My Life For the Swarm Edition
>Latest news :
>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
Got Squatted, use pen and paper or whatever
>WIP Math-hammer doc
My Life For the Swarm Edition
>Latest news :
>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
Got Squatted, use pen and paper or whatever
>WIP Math-hammer doc
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first for tau are reddit
Second for rip list builder
You only make us stronger.
I like the fact that in a galaxy of stagnation, the tau are still developing technologically. That's a neat thing they have going for them lore wise. But they seem so boring to play. What's fun about them this edition?
Main 40k friend bends rules a bit, is this normal?
>plays a clean game, until last turn, unit needs to be within 3" of obj to win, scatters 8" away, moves 6" toward, somehow closer than he started
>10 minute discussion of why my guys have to count 1" movement to get over every frickin pebble / barrel, then next turn all the genestealers on level below are attacking unit on level 3" above
>muh plasma squad definitively more than 4" away from his patriarch (width of the dreadnought base that he killed 2.5" plus more than 1.5" from unit behind), moves it without measuring at all and declares combat, "well it was so close I didn't even need to measure so I didn't think you would have a problem"
Has a nice table, space, doesn't smell bad. Deal with it or go back out into the wild FLGS trolling for non-thatguy players?
>galaxy of stagnation
Don't need to develop new stuff when you've already finished science.
By laughing at you? What is this, some sort of masochist kink?
They haven't finished science though. There's a whole parallel dimension of natural phenomena that the monkeys call the warp. The necron know nothing about it.
considering that yarrick and the armageddon ork hunters both are humans utilizing ork equipment, does this mean that humans might be able to generate something similar to the WAAAGH! field?
What do you think acts of faith are?
Want to build an army for the first time! Is admech any good? What are some great units? Bad ones?
that's different tho, those are active miracles from what I understand
I'm referring to a passive field that tech such as the power klaw yarrick is using requires to function
If he's your friend just talk to him you autist. Say you'd prefer if everyone measured because it makes the game more tactical (or whatever)
The miracles come from the Emperor.
The Emperor is kept alive by the people's faith.
The more faith there is, the more powerful the Emperor, and therefore the miracles, becomes.
Ergo, WAAAGH! energy. It really is just a self-contained version of the emotion reflecting capabilities of the warp.
How is Genestealer Cult in 8th edition?
After playing my firsr game of 8th today my oppnent and I were both newbies and had some questions we coudn't answer ourselves. Maybe you anons can help me:
>you get 2 cognis heavy stubbers on the Dunecrawler (AdMech/Skitarii) when you purchase the neutron laser + stubber for 25pts for it's points and the stubber as an extra 8pts right?
>does Dominus still heal a friendly unit in 3" range even when he is bound in melee combat? What about his own heal?
>how do necrons deal with morale in regards to their reanimation protocols?
Maybe you guys can clarify some things.
ad mech were mid tier in 7th, idk about new edition though, ad mech have two units i really like though, onager dunecrawlers and kastelan robots, duncrawlers with a neutron lasers are practically the best anti tank in the game and a dunecrawler with an icarus array melts flyers. Kastelans robots on the other hand can extremely durable and can be used as beautifully powerful close combat fighters or shooters that can pump out 18 s5 ap-2 shots each per turn. But with ad mech when choosing your hq choose a dominus whenever possible, they are just amazing at everything.
Finally tried 8th.
Played my ad mech vs full c/c tyranids.
Lost by anibble but man, had so much fucking fun.
the game is just so better than it used to be. Feels a lot more tactic too, and I felt there were no instances where my units or my opponents were completely useless(even if units feel more specialized than before).
Also, how bad it is to want to play only with power level? bringing models and putting a list in 5 seconds feels just too good.
i play only for fun and hate comp. speglords so i guess it's ok?
What is the general consensus on 8th, anyway?
