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Previous thread: Archives and other resources:
New thread early due to image limit having been reached.
Let that be a lesson to the guy who thinks the threads are CYOA dumps instead of builds for and discussions about CYOA's!
Alright last chance, if you have anything to say say it now.
Still accepting builds user, just nothing more is going into the CYOA as companions.
I actually got three Xenomorphs, two of whom are named Dave.
Adira actually got in in an earlier update to the Companion PDF.
Yes the thread will be voting on it.
There's been a few Fulcanelli kids running around actually.
Going to cover that in the 2.0
I have about twenty detectives of similar gait and fashion and I decided to humble-bundle them all together.
Write them as a living creature with wants, interests and flaws. Just give me a base to work with and I can.
I actually got him in a lore bit.
Ranks first but then that entire PDF is going to get rolled into the main PDF eventually.
Snyone have the comfy urban unease cyoa?
So how do we vote?
With you're penis.
Here you go my man
I'll be setting up a google vote I think. Keep it up for a few days.
>Alright last chance, if you have anything to say say it now
Okay. I'm glad you're done and I hope people stop posting it a few weeks from now.
The people building for your cyoa only did so because you were adding them to a list. Like with genie galleries they feel they contributed when really they made a simple option.
I can't hide all responses to your cyoa seeing as I'm a dirty phone poster.
I get that all SFW cyoa are welcome but yours being a fucking long PDF attracts the worst of autists.
They bicker and whine and argue two or three guys taking up a whole thread.
I see that OP's CYOA mentions Angelic Inheritance. Can anyone post that?
For glorious ascension..
But i did the build because i never made one i did not expected to made it in to the pdf i just wanted to make one
I bet you aren't looking forward to 2.0
>I'm glad you're done
Oh you sweet valley child.
yea are you off your fukken rocker including all these peoples shite OCs, I like ya Highlander but christ its like a menagerie of bad ideas and poor parenting
Here you go user
When is the last time anyone argued about Traveller, you stupid fuck? People were making builds consistently long before submissions were a thing and they will continue to do so because Traveller is GOOD
It's by far one of the best cyoas we have and I'd be ecstatic if any author would put half the work into their content that HL does. She unironically makes these threads a better place. So fuck you and your shitty phone.
Blessings upon you, user, thanks a bunch!
>I hope people stop posting it in a few weeks from now.
People posted Traveller's Tale when Highlander was in self isolation, they'll keep posting it until 2.0 comes out and then start posting that. I'm not sorry, phoneposter. And I only submitted one build and kept my others to myself.
Oh i need to ask how is traveller 2.0 going to be like?
Phoneposting makes it even easier to scroll past things you don't like. And when was the last time people actually argued about it for a whole thread?
reminder, do not respond to SDA
Threads are going faster so i can't give you the exact time but i think it was like 5-7 threads ago?
user your starting an argument right now, please.
Perhaps, but for better or worse the feedback and community response has enabled me to continuously build the world of Traveller up in a way that would have been impossible otherwise.
Pretty massive overhaul.
> Personal Ethics & Values System
> Complete Item Overhaul
> All Companions redone
> General overhaul
Probably more stuff but those are the largest bits.
Oh wow sounds like it will take quite a while
Missed a build from a few weeks back.
Name: Regis
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire
Origin: The Now; Watcher
Tech Understanding: Mid
Ethereal Manipulation: Mastery
Skills: Educated, Alchemist, Body Skills, Friendly Face, Surgeon, Woodsman,
Little Things: Lophitic, Slothful of Body and Mind, Govna’s Dolla’s x3
Armor: Traveller Leathers Improved
Weapons: Operating Knives
Knick Knacks: Advanced Medical Kit, Morell Alcohol Subscription, Psychic Paper, Magibloc Coinage, Alchemy Kit, Physical Formatting, Noble Beast Minor x4 (Crows), Bottomless Bag, Healing Chip
Faction: Medical
Companions: Hildegard of Bingen, Mercia, Vernon Driver, Mark Chan, Natasha Volkov
Home District: Pembridge
Hubworld: Terra-D4813
Mission: A Grand Escapade
You've got some old ass builds though. When do you think the oldest one in that list is from? I know there's one of mine from over a year ago.
