Angels edition
>favorite double/triple color combo
Apologies if theres another one up, i didnt see anything when i ctrl+f'd and put modern general in.
Angels edition
>favorite double/triple color combo
Apologies if theres another one up, i didnt see anything when i ctrl+f'd and put modern general in.
Other urls found in this thread:
nothing yet, still brewing Abzan on a student budget
>favorite triple color combo
Abzan or Sultai.
Is Grim Flayer an acceptable option 'til I can get some goyfs?
Grim flayer is really good and is better than goyf right now
Sweet. I do actually like his extra tricks better than goyf's size
if you can get goyf and flayer, i would say 2 each, you can power goyf with the cards grim flayers putting in the graveyard.
I can see about getting 2 of each, but I might have to settle for 4 flayer first.
true, but when you get more cash consider the two each idea.
Will do. Gonna see about selling off some old textbooks and see how much wiggle room I get there.
i looked at goyfs price (i need to get a goyf or two when i can get one) and 2 lightly played copies would run you $130 US
Yeah, 2 wouldn't be too bad. As long as I don't need a playset. Though even that isn't impossible since I'm building over time.
Chalice is a ban worthy card
Not in that it is overpowered, but that it is oppressive and leads to "feel bads"
Which should I run two Lavamancer or two Atarkas Command MB in the stock Boros Burn list. A Command because im tired of losing to lifegain because I dont have a skullcrack effect, but the downside being I need to fetch a Stomping Ground and theres only 1 in the deck but I could add a 2nd for tonight. Lavamancer has the benefit of grinding and being good against Merfolk and Affinity. Im just conflicted on which to run.
>that my friend has 3 chalice MB in Etron
>not brewing anything atm, but if my lgs keeps filling up with shadow decks and other big creature beats i may switch to mardu burn for crackling doom
>boros/naya and mardu are tied
I run 2 stomping and 2 atarkas in my Burn list. It's worked out pretty well at my LGS, especially game 1 when I get paired against the random Soul Sisters player that shows up sometimes.
I say atarkas command because to me lavamancer is too slow. Doesn't impact etb and has to survive a turn to shock. Atarkas command, on the other hand, has 3 useful modes which are usually always relevant
Affinity and Dredge, duh
I want to get into knightfall or a boros deck of something.
Thanks mates. Command it is. Lavamancer will just sit in the Legacy mainboard for now, sucks cause i have the judge foil. Makes it hard to cut basic Mountains too because I have Judge foils of that too.
Also for my spicy tech in the sideboard tonight should I run a Choke or a Molten Rain?
Theres quite a few blue control decks at my store but both cards do good against that and Molten Rain helps against Tron which is also super prevalent.
Is it possible to beat soul sisters with burn? Even with atarka's commands it seems brutal
Bring Tempest choke and make control babs cry as they call a judge.
It is possible. I've won game 1 thanks to my extra crack effects in main, and bringing in leyline of punishment in from the side. My LGS meta changes week to week because random people show up, so I set my side after i sign up. Those leylines for sure come in to the side when i see that soul sisters person there.
>Leyline of punishment
That's pretty cool, feel like I should've seen that one more often, even gets around the pro red soul sister to a certain extent (they can't brick wall an attacker)
After I lost to that Sisters player the first time she showed up, I went a dug out those leylines purely out of spite.
I have the tempest chokes cause i couldnt afford foil 8th edition
>thinking playing Burn or DnT
>the UW DnT list from last thread looked fun
>Orzhov and Abzan/Esper/Sultai
>can't bring myself to pick one triple color combo
Been out of the loop a bit. When i took a break DSJ was king. What happened? Why is grixis death shadow everywhere? Should i convert my grixis delver to that?
Yea that's what every delver player basically did.
Does Sultai have any place in modern?
>has Blue in it
>grixis shadow
>has blue in it
Does it have a place in modern?
Throw in a deaths shadow and maybe
muh snap-push/decay tho
I might give that a shot.
No, Texas
>muh snap-push/decay tho
There's creatures above 4 CMC that you need to kill in Modern, though. Reality Smasher and Primetime are the main ones, but when I play Esper Control I will board in my Baneslayer Angels against you if I think you can't kill them.
>tfw resolving Time Warp
Fair. I guess I'll stay in Abzan with my paths.