Only people who actually played it plz, no theoryhammer or mathammer for now.
yes, probably(don't have the book on me now), he heals every turn regardless of the situation and morale tests are made counting loss from the current turn, so reanimation doesn't change anything
What're thoughts on Kult of Speed now? I know bikes put out a LOT of firepower, especially Nob bikes, and outrider on the trakks is neat, though deffkoptas are absurdly expensive.
is it just me or is tg full of ad mech players but whenever ive gone into my local shop there are no ad mech players, why is this, is everyone just on tg pretending to be a admech player because we are clearly the superior race
Bought two additional plague drones for my mech-oriented CSM, can anyone speak to how they play? They seem like more of a flanking or harassing unit against troops.
>30 choppa boyz with waaagh banner, ghazghkull and a weirdboy casting warpath puts out 180 attacks
Actually, the Necron know quite a lot. They can siphon Warp energy and block the Warp entry to this universe.
Also warp stuff is sorcery, not science.
teegee has a higher proportion of guard and admech and it slants discussion and polls like so.
so don`t take it for a proper reflection of the community at large
>Lost by anibble
Yes and yes.
Dunno about the necrons and morale.
I suppose it depends on whether Slain and Removed from play are the same thing or not.
If they are, reanimation can bring back morale losses, if they aren't then those 'deaths' are permanent.
Shadowspectres seem pretty good.
Seriously, is the mega for books dead or what?
Science is a process by which you learn how the world you live in works.
The world the necrons live in includes the warp. "finishing" science would involve learning all there is to know about the warp.
In a universe where magic exists, magic is just another field of discovery to a scientist. Fucking Luddite.
Tried a game yesterday.
feels solid, a lot of stuff has been nerfed(thankfully)and now you have to think before acting.
vanguard are still great and now wound big targets easier(6+now grants 2 damage tho instead of 2 wounds so they are slightly worse at dealing with infantry), breachers are FINALLY useful(neutron lasers are still kinda shitty), dominus is now incredibly resilent, dragoons have improved durability but wont insta-kill vehicles like before and kastellans are now literally unkillable BUT have suffered a huge nerf in versatility.
if you give them double phosphor they won't be able to hit as hard as before in close combat, expecially against big targets like tyr big monsters(a hive tyrant charged them and kept them occupied for most of the game).
canticles are way weaker now but when used wisely can still make a difference.
meant to say "by just a bit"
No idea how it came out
Its 4 am and still have a lot of Munitorum work to do
Please don't report to my superior
I dont want to be turned into a servitor.
Purr cult has changed, chimaeras dropped in usefulness, goliath trucks and rockgrinders are way better, I'd say trucks are mandatory in pure cult lists. Aberrants got more useful now that initiative is gone. They chew up high wound models but aren't good for much else (anecdote: an unbuffed unit of 4 with hammers took 9 wounds off a dreadknight in one round). Metamorphs are garbage imo, the non-saw mining weapons are awesome, the seismic cannon got nerfed. The changes to reserves and the loss of summoning hurt, but things could easily get better with artifacts and strategems. We can now easily take AM and nid units. Want a baneblade? You can just take one. Solid mid tier imo, much less bookkeeping niw
CC nids
He lost by a
Bad when your army is built around how they were meant to be played in 7th. bad in general really. you need more Sentinels / russes than ever
Half your army on the board fucks them hard, cult ambush nerfed, no return to the shadows + restock of men and little shitty min units with t3 5+ suck balls.
Of all the "you need formations to play aaand....Oops we deleted formations sorry :^)" armies i'm pretty sure GSC was hit the hardest seems Harlequins and Skitarri got off well.
The world I live in includes your butthole.
I've never been inside it but I know enough about it to know that I don't ever want to be there.
Able to take baneblades now, so theyve got that going for them
Hey sisters of basshole guy. Nice re-butt-al. hahaha, amirite?
>neutron lasers
meant torsion cannon
Reposting from the last thread for some feedback.
Any obvious problems with this list?
