Previous Thread:javascript:quote('53967529');
We making factions and shit.
Post Apocalyptic Creation Thread
>Previous Thread:javascript:quote('53967529');
How did you manage this.
Shit fucked up the quote
I fucked up bad man.
>Concert on Wheels: Like a drummer boy but way more awesome. Maybe it’s a squad of taiko drummers, a lone shredder on a flamethrower guitar, or an entire outfit of post-apocalyptic metalheads. Whatever it is, you’ll certainly not be going anywhere unnoticed, and it’s a very good way to get someone excited for killing.
I'm just helping man the ship for now so I have no idea the details on the current faction, but they have a beefy vehicle.
Bit surprising but alright anyone got a summary?
I'll type one up if someone else hasn't in an hour or so. I think we should
Anyway, brief run downs on the earlier factions.
Faction 1: The Tombstones
>Wretched: Covered in boils and tumors,
>Raiders: Like to kill and steal and rape.
>Dictatorship: Follow one leader.
>Death Cult: Gotta kill kill kill
>Distinctive Icon: Probably a tombstone
>Leathers and uniforms, clearly bikers.
>Scrap: Can trade scrap if need be because they have a lot of it from stolen places.
>Drive makeshift vehicles covered in spikes and buzzsaws, and their legendary vehicle is just the perfect blend of speed, strength, and usefulness.
Faction 2: The Force (also insultingly called The Fuzz)
>Part lives: A little bit mutated, a little bit of cancer, but not half bad compared to others.
>Road Warriors: They're cops, basically.
>Dictatorship: The police chief, probably.
>Worship cars and have a distinctive icon, probably a badge
>War paint and uniforms: Police colors and police uniforms.
>Have women kept as breeding stock and live in a nuke-proof police garage
>Their gear is pretty ramshackle and bad.
>Drive around classic muscle cars and trucks
>Use polecats to get onto enemy vehicles, and their elite drivers use SWAT black cars
>They have an attack helicopter.
Faction 3 is apparently, and I quote " We did. It's a bunch of jocks who worship their old sports team, which was Greek themed, so they pretend they're Spartans but don't really know what any of it means. They control water and keep it mostly in a water filled stadium.
Give me one final roll for legendary vehicle and then I'm off because I really have to get to work."
If anyone would like to break down that faction in green text like the previous too, I would greatly appreciate it.
I would greatly appreciate you typing up faction 4.
Im posting from a airport man Im bumming off some old dude who didn't put a password on his hotspot.
Accidentally posted, I think we should roll up another factiom after this, to have a nice and tidy 5. We need at least one group of Settlers or Tribals.
Just returned to the show my dudes. I have missed the 4th faction nearly entirely and i have to phone post now.
Could someone do a recap for the 4th faction and Save the recaps and best posts of the old thread?
Meanwhile i have some Lore ideas.
Also we should put the roll table here for any newcomers.
We should archive last thread, I would but I'm on mobile.
Faction Three
>Part-Lives: The Norm, not much to say. Unfortunate.
>Mercs: Their lifeline is violence and trade, but they aren't pillagers. They fight to earn what they have.
>Democracy/Anarchy: They mostly treat each other as equals, but also have a coach and a captain to help make desicions.
>Xenophobic and Oldworld Blues: Have a bizarre obsession with Grecian caricatures and sports teams. They don't really like all the "dweebs" and "fags" who don't follow their creed.
>They wear gasmasks and paint themselves in the colors of their team.
>They have a monopoly on fresh water in most of the city, and use that as leverage.
>Their equipment isn't great quality though, mostly sports gear and homemade.
>Drive souped up speedy cars with lances and harpoons.
>Have their teams tour bus cobbled together into a giant war-rig, still festooned with the teams colors and livery.
>Part-Lives: The Norm, not much to say. Unfortunate.
>Mercs: Their lifeline is violence and trade, but they aren't pillagers. They fight to earn what they have.
>Democracy/Anarchy: They mostly treat each other as equals, but also have a coach to help make decisions of peach and a captain to help make decisions of war.
>Xenophobic and Oldworld Blues: Have a bizarre obsession with Grecian caricatures and sports teams. They don't really like all the "dweebs" and "fags" who don't follow their creed.
>They wear gasmasks as an evolution of hockey and football masks and paint themselves in the colors of their team.
>They have a monopoly on fresh water in most of the city, and use that as leverage.
>Their equipment isn't great quality though, mostly sports gear and homemade.
>Drive souped up speedy cars with lances and harpoons.
>Have their teams tour bus cobbled together into a giant war-rig, still festooned with the teams colors and livery.
