted corsair army.
I don't understand this.
>shard carbines: 0 points
>shrunken catapults: 0 points.
>assault 3 lasguns: 7 fucking points
>brace of pistols: 2 points
A lasblaster corsair is 18 points
and they're one of the only units in the game that pay for their normal seargents.
Genestealers can as an allied detachment.
What's a good way to know how much you should value your army at when selling it?
should I max out hellblasters or intercessor
Who knows. I know I want to dump all my Tau and imperial guard for a song due to shit conversions and bad painting decisions.
Anybody else notice that the T'au Tiger Shark AX-1-0 can't ever fire its Heavy Rail Cannons? They're Macro and it's a flyer with a minimum move distance (and no hover), and it doesn't have Titanic.
Why can't GW and FW just be consistent with each other for once?
I missed Cloud Dancers. So three units I think? You can run them in a general Eldar list still.
Do we know how Primaris Marines fit into Chapter Organisation yet?
I need to know how to paint their trims accurately.
The neat thing is they don't have any special rules to lose for joining a ynnari list.
Any good stories or parts of stories about custodians kicking ass?
Get the retail price of your army new. If everything is assembled and painted at display quality, can sell for above retail. If it's tabletop to high quality, near to full retail. If it's just unprimed, primed or painted poorly, significant discount. If you fucked up the models by gluing like a retard, just give them away and kill yourself.
Fuck you fag. We're discussing npcs here.
Stop being autistic about paint schemes and make up a chapter organization, since each chapter is probably going to have a different attitude to their little brother chads.