RIP Stewart Wieck T____T

RIP Stewart Wieck T____T


>Stewart Wieck
Literally who

This better be bait.

>Literally what is Google

It's not like he is that known by name but you can easily google him.
One of the founders of White Wolf.

Sad news for the pleather trenchcoat industry I guess

OMFG, he was leading the Talislanta reboot. God-damn-diddly-dang!

He was a giant, not just for White Wolf but for many other games he either designed or produced as a big backer. Fuckety.


>Steve Wieck
>59 mins ยท
>Yesterday my brother Stewart Wieck died. He had just finished a light fencing workout and then fell over. All attempts to resuscitate him failed. It's still unknown what caused it; we'll know more in a few days. Something catastrophic in his heart perhaps. Stewart was 49, ate right, exercised, a specimen of good health... it's all just.. stunning that he could possibly, suddenly be gone. He was my brother, my best friend, my business partner since we started White Wolf in high school. He was an incredible human being, full of kindness and empathy, fun and artistic passion. I was supposed to grow old drinking and gaming with him. Now that will have to wait for heaven or Valhalla or whatever comes next. And of course, leave it to Stewart to die with a sword in his hand.
No need for flowers, no memorial service has been arranged yet, we're just taking things a step at a time. Anyone involved with Stewart's publishing projects feel free to reach out to me in a few weeks.

We have him and Mark Rein-Hagen to thank for World of Darkness (starting with VtM).

>We have him and Mark Rein-Hagen to thank for World of Darkness (starting with VtM).
Not sure if that's something to be lauded but eh.

>He had just finished a light fencing workout and then fell over. All attempts to resuscitate him failed. It's still unknown what caused it;
Wow, that's rough...

May this F buy you passage into the next

Dude. At the time White Wolf started, no one started a company in this business without real passion for the industry. They were real gamers with a real passion for it, and decided to make their great love their life, their business, their *legacy*. Think about it; WHite wolf's world of darkness? It was one of the first 'modern day' RPGs, it practically defined the urban fantasy genre. It was the inspiration for tons of works, derivitive and non, and is today still one of the most popular role playing games of all time. Why SHOULDN'T we laud what he did for our hobby, even if we may not personally enjoy it ourselves?


And you could see his passion in Mage the Ascension, possibly one of the finest RPGs ever made.

Death is but a beginning; may your spirit travel ever onward...

Mage the Ascension (revised) was my first ever non-DnD RPG. It pretty much cemented my love for philosophical knife-fights between allies, and how a change in perspective can make everything seem so... different.

One side is a greedy, control-hungry villian that seeks to dominate all mankind. The other is an alliance of protectors and guardians trying to keep it safe from a world out of balance.

Which side is the Technocracy, and which side is the Traditions?

>One of the founders of White Wolf.
Knowing that he probably died trying to suck his own dick :D

>WoD gets bought out by Paradox, the exploitiest band of copyright FUD hooligans ever to exist
>Stewie Wieck fails to even hit 50

Not a crazy fan of WoD or White Wolf. But still, F.

>furfag supreme ate shit
good, fuck WoD, and fuck the furfags who crept back on the site through this TTRPG's enabling bullshit.


>Death is but a beginning; may your spirit travel ever onward...
You can mourn the guy but there's no need to go full cringe senpai

Why couldn't they take Monte Cook instead? Damn you, death!

What the fuck are you talking about?

He's not entirely wrong. Old WoD was super furry and their werewolf books even used furry artists.

This is why we stick with Vampire, user.

Oh fuck off. Back then nobody even knew or even cared what a furry was. This is before that CSI show and the fucking Internet made it an apparent norm. Naturally there were a few fetishists but they were already playing Albedo which predates Werewolf by some time. Once upon a time you could play a humanoid animal without faggots bleating FURRY, because it was about interesting roleplaying and not magical realm garbage.


Oh, so some fucking retarded vampire offed himself for being too gay?

Good riddance.

Furries can be traced back to 1984, coalescing out of comic and SF fandoms. They entered the 'mainstream' in the early 2000s when a pervert managed to convert a convention into a distinctly sexualised thing. His name escapes me, I'll google around a bit. Andrew Bates worked on a number of werewolf titles, and he was a guest of honour and furry panelist in ConFurence East 1996.

I wish I didn't know that.

Mark Merlino, and it was in 1997 that the furries went into yiff-overdrive, not the early 2000s. On of Merlino's early 'disciples' was Bates.

>Anne Rice RPG
>any better than furshit
What next, an impassioned defense of Fifty Shades of Grey?

well its a shame how he went, but I suppose there are worse ways to die.

bon voyage stewart wieck, I hope you enjoy your afterlife.
see you in the next.


