Same weapons options, stats, and points cost, just the models redone to be actually aerodynamic. Would anybody be upset by this?
Space Marine redesigned aircraft
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I like blocky stupid bullshit covered in skulls that doesn't make any science for imperial designs. I wish some of the designs themselves were less cluttered, but like the overt brutalist idiocy of it.
I'd change the stem to attach lower on the model (so it'd ride higher), armour up the cockpit and change the stupid fluff from "hurr, hover long boat, durr" to a proper assault ram. And make it available to more chapters. I hate it when they make chapter specific flyers.
Honestly I don't want to sound like a SM hater but their aircraft don't fit in, every other faction has the majority of their aircraft aerodynamic. From Tau to Eldar to Imperial Guard to even Orks (ironic), all of those armies have largely functional looking flyers.
Chapter specific units rarely make sense fluffwise but nobody wants the Space Marine subfactions to be just color swaps.
That's the part I like about it really. The imperium just straps fuckhuge engines to bricks because that's what makes sense to them more than trying to into aerodynamics. It highlights how fundamentally insane they are.
I mean the original model is scrapped and GW makes new models without changing stats or battlefield role. Flying metal bawkes is something even Orks know shouldn't work.
In space a brick with engines can work. In an atmosphere this and practically all SM fliers would violently breakup. I can't get into Space Marines because of models like this. Otherwise the WWI aesthetic is cool.
>ey boss, lukkit dat
>wut da zog?
>iz dat a bawx? Wiff rokkitz on it?
>ya boss
>but dat spitz in da zoggin face of gork n morks rulez of gravitivity!
>*SM aircraft proceeds to crash an burn due to the collective thoughts of orks saying that it can't fly*
Fantastically memed my dude
Wish there was a like button, but seriously how come that doesn't happen? Da mekboyz build planez da right way.
Its a game set 39 thousand years in the future featuring 8 foot tall brain eating chainsaw warrior monks fighting cockney accent fungus hooligans for a psychic lighthouse. I'm not too concerned about if anything going on in it is too realistic. ymmv
it's called the suspension of disbelief. People generally don't know about areodynamics, power supplies, or anything like that. But if something doesn't look at least some what capable of flying, then it looks off.
One of the reasons people don't like Tau suit designs is because of the tiny ankles with feet that stand on the tip toe.
Yeah, you can probably make a robot that can balance like that on needle thin ankles. But it doesn't look satisfying to the general person's suspension of disbelief.
I get that it breaks your suspension, that's chill. All I'm saying is it doesn't break mine because its not that kind of game or setting. It straight up states the game isn't set in an age of reason and to forget progress and science. That's not what humans are up to in 40k.
It's not a question about progress or science, he's saying those fliers don't make physical sense, like a bowling ball balancing on top of a feather. There is setting and then there's consistency.
>It's not a question about progress or science, he's saying those fliers don't make physical sense
The literal opening quote of the game, for the entire time its been a game, says progress and science aka physical sense, aren't the themes of the game.
I get what they're saying. I'm saying its an odd concern given how many other things in the setting are based around totally impossible space magic. I'm probably the wrong kind of autistic and don't find it kills the mood for 8 foot tall genetically engineered supermen who paint themselves bright colours on purpose to be deploying out of a box that flies because it has a bunch of huge engines made of archtech.
Only WH40K can get so insane that the Orks sound reasonable.
Imperium Vehicals always struck me as too chunky. It works great for tanks but looks a bit odd for transports and flying Vehicals.
On second thought mabye I dig it. I was at maker faire and some folk had made scale space marine war gear and it looked like if the machine spirts started hitting McDornalds hard.
Boy, you sure can rephrase stuff well.
hey now.
I know and love that quote, but that just means the people of the Imperium are superstitious, not that physical sense takes a backseat in 40k, warp nonwithstanding.
I don't have a problem with daemons pulling cartoon antics, but they're the exception.
I jumped into this conversation by the way, I don't think it's a mood killer, but I do believe it's nonsensical in a different way than the fantastic setting provides for.
There are a lot of things I like about the Spess Mahreens, but flying boxes aren't one of them.
The Blackstar at least looks cool. Why can't there be more like that one?
I take it more as a statement about the overturning of modernism, both politically and ontologically. There are daemons, magic, ancient gods, psychic gestalts, etc. It does mean physical reality as we know it no longer applies in a consistent and fixed way. The entire imperium travels through space by tearing holes in the universe, there are titans at all, a big flying box doesn't seem too outlandish in the setting.
The art direction is going more towards tacticool. You'll probably get more as 8th edition marine release come out.
Actualy the space ship in OPs post wouldn't work in space without something like a 10 degree gimble on the engines. Flying along with it's nose pointed up, because the engines arn't aligned with the center of the hull. Also how the hell does the pilot see where he's landing to drop off troops. The pasangers must hate riding in that thing it's constantly going to be hitting trees or rocks or whatever else is in the LZ when it drops them.
Not really, given that my Armageddon Guard is heavily converted GW kits like pic related
That's amazing looking, what do your chimeras and other stuff look like?
Think of it this way: the STCs were designed as space craft with an eye to making them vaguely workable in atmosphere. It's the wrong tool for the job, but the best one they have.
Oh weird, the gay races have gay planes
Yes. I would, for one.
Flying bricks are olev.
More seriously, the flying brick aesthetic is such a integral part of SM visual design that those craft not adhering to the look actually seem kinda out of place.
Drop Space Marine, join Greater Good, have aesthetically pleasing conversions.
The art has nosedived :(
>flyers that look functional
So... Marine flyers should just have big wings on their flying bricks? And what's so functional about the GW Tau flyer? Or the sharp blades on the DE flyers?
>Would anybody be upset by this?
A whole lot of people
Hey now, at least that one makes sense. Look at the bottom of it: it has antigravity plates on it like the Land Speeder and the new Space Marine grav-tank.
>even Orks
On a related note, using the 1/40 scale GW operates by, most Ork fliers have the armor of a goddamn land raider and still would fly better than SM's silly flying bricks.
Mekboyz building more aerodynamic craft (with a couple amusing exceptions. Pic related) than the cogboyz on Mars is just proof that green iz da best.
>needs aerodynamics to fly
No need for aerodynamics when you fly on gravity control
Shut up mom I'm gonna fly what I want you can't tell me it's not aerodynamic enough
You realize that Tau have hooves, right? And they would probably design their 'humanoid' robots based on their own anatomy, right?
Close enough so long as it isn't a brick I'm good.
Look at the F-4. We've tried the "Strap giant fucking jets to a brick" before and it worked.
The F-4 was a good bit more aerodynamic than most Imperial aircraft.
Not actually mine (I can't paint for shit), but most are like related links:
As of 8th's new meta, I need to rebuild my Russ regiment.
So far, I've come up with:
>Bong (Churchill)-pattern
And finally, the last possible Russ styles (will definitely have a Pask Punisher, swappable turrets and sponsons to accommodate the current meta if Vanquishers turn out OK:
>MBT-pattern (doesn't fit my Armageddon army, might work w/Cadians)
>Realistic Russ/ARL-40K (