I mean fair enough but at least ave them in a containment page separate from the decent additions to the companion options.
Elf (4)
Dark Elf (6)
Luck of the Draw (11)
Rogue (16)
>Combo Class
Alchemist (19)
>Final Stats
Strength- 3, 15 lbs of carry weight
Endurance- 1
Intelligence- 7
Charisma- 4
Perception- 5
Wisdom- 6
Agility- 7
Luck- 7
Light Armor (5 lbs, 2 power)
Throwing Knives (3 lbs, 2 power)
Composite Bow (7 lbs, 3 power)
Total Equipment Power- 7
Goddamn, I am squishy
Perception is 7 not 5, damnit
Quick note, user. Regis likely uses his "bare claws", not his "bear claws". But you never know with a shapeshifting alchemist vampire.
If you were to take a vague guess on when 2.0 is going to be done, when would you say?
Them's is the brakes.
>Adira actually got in in an earlier update to the Companion PDF.
ah, thanks. Honestly I was confused about what we were voting on. Adding to my confusion, it seems like someone else made a build similar to my other build that is also already in the companion PDF.
Given her pace it could be anything from the start of September to November.
Hey is now a bad time to ask some questions about Traveller? Because I have some.
1. Where is Duwall, and what shape is he currently in?
2. Who is Kosm? is that the name of the Second? or is it someone else?
3. If we buy armor, can we customize the armor?
Ah Kosm some say Kos
Posting Traveller because it seems appropriate.
Kosm or Kos is just some moonman, don't worry about it.
A Hunter is a Hunter even in another dimension?
First he's just a fat dude with a beard who got grabbed by a grimderp weeb dimension and we need to save him or these morons will level half of Ae
Second is a giant horrible fish monster
Duwall might have fucked it or something IDK
Third is of course
You take that back right now.
But alas not too fast! The time swirls and churns unending!
That fish has some weeeeeird dick suckin' lips.
I'd fuck that fishclamwhalesquidwoman.
Well Kos(m) is mentioned in one of the paths, and it mentions that Kosm's children are singing, and i want to know what it means by "Children".
Hopefully it's just fish people. If it's an orphan we're fuckin boned.
>leaps behind you
Okay a Traveller fighting the Orphan would fucking Hilarious. Teleportation and Jumping would make it goddamn confusing though.
As a Traveller who wants to fight eldritch abominations, I'd like to think we'd be smart enough not to 1v1 horrors.
Although, I have Dante as a companion and Dante vs Orphan would be good.
I read every post in every thread.
I could just go to a coya archive on some other website if I wasn't interested in what my friendos here pick too.
...did Batman (white) just put himself in a position where Joker (black) can easily checkmate him on the following turn?
"Omega", 22, Void Hunter, Power Seeker
Origin: The Now; Watcher
Skills, Perks & Traits:Advanced Tech, Berserker, Lucky, Biological Adept, Adokori (free due to Void Hunters), Entertainer, Hearty, Pariah, Unarmed Combatant, Memory, Weightless Combatant, Voidling, Fourth Wall Awareness
Initial Equipment Requisition
Clothing: Babr-e-Bayan, The Green Armor (I'm sure I can get someone to combine these somehow), Tartan Cloak, Everwalkers Cloth, x3 Turag Imprints
Weapons: Upgrade 1, Yuta partner Brace, Partizan (free due to Void Hunters), Cestus x2, Operating Knives
Knick-Knacks: Magical Protection Vestments, Small Spiritual Vestments (free due to Void Hunters), Advanced Medical Kit, Ring of Dispel, Battle Music Projectors, Gene-Mod Equipment, Abstract Shoggoth Major
Little Things: Forever Alone x4, I don't need no Governa's dalla! x6, Can't wake up inside, My Best Friend, Harbinger, Knee-Breaker
Factions, Departments & Others: The Void Hunters - Enforcers of the Third
The Covenants: The Ubermensch Society
Allies: Mochizuki Chiyome, 427, Administration, Master Assassin
Home District: The Testing Ground – The Land of the Divisions
Hubworlds: The Tower - Series of Trials - And Touched the Face of God
I hope I'm doing this right
>That chess game.
