>coworkers start talking about tabletop
Coworkers start talking about tabletop
>coworkers start talking about ERP
>shit posters start using the same format across boards
>coworkers reveal themselves to actually be strangers roleplaying as my coworkers
>they're talking about 4e D&D
>One of your Coworkers says "Dungeons and Dragons is the tool of the devil".
>Talk to coworker about tabletop
>He's a 3.5 fag
>Hasn't played anything else
>Refuses to play anything but 3.5 or admit that it's flaws are horrid
>Regurgitates same "points" about 4e and 5e that have been used for years
>he doesn't understand caster supremacy
>when it is explained to him, he denies it exists
Heaven forbid you socialise with people
>players start talking about work
>characters start talking about work
>players start talking about characters
Characters start playin' 'bout work.
Her face.
Work starts playing characters.
Pretty sure this is some kind of surrealist tabletop-based sitcom.
You joke but one of my co-workers once explained to me the concept of futanari.
>Work play starts characters
>characters in the game start talking about the players at the table
> friend uses the word waifu unironically
help me
>table starts playing talking characters
Player characters start tabling work
>Understand Caster Supremacy
>Still enjoy 3.5 because i like really high fantasy
I don't know why i just don't like low power games like 5e.
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>He tries to pretend that Monk is a good class and one of the best classes in the game.
>Tries to tell you about his tank monk build that has 16 AC at Level 4.