Childhood: Thinking Good and Evil, along with Law and ChoaS are fun games to play
Adulthood: Realizing that the best alignment is true neutral, the only one who can tame the unruly children of the Gods.
Childhood: Thinking Good and Evil, along with Law and ChoaS are fun games to play
>Childhood: Thinking Good and Evil, along with Law and ChoaS are fun games to play
>Adulthood: Realizing that the best alignment is true neutral, the only one who can tame the unruly children of the Gods.
>Actual grown-up: Realizing that D&D is an outdated system and playing games that are actually conductive to everyone having a good time
>Childhood: Thinking Good and Evil, along with Law and ChoaS are fun games to play
>Adulthood: Realizing that the best alignment is true neutral, the only one who can tame the unruly children of the Gods.
>Actual grown-up: Realizing that D&D is an outdated system and playing games that are actually conductive to everyone having a good time
>Actual grown-up not full of poz loads: There is nothing wrong with the alignment system.
Childhood: Thinking in only of terms of Good, Evil, Lawful and Chaotic
Adulthood: Realizing the alignment system is stupid
Actual grown-up: Attaining enlightenment with the knowledge that a minigun with over 6,000 RPM is the best alignment
>Childhood: Adoring Good vs Evil
>Adolescence: Playing Chaotic characters
>Adulthood: Realizing that Lawful was right all along
>Childhood: Thinking ketchup is the greatest condiment in the world
>Adulthood: Realizing mustard makes more sense
Childhood: Thinking everyone else is stupid.
Adulthood: Thinking children are stupid.
Actual grown-up: Realizing everyone, including your,self are stupid.
>Not steak sauce
this is the only good version of this meme
>Childhood: Thinking Good and Evil, along with Law and ChoaS are fun games to play
>Adulthood: Realizing that you can do what you want CUS A PIRATE IS FREE! YOU ARE A PIRATE!
>true neutral taming anything
True neutrals would mind their own damn business and seek inwards perfection. The moment you tart pushing things on others you're no longer true neutral but some mixbag of the rest.
>not mixing ketchup and mayo
Shin Megami Tensei protagonist pls.
>Adolescence: Calling adolescence adulthood
cool opinions i guess
>Childhood: Picking evil/good because you can.
>Adolescence: Picking evil/good to exercise moral value.
>Adult: Picking an alignment that fits the narrative, regardless of personal preference.
Childhood: Playing Chaotic because it allows you to break rules, which is more fun when you're a kid.
Adolescence: Playing Lawful good so you can be the voice of reason among your hormonal peers.
Adulthood: Realizing that there's more to a character than alignment, and that RP isn't about doing shit because YOU can, but about what your character wants and feels.
>doing what you know is evil because that's what your society says you must do
Only Neutral Goods are really Good.
Lawful and chaotic goods are compromising good in the sake of either purposeless lawfulness or childish view of freedom.
And lawful and chaotic "neutral" are pretty much evil, being a drone indifferent to good and evil IS evil and selfish freedom is not better.
Neutral Goods are using society and personal freedom as tools and are the only one with a true moral compass.
>muh morality is objective
fuck off
>you can't prove morality is objective so let's being a legalist drone and kill innocents without a good reason or burn a woman because she refused an arranged marriage if that's what my society thinks is "right".
Yeah because people can disagree on what is good and bad and because even good people ca be forced in a conflict against with each other, morality is not real but somehow being an idiosyncratic legalist drone is a solutation to that.
How is following a relative set of laws and duties better than following what you think is right if muh morality is not objective?
*solution to that.
you are literally just spewing buzzwords pal
>Childhood: LG is best alignment, but act CE
>Adolescence: CN and CE are best alignments, I'm a rebel!
>Adulthood: Alignments don't matter all that much and don't define my character. If I can't be arsed to pick and the DM wants my alignment, I'll just put TN.
>Ascension to DM: CG characters can be the villains and LE characters can be the heroes
>Failed Ascension/Siding with Demiurge: There is no point in playing anything other than CE
Last group I was in was full of That Guys who failed to ascend
Once you begin using D&D alignment terms, you must use its baggage of objective morality, otherwise it devolves into uselessness. Don't like objective morality, don't use D&D alignment terms for things in the real world.
also, all of you are wrong.