How? Why? I can't believe anyone would be that stupid. Oh my gosh.
yeah, he basically killed himself.
People always talk about Scholar's mate like it's some big deal, mating your opponent in 4 moves.. No one ever talks about this shit that does it in 2.
I suck at chess and do that kind of thing all the time.
>that feel when you don't even have any idea how to play chess
I expected more tentacles.
I'm a little sad I can't be a cute shoggoth squeezed into a human form.
I do think it's romantic to form a coastal city that has a symbiotic relationship with the Deep Ones. Like something out of a horror movie where the inhabitants are way too nice, and everyone knows everyone and always know where you are. Like, it's super eerie for outsiders.
But that's a lot of work and I don't know how to start a town.
I'd still love to help them out because that is dang romantic, but I would like some other powers etc.
Okay it's sad that Elder Things, City Builders Eons Old mention Shoggoths but I don't get to be one. The background for Shoggoths even fits my daydream.
I don't know why the second page has been made smaller: Pages one and three are 1440x pixels wide and this one is 1295x.
Huh, so that's where that weird line the Scientist loves saying comes from.
I gotta be honest none of these gods really give me what I need to fulfill my daydream.
So, I'm sorry, but I'm not willing to take any of these.
There's also many of the Gods that require you do things you don't get powers to do, e.g. Aboth, the Source of Uncleanliness doesn't help me become a leader of the entirety of humanity.
I think I'll have to grow insane from knowing these are all real, rather than serve one.
>Lovecraftian horror doesn't allow me to live out my daydreams
Huh, who would have thought
I dunno cultists can be pretty weird sometimes
Wow, Ents are really, really strong in this. Maybe overpowered. They give 34 stats and a class for 5 points, which is miles above all the other ones, from my quick math.
Try this one
Architect+Flesh sculptor combo is the best
I really want to make a CYOA based on the manga BLAME! There are a variety of weapons, people, "monsters", places, that i think it would work well. I just don't know how to make a CYOA
Oh i remember you Blameanon i think there was a guide of sorts in the pastebin maybe it can help?
Agreed. I throw in Maddening Aura for a nice little cult following
Mountain Orc (6)
Blood of Giants (3)
Monk (4)
>Base Stats (Total)
Str: 6(8)
End: 5(10)
Int: 2
Cha: 3
Per: 4
Wis: 3
Agi: 4(3)
Luk: 4
Carry weight: 40 pounds
Palm Beads (UW) (PWR +4, -10 lb)
Dagger (UW) (PWR +2, -6 lb)
Heavy Armor (PWR +4, -9 lb)
Large Instrument (PWR +2, -6 lb)
Banner (PWR +1, -4 lb)
Frying Pan (PWR +1, -3 lb)
Total Power: 14
>Weapon modifiers
Ultra Weapon x2
Points: 20 (19) (Companion -6)
Companion (The definition of glass cannon):
High Elf (6)
Third Eye (3)
Cleric / Manipulator / Conjurer (13)
>Base Stats (Total)
STR: 3 (5)
END: 2 (0)
INT: 5 (16)
CHA: 4 (4)
PER: 4 (7)
WIS: 6 (13)
AGI: 4 (5)
LUK: 3 (1)
Carry Weight: 25/25 pounds
Scepter (UW) (PWR +6, -14 lb)
Medium armor (PWR +3, -7 lb)
Banner (PWR +1, -4 lb
Total Power: 10
>Weapon Modifiers
Ultra Weapon
Pure Blood Vampire
Points: 30 (0)
It's not really what I want.
