Redpill me on Tau Quest
Redpill me on Tau Quest
Cons: Not anywhere near canon
Pros: lots and lots of hips - I mean great fanart
It's shit. Next thread.
Mmmmmmmm those hips
It was a product of the time when Veeky Forums was less autismo and more chill about bouncing around silly and fun concepts, and before anti-questfags from reddit got their knickers in a bunch.
It was a different time then. We were all much younger, with stars in our eyes and a desire to just have fun and be excellent. Sure, this place was still pretty cancerous, it we were ale to have fun and enjoy the cancer, and deal with it in an enjoyable manner.
What happened?
Fun fact, a pangolin's tongue is actually anchored to their ribcage
Slaneesh pls.
>What happened?
Moot moved all the quests from /a/ onto Veeky Forums and people got sick of wannabe visual novel writers spamming RAILROAD LOLI HAREM QUEST VOL. 816 #375 with such riveting options as
>Stutter and follow GM railroad
>Stutter a little more and follow GM railroad
>Stutter even a little more than that and also follow GM railroad
Veeky Forums made fun quests. /a/ made a bunch of garbage that moot threw into Veeky Forums's yard instead of walking all the way to the dumpster.
Yeah, this was definately the worst thing that happened. When Moot made his edict, suddenly all the other boards started to move their quests here.
Veeky Forums was nice when the quests were by and for fa/tg/uys, and matched our interests. Really, Moot should've just let things remain the same and have each board operate and maintain their own quests.
I have not been to /qst/, but I've heard nothing but bad things about it.
That's not what redpill means.
"redpill" like many other phrases used on Veeky Forums basically means nothing now due to overuse, and instead is used as a placeholder for "thing", much like autist, cuck, thicc, and a million other phrases that are now divorced from their original meaning due to oversaturation and memes
You mean moot?
the thing that set people off against quests is fucking planefag and his strike witches retardation that split into a trillion different versions of itself that were each progressively worse then the last.
also MSQ, that quest completely made people flip the shit like nobodies business.
He is kill now, death has granted him his capital letter
> I have not been to /qst/
That's really the only unforgivable problem it has. There's just no fucking players.
Amnesiac Tau Earth Caste get turned into a Necorn.
Not particularly bright, easily distracted.
She is ruler of a small tomb
Accidentally becomes Empress of a small human world. Demands tribute in delicious candy.
Makes friends, makes rivals, has fun.
That's also fucking hot mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm!
Over rated as hell/10
Shitty maymay waifu/10
>What happened?
Several years worth of newfags got their social cues from /v/, so they think every board is dedicated to shitting on everything related to it's topic.
It's nice but the tumblirized nu-Veeky Forums hates sex and beauty so it's waifushit because it features a woman more attractive than their fat girlfriends.
>from Reddit
You have to be fucking shitting me. Those hugbox circlejerk quest threads with 50 Naruto quests and 13 bleach quests, plague of gripes shit, all the other half-assed drawn quests were as close to upvotes generators as you could come to on an imageboard. You fucking questniggers were always reddit down to the marrow of your faggot bones. Don't you dare try to put that reddit shit on anyone but yourself. You know what you did.
Look, no matter how much you try to uphold the fictitious purity of the board, Veeky Forums will not anthopomorphise and reward you with sex for your whiteknighting. Now fuck off, you are the cancer that has been killing this board. Besides, isn't there a Pathfinder/Sarfinder/Paizo thread you need to be furiously shitting yourself in?
What the fuck are you on about, knuckledragger? You have your own board now. You already helped twist the knife in /the/ a long time ago by running off regulars with your deluge of quests. Thankfully you have been sorted. You are no longer necessary here. Shoo, shoo.
Surely you are one of those who thinks everything else than generals and practical questions is cancer?
They were full on upboat generators as every single fucking questfag used the archive to get their likes and soak up the attention.
I at least hope that you are not one of these niggers who also hate worldbuilding and setting ideas discussions.
Otherwise you just hate fun.
This. It's the archetypal quest: fapfiction whose only contribution to the board is a images for waifufags to plaster all over everything.
Just because you're wrong doesn't mean I hate everything. Just quests and you questniggers who infested them.
Wrong, Veeky Forums was ruined when Nazimod and the rest of his cronies like you killed off all the fun and creativity.
>>>/nazimod's sexdungeon/
Now fuck off and stop killing Veeky Forums with your incessant general culture, puritanism, and policing. You are such an annoying little newfag bitch, I bet you're the type of person who complains when we talk about videogames being talked about because you've never even heard of the Commander Keene Clause.
