Any one play this game?
Coriolis The Thrid Horizon
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I can't spell :(
I have never even heard of this game
Why is the picture so tiny?
could you post some art from the game?
Sorry here are a few concept photos from the book.
So is it any good?
Idk,I'm waiting on responses. I'm debating if I wanna buy a copy of the PDF. If someone has the PDF that would be great!
From what I've heard it's another one of those "Cool setting, meh mechanics" games.
As far as settings go, it's hard to beat if you're looking for WPFF but its heavy mechanics can be a chore if you're used to more narrativist games like I am.
>Dammit, Phil. Stop shooting everyone!
It's the same core mechanics as M:YZ, M:GA and the like.
It's on the crunchy side, but simpler than SR or EP.
Never heard of it. What is it: an RPG, a minis game, a board game, what?
>Arabs in space
No, i don't play it.
files dot
dot moe
White People Free Fiction
That could be one of the most retarded terms I've heard in a long time.
So having gotten the PDF and giving it a look through. It seems interesting. Mechanically it doesn't seen like it does anything new but it doesn't look terrible either. Art is good, setting seems kinda cool. Although I wish they went a little further with the whole "Arabian Nights in Space" concept, Where are the Space Sultans flying harem ships guarded by Space Djinn with plasma scimitars?
You can die to weaponised space memes. 10/10 RPG
No, it's not. Literally the only reason people play it is because other space settings aren't explicitly free from whites.
Yes that is correct, it's a racist setting. It's one step worse than myfarog I'd say.
what that even means?
....But white people feature prominently in the art? Just look at their kickstarter.
>sand niggers in space
Does your next character get a bonus if you snackbar yourself?
This is the camels and curved swords Arabia, not the Note 7 Arabia. Different eras, user.
You're the type of person that got triggered by Witcher 3 or Legend of the Five Rings not having any black NPCs, aren't you user.
>publisher is from Sweden
>This is the camels and curved swords Arabia, not the Note 7 Arabia. Different eras, user.
So, what you're saying is that they're busy snackbaring the Space Byzantines until the Space Crusaders show up to retake Space Jerusalem?
You may not like it, but that doesn't mean it isn't necessary. I understand that it can feel confusing or upsetting to be excluded but there is already so much WPIF for you to enjoy.
White People Free Fiction is a growing movement of AoC (Artists of Color) and even some white artists to forego the constraints of including white people in their fictional visions.
>Implying I'm white
>Implying that it still isn't a retarded fucking term.
>Implying you're not just shitposting anyway.
Fuck off, Leftycuck. You're not welcome here.
>White People Free Fiction is a growing movement of AoC (Artists of Color)
>other space settings aren't explicitly free from whites.
>Yes that is correct, it's a racist setting. It's one step worse than myfarog I'd say.
>White People Free Fiction
jesus fucking christ. the postmodern left is the exact same asshole as the nazis, just pointed in the opposite direction. im starting to believe that the most racist people on earth are POCs.
ill stick to gurps and my own homebrew setting
News flash, tumblr is retarded. Even though I'm fairly certain that user is just shitposting.
Just came here to see how long it took for /pol/ to show up.
Once again I am not surprised.
It's the Degenesis: Rebirth threads all over again.
>Not tumblranon
>ill stick to gurps and my own homebrew setting
You can do that! No one is going to take your expression away from you; please don't begrudge others for expressing themselves in their own way, even if it doesn't appeal to you.
Do you remember the good ol' days when you could make a joke on Veeky Forums without people crying "muh /pol/"
I remember those days.
I miss those days.
>White People Free Fiction is a growing movement of AoC (Artists of Color)
Well at least they're actually creating their own shit instead of screaming "waaaaah give me more black people". But I'll give it a pass.
>to forego the constraints of including white people in their fictional visions
Right, I forgot that whitey was the source of all problems.
Why the fuck is it named Coriolis? Did they just pick a random science-y word?