Fuck it Im still using my laptop here how the fuck do I archive shit?
Faction 3: (From last thread)
>Part-Lives: The Norm, not much to say. Unfortunate.
>Mercs: Their lifeline is violence and trade, but they aren't pillagers. They fight to earn what they have.
>Democracy/Anarchy: They mostly treat each other as equals, but also have a coach and a captain to help make desicions.
>Xenophobic and Oldworld Blues: Have a bizarre obsession with Grecian caricatures and sports teams. They don't really like all the "dweebs" and "fags" who don't follow their creed.
>They wear gasmasks and paint themselves in the colors of their team.
>They have a monopoly on fresh water in most of the city, and use that as leverage.
>Their equipment isn't great quality though, mostly sports gear and homemade.
>Drive souped up speedy cars with lances and harpoons.
>Have their team's tour bus cobbled together into a giant war-rig, still festooned with the teams colors and livery.
Well OP said if all the factions are crazy psychos its small settlements who take the roll of settlers/a City.
I like that idea a lot. A lot of small and pretty normal settlements caught between these warring psychos.
They farm the food and her raided or in the crossfire in this twisted wargame.
Once we have a breakdown of faction 4, someone should use this table to give us faction 5
I'd love to man it, but I may have to head out in about 40 minutes, and I'd rather not mess something up trying to rush it if I'm mishandling post time.
Thanks friendos.
I think we got it. Now we need to establish who and what this fourth faction is.
gonna copy over some of the stuff I wrote down last thread
Mutant biker raiders and descendants of conscripts who worship classic rock n roll and blues idols like Johnny Cash, with a large stash of military grade weapons. Hold a lot of influence in the wasteland selling scrap and spreading their weird death cult.
>The Force
Ridiculed as "The Fuzz" by some other factions, they take most of their inspiration from old 80s cop flicks, trying to enforce DUH LAW upon the wasteland. Like Judge Dredd meets Dirty Harry meets the first Mad Max. Make heavy use of melee weapons and heavy armour, are holed up out of an old police station and have a boner for cars. In spite of this most of their gear is actually scavenged or just made from scrap. They also have an old police helicopter that their "chief" and his gang use to rappel into places SWAT style.
>The Spartans
Fucking crazy mercenaries, dressed up in gas masks and scavanged armour made from metal and sports gear. They live to go fast, stab people and to make things explode. Known for their reckless driving style and quite unpopular with the other factions for basically being high school jocks who huff paint. Use a lot of spears, explosives and shield walls. Only really tolerated because the control the largest water supply in the city. Ride around on a war rig made out of a giant bus, filled to the brim with psychos throwing "greek fire" and stabbing anybody who gets too close with spears and makeshift blunderbuss bayonets.
>As yet unnamed fourth faction
Cannibalistic mutant raiders, decked out in spikes, bling and tattoos. Control a lot of the power going in and out of the wastes, using it to supercharge the vehicles and power all the batshit crazy buzz-saws and choppy bitz they strap onto them.
Im boarding the plane in like 15 minutes so someone else take over? and if someone has the time please archive the previous thread.
Well the Cannibals have a really good tech Level and they control the power.
Also genetically speaking they are degenerated crap.
Maybe they have a nuclear reactor running that mostly Works but isn't 100% safe. Slowly frying their DNA.
once the fluff for faction number 4 has been expanded on, I'd be more than happy to continue for rolls for the last group. I didn't need sleep anyway.
They have a lot of jewellry and spikes, should they be degenerated metalheads? there is nothing more metal than nuclear power.
Metal Energy Mutants Fuck Yeah.
Alright buddies, I think I've successfully archived the first thread. It's at the bottom of this list, so be sure to vote for it.
And here is the actual archived thread itself
Thank you so much. You are a trooper.
Yeah why not. Maybe they are the schools Science club mixed with the engineers of the reactor. I mean nerdy people often like Metal. They have a burning hate for the jock spartans.
The cannibals blast metallica while the spartans blast the jock jam supermix?
I don't think they should be metalheads, the Tombstones have already filled that niche. I was thinking maybe they could be a cannibalistic mongol-style golden horde, or maybe they're a "kingdom," and an old nuclear plant is their "castle."
They have a Concert in Wheels. They are the noisy nuclear motherfuckers.
And the concert in wheels?
You are a good man buddy.
I find the concept of cannibals controlling electric power to be an interesting one. Why do they choose to eat people if they have access to the power that can help run fridges?
They can't be eating out of desperation. Something about their culture makes them want to eat humans.