While the deluge of quests did make things shit, it wasn't quests themselves that were awful, it was moot dumping all the unrelated quests from /a/ here that turned it into a shitswamp. Before that Veeky Forums was perfectly fine with its small number of quests and roleplaying that was made for and by fa/tg/uys who just wanted to have fun with thier favorite Veeky Forums related stuff. If that concept is too much for you to understand, then you should probably get a lobotomy since your brain cells are obviously being wasted on the likes of you.
So you just hate sex, gotcha.
>t. the one user who shitposted /wst/ away
yes we're all impressed with how big you epeen is. Now can you please fucking leave? I'm pretty sure its past your bedtime and your mum is probably cross with you.
>If you don't want fapfiction and waifuspam taking up space on your traditional games board, you hate sex.
What a remarkable unsubstantiated assumption. I can make those too. If you want fapfiction and waifuspam taking up space on your traditional games board then you're a permavirgin who doesn't have the first clue what real sex is even like.
Xeno is a wannabe. This is the true waifu of Veeky Forums.
There is no "waifu of Veeky Forums"
To have one does not follow the purpose of the board.
Quit making excuses for the damage you quest mongoloids did to this board and get the fuck back to rebbit you shitheap. The whole reason we could have nice things like the CK clause was because niggers like you who broke all the windows weren't fresh off the boat from rebbit yet, fishing for likes and upvotes on your ancillary social media pages.
Nah, Veeky Forums has many waifus, for there are mainy elegan/tg/entleman of varrying taste. Some people like Dragons, others Xenos, others Psykers like Boone and Cuddles, and other kobolds.
Veeky Forums is not one person, we are a legion of different people all united by our love of overpriced board games, little figurines, and play-pretend rules
>I can't refute his argument, so i'll just keep calling him a questshit!
Go back to bed Nazimod, you're running out of steam and your arguments and bait are getting sloppier
>anyone I don't like is Nazimod
Believe me if I had half a chance to ban you I would and wouldve. You didn't have anything to begin with because your bitch quibbling over the specific viscosity of the shit you took on the bed doesn't constitute an argument.
So long, yet i still shudder.
>It was a product of the time when Veeky Forums was less autismo
>less autismo
did you forget about all the diaperfaggotry
or did you just want to forget about it
People here complain about Veeky Forums being shit now.
That image is proof enough that it's better now than it was before.
And that isn't even the worst of the shit we used to have spammed. I didn't save the Touhou Intestine Eating Pasta/Image.
/qst/ is basically the same as the old Veeky Forums quests, only its slower and has less people. The quality of the player base didn't really move up or down.
there was also that one guy who turned threads he didn't like into yukkuri gore threads
Which was considerably better than the guy who'd spam scat.
>still flounering this pathetically
>still not having a single point
>"If I could i would totally kick ur ass swear on me mum!"
See, this is why the rest of Veeky Forums made moot take away your modding privileges.
And considering you're still not addressing any of the arguments made by me and he othr anons in the thread, its plain to see that you have even less of a leg to stand on, as you're just a butthurt puritan who's only driven by his autismal rage of "I DON"T LIKE THING SO NO ONES SHOULD LIKE THING" while also ignoring the more moderate people who would've agreed with you had you not shat all over yourself in fury
Consider if you will the IP count of this thread, and how a minimum of 20 anons not only disagree with you, but have articulated there reasonings in a smart and intelligable manner, and most often in a way that wasn't so much as "for" quest threads, but rather is against both thier migration from /a/ and the type of assholes who kneejerk at the mere mention of quests, such as you.
You are not the reasonable person here. YOu are a luddite with more anger than sense who probably cares more about witch hunting than the actual quality of the board, like an SJW looking for the next thing to get offended and rant of tumblr about
You don't even know the fucking context of the picture. It was made to insult and make fun of a furfag by ruining his sparkledog waifu in front of him. Its supposed to look bad since that was the point, as it was made to mock furries. fuck off newfag
Is that a giant peacock or a giant kitchen?
I'm tired of fags
Questfags, antiquestfags, all of them
Just end me senpai, I don't want it anymore
Veeky Forums is composed of 85% fags. You won't escape them. You can try to go to different websites, but don't forgot, you'll be back. You're here forever
There was never a small number of quests. I remember times when the entire first page was just quest after quest.
If they were anything other than tier shitholes that might not have been a bad thing, but they all were and having them banished to a containment board is the best thing to happen to this board in a long time.
I'm just tired of the shitty arguments, man
No one concedes points, no one makes intelligent arguments, they just argue and troll and just try to make each other upset
I mean, it would have to have been capable of going down any further to do that.
I think you dropped your fedora mang. It's needed to contain your radiating euphoria from waifuquest #78
Is this canon in Tau Quest?
It's hard to argue against anti-questfags being from reddit, given their attitude and when they started showing up en masse.
Hell, they even tried downvote bombs.
>there was never a small number
So you are very new then?
no u