Dark Angel Battalion-
3x 5-man Tactical Squads w/MLs
Razorback w/Assault Cannon
2x Razorback w/Twin LC
Caestus Assault Ram
Deathwing Ancient w/THSS
Deathwing Apothecary
5-man Deathwing Knight Squad
2x Relic Whirlwind Scorpius
Asmodai, Ezekial and the Ancient boost the attack and give rerolls to the DWKnights who all hop into the Caestus and shoot across the field to hunt heretics. Scorpius's and Razorbacks give some supporting fire from downrange.
People like to say that tau are terrible now
But wait till commander spam goes mainstream
Enjoy Deepstrike into melta range with 4 fusions at BS 2+. With easily acquired reroll 1`s to hit.
For all of about 160 pts? It can deepstrike and potentially kill a land raider in one phase
tau should do just fine in 8th, they need not sob about no fromage in the fridge
Does anyone have the Space Marine booklet that comes with the starter? Only seen the Death Guard one.
41st for "Thick is only a state of mind"
Holy shit lel, this speech guilliman gives in Dark Imperium
>These changes will benefit us all, and in time will aid the Imperium. I intend to make Ultramar a model of what the Imperium can be
>Look beyond your own borders - you will see our empire is crumbling!
>I will shore up the walls and make it great again.
That HAS to be on fucking purpose
You realize that your Knights will be shot off the board unless they teleport right? And that Asmodai and Ezekiel can't do that?
which one? The novels are gone just so you know.
Fucking thank you.
>Aberrants got more useful now that initiative is gone. They chew up high wound models but aren't good for much else
Really? Aberrant somehow seem even shitter, and i always liked them so it hurts. the loss of FNP is awful + no synergy with the Iconward (He sucks dick anyway)
Armoured Sents and Metamorph's are beyond pointless-tier. Rockgrinders seem good on paper but i don't see them getting up the field
The Patriarch seems okay but you really need to take at least 2+ Primus now for his reroll. the loss of anything even remotely like the Subterranean uprising means every unit is just praying for a 5+ roll on a single d6. Plus you really want a Psyker for Hypnosis or maybe MC so really HQ slots are just gonna be Primus/Magus
Pure cult seems weak as hell, and i never even abused summoning before.
>Veeky Forums goes on and on about how orks are broken now
>take orks out of storage and go down to the GW for a game
>end up doing 2000 points against space marines
>gorkanaut is killed turn 1 by plasma cannon devastators and lascannon predator
>turn both my trukks are destroyed, boyz on foot now
>2 tactical squads rapidfire and completely wipe out a unit of 30 boyz that were teleported across the field by a weirdboy (failed their charge)
>biker warboss and nob bikers killed off by lascannon fire
there's a big difference between spoonfeeding and just being a giant faggot, you massive queer.
Im going to build one which involves spamming boyz in trukks. I plan to sprinkle the list with buggies, koptas, bikes, some bug gunz and maybe a flyer for flavor.
Not a fan of nobz on bikes. I love the idea of nobz, but I've never actually fielded them as a unit and I've been playing since 3rd ed...
And a state of head thickness.
In the OP, friend.
sounds like you got unlucky or you made a really bad list
Good to know. Those looked like the ones I was most interested in, aside from electropriests.
I thought the point of 8th was that there were no bad lists, you could play un-optimized, fluffy lists and still keep up
well, they're good, but they're not "I play retarded and still win good"
Wachu got against Abhumans?
Git gud
Bullgyrn are so fun now. A conga line of muscle beating everything down.
>no bad lists
you dun goofed and got shenangled
Good to know, thanks! I want to know how good the electro priests are, since that crazy rule about their mortal wound field seems great.
>tfw elysian drop troops can take krak grenades for 0 points, then get an order on them turning all their weapons into assault weapons, letting them fire a lasgun and throw 2 grenades each model
>tfw your friend is discovered to be a waacfag
Asmodai and Ezekiel both go in the Caestus with the Knights.
Who the fuck thought orikan +4 ghost arcs with fuck your shit quantum shielding supporting 6x20 squads of warriors was balanced. Because it's bullshit.
pic related
>List Builder got squatted
Well fuck. I don't suppose he had a git repo to clone?
Oh well. I guess I'll build a desktop/mobile app. Sounds like a useful thing to do and I kind of hate the fucking index layouts.
