First post! Ok, who tried all these systems and what is the best?
I don't know how you could try out all the systems - there are several kinds, plenty of homebrews, and even games that can be made to work like Dark Heresy.
I meant the ones in the OP.
Just as a general survey of fans. Would you guys tollerate some shifting away from the given end-slides for a fictional best-case Independent Vegas scenario to feed a sequel with the most possible player options?
(IE, brotherhood cooperates with Vegas like they do in their best NCR ending, Khans mostly leave with some Followers but a few stick around, Securitrons are tied up pacifying the Divide so there's a reason Vegas still needs human forces etc.)
I think we should slow down on these Fallout threads lest we burn ourselves out. Maybe limit to certain days like other generals?
I think I'd tolerate it, especially if you wanted to make some post-NV setting for an RPG you wanted to play. But I doubt it would really matter, since I don't think NV will get a sequel - even if Obsidian made a new Fallout game, it probably wouldn't be a direct sequel.
That's not a bad idea, and in truth it seems like there's not all that much to talk about half the time. Weekend threads seem the most natural, but maybe we could try some sort of weekday focus.
So what does this mean if people are closer than the max range?
Do my players get a +5% bonus to hit chance per hex?
Sounds doable but it might be a bit too strong for snipers because those could just take out anybody at close range
Sounds like you might be able to get around that if accuracy was affected by what kind of sight you have. Longer range scopes would have a bonus to long range but a penalty to close range.
Yea thats what i was thinking of
So if you put a scope on a rifle that rifle wouldn't gain accuracy if an enemy moved closer than min range they wouldn't get any bonus
Then again that might seem to my players like i was gimping long range and being "unfair"
That's what FO2 did with the scoped rifle.
Long range weapons are meant to be used at just that: long rage. If the fight is happening in closer quarters, then that's what sidearms are for.
Great, so there's precedent.
Should shotguns and such get a bonus of accuracy at short range?
I would say a damage bonus, because it's less of a question of "hit or miss" but rather "how many pellets make contact".
This is like thread #5 for a setting we still don't really have a full system for. Impressive.
This. Could think of it as damage multiplication, like what you'd see by the time of 3 and NV. Part of why the double-barreled shotgun in the Point Lookout DLC was so dangerous was because each individual pellet ignored any damage resistance the PC might have, so you got multiple hits of a large amount of damage at close range.
/k/ here. Realistically speaking, the rule of thumb for real-world shotgun spread is about 1 inch per yard, ie if you shoot at a target 50 yards away, it will be hit by a circle of pellets about 50 inches in diameter.
Take from that what you will.
So no?
i played the one JE Sawyer threw together out of the actual game rules and, naturally, nothing was as good, because playing it means actually fucking playing fallout.
including the high fatality that tends to lead to every other encounter being fatal. Be ready for that shit.
That one Todd poster made a D100 system for it. I read through it, it looks pretty comprehensive. The character creation was pretty good too.
20 pages of perks dude
That shit is amazing
Combat rules are not too hard on the math too
To be fair, /tgesg/. Sure they have the UESRPG, and we could theoretically do the same thing, but it's more a setting and lore thing with them.
On a random note, even though the Enclave should not have been treated as they were in Fallout 3, did you feel that their depiction - their uniforms, their armor, their equipment - was fair?
I actually really dislike how Bethesda treated Prewar stuff.
If you look at the Fo4 intro everything is nice and clean and theres nothing of the oil crisis or all of the wars going on everywhere
With the enclave there was way too much infighting and the whole president eden thing was retarded
Just make a human president of the enclave and drop the whole connecting with the wastelanders thing
The uniforms were a bit off. Overly sinister, too many Hugo Boss meets retrofuture bits. They think of themselves as the last true bastion of american culture, they should dress like it.
