>The god of hunger and gluttony is one of the most powerful gods.
How difficult is it to justify that?
>The god of hunger and gluttony is one of the most powerful gods.
How difficult is it to justify that?
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Not at all, what kind of tone are you going for?
Dark Fantasy.
everyone gotta eat nigga
Very, if you're gonna pretend that stringbean is him.
Planet Africa
Everyone eats. Every animal eats. All life glorifies food, from the most decadent king with feasts of hundreds of small birds to the humblest amoeba enveloping some microscopic piece of nourishment. It's a primal urge and one we cannot escape, no matter how hard we try. Probably one of the easiest domains to justify there being a god for.
What better avatar is there for a god of ravenous hunger than a starving man?
A bag of cheese poofs.
Every life form competes for sustenance and is consumed in turn. There's an unbroken chain of hunger, from the microbe all the way up to the powerful jockeying to be one step above their fellows. Even cooperation, love, and altruism are just strategies to survive in a world of finite resources.
You can eat much more if you've regularly been eating well. Starving makes you feel like you have a huge appetite but once you actually start eating your appetite drops away as you realize your stomach has shrunk while you were starving and you've just ordered too many burgers.
It's about imagery nigga, an ever starving ravenously hungry spooky skelton can make for a more striking apperance than "fat guy wanting to be more fat"
>too many burgers
But he's also a god of gluttony. You wouldn't really call someone a glutton if they were stick-thin all the time despite how much they eat.
>The locals live in fear of their god eating the universe "Because he doesn't like it when his food is cold"
>hunger and gluttony
so does every god in the setting embody 2 opposing forces, god of war and peace, god of luck and misfortune, etc.
one also has to ask how this setting defines a gods power? is it by how old the god is, how many worshipers they have, how powerful the forces they control are?
anyway, hunger and gluttony have existed since the first creature rose from the primordial muck, all men have felt both, him being among the most powerful god is a pretty easy sell.
whats more interesting is what he looks like considering how diametrically opposed hunger and gluttony are.
Not at all. He ate other gods and thus absorved their power.
Well, maybe he is the most powerful but your prayers will be answered when he gets to it. Just after this nap. And a moment on netflix
but what can be colder than the vastness of space?
Black holes?
Wouldn't they be very hot?
It's called duality. Why can he not be a both? And even if he is to be one are you telling me that a Starving man wouldn't be gluttonous and do anything for the meagerest cup. Is not the starving man the most in want of food. Is his appetite not 10 fold that of a plump noble? It is about the spirit of want not mechanics of need or nourishment.
They're vacuums?
All sins stem from gluttony.
>Pride: gluttony for attention.
>Wrath: gluttony for revenge.
>Sloth: gluttony for an easy life.
>Lust: gluttony for the erotic.
>Greed: gluttony for wealth.
>Envy: gluttony for what others have.
All sins stem from pride, mate.
Hunger & Gluttony God is most powerful, but he's also unable to form alliiances or work together with others.
He ate the other gods.
Hunger is desire, gluttony is hungering without ever being satisfied.
He gains power by consuming. The more powerful the being he consumes the more power he gains. Feeding him a cow doesn't really do much, but feeding him a thousand cows will, feeding him a person is like feeding him a hundred cows. He has even gone so far as to consume minor gods allowing his power to grow immensely.
However since subduing gods to feed another god is pretty fucking difficult his followers tend to feed him human sacrifices, and since he is the god of gluttony bingeing is more logical so they generally feed him hundreds or thousands of sacrifices at a time.
>Hunger, Gluttony
Naw, fuck that. Make him the God of Want.
Hunger gluttony AND greed
Surprise twist-
He's not the strongest deity
The gutworm symbiont in his stomach is
It's this horrible nightmarish worm that's the awful combination of every microscopic vision of a worm parasite, and a bobbit worm, combined with a centipede
Not very. More carnitas?
>He ate the other gods.
>Not at all. He ate other gods and thus absorved their power.
>You wouldn't really call someone a glutton if they were stick-thin all the time despite how much they eat.
Bitch please.
>a world with gods has one who is the god of assimilating, consuming and gaining power from other things
Not hard at all. Eventually a god of hunger will either be destroyed completely or become the most powerful, there's not really an in between. Of course, there might be a time before that when he's more on-par with or even weaker than other gods.
That's me and people call me gluttonous a lot. High metabolism is my blessing and my (actually their, they're obviously just jealous) curse.
He's actually the God Of Agriculture. His tapeworm holds the position of God Of Hunger.
this is a good suggestion, o bearer mine
He ate the rest of them. Easy.
Even the other gods get hungry, thus the god of hunger has dominion over them.
This reminds me of the Wendigo.
As it ate it grew. Not in width, but height. As it consumed it grew larger, but so too did its hunger.
Everyone in the setting is starving, and if they aren't, they are throwing lavish feasts.
Both the fantasies of the starving peasants and the actual gluttony of the nobles fees the god.
It's in the name, dudes. It can't be gluttony if you're not building up a glut.
>Dark Fantasy.
Wholly believable, especially if he's some sort of dark god and there's some myth about how it rose to power by devouring all that opposed him or some such
Considering that some lore from Demon's Souls state that the Old One is a god of hunger and gluttony? Not hard at all.
Starving people are just trying to get what they need. Gluttons are far past their needs and just keep consuming to unhealthy excess.
I'd suggest making depictions of gluttony fat, like a buddha but with more fat rolls, but less calm and stuffing his face full of food. Maybe a massive pig-headed fellow with a huge mouth.
I might make him also a symbol of prosperity too. In times when people starved a lot, fatness indicated wealth and great fortune.
But then again it depends on what you're trying to emphasize. He could even have multiple aspects like "Hunger the Starving" and "Hunger the Fat". That could relate to a story in which the god of hunger once starved, but whose attempts at basic nourishment turned into a spiritual journey of excess, physically tranforming him from a skinny waif to an engorged blob at the end of his story.
This works better with greed.
He is the most driven to consume and to grow?
Hunger is like the most basic want. Maybe he has as many aspects as there are different kinds of desire, but hunger is his core identity.
Starving animals can die from overeating very easily.
The universe after heat-death.
The most powerful god is the god of sloth. He created the other gods so he didn't have to do stuff himself.
Lots of starving people. Its not the consumption but the desperate craving that gives him power, famine, blight and drought are his tools not feats and gluttony.
*feasts. While we're at it, a hunger god would be a patron fo vampires, wendigos and werewolves, after all those things embody different aspects of hunger.