Why the fuck WotC is releasing another Nissa PW deck? She had one in Kaladesh - even the colours are same.
What's the point of releasing a neat deck with Bolas if the second one is not a Amonkhet-native Planeswalker?
Why the fuck WotC is releasing another Nissa PW deck? She had one in Kaladesh - even the colours are same
are we really making newcomers choose between a dragon with three colours and an elf with 1 colour?How can that work?
I was honestly expecting Jace to get the shitty starter deck this time
Planeswalker decks were a fucking mistake. I was saying it from the moment they were announced. Still they brought back core sets so maybe the old precons will return as well.
Nissa deck is GU. Also Tarkir decks were also three colours - it's not bad if they contain good mana engines tho
i am just talking about the appeal of the decks, i see every kid wanting bolas rather then nissa.
Well, I know Nissa and Chandra appeal quite a lot to young girls. My lgs has a casual Girls League for ages 8-15 and they're constantly talking about female walkers and buying product. So it could be that WotC is marketing a little more towards them.
>What's the point of releasing a neat deck with Bolas if the second one is not a Amonkhet-native Planeswalker?
Do you really want a even worse version of Samut than the one in the set?
>My lgs has a casual Girls League
That's sexist tho, and I'm saying this as a conservative male. It's like treating the girls as a somehow retarded category of players. Is your LGS running also an only-male league? It's not a fuckin weight-lifting where physical-differences actually matter.
>inb4 triggered
I'm not even mad but a little bit sad tho - I'm saying this as a person that pulled four females into mtg at my lgs and I know how hard it is. I know that females feel pretty insecure in such male-dominated hobby but the only way to change this is put them together in one room and show them that it is a hobby for everyone and a sex doesn't matter.
Well, it was the owners daughters' idea. She's 12 and really wanted to play. After a few incidents with players saying rude and suggestive comments towards her, the owner banned those players and started the Girls League.
I actually think its great. At least they're playing, and it's more about keeping his daughter safe and happy than it is about excluding boys.
I think it's more an issue of age. 8-12 year old boys don't really belong in most LGSs either. When most of your clientele is 16-24 there's just a certain amount of stuff you have to expect. If you wanted to have a kids league I don't think you'd have a problem if there were like-aged boys playing with like-aged girls.
>it's more about keeping his daughter safe and happy than it is about excluding boys
But excluding boys is still a part of this mate. If the guy wanted to bring his daughter into the hobby he would ask few friendly players - males, females, different age etc - to play with her so she would feel how newbie-friendly the hobby can be instead of creating vagina-based safe-zone
>After a few incidents with players saying rude and suggestive comments towards her, the owner banned those players
That's were it should stopped.
Also fuck the people like this - remember when my gf wanted to start playing miniature wargames. We went to LGS and asked about Age of Sigmar. It was just after GHB release. I heard that AoS is cheap as fuck to start playing and rules are easy to learn so it was a perfect way for both of us to make our first steps into the wargaming.
>Hey mister seller, I heard about this new Age of Sigmar game. Please, tell me something more about this
>Huh, there is nothing to say about this. Forget about it and play the Fantasy with us
>But what's wrong with AoS
>It's too easy to even bother
>But I want an easy to learn game mate
>You don't understand user. It's too easy for you (he said this directly to me)
>What do you mean?
>It's really dumbed down compared to fantasy so it's just okay to play with your daughter or girlfriend but you will have no fun with this. If you want a real game you should pick 9th age and left the AoS for casuals and females
That was the last fuckin time I visited this LGS and the first time ever I called someone a fuckhead in public place (I'm actually calm as fuck irl)
It's not about treating the girls like retards, it's about allowing them to avoid playing with the hordes of socially inept neckbeards.
>it's about allowing them to avoid playing with the hordes of socially inept neckbeards
Then make an experience- or age-based league instead of sex-based one
>That was the last fuckin time I visited this LGS and the first time ever I called someone a fuckhead in public place (I'm actually calm as fuck irl)
Want to know how I know you're a teenager?
Well, sure, I agree. He probably should do a MtG Kids League instead of the girls league twice a month. However, Im not sure if it's worth the trouble to the owner. Most of the 12 and under boys play Pokemon and he does have special Pokemon nights for them. And I'm sure he would open it up if anyone expressed interest or complained.