>just a joke bro xD
>The user has literally no sense of humor
You're right, it's not at all a tired old joke when people are genuinly trying to discuss games that aren't generic boring shit and actually trying something new or interesting, but instead returning to the "lol arabs/niggers!", I fully agree.
Pic related.
Ah, right. I forgot we were on the super serious discussion forum, and not, you know, fucking Veeky Forums.
Maybe another website is more your style.
When there is a thread of someone actually trying to be serious, I do remember that Veeky Forums used to be serious as well, with the occasional, topical joke.
Nowadays it's more /v/ though, which is just sad.
Can we please get back on topic here?
What is this then?
>Can we please get back on topic here?
Most definitely.
I've played this a modest amount, as I got into this version much better than the original game, which was fun and had cool aesthetics, but had horrible rulesets and a very cluttered set of sections. Ships especially.
The new system really works well, with the use of Dark Points(? I only have the Swedish version and I'm not sure about the translation) and such, and how the tests don't interfere with the narrative very much, a personal great point from me.
The setting is what does it the most for me though, because I am actually not terrified of other cultures, and I find that arabic and similar cultures are very interesting, and it fits well with the idea of the game, the whole Arabian Nights in Spaaaace! thing, and how each group can easily fit in, be they tactical ops agents or spice merchants (or even fucking entertainers from a circus in spaaace!), it really immerses you in the setting if you have a good, caring GM.
White People inclusive fiction i would assume.
>I only have the Swedish version
>I find that arabic and similar cultures are very interesting
Spotted the cuck.
le ebin meme :^) nice work, upboat
Not a meme, just stating reality.
If he's not preparing to drive the Muslims from his home, he's a cuck who's standing by while they rape his people's women.
Did anyone try this link yet?
To be honest, the white race will be extinct within 30 years. The only sane thing to do at this point is make some cobalt bombs and kill the planet, so that we can make sure our enemies also go extinct.
>Remember back when I could be a racist and nobody would call me out on it?
keep in mind that this is not Islam in space, but 1001 Nights in space, there's a substantial difference.
Pre-islamic arabian culture was quite a rich mix of things.
Racism isn't something to be ashamed of. There is nothing wrong with caring about the future of your people, your race and your genes. I suggest you cut your wrists, libtard, or I'll make sure you suffer far worse on the day of the ropes.
>White People Free Fiction is a growing movement of AoC (Artists of Color) and even some white artists to forego the constraints of including white people in their fictional visions.
I hope you don't let whites play. Actual it sounds like only arabs should play, cultural appropriation is a serious issue. /s
just downloaded, PDFs are fine and according my AV and Anti-Malware software they're clean too.
non-Western Culture inspiration does not mean that it's white people free. No racial distinctions are made anywhere, just that the cultural background is middle-eastern rather than the more standard western inspiration.
You can be ashamed of being on the evolutionary dead end.
Thank you bro-tier user. I'll probably end up buying the core book even if I never run a game. Looks interesting.
I begrudge Nazis their expression. Nazis of all colors.
It's worse than we could have feared.
the art looks dope af honestly. but
>white people free fiction
where the fuck are you even from, buddy?
>constraints of including white people in their fictional visions.
"Oh, there's white people on this planet over yonder, even though super-up-the-pooper-advanced biotech has rendered things like race completely and utterly irrelevant."
Here, have a white woman with an enormous booty.
He means that they don't have to deal with the fact that everyone else would be hopelessly technologically inferior in a setting where whites or asians exist.
You know, it's like Harrison Bergeron. You have to get rid of all the people who are good at science so the others can seem capable.
Okay, I fucking lol'd.
So is there any POCFF? If we got some white-free settings then I'd like to see some white-only settings too.
I just want to have cool space adventures and not have people complaining that skin colour exists.
seems the right setting for it if you ask me.
Just did a quick read-through, lots of options, but a lot of stuff to track/roll for.
