John McAfee literally married a gorilla. The gorilla is also a former prostitute.
I'll never trust him again.
John McAfee literally married a gorilla. The gorilla is also a former prostitute
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he's fucked on drugs 24/7
lol at your /pol/ tier FUDding.
but yeah, blacks and whites are not the same species and race mixing destroys diversity.
there are stranger things he's done.
Nutjob... look into him
>buying a woman that you have to train instead of one already fully trained
You're a brainlet, McAfee knows what he's doing.
Wait till you hear about the face shitting
She probably sucks dick real good.
This is your God!
>beta roastie lover.
Explain please
he LITERALLY eats shit!
he literally killed someone and got away with it why would you even trust him in the first place?
Once you go black...
I don't blame him desu~
god bless
...he's probably been here longer than most of us when you think about it
nothing wrong with that
well she did choose it as a career
>blacks and whites are not the same species
prove it
>muh murder
Fuck off moralfag, who cares if he killed some spic?
>steals your banana
>t-there is no differences between races!
>Yeah, I mean a chihuahua is obviously different from a german shepherd b-but that doesn't apply to humans!
You poor racist pussy ass lil pajeet fuck you, you will never make it
Did you even click my .gif, Scholomo?
>rebbit spacing.
prove it.
Fuck off, do you know why he killed him? The fucker poisoned McAffee's dogs, he deserved it.
You're a fucking idiot
>caring about a couple subhumans racemixing
Jews are the superior race. If you're not Jewish you are literally subhuman.
How cucked can you be to marry this?
okay pajeet
*pets monkey
It's actually disgusting watching everyone disregard Chainlink and chase nigger loving shills instead. This is the most innovative piece of technology that financial and insurance sectors have all been waiting for and it will actually revolutionize the world and strengthen every industry it touches.
Look at Vitalik, Roger, Justin, and Charlie constantly focusing on publicity stunts, shilling, and talking about the pricing of their coins. Sergey is actually the most reliable leader in the cryptosphere focusing only on his technology and development, no bullshitting with publicity stunts. Only honest answers to honest questions when he gets the chance.
I feel like I'm taking fucking crazy pills watching all of this play out. Etherscan shows that soon 95% of all available circulating LINK will be consolidated into less than 15,000 wallets and that continues to shrink as more people try to chase pumps, they're being shaken into stronger hands. As soon as Sergey's saved up LINK is finally handed over to institutions we'll see the price jump by increments of dollars and it'll be way too for most people by then. This is so fucking ridiculous and scary in showing how stupid most of Veeky Forums actually is
>t. some guy who isn't Jewish trying to make jews look bad
elmo is based
they're cute together and she obviously makes him happy. What's the problem?
>the visible panties and bra
You fucking NEET neckbearded faggots why do you care who he bones or what fetishes he has?
If he wants to marry hookers and eat shit fucking let him thats his personal choice.
I like him. He buys crypto and doesn't afraid of anything
>tfw I have that t-shirt
He is literally raising his wife's son
>making jews look bad
How am I making us look bad? I'm only telling the truth, all other races are inferior and you owe us for keeping society running. /pol/ are a bunch of ingrates.
>Pic very related
What a cuck. Doesn't he know when you COLONIZE and BLEACH a brown grill, you do it to a fresh one without any kids?
/pol/ logic has no place in investment. Guess what polfag? Jews are the worst of them and they make gains all day.
get rekt
>there's nothing wrong with eating shit!
This is what libertarians actually believe
Would you make an investment after seeing a slavic/pajeet/black team?
>Yeah, I mean a chihuahua is obviously different from a german shepherd b-but that doesn't apply to humans!
Different breeds of dogs are universally considered part of the same species (the term I greentexted), why did you even waste your time typing that?
>a niglet with a RARE dad
>dad is still a piece of shit
Are you really trying to shill ink in this thread
Nope, I invest in projects lead up by all white men, or those clever yellow bastards (basically jews in another skin) and it's got me nothing but gains. If you really think that hookers has a bearing on financial markets you're a fucking retard.
It's almost his birthday Veeky Forums, what will be his birthday wish?
20k btc eoy
She's pretty thick though
You're right, I knee jerked, there are just a lot of people who pretend there is no difference between races, we're the same species, just different kinds of dogs.
To be white.
More shoes. Because niglets always like shoes.
m8 he's paying whores to shit into his mouth, but him dating a nigger is where you draw a line?
kek, I know
Dogs and wolves are the same species.
Prove me wrong.
Why the fuck do all mixed race couples insist on naming their sons Elijah? Seriously, every fucking mongrel male seems to be named Elijah.
Nano s ledger and some 20k in crypto
holy shit why would you marry a prostitute jesus
>fuck off Janice
Are you that Jew from yesterday in that thread about white supremacists?
>eats taco bell
>This is what libertarians actually believe
>Takes a bite of his Ground Beef shit sandwhich.
>blacks and whites are not the same species
>mfw nobody posted the vid yet
Why are /pol/tards always so obsessed with money, or lack of thereof? And why is it always blacks/jews/lizards that gets blamed for their shitty financial abilities?
how does it feel that a gorilla fucker is more successful than you? honest question
Sorry, biological definition disagrees with you: there is ample evidence that blacks and whites have no problem whatsoever spawning fertile offspring together.
Your level of intelligence shows when the skulls in that picture belong to any entirely different class of animals.
You probably quote YouTube as a creditable source and think the Earth is flat too
>Archeology/biology major
Because it would seem that he is a bigger one.
You're not wrong.
He needs someone willing to feed him shit daily
>t. nigger
>He still uses outdated definitions
Horses and Zebras can reproduce. Lions and Tigers. Coyotes and Wolves.
Tell me, are polar bears and grizzly bears the same species? They can procreate.
Because he killed someone and managed to get away with it?
negroes are genetic apes
>american fat girls
Im happy I dont eat shit nor am I american
No way, they are the same as us. This picture proves it
he actually does know what he's talking about though, whatever his eccentricities
Marrying an ex-prostitute nigger and raising it's baby monkey is too far
This proves nothing.
All you people quoting apes are hilarious. Current scientific theory
>humans are not descended from monkeys or any other primate living today.
This is like comparing dolphins to gold fish.
The fatter the girl, the bigger the shit
and yet he still knows what he's talking about
>m-much science!
fuck off kike/nigger
hes a fucking mental case this idiot