But yeah, part of it is that kids probably shouldn't play with the 25 year-old spikes. At the same time, every player should try to be courteous and kind to every other player, while also understanding that some players will rib them ("""banter""") and to just let that roll off their back.
Man, I was born in 1994. There is a difference between telling someone that game is bad and telling someone that you have to be dumb or female to have fun with something
>But yeah, part of it is that kids probably shouldn't play with the 25 year-old spikes.
How retarded you have to be to be mean for 12yo trying to have fun with cardboard monsters? Jesus, I'm happy that my lgs best players are also the most friendly and patient ones
So that stupid new players who would otherwise waste their money don't buy a second pw deck
Pretty retarded. It happens everywhere, though, and in a lot of hobbies. It's not exclusive to MtG. People are retarded.
Your naivete towards how common this is, and how even some well meaning dudes will make it so a girl will never want to play Magic again, is showing
A separate girl's league doesn't hurt anyone and honestly I'd prefer it if stores did more closed admission/private leagues in general so I don't get any bozos
Women-only card game tournaments are a thing in Japan.
Women there don't want to deal with talking to socially awkward beta males either.
But girls are retards
>girls league
In a perfect world it'd be Nical deck vs cuckold watch decks
>maybe the old precons will return as well.
Are you a masochist who likes your almighty master WOTC pushing shit down your throat?
The last usable precon standard decks were in Avacyn Restored. They then started filling them with worse and worse cards and no coherent strategies, and putting 5 of those god awful intro pack rares in every set that fucked you over in draft because they were meant for newbies. The planeswalker decks are good at what they do, which is an entry level product for newbies that has no effect on anything else.
The Gatewatch WUBRG
[Art Description - back to back groupshot, like that scene in the Avengers]
Planeswalker - Gideon Jace Liliana Chandra Nissa
+2: Reveal the top card of your library. If it's a land, put it onto the battlefield. Otherwise, cast it.
-2: Exile target nonplaneswalker, nonland permanent.
-15: Target player loses the game.
Remember when they said they cutting the gatewatch in HOU? Part of that plan is that theyll mostly appear as the PW decks instead of in the main set except when they are actually important in the story.
>The last usable precon standard decks were in Avacyn Restored.
That's hilarious. You started with AVR or DKS, didn't you?
The only good starter deck to have ever existed was that one from Kamigawa that came with Top.
I don't know why you're complaining about starter deck rares that make draft worse because those have existed for most of the game's life. Or do you really think things like Kyren Archive and Larceny make draft a more varied and interesting format?
One of the Kamigawa ones came with Jitte too iirc
No matter what combination of ironic and/or serious this is, kill yourself and then go back to ccg
You're just mad because you lost The Game
>+2 actually forces you to cast the spell
wew lad
Sometimes you'll get a good creature or sorcery or something for free!
Sometimes you'll hit a counterspell, or creature removal when the only creatures are your own.
Sometimes Nissa goes 'muh lands' and ramps you when you've already got five mana in all colors available.
I feel it perfectly encapsulates how well they work together.
The solution is not segregating the girls, it's putting shit stern on the table for the assholes that their crap will not be tolerated.
Most socially anxious retards are like that because they didn't have a normal father, brother or friend growing up and don't know how to be human.
I don't want to play with them either but I'm forced to because they paid an entrance fee and I don't have special pussy privileges.
It's totally sexist, but it's a smart business plan, same way bars have women's' night. Whether or not you laugh at the idea doesn't change the fact that the manager is making money off of it, and most nerds are trash that shouldn't be around A) children, and B) women.
Id be fine with them if they weren't so fucking terrible. First, make the deck playable. A 3 or 4cmc kill spell or slightly over-curve creature is fine given it should encourage the player to seek better or more synergistic versions of that spell, but making the decks garbage does nothing for players besides taking their money.
And the planeswalkers. Either reprint older ones that didn't suck, or make your new ones less terrible. A 4 or 5cmc walker with mediocre abilities with a deck full of thematic support isn't going to kill your much better chase versions of that walker, but it will give players a less terrible walker to play with and maybe entice them to seek out the much better card.
>The last usable precon standard decks were in Avacyn Restored.
BR Minotaurs from Theros was neat. You could buy two and brew up a decent casual deck
>ITT neckbeards getting triggered that girls get special treatment