I know you're just trolling, but I will never turn down Arabian Nights/Persian type settings, the aesthetics kick ass and their mythologies were creative and fun.
I'm making a Caucasian male character as we speak!
It's neat they actually started creating decent art finally
>The only sane thing to do at this point is make some cobalt bombs and kill the planet, so that we can make sure our enemies also go extinct.
> I suggest you cut your wrists, libtard, or I'll make sure you suffer far worse on the day of the ropes.
>Fuck off, Leftycuck. You're not welcome here.
Wow lotta really tough guys posting on Veeky Forums this weekend. Gotta say I'm pretty intimidated.
That's racist.
"White" boys are scared by the fact that their culture has non "white" influences (whatever that means). Marvel at their bravery. Huddling in the corners of the internet. Fuck off back to /pol/ little boys.
The moment a culture stops changing it dies. If you have to preserve it, it is too late.
Looked it over and what potential there is in decent design and illustration is ruined by the political agenda. You're going to see a lot of 'lol eurocucks sucking mudslime dick white genocide' but the problem is it's _there_. Hell, do some research on the authors and you'll find literal apologism for Muslim violence agains Christians, pedophilia, rape and pedophile rape.
A bit of cultural relativism does make sense, but flat out stating that some ethnic groups cannot be held accountable for crimes? Victim blaming a gang raped eight year old boy?
Anyway, that's the politics of this game's creators and while I do appreciate the 1001 Nights motif in this case it's _not_ divorced from romanticizing later barbarism.
And yes, the white genocide agenda is there. Subtextual, as with all good propaganda, but it's there.
In brief, this game is evil. Do not buy it. I'd be very surprised if part of your money didn't go to financing some ISIS-friendly madrasas, or funding imam al-Killthekikes harem of traumatized Swedish rent boys.
>Victim blaming a gang raped eight year old boy?
Please tell me this is fucking hyperbole. Please user.
I haven't had the chance to run it yet, but I have the book. I love the setting and the art, the mechanics seem pretty decent. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, but as seems to be my fate nowadays I just read books and never have the time to run them.
No, this is the shit some people spew.
>White People Free Fiction is a growing movement of AoC (Artists of Color)
> Game is based on 1001 nights arabia
Maybe as an american I'm uneducated on the racial differences but aren't north africans and middle easterners white. How are they being excluded here
>White People Free Fiction is a growing movement of AoC (Artists of Color) and even some white artists to forego the constraints of including white people in their fictional visions.
please tell me that this is /pol/-tier make-belief, goating white people into their extremism. because if what you say is true, it's going to have the effect.
>jesus fucking christ. the postmodern left is the exact same asshole as the nazis, just pointed in the opposite direction. im starting to believe that the most racist people on earth are POCs.
life IS to some degree a struggle for supremacy. if anyone thinks any relevant group in society (not just PoCs) isn't out their to elevate their own status, if necessary to the detriment of other rival groups, they are delusional.
now if all you see is this struggle, you'll end up as hitler. but if you don't see it at all, you're ulbricht/honecker (the socialist leaders of east germany).
>Fuck off back to /pol/ little boys.
if i have to choose between the racist extremists of /pol/ and the WPFF assholes, I'll have to go with the ones that are aiming to increase the power of the group i belong to.
Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.
>No one is going to take your expression away from you
That's what they were saying about video games 3-5 years ago
>I know you're just trolling
What part of that do you think was a troll? I was honest in all I wrote.
I genuinly like this game and its setting.
You can have a power armor with a shemagh or turban, and that is cool as fuck
Sorry user, but you're just making the bait too obvious.
>You can have a power armor with a shemagh or turban, and that is cool as fuck
Fair point.
Sounds maybe interesting. Got any more art for it? I need inspiration for my own space caliphate, and haqqislam is too anime most of the time
Here's one, doing some shit but I can keep em coming slowly
I believe this is one of the kickstarter backers
The Proxistar Zhila Zaandian
One of my favorite pieces. Look at that fucking armor.