The Grand Galactic War
Galactic Federation
the hive reports in.
Good my friend and I will return soon.
Ooc got work so keep thread from dying at least till other people get here.
okay, I can do this.
>Grand galactic war
What the hell were you doing while I was fighting a war in a hive city
Ooc I might not be able to post a lot just stopped by before going to work.
we have multiple enemies from multiple sides,
the hive is displeased by this
the hive reqires a status update:
your standing forces strength,
your forces moral,
held locations,
lost locations,
and plans to take back the lost.
any dooms day planets?
your standing forces strength: uncountable
your forces moral: N/A
held locations: N/A
lost locations: N/A
and plans to take back the lost: N/A
that would be useful but we need planets to taske back other lost planets.
I have one for you.
>Carter's Vox turns on
Good morning Ambassadors.Any news?
My forces are uncountable,morale doesn't matter,I only hold the Wastes,I have lost nothing,and I don't intend to take back anything.
Also,I tested your high pitched noises,but it didn't work.
Hello,Markon.How is the Dominion?Last time I checked,I killed quite a few Psionic Conclave members.
Morning Prethoryn.
but it annoyed him
and I have a plan for pytherioan
Well,anyone would be annoyed by a high pitched noise like that.Unless your Hive does not register sounds like we do.Does it?
I mean,you have quite the different morphology from regular aliens.
What is your plan?
Also,how is your Queen?
she is fine,
the purpose of the noise was to irritate that infernal imp, tell me he has gone home.
and no we do not register sound like you do. to us the sound is what it would be to others but we only "know" what it feels like. think of it as a second hand information we are told by our hearing organs.
and my plan for large targets is using paterian for a meat shield and sending either the immolator, the core creep, or the realm Nanos to finish the planet
Oh.That's interesting.At least you know what sound is.I met someone who didn't,once.
As for Magnus,I shot him in the face.
So,can I speak to your Queen,again?
the hive must rest, we have a new project that shall hopefully end this
>21 severely depleted fleets and 100s of Ground Armies but with a highly efficient industry which is in full gear
>110 planets remaining
>Morale High
>20 Lost systems
>Currently building Titan class vessels with psychic death lasers like Hell's Arrow
Ooc on break everyone. Almost done.
Ooc thought the thread needed some energy and it morphed to a full scale galactic war.
How are you Director? I hope the Dominion has avoided any kind of invasion.
They've attacked the western fringes. Most of it has fallen, but we are pumping out ships to fight the scum. So far 20 million have died. The casualty ratio for one ploraxian soldier to hive drones are 1:40
So far we have been holding out to the least we can. Our troops have mostly resorted to guerilla warfare. These are our troops, on a MA-30.
10 systems fallen, five under siege.
thread bump.
At least it's only 20 million.If you have an exact location,could you firebomb the planets?Your weaponry can blow up parts of moons,so maybe we can stop it in it's tracks on the Western fringe,then initiate a pincer with the UE and Dukedom.
So far there are forces on the way, the Ploraxian Realms are very large. The forces of House Gorowi, Mojelo, and Tekero are holding out, with the Imperial Garrison there.
Wastes forces will provide foodstuffs and transport refugees before planetary bombing.
If any of them go down,they will utilize decay to create a chain reaction of a megaton bomb.Learned it from Vox's work.
Well, yes. Care for a drink? Another thing. Intelligence has been observing their movements, and one of the leading queens is going to be in the Khoro System. Its near the wastes. We can organize a strike there.
Is there anything I can do to help? Our Empire feels a little dissapointed that we cannot be of further assistance
Well... I'd love it if you could send as much troops, food, guns, and ships to the front!
Doesn't matter.If it goes in,it'll die.
And the Khoro system is 123 light years away.
Go ahead and order a strike.Ploraxian might can handle it.
I'll have to take uo your drink later,my friend..I just go,the research has made a development.
Gotta go for a few hours.Just kill the Queen,I guess.If it enters the Wastes,it'll die,so keep it in Khoro if you want to fleet duel it.I'm not gonna be here,so don't do anything involving the Wastes,okay?
Also,one question.Are there Ploraxians in the Dukedom?
Ooc dude if you want to lead the ambush on the Perfected queen ship it's fine by me.
I have returned fellow Ambassadors only to report bad news.
A large strike group of Horde and Eortan vessels has gathered at the Bessemer system to reinforce their Ploraxian campaign.
Inkito evacuate and withdraw from the worlds under siege there. Leave only guerilla units behind to harass the enemy. That way the Invaders will think we are weak there and try to press their advantage only to be smashed as they over extend themselves.
The Coalition/Federation
-United Empire
-The Dukedom
-The Ploraxian Imperial Realms
-The Prethoryn Collective
-The Hive
-