G/W Tron, 8 rack, Storm and shitbrew U/R prowess with Kiln Fiend I made.
Infect. Since the mechanic was created and all of the deck's iterations.
Trying to make a Semi-competetive controll oriented for my meta, so far no luck.
>favorite double/triple color combo
show me ur kiln fiend deck bro.
it's still got legs, Gitaxian Probe be damned.
>tfw desolator still hasn't shared his TimeMagus.dec after ranting two threads ago about netdecker scum
>show me ur kiln fiend deck bro.
I'm continously tinkering my list since things seem to be a bit of, but here it is.
>18 lands
8 Fetches
2 Sulfur Falls
2 Steam Vents
3 Mountains
3 Islands
>13 Creatures
2 Delver of Secrets
4 Monastery Swiftspears
4 Kiln Fiend
3 Stormchaser Mage
>12 Sorceries
4 Serum Visions
2 Artfull Dodge
3 Slip Through Space
1 Disortion Strike
2 Sleight of Hand
>17 Instants
3 Mizzium Skin
4 Mutagenic Growth
3 Titan's Strenght
3 Brute Force
4 Temur Battle Rage
2 Yound Pyromance
1 Stormchase Mage
3 Tormod's Crypt
2 Vapor Snag
2 Dispell
3 Smash to Smithereens
2 Bedlam Reveler
Is there no Standard general?
Shoo shoo format goblin
I just want a place to bitch about Kaladesh/Aether Revolt cards.
What happened to that crazy "draw your whole deck" RG build from a few days ago?
I have no idea but the deck was impressive.
I made some shitty changes, but it still has the core engine that user foresaw in his dreams
What did he mean by this?
This is completely untested but maybe it'll get you thinking some options.
This, also I don't understand why basic colour hate like Choke and Boil still are legal. Blood Moon is different because it punishes greedy manabases but it doesn't attack a single colour.
we use fatal push, you could complain about fatal push
>This, also I don't understand why basic colour hate like Choke and Boil still are legal.
When was the last time either of those cards was worth sideboard space?
Also, most U decks have enough non Island lands to pay past them. Just last FNM a Mardu player hit me with Boil at the end of his turn after I tapped out to flashback Think Twice. He destroyed half my lands but I kept making land drops and eventually won anyway.
This one? I'm not sure if this or any of the other similar lists posted are 100% optimal, but I definitely think that there's something going on here.
The other one
Meh, I would like to see some unbans first before banning anything.
I've never understood how Chalice is restricted in Vintage yet still legal in Modern.
Shit's crazy...
Like what?
Don't say Splinter Twin
Chalice does keep a lot of degeneracy at bay though
I've never understood how Lodestone is restricted in vintage yet still legal in Modern.
Shit's crazy
That's a different thing entirely.
Mishra's Workshop isn't legal in Modern which is one of the main reasons Lodestone Golem works so well in Vintage.
fair cards like SFM, BBE and JTMS
You had me until you said JTMS
No way in hell; fuck blue
my dude i dont think anyone in this thread wants to see the return of caw-go. so jtms can sit in the banned room playing patty cake with deathrite shaman
please stop
>that's a different thing entirely
That was the point of the post you dolt. Vintage != Modern, both formats are entirely different, with different goals in mind so comparing the two like that is pointless.
But Chalice actually has a reason to be banned in Modern unlike the card you mentioned.
Then give your points instead of comparing of vastly different formats you retard. I'm not disagreeing with you by the way your comparison was just that retarded.
How do you deal with tilt Veeky Forums? I just fnm'd and 0-2 dropped. Theres one guy who drives from like 2 hours away to play for some fucking reason and hes the biggest shitlord ever. He just tilts me to no end, to the point where i misplayed myself into a loss. How the fuck do i grow up and not be affected by this clown?
What does he do?
Hes just an annoying xd metal head who is extremely fucking loud and acts like hes the god of fucking magic. He also mouth breathes and sniffs so much during a match that it blows my mind. Its unpleasant to the point where i just want to win but it never seems to occur because i get too in my own head against him.
Damn, I don't really think there's a whole lot you can do against people like that.
Call them out and you run the risk of being called toxic and ostracized by your LGS.