>Star Spawn
>Maddening aura
I still need to turn my body into disconnected tentacles that take over a host body, my consciousness sort-of "floating".
I am not really fond of getting mad cultists myself so i instead throw in an Abyssal Bestiary because chances are i might end up attracting some fucked up shit to me
I would rather get some kind of... fear aura? Intimidation aura?
Like, people instinctively have this nauseating feeling not to cross me, to do as I say because the consequences will be dire.
I'm not chuuni I swear
100% chuuni
Well, just finished crunching it:
Human: 30 stats / 3 points
Elf: 31/4
Orc: 31/4
Giant: 32/5
Beast: 32/5
Ent: 34/5
Angel: 39/12
Demon: 39/12
The races start at 30 stats and then add 1 stats/point. Except for Ents, which adds 2 stats/point because of their free class--which is an unquantifiable value of its own to boot. And it gets better--the race section is one of the only places where you can spend 1 point to gain 1 stat (Werewolf is the only thing more efficient, iirc, and that has its own downsides). Ents can upgrade to Mountain Lord if they want generalist power for +6/6. Welp, I know what I'm running for this!
Don't bully me.
I am going to bully you so hard that you will appear in one of those shitty anti-bullying videos
>No 10 pages highly detailed Bullying Cyoa
The world is a depressing place
>Bullying Anons CYOA
>includes bully methods
>what you get from bullying
>a bunch of weak nerds to bully
It would be great
Only if there's an option to just be bullying the one you like, and eventually marrying them.
>waifu bullying
Got my head stuck on this one a couple threads back.
• Media
All the others domains offered are area-restricted, but... you can play a song in a lot of places at once. Ever get a song stuck in your head?
• Spirit (Possession)
Obviously breaking the electronics I'm conveyed through is a no-go. But I'm not gonna be seen clambering out of screens like some Jap tramp, because that always looked goofy as shit in the movies. Invisible-by-default is fine with me, and ghosts have shit powers.
• Rebirth
I'm not gonna bet on the author still being around, but... how the fuck do you qualify death when you don't even have the shape of a body? Anyway, Respawn probably means people forget my song, which would be WAY too much work, and Regeneration takes too long. Replacement requires a human to kill me in the first place, and I'm honestly more at risk of starving than of ever being threatened by puny mortals.
• Presence
See, for most locations this is good enough, but for Media this is limited omnipresence.
My song playing? Someone hearing it? I'm there. I mean, it says "aware", but then...
• Vanishing
Break line of sight? But... I'm invisible...
So I just, at will, teleport anywhere within the sound of my song that I want to be.
• Pursuit
And this fills it out, because now I'm allowed to chase anyone who heard my song for two days. And I can possess people indefinitely... which means I can just play the song again when the timer's running low.
>Powers (cont.)
• Temptation
I know I dissed Sadako earlier, but I'll admit the whole "stupid kids keep daring each other to do the curse thing" worked out well for her.
• Human Form
Oh, who am I kidding, The Ring's a classic. So I can still be the creepy little girl and... stab people, or whatever.
Spirit Possession doesn't have the escape clauses like Command and Mind Control, but sometimes I may just wanna stab someone myself. Or operate a stereo.
Injury reveals my true form as an... invisible bodiless cloud. Oh no.
• Cult
Just for kicks, and because it's essentially "people I can send to play my song in places I want access to". I don't need absolute loyalty, it's not like they need to die to defend me, so... few dozens?
• Magical Defense
...and if this is on offer, then magic's a thing to worry about otherwise, so I guess I'd better.
• Specific Victim
Since "specific" can here mean "literally half of all humans" (women), I'm tempted to just say the older half and be the punk-rock spirit of devil youth music.
• Hunter
...sir, what is your plan? I have no actual combat weakness. I don't have a body to kill (at least not one that matters). I'm invisible and omnipresent within the sound of my song. And Temptation means once my song is out there, it'll probably spread faster than he can hope to squash it. So...
Update to RWBY Ahegao