I sense you do not respect him? that's fine but why be so vulgar about it

>it was about interesting roleplaying and not magical realm garbage
They employed writers who were unironically and provably furries to work on a game about humanoid wolves.

Old WOD is known for its rampant magical realming so I don't know what you're talking about. There was tons of kinky supernatural sex shit in those books.

>Ow the edge

Good riddance to bad rubbish, Vampire becoming popular was the moment nerd culture turned to shit. Without the invasion of goths and edgelords we would have never seen any of the subsequent waves of "LOL I R so nerdyyy~" shit.


>complains about edgelords
>is a edgelord

No you don't understand! Everything I don't like is objectively BAD, CRINGY and GAY and all the faggots liking these things I dislike must kill themselves!!!

you know the entirety of OWoD was just a plethora of failure and AIDS when you think about it and the only thing that was worth have a shit out of it was Mage.

Pretty sure videogames made nerd culture shit, user.

>is a edgelord
>can't into a/an distinction

Boy, do I have the image for you.

>the entirety of OWoD was just a plethora of failure and AIDS

>the only thing that was worth have a shit out of it was Mage
Also true in a way but T B H they stole most of the worthwhile shit in the system out of Ars Magica.

At least I'm not complaining about edgelords while celebrating the death of a guy because he made games I disliked.

Damn. I may not have cared to play the OWoD (or NWoD for that matter) but I can very much appreciate the diversity he helped bring to the world of TTRPGs by being one of the biggest people to use an urban fantasy setting.

user I think you sum it up best. Hell even when Monte "Ivory Tower" Cook kicks it I'll feel a bit sad.

Best comment so far.

I don't even care about Vampire, that's not my point.

Literally go kill yourself. Have some fucking respect for the dead, you heathen.

>blames vidya
>is probably some sort of horrible nyan or uguu

>Old WOD is known for its rampant magical realming... There was tons of kinky supernatural sex shit in those books.

Might sound weird but I kinda dig the fact that those books, and the NWoD to a lesser (?) extent, chose to explore supernatural sex. Sure it was sometimes very immature sometimes but they were the first to really bring the topic to the mainstream in the realm of RPGs.

>he probably died trying to suck his own dick
No, he died from light exercise. In other words, a true fa/tg/uy.

I'm more concerned about the cringe levels. There's a bit comparing transformation into a werewolf about how right it is to go sit on a dick in WTF2e. It's a bit silly.


Fuck Steve Wieck

Holy fuck you stupid nigger. One of the clans in Vampire is literally Conan's Stygians. Anne Rice RPG my ass, you stupid nigger

Sounds like those footballers etc - excess training damages your heart and some people can't regen the damage

>denying that V:tM is essentially Anne Rice RPG
>on the basis that they cribbed some shit out of Conan for the margins
user I don't even dislike Vampire but that's stone cold retarded.

He was just 20 years older than me...


Must have been misery to see his creation being shat on by CCP anbd Parashit.


>Wieck willed himself to death after reading the V5 playtest docs

>angrily denying that Vampire is based on Anne Rice novels
user... pick your battles.


>One of the founders of White Wolf.
It's impossible to express how much I don't care, since I have to use words, and that's frankly overdoing it.

Correct, WoD and other white wolf products are hyper edgy garbage.

>he was leading the Talislanta reboot.
Inasmuch as he was running Nocturnal. Even if the entire planet were to self-destruct, I think SMS would still finish TSL.


There are a lot of posts here my man, but yours is the only good one.

>Have some fucking respect for the dead, you heathen.

Where do you think you are? And even if it wasn't where we are, only people who own the entire Blade trilogy on blu-ray will give a shit.

>possibly one of the finest RPGs ever made.

Is this nigga serious?

literally who? oh its some goth rpg guy, not even a DnD guy.

man you ttrpgers are adorable thinking Veeky Forums stuff outside warhammer is relevant.

>user has never played WoD but feels the need to shitpost regardless.

We played them as an absurd comedy.

Shit, the first edition of VtM, was dedicated to Vaclav Havel author of numerous absurd dramas.

I don't think he could have made the sarcasm any more blindingly obvious.

Are you really surprised that a V:tM autist can't into humor, sarcasm or really any non-literal expression?

was that not because WWs authors have always been leftists and socialists?

>Waiting for Godot
Waiting for Gehenna
Everyone inevitability becomes some kind of Vampire or something.
>Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead
There's a bunch of wanky metaplot but the actual game is about a few random side characters.

Checks out.

Proper leftists would hate Havel for playing a role in bringing down leftist, socialist dictatorship.

Please /pol/.

I often forget that there are people who actually give a shit about base WoD setting, despite how utterly shit it is.


>man you ttrpgers are adorable thinking Veeky Forums stuff outside warhammer is relevant.
Warhammerfags, everyone! Pure unadulterated cringe.