Yeah there isnt much to do, I just have no idea how to get over it. He plays a lot of the big tournaments in my area, so I know its 100% possible that even if i switch lgs i gotta play against him still. He also fucking smells, fuck this guy
If you don't think Chalice is overly oppressive there must be something wrong with you.
Either that or you're just a Tron player and in that case there is.
I don't like Tron but Chalice isn't the problem with Tron
Modern has a lot of varied mana cost cards which makes it less effective. In addition you can't cheat it out with fast mana like in legacy or vintage. You basically just have to Simian Spirit guide or wait until turn 2 which makes it A LOT less effective.
I mean chalice is just a poorly designed and oppressive card by nature. I wouldnt mind seeing it banned even if its not a big deal or played in every deck
I'm not saying Chalice is the problem with Tron, it's just a part of it.
As for the part about the varied mana cost cards in Modern, this is technically true but not so much in the current meta.
>beat tron with living end
>say good game and reach for handshake
>for a moment I thought he was going to refuse but he reached out and lightly touched my hand
>says "not really" to the good game
>makes some comment about how I played 4 fulminator mages
>tell him "its hard sometimes man" trying to be positive
>"not for you"
>" its hard for everyone, I've been on the receiving end of it too"
>continues packing his things up in silence, doesn't sign result slip
Well, you too friend...
Budget BW Aristocrats brew
Saffron's GB Delirium
Baral, Scapeshift
UR Prowess
>favorite double/triple color combo
UB, because I hate fun
Chalice should be banned in Modern for the same reason Mana Crypt or Sol Ring should be banned in Commander: when they're in the opening hand and played early, they generate so much value that they put that player very far ahead and essentially wins the game because of that. And, by the time you can destroy them, the value is already gained for the player who had them. Chalice is pretty much saying, "I win because I lock you out with one card."
Yes, there are plenty of ways around Chalice, but it has the potential to be format warping. It's not format warping right now which is part of the reason some players don't see a problem. However, Chalice, in my opinion, is exactly the kind of unfair card that shouldn't be in any format.
I love when Tron babbies sulk after their lands are blown up and they're unable to play fatties.
-3 Mizzium Skin
+3 Apostle's Blessing
Gives you the protection you want and can also force through blockers.
He actually did resolve karn but he didn't have mana to pop his o-stone that had been holding me back so I cascaded on his end step and dropped him in one swing
Lol he actually made me clarify if I was attacking him or karn, as if it wasn't obvious
Do vehicle oriented decks have potential in modern? I've been messing around with one for fun and I'm surprised at how quick and consistent it is when you have access to cards like shrapnel blast and lightning helix to push things over the top.
Smuggler's Copter is pretty good in Hatebears and other tribal or weenie decks. Heart of Kiran might be worth running in some kind of superfriends deck, like 12Chad. I can't see deck just based around vehicles being that good, though.
>crackling doom
last time i played crackling doom in modern it was in this deck and it was fucking SWEET.
rip Goblin Bust though
>Waah I want to play noninteractive decks without having to worry about my opponent punishing me
You deserve it you fucking tron playing scum
JTMS isn't even good in Modern, I can't believe you think that BBE is more fair than Jace.
B-but user, it had HASTE. And it made a deck BETTER THAN IT WOULD BE WITHOUT IT. And people not playing it COMPLAINED.
I wasn't really thinking properly about BBE mostly.
I was thinking in the context of Living End and not something like Jund where you could essentially cast your whole deck for free.
That's how most cards get banned.
It's how most cards are deemed playable too. It's a fine line. Clearly we need to ban haste.
Belated thanks. Most of those cards are on my list, especially angels and a second thoughtseize. Hadn't considered scrylands at all, but I figure if I can get flayers I'll have enough pseudo-scry
>mucking with tribal shitbrews
>can't get past how much better all the decks are when in green, specifically because of CoCo
I am not a fan of this card.
At least Merfolk is still better as Mono U than UG, right?
Ban anything that isn't vanilla.
But imagine if there were a CoCo in blue.
Jace is better than BBE, but all the decks he's good in are shit right now. That's probably true for BBE too though. In any case FREE SFM
Should I stick to the mid-range/combo path with my GBw? Or should I veer over into Death's Shadow?
ban shadow
unban rhonas