>If you look at the Fo4 intro everything is nice and clean and theres nothing of the oil crisis or all of the wars going on everywhere
Not surprising. It's typical of people to pretend as if nothing is wrong, so I wasn't put off by a family being happy-go-lucky and planning an outing to the park. Plus the resource wars were kind of caused by that, people ignoring problems in order to carry out their happy Americana lives. But all that said, there was definitely signs of the war. The route to the vault was set up with barriers and such, the military was on the streets, and there were guards in power armor at the vault entrance. They didn't just magically appear the instant the sirens went off. They were already there. Plus, one detail I noted way back before Fallout 4 even came out, from just the demo, the power armor deployed to guard the vault was dirty and kind of dingy looking. That doesn't mean much on its own, but in the Fallout Bible it says that used power armor was deployed in the states to help control civil unrest.So there's also that.
Thats a lot less than i imagined to be honest
I wouldn't be upset if they showed some more visible signs of dictatorship
I mean who cares if theres a lot of police in the streets if they don't do anything. The protagonist seems to be okay with pre-war life too and he doesn't complain about anything so theres that
You know it doesn't drive home the whole war doesn't change theme but rather subverts it and makes pre-war life seem harmless
I would agree, if the pre-war segment was longer. But as it stands it was just inside one guy's house for a few minutes who had a pretty happy life, and then a rush down his street and to the vault. Also, it's not "a lot of police". It was the military. They had a tank. People were denied survival by soldiers in power armor, who had miniguns. Not even the Vault-tec guy made it in.
I do feel like they relied on it like a crutch - instead of trying to flesh out a fictional world, let's continually focus on the past. A lot of the DC quests involved American history, which makes sense for the area, but was frustrating when I was rarely ever asked a question I couldn't know the answer to even to surprise me (who is 'the most recent president,' i.e. the last one before the War, of the US?)
I admit, it does go with the 50s theme to kind of pretend that everything is fine, trust the experts, and maybe there's some irony in only finding out after the apocalypse nothing was as secure as it seemed, corporations were corrupt, etc. But I would have actually enjoyed some grittiness, even if that would be hard to manage in a suburban area - you can't really have soup lines or big billboards with patriotic propaganda.
I mean if theres military presence that doesn't really convey that the Fallout US Govt. is doing really shady shit. Like if you do a pre war segment atleast let a bit of corruption shine through with the news?
I don't like how Bethesda just plays a lot of the self irony of fallout straight.
You look at the Fallout 2 intro and it's clear that the Enclave and the Fo-US-Govt aren't good guys.
No reason for us to have to play a 100% patriot or to not show how awful pre-war america was
What country are you from that military on the streets doesn't convey problems? The US wasn't invaded, so why do you think that they had armed forces out and about?
For the most part, I actually really like Beth's clothing, weapon, and armor design. There are some notable exceptions, but I think they did fine with the Enclave.
Germany xd
Anyways i think they ought to have shown what was wrong in the pre-war us. Ressources running low, riots and stuff. Show a bit through the news, make the mood less relaxed
The point is that people pretended things were fine, but the trouble was all subtle and below the surface, except for when it wasn't.
They shoulda shown the non-obvious parts then because right now the Fo4 intro really gives off the vibe that everythings fine
Keep in mind that a lot of people who've never played a videogame before picked up that game
I don't particularly care about people who have never played a video game before, and again, there were clear signs of stress and the war in the pre-war segment. In fact I appreciate that they didn't go overboard in trying to hammer it home. It's annoying when shows, movies, and games spell things out when visual cues can convey plenty of things to people with more than half a brain.
Fo3 and its expansions got a lot of the Pre-war shittiness right, it's Fo4 that inexplicably takes a (Mostly) rose colored view of it. BUT Nate&Nora's family were something of the pampered elite, a decorated veteran and some ort of lawyer (Possibly JAG to explain some of her badassery)
Those are pretty valid points.
Yeah, maybe they could have had some points about how he'd thought he left the war behind but it followed him home. At LEAST as a rant on the way to the freezing chamber. (Or they could have made both of them war vets so no matter who you picked the character could have at least some dialogue based on that.)
It sorta fits from a theory that they grew from Project Paperclip Nazis (Ala MCU Hydra)
>What country are you from that military on the streets doesn't convey problems? The US wasn't invaded, so why do you think that they had armed forces out and about?
Oh gee, I'm sorry, I thought Alaska was AMERICA,
>I don't particularly care about people who have never played a video game before, and again, there were clear signs of stress and the war in the pre-war segment. In fact I appreciate that they didn't go overboard in trying to hammer it home. It's annoying when shows, movies, and games spell things out when visual cues can convey plenty of things to people with more than half a brain.
