Can someone explain to me how XVG is not complete doge shit?

Can someone explain to me how XVG is not complete doge shit?

it made me a lot of money today, it can't be dog shit

It's a PnD that went too far because normie adoption and mcafee

i'm still trying to get in fuck me

Probably not. You wouldn't understand.

As far as I know, it's bitcoin + tor. This wraith upgrade maybe hides the actual transactions now?

Yeah, a pump and dump that sustained a market crash and held the line after 20x gains.

How fucking dumb are you stupid Monero shills?

It's not a PND you fucking idiots, this is easily going to several dollars.

There's no Veeky Forumstards and Discordfags in the world, Vizard included, that could ever pump the entire thing to this state.


RDD was a pnd back in the summer, and it looks like its doing the same thing now. PnD doesn't mean the coin is shit though. If it went this far then it probably has at least some merit.

> Never delivers Wraith
> No information on team < LMFAO
> PnD shitcoin, gone way too far.

>mcafee tweeted about it. can't be shit yo.

Dude. The summer was a very different (and less valuable) market than it is now.

To hold the line now, compared to summer, isn't even a thing.


There was a large community (Monero) of haters from day 1

>be me
>be mc
>be afee
>buy shitcoin
>shill it on twitter
>dump on normies

You're such a stupid fuck. They didn't want to release a product that they weren't happy yet just to appease a stupid timer, and retarded fucks like yourself

If you think there's no information on a dev team then you're truly handicapped as the guys Twitter profile is extremely active

Stay salty you fucking homo

sell now???

Well, memecoins are successful sometimes. But it has no real world use.

Verge is complete shit. But the market is in a huge bubble still. Newcomers are buying low cost coins because they are broke and cant afford to buy whole coins like Bitcoin Litecoin Monero. So they are buying trash like Ripple, Iota, Verge , and other low cost shit like Dgb, Sia, etc. Go look at all the current top coins on bittrex. Its all shit that cost like a dollar or less.

I expect things to go like until we have a major blood bath and flush out all the clueless normies

At this point this shit FUD attempts make anyone XVG holder just laugh.
Your butthurt shows too hard.

Tell me about their team user.
Tell me they didnt delay Wraith a few times before already.
Enjoy your bags soon.

LOL at even comparing Monero to a serious contender while calling Ripple a shitcoin

Yeah, no biased here, you fucking lemming XMR sack of shit

Lol at thinking this thing would crash below where it started pumping. How stupid are you?

It's cute how Doge Dark faggots have this obsession with XMR. Sorry guys, we've got MIT on our side. All Verge has is empty promises and fancy branding targeted to 15 year olds. Reminds me of a skateboard meme.

Monero is gutter trash. Slow as fuck, fees are shit, and everything about it is a sub-par experience.

All it takes is for you to do a transaction with both coins, and until you've done that, you know literally nothing

as true as this is, there have been big gains made :(
my friends got in early and made 200$ at least

however, drugs are still way easier to buy with xmr than with btc

At least no one can see our transaction history. lel

Can't argue with gains - I just can't stand the XVG community and thus will never put money in to it. The XMR community is all about the product - not getting some "influencer" to tweet about it.
No worried about speeds - XMR is for keeping steady gains in a volatile market. AEON is for the speed. Go look it up

>They didn't want to release a product that they weren't happy yet just to appease a stupid timer,

Then why the fuck did they keep setting dates and delaying it again and again?

>Cares about transaction speeds more than his 'privacy coin' not actually being private

It's too late to get in on this one isn't it? FUCK

Buy Monero - it's never too late because it's not a pump and dump

$200 lol. This is exactly my point. Verge, Ripple, Iota and other trash coins are pumping because all the broke normies like being able to afford more than 1 coin. They don't care about the tech. They are trying to get lucky and praying that the 5,000 coins they just bought for $10 goes parabolic like Bitcoin. They aren't investing, they are gambling, looking for lightning jhoping they get lucky and get rich quick. In 2 years Monero will still be around and in use. Verge won't

its almost as if the most substantial fud leads to the biggest gains
BTC: worst cryptoCURRENCY by far, the cause of unprecedented cybercrime, years long mass media attack
ETH: DAO, lead dev tweets about child porn and heroin and every other stupid thing vitalik says, parity wallet hack
XRP: centralized, multibillion supply, "bankercoin", jews

>its almost as if the most substantial fud leads to the biggest gains

At least every single other one of those coins have reasons to survive. BTC was the first major crypto, everyone knows about it. ETH is the first major crypto that everyone know about in regards to smart contracts, XRP has corporate backing which makes people confident in it

Verge is a privacy coin that isn't even private. It's riding on hype from McAffee and fomo building on fomo as a self-fulfilling prophecy

doge back in top 10

Jesus Christ you sound so salty, like crypto currency is a secret kiddies club or something. Pathetic.

A coin doesn't have to be any good user.

It just needs enough people to believe it can make them rich.

The answer was in ourselves all along.

i-its a p-p-pump and -d-d-dump a-a-a-amirite guys

Not a pump and dump, but neither was Digibyte and look how that ended up in the end

McShiteater shilled it during the normie influx. Normies want to get the next 1,000,000% gain that they missed out on with Bitcoin.

It's still shit, and the devs are still liars who can't meet their own deadlines.

> whales can't cash out
> whales don't know about Computer Science pumped it
> Normies buy a shit and lose.

They would like a word with you

I'm legitimately excited for the next generation of Digimarines, wherever this buying craze ends

Fuck you John. All my normie friends and family are now heavily invested in this P&D scheme and are talking about it. I just want to go back in time before the great normie attack.

>bought 100k xvg at 58 sat
>sold 50k at 138 sat
>been holding the remaining 50k ever since
Regardless if this is a "real" coin or not, this is a bubble that will burst very soon, with potentially disastrous results. Planning on selling my bags at 2k sat and enjoying my shiny BTC, which I have much more faith in

All the same though,
>stay salty novergers