Their Concrete on Wheels vehicle should just be a massive energy hog. Some kind of super tank covered in engines and wires. Something that can't be penetrated and flaunts off how much power the cannibals have compared to everyone else.
We have to find a reason why they are cannibals though. Maybe due to the reactor agriculture isn't working and after a while they realized that humans taste much better than even the tastiest Two headed cow.
Lets combinate that shit!
We have a warrior caste of degenerate cannibals and a Scientist caste of eggheads Keeping the reactor running.
The eggheads do a big show for the primitives who totally dig the mongol/metal vibe.
What if they're the descendents of scientists and school nerds, and over several generations, have setup a feudal society, trading protection and electricity to small settlements for tribute and serfdom, with the most intelligent ruling as "King," and for whatever reason, they've started worshiping their ruler and eating the hearts of their dead and slain enemies? And instead of metal, thunderously loud static and techno-music?
Actually, maybe the scientists are the ones who are cannibals. They send their metal-head pets out as their "knights" to go collect humans to eat.
I love how you think.
it could be some ritual thing. cut out the heart of the enemy and eat it to gain his strength? or maybe the crops in their land are mutated horribly like some Last of Us-esque nightmare and they're better off eating the rad-saturated human flesh.
Feudal Nuclear Techno Cannibals.
The scientists have convinced their mongoloid followers that they are so smart because they ate the brains of their enemies. The warriors believe if they eat other people, they will one day become geniuses and control the power.
That would be a good twist. Maybe human Meat is just the tastiest stuff you get. Most animals are meager twisted creatures so that humans are the tastiest thing.
The warriors meanwhile are entertained with this huge proped up feudalistic mongol/metal culture.
Obviously we ultimately want the last faction to be generated by rolls, but I suggest we allow the last faction to act as our "civilians" of sorts. There's gotta be normal-ish people for the Force to protect, The Tombstones to steal from, the Spartans to bully, and the Fourth Faction to eat.
Rolled 50 (1d100)
Then lets hope man.
I'll start the role
Well lets have small Independent settlements regardless. We need some normal people caught up in this mess.
>post-apocalyptic ramshackle police force
Man, if they drove around on bikes, you'd essentially have a horde of 2nd rate Judge Dredds.
I support this.
We might want to wait for someone to greentext the cannibals before officially starting.
Well we can certainly swap Metal with Techno. But remember its the 80s so you have weird synthie sounds and a dude with a voice modulator crying about Glory for the nuclear horde/Atomic horde
we haven't quite finished up the cannibals here I think, but I'll keep the roll in mind. part-lives seem like the majority around here.
t. rollanon
I would, but I'm busy right now, in an hour or so I can though.
you are a fucking hero, dude. take your time.
in the meanwhile, we don't we get started with faction number five? someone roll for their genetic state. 1d100 as per the norm.
Plane got delayed for a hour so might as well
>Our facility was left unscathed by the nuclear bombs.
>ironically it was a nuclear reactor.
>we took refuge in it keeping the lights and refrigeration on by maintaining it
>Over time as generations passed more heavily mutated people starting flocking towards us covered in armor and wielding weapons.
>We amazed them with our intelligence and knowledge "Conjuring" power from the reactor to show them the miracles of electricity.
>Eventually our power grew as they devoted themselves to us. They're "Kings" and them our "Knights".
>over time our food was completely diminished and scavenging was just simply not enough
>and so our mighty knights sought out into the wasteland trading our vast amounts of power for tools and weapons as they dragged back fresh meat.
>Our kingdom expanding we became a superpower from within the wastelands a new kingdom dedicated to us. The Kings Of The Atom.
What do you think?
Also fucking hell my plane got delayed even more by a hour
Already rolled for 50 man
Rolled 68 (1d100)
Rolled 35 (1d100)
ah, part lives it is. unless you'd all like to vote on something different? maybe mutants? I dunno.
now, 1d100 for culture. let's see how these survivors organize themselves.
Off topic form faction 4 and future faction 5, but I gotta say just how potentially horrifying the Force could be
>be a survivor in a shitty village in the city
>Spartans charging us ridiculous prices for water, Tombstones stealing our shit, and camnibals threatening to eat us if we try to use electrify without their permission.
>Suddenly, police out of nowhere.
>They fend off people coming for us and pledge to protect the village
>But also they steal my wife to make her a breeding cow
Rolled 78 (1d100)
Settlers. Just trying to get by. Don't get overconfident, these fuckers will fight for hearth and home with the ferocity of the most vicious raider and the implacability of the most well-trained mercenary. Now, 1d100 for governance.