So is having 2-3 command squads loaded with special weapons the new meta for mech guard?
>12 bs3+ plasma guns hop out of a chimera
Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
call him out on his bullshit and see what happens
stop being a pussy
Filthy dumb tripfag scum
Except it explicitly states only one guy can throw a grenade per turn because reasons.
never used electro priest so far because they were beyond useless before, but on paper they seem like INCREDIBLY powerful.
i always loved their model, so i'll grab a fewof boxes asap. Close combat mechanicus list, here i come!
Orks are still shit unless you monobuild boy mobz and weirdboyz
The same person who thought universal 5++ and -1 to hit made for a fun experience when fighting DE? At least nurgle in fantasy is slow and not super deadly. Everyone knows MoN is bananas but it's either super expensive or on weak combat units and only works in melee. Meanwhile in 40k..
Multiple units of 5 sisters for grenade spam... something I want to try now.
They didn't fix that? What the hell man.
Does this apply to overwatch too?
That or Scions in Taurox Primes.
The order makes all weapons into the Assault type.
That means the frag and krak grenades are no longer grenade type, they are assault type. Grenade is a weapon type, such as "Grenade D6". A frag grenade would now read "Assault D6"
>10 elite Wolfguard with Stormbolters and Chainswords next to a Wulfen unit and a Wolf Priest.
>Fire 40 rapid fire shots then charge for 40 melee attacks.
>easily btfo by 30 dirt cheap retards wielding pieces of junk who barely know how to swing.
>most play tested edition ever
bravo gw
Why are people so upset at the list maker not working when it's not that hard to manually make lists, even without pen and paper?
I don't even know where to start with Necrons outside of the Cryptek/Ark/Warrior combo, hlep
Best forge world characters in 8th?
Lias raptor chapter master
Sons of Medusa guy
>ghost arks
they get their shit pushed in by the knife ears
Yeah, that won't last past the FAQ
Must remain 9 inches plus away.
9 inches is half for melta.
Try again.
How the fuck is that unit of boyz going to get into combat?
If they get teleported, theyre leaving all their support unit sbehind and will suck shit
If they footslog, they can get killed with ease before getting halfway there
who dat
Getting across the map is gonna be incredibly hard for you, though, since no transport.
weight of numbers
Is there any restriction stopping my GK Librarian from taking a Storm Shield? The index says to follow the SM Lib in Termie armor and apply the extra rules, but doesn't say anything about ranged weapons/offhand.
The rockgrinders is pretty quick now, especially with the flamer. Allied tropes seem like they'll really help, catalyst give the old 5+++, and onslaught let's you advance shoot and charge for only WC6. Pure cult is in a pretty rough spot right now for sure though. The key is making good use of neophytes and acolytes. While a 5+ ambush is awesome, you can't operate on the assumption you will get it. Abuse the new unit rules to fight the 50% rule (ex rockgrinder, 5 acolytes and a primus counts as 3 units by putting a single model on the table, great for deploying first). Primus makes a rockginder have 6 + d3 attacks hitting at 4+ on the charge. Trucks with kitted neophytes have decent dakka and are surprisingly durable. Pedestrians and acolytes tens to vaporize whatever they touch
Lias Issodon does look both fun and powerful.
>tfw hate electro priests models but their rules are good
time to kms
At least Sicarians are still semi-viable.
Trukka boyz are crap as usual
Fuck it: Anything in a Trukk is still shit
Kommandos still suck dick
Stormboyz without Zag are shit (Zag isn't even very good)
Shokk Gun is crap
Big Meks are just boring and pointless fucking Warpsmith-tier pieces of shit
Bikers suck due to leadership if not near a boyz mob/Warboss
Flash gitz still paper thin 6+ save
8th is just lame Boyz/Warphead spam. Goff/Snakebite players get to have fun and every other Klan is just given the finger
i dont know a single ranged-heavy list that would struggle to put down 60-90 boyz before they reach them
Unless you run literally ONLY boyz, youre going to have a fucking bad time