Pathfinder General /pfg/
What do you do when you really hate your character and think they suck?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
What do you do when you really hate your character and think they suck?
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>What do you do when you really hate your character and think they suck?
I make a new one, much as you should let someone make a new thread without a fucking anime.
I was writing an honest answer, but then it got a little too real.
Try to get them removed from the party in an awesome way. Then fail, accidentally lead the entire party into superabyss, and then proceed to get killed in a far less awesome way.
What's the best way to make a character that can survive on his own during a party split? I need to know for reasons.
>What do you do when you really hate your character and think they suck?
I have never hated my character enough to retire them mid campaign mainly because:
1. I make a throwaway character that I build as I go, usually becoming a horrible mess of multiclassing and odd stat allotments.
2. I plan my characters so far ahead that I would know whether or not I would hate the character before I could even test run it.
3. I just want to rolelpay the character and generally ignore whether or not it's mechanically good if I can just do my gimmick.
I wonder, how high in the echelon of Demonkind do you think a successful artist could get offering his services free of charge? Maybe even get up to one of the Lords of Hell?
(Also, can I just say that I find it a bit silly that Daemons don't have a realm or language to themselves, but seem to have just taken the tablescraps from the Demons and Devils?)
>playing a bunnygirl who won't go berserk and tear you to shreds
Summoner would be good at it.
Something like "get over yourself."
People can roleplay characters they hate and think suck, like Hitler.
Um, so comedy. Hitler's flaws are funny.
You're the source of hate.
House rule balance fixes if it's that kind of suck.
>Fix them. Nothing is unsalvagable. Ask the DM if you can make something bad happen that will force my character to change. Whether it be someone close dies, or I literally get my legs blown off. I then change my character to fix it.
>Be me
>asshole sorcerous gnome
>come from noble background
>bully other PCs and NPCs to do my dirty work for me
>we get betrayed by NPC and captured
>I being the biggest asshole in his eyes get myself permenantly crippled by having my legs sawn off
> eventually we escape and I have enough exp for a new level.
> I take cavalier
> start riding around on a wolf and use my spells for a higly mobile artillery
>start acting kinder and try to genuinely help other PCs
>make a point of apologising for everything I have done spending gold on paying back people who I wronged
>eventually get to high enough level where cleric knows Greater restoration
>I get my legs back
>not posting superior berserker bunny
Does every nation have their own wizard schools?
every wizard has their own wizard school
>have a folder for bunnies and one for maids
>lost in indecision on where to save this image
I'm thinking about playing a cleric with a level in bard next. What should I look at for inspiration.
Quick! I need to know if there are any archetypes besides the hidden blade that stack with the eldritch scoundrel
>actually sit down to read the rules about actions instead of guiding myself by what my peers told me
>actually sit down to read more about the magi and what they can do
>sit down to think through spell preparation and other shit
>realize i've been missing out on a lot of potential despite my build being spotless because i didn't use my full degree of options
i am now fucking terrifying in combat
assuming you are still trying to be badass with that build
Is there a reason why there's both a /pfg/ and /pgg/ up at the same time?
Pure, unadulterated autism
/pgg/ was created to introduce starfinder to /pfg/
once starfinder was out, /sfg/ got its own general and wanted to stay separate from /pgg/
/pgg/ meme pushers continue to make their threads despite there not being a reason for it because they're mad about /pfg/ getting anime OPs all the time - which is an understandable reason - but fuels the autism fire with more autism that reaches the same level of autism as making anime OPs in every /pfg/ and turning the threads into Veeky Forums's laughing stock
Why not keep everything to plain /pgg/?
But those aren't bunnies...
Because despite similarities, Pathfinder and Starfinder are different systems.
This isn't a Pathfinder/3.5 thread, and the differences between Pathfinder and starfinder are greater than that.
those are various pokemon.
wearing clothing commonly referred to as "bunny suits".
And they're all Eevee and its evolutions, not rabbits.
Is /sfg/ doing okay?
Yeah they're fine.