I mean, the Fo1 intro had American soldiers field-executing Canadians to patriotic music. Fallout's not exactly subtle.
both of the PCs were war vets originally. Nora even has dialogue indicating this in the game files but it was strangely cut at the last second to make her a lawyer.
It's weirdly sexist.
I think they wanted that 1950s gender roles vibe, despite that being one of the few 1950sisms that didn't seem to fully survive till 2077, at least not completely.
I just retcon her to a JAG officer who mustered out earlier to go into civilian law.
I prefer to think of her as someone on the frontlines with Nate in a mechanized infantry division. When it came to combat the USSA really pulled out all the stops and PA is one of the things that would really balance out sex capabilities in war.
Also I dunno about the Enclave being started by paperclip scientists. Visually speaking the nazi-ish uniforms are a little too on the nose. The armor is fine, its battle armor but I'd expect uniforms from an american remnant to look american.
That's if your shotgun has a strong choke. A sawed off is gonna spread like yer mum's legs in a basketball locker room.
Not even with a sawed off will it spread like that.
Contrary to popular belief, shortening the barrel of a shotgun has little effect on the spread of the shot, unless the barrel is made very short. Small Arms Review Magazine conducted a test in February 2008 in which they cut down the barrel of a shotgun a little at a time, firing it and recording the velocity (with slugs) and spread (with buckshot) after each shortening. With a 30" barrel, the spread was 10" at 15 yards. 24" barrel, about 11". 18" barrel, 8" of spread. 12" barrel, 12.5" spread. And with a 6-7/8" barrel, 17" of spread.
Guy here working on that Fallout system that got blindsided by Wastelands 2.0 since it seemed to be nearly what I was already doing. Still working on mine, foundation is good but it's only been a week. If anyone wants to take a look feel free.
To Todd, you mind if I co opt some of your stuff?
Also wondering if anyone would be interested in working together to throw our own 'Bible' of sorts with all the interesting setting material we've come up with.
Fully okay with this being a weekend thread only. Although I will miss during work down time watching 200 post long arguments about Cesar's Legion headcanon
>read a bunch about Van Buren
>see things like a female counterpart of CL,a litteral eden in a deep canyon managed by a brain in a jar and other stuff
Soooo,anyone made a Van Buren setting ? This shit is full of good ideas !
Have you considered trying to work with Todd and combine your ideas, if they're similar enough? You could actually form a team and get this RPG knocked out.
As for a Fallout Bible, I'd shudder at it. Even if we avoided subjects of canon, everyone has different ideas for different regions of the US that haven't yet been covered - and sometimes it's as established as Florida, sometimes it's as vague as 'the Midwest.' Does anyone realize how huge the Midwest is?
Pretty big. I found that out today while planning something.
Feel free to use as much or as little of my system as you want man. I made it for people to use it.
>We will never see Nate and Nora bond and fall in love while slaughtering Canadians
Why even live?
To anyone building a system or a setting or running games, please describe shit as not being totally trashed. Like, remark on how homes or cities seem a bit tidier or organized, describe how things look lived in. That's one of the biggest things that gets me about the 3D Fallout games. The random fucking mess and squalor where people are supposedly building communities and making livings. You'd think they would take the time to clean shit up a bit if that's where they're settling.
Didn't Van Buren also go full retard in a lot of areas? I remember something about a moon station.
>Does anyone realize how huge the Midwest is?
I don't think even the FoT people did, considering the lenght of the roadtrip from Chicago to Mt, Cheyenne in a few beat up salvaged cars running on biodiesel.
It was a pre-war defense satilitte. Honestly not too far fetched for a final area, especially when the climax was going to be that you fail to stop the antagonist and some of the nukes he was going to launch can't be stopped, so you have to decide which communities get genocides and which survive.
I like the less intense version of that at the end of Lonesome Road a lot more.
The area of Fallout Tactics is mostly within the green band, right? That's not even a quarter - maybe not even a sixth - of what I could reasonably consider the Midwest. And most people will focus on a much smaller area.