Rolled 61 (1d100)
Rolled 26 (1d100)
Nice, I was hoping for settlers.
Its great.
But i would replace knights with warriors and kingdom of the atom with atomic horde.
More of a punk feeling.
> Oligarchy: A small sect of the group lords over the rest. Similar to single leadership in their absolute power, but spread over a small group rather than one man. Almost as common.
Roll 2d100 for Cultural Quirks!
Rolled 13, 24 = 37 (2d100)
I think we should call this faction the "Nuclear Fiefdom," and the villages and settlements subservient to them "Subatomic Vassals."
Rolled 38, 68 = 106 (2d100)
Thanks babe
Sounds sweet ROLLING
Gotta say, dealing with the other fuckers would make me pissed off too.
> Motor Worship: In a world of vast blasted wastes and monstrous hazards, access to vehicles is the dividing line between life and death for most. Some take this a step farther and literally worship their rides as tools of divine salvation. Maybe they revere them like holy animals, wear garb that evokes them, or even take violent offense to those who mistreat them.
> Xenophobic: Distrustful and always wary of outsiders, the group is often seen as cold or distant by others. Trade is hard, and diplomatic interactions are harder. Other cultural strains often run stronger in insular groups though.
Not too unique, but we can spice it up. Roll 2d100 for Distinctive Appearance.
Rolled 91, 49 = 140 (2d100)
The Fuzz and the settlers must get along well.
Rolled 92, 27 = 119 (2d100)
Icon, xenophobia and motor cult? these seem really damn similar to other factions. how about a reroll?
They have to deal with Techno Punk Nuclear Knight Cannibals and Chad Thundercock Electric Boogaloo 2 Wasteland Edition and Death Cult Bandits no shit man.
Xenophobic makes sense because of they're neighbors but yeah lets reroll motor cult since they're settlers.
Rolled 22 (1d100)
Spikes and mohawks? Sounds like some good ol' fashioned wasteland values to me. Let's add another d100 for variety.
Rolled 92 (1d100)
Here Yah Go
Rolled 29 (1d100)
praying for something unique
I can't actually look at the role table so what the fuck we got?
Assholes. Thank you man. Xenophobic assholes.
Atomic fiefdom is great and subatomic vassals is even greater. Maybe the scientists have flashy names like Baron Boson or Lord Proton.
blunt speaking, hard-nosed settlers who don't trust outsiders and really like mohawks, spikey masks and neon paint. sounds good to me. how about their unique resource? there's gotta be something the other factions want from them to make em so pissy. 1d100 as usual.
Rolled 84 (1d100)
Also they're basically cyberpunk without the cyber and more paranoia
Rolled 8 (1d100)
Water. Heh. Overlaps with the Chads. Shall we reroll?
Clean drinking water. Liquid gold in a rad-infested shithole like this, and they won't try to challenge you to a game of fucking college frisbee or a gladiator deathmatch to get it like the Spartans.
just a quick recap of what we have so far
SOCIETY - Settlers
LEADERSHIP - Council (Oligarchy)
CULTURE - Assholes, Xenophobic
APPEARANCE - Body Paint, Punks, Spikes
They have gasoline. Poor bastards. No shit why the other factions don´t let them be.
Ayy. We shan't anger poseidon who provides refreshments for the spartans even if they are down by 10 in the last quarter.
Gas sounds good too. Maybe they have both? With how paranoid they are they must have built up quite the stockpile.
At this point they are oil drilling ravers.
We should go with guzzaline instead of water. A group of oil barons ruling over assholes with plenty of reasons to be assholes.
Breaks the rules but is great fluff
Alright, at this point it seems like we're going with guzzolene. If we want to bend the rules a little, you guys can vote on having water too. Voting ends at 2:20 AM UCT, or 9:20 EST for east coast yanks.
Now, how's their gear? 1d100 for em.
Rolled 99 (1d100)
Rolling as is tradition
and fuck it lets do it with the dual resource
>yfw when these spicky haired oil drilling asshole ravers could trade water
>but you can barely afford the gasoline
>seems like Chadyonisus the fifth will fuck your Wife again
>he will wipe the jizz in your hairs again and tell you that you should be lucky that a spartan fucked your wife
Rolled 13 (1d100)
I would say stick with gas. That's more than enough reason for everyone to be after them.
I think the Settlers being loaded up on Guzzolene is better than them having Water, because it's an excellent justification for raiding attempts and doesn't undermine the Spartan's fluff.
I vote No. Guzzolene is enough problems for these sorry assholes.
Okay, that's some good fluff.
Oh shite, military-grade gear.