Are all ghouls doomed to go feral one day?
Why isn't SLC listed on its own? SLC and New Canaan are two different towns in the same alliance.
(And SLC was only destroyed in Van Buren, not canon.)
We don't know, but we think so. It kind of seems random as to when normal ghouls go feral, too. Some have been around since before the war and are still fine.
All ghouls will eventually go feral, radiation speeds it up.
its pretty much implied that its one part physical degeneration one part mental illness.
Radiation doesn't play a part in it so much as living in shitty conditions.
Wow I had no idea there was a new and improved version of the Fallout PnP rules! Thanks OP.
Hard to say - there have been (at least in Fallout 3, I'm not sure in NV or 4) ghouls that have been around since the war, or even before the war. Generally it depends on how much radiation they take in that turns them feral, or what sort of living conditions - a ghouls that runs a hotel in the Underworld will do a lot better than a man ghoulified when the bombs dropped and spent the centuries rampaging outside a bunker.
But generally I think ghouls surviving since before the war are extremely, extremely rare. And it's never quite made clear how new ghouls are formed, so I don't know how long most of the sane ghouls have been around compared to the ferals. Is it a ticking clock, or is it a maybe depending on the circumstances?
Wait, wasn't Necropolis to the east of the Hub?
We all have are Nora headcannon. Mine is that she was a patent lawer for Robco. She got the employee discount on cogsworth. Helped Robco analyze the T-51 for patent infringment (West Tek's motion controlers were totaly a Robco design) and she runs around the commonwealth with a small army of robots.
off the top of my head...
NV you have the Mexican ghoul companion that's pre-war.
4 you have the vault-tec rep, he names a few others, the toy maker guy, the ghouls on the norwegian freight ship, the mob boss, and the Peabody family.
The answer on how to make new ghouls is "radiation." Though yes, how much for how long, and how to trigger it are never answered. The Peabody family makes it sound like a genetic component is involved, but the mob boss/Valentine quest make it sound like it can be triggered intentionally.
See, I always thought the idea was that ghouls were the first and last generation of their kind when the bombs fell. The idea is that not everyone can become a ghoul, and only people with the right genes can survive what the radiation does to them. So many Americans were victims to the radiation that it makes sense that lots of American with those genes would turn into ghouls at around the same time, a majority of them would become feral, and some would last until the start of the games. After that, though radiation is still an issue, the amount of people who both have the right genes, and submit themselves to enough radiation, and don't go feral would be significantly lower.
Ehh, If I were DMing this, I would declare that "Infinite Crisis happens, Reality skews into a tangent and now the story of Fallout New Vegas never happened."
I'd run a scenario where Mr House is still in charge and the general set up i similar to New Vegas but with important details changed.
>It is known that ghouls can turn feral when exposed to excessive levels of radiation.
The citation is from Fallout 4, so take with a grain of salt.
I generally consider anything from the Bethesda written fallouts suspect as they're so bad at writing they can't keep their own stories straight.
In universe people might think that but ghouls are literally a product of wild strain FEV and low exposure to radiation. We know this thanks to FO1 and Necropolis. Originally they were a west coast phenomena only but considering the spread of FEV post war and how ubiquitous radiation is across the post war world its not unreasonable to think of ghouls occuring outside of necropolis.
Has anyone here watched the really goofy Mad Max knockoff "Wheels of Fire" (1985)? It's all on youtube and has a bunch of cultists trying to go to space and a relatively organized faction that has an army that rations out gas first for free and then at increasing prices.
(The army is played by the actual Philippine army and shows up at the end with some LvT-6 amphibious APCs and a few Howitzers... Footage from this is recycled in the begining of another Mad Max knockoff movie by the same guy.
I was really struck by how much the Authority seemed to resemble the late stage NCR.
Fallout is the bastard offspring of a previous edition of Gurps.
They've even done most of the groundwork and actually specifically have supplements now for "After the End" type things and post apocalyptic campaigns, and you could readily mix and match with say, Gurps Action to make it very cinematic and stuff. Or you could go full on gritty, or some degree of it.
Actually I kind of think being at least a little gritty but willfully trotting out some cinematic stuff to make the PC's be sort of nuts/have ways to avoid ignominious death.
If you do though, know that the basic damage being thrown around is much higher in proportion to health than standard Fallout. A lot of armor is hot garbage. Honestly anything that isn't pre-war is totally inadequate against a real gun. Which is fair. It's more or less realistic.
If you give players credible ballistic armor that for some reason, lacks protection against lasers then they will get cut to ribbons by even a cheap laser pistol, or can be.
On the other side of it you could do some fun stuff having them merrily gun down Raiders and primitive screwheads using hunting rifles, even, and like, some shitty holdout gun a pre war office worker had in his desk or something because leather armor is BARELY adequate against getting knifed, and metal armor, even "good" metal armor made from pre war cars with pretty high carbon steel, is dogshit against that armor divisor.
Hey Todd, what did you use to make your book look so good? I'm still trapped in the Google Doc limbo.
Post any weapon that you would like to see in a Fallout game. Melee, weapons, real guns, archery things, weapons from other games, etc.
Why do so many people spell it wrong like this? The Jetsons maybe?
What skill would these work with?
Guns? Survival?
Survival, I would say. It's fairly different from firing a gun, and any related perks would most likely fall under survival. Like bolt crafting, being able to retrieve more bolts on average (some should break), a bonus to animal loot like extra meat and hides for getting a clean kill, etc.
I'd put them under melee, use it as a catch all for primitive muscle powered weapons.
Seems fair.
Maybe they'd take more duability damage too given that they're homemade
Yeah, and have a mid-high survival perk to craft more durable ones.
It's a sexy little pistol, and it even actually looks pretty good when it's all rusty junk.
Dang, when did the powder gangers get giant water towers?
How do you deal with vehicles in your games?
Are they just cosmetics that have to be refueled/fusioned every third ride or do you give them stats like DR+HP?
I actually haven't watched any Mad Max films
Which is kinda shameful considering its basically source material for fallout
I mean ghouls are literally immune to radiation so i don't know how that would happen
Necropolis had a lot of radioactive leaks and stuff and those guys weren't necessarily feral
Don't feel alone. I haven't either. I thought about watching Fury Road but all the political stuff floating around it when it came out (on both sides) kinda turned me off from it.
>all the political stuff floating around it when it came out
Care to elaborate?
I'm not familiar with the movie at all so sorry for the retard question lol
Dumb shit about how it was an amazing feminist movie, while others were saying it was a great MRA movie, and others saying it was misogynistic, etc. I mean, I know 90% of that stuff is just clickbait articles trying to get attention, but at the time it just soured me on it and once all that stuff passed I just never felt like watching it. I also do not find Charlize Theron all that attractive, and even less so when she's practically bald. So there's that.
Fury Road has Max, but the real protagonist of the story was a woman named Furiosa, and women escaping from being kept captive for breeding is a part of the plot.
Honestly doesn't shove any kind of message in your face, but yeah there was all kinds of political hubbub about it like describes.
Lmao who cares honestly
If the movie is good its all fine
Yea that kinda plot sounds interesting tbhq
Are there any bits in the canon about where nuka cola is made, and who owns the company? I was thinking of running a game where the players head to a main distribution centre and it's been converted into a fortress by a ghoulified ceo of nuka cola, and his army of raiders calling him the nuka king/the sultan of sodas/the baron of beverages/the duke of drinks, etc
Or has somethig like that already happened in the games?
These guys apparently
nukatown DLC for fallout 4. good stuff, part of the facility was taken over by employees that became ghouls.
I think there was some NPC who rode around on a bike restocking the Nuka-Cola machines.
There was a Nuka-Cola factory in Fallout 3, where you could find a lot of Nuka-Cola Quantum and a recipe for a new Nuka-Cola flavor that never saw production (and got a hockey-themed raider gang on your case for it). But otherwise all it had was Nuka-Cola securibots and Mirelurks with glowing blue colors.
>threads making me want to play fallout
>want to play new vegas specifically
>computer is a toaster and only console is ps4
>have to settle for fallout 4
>can't even install halfway decent mods because of sony being retarded
What was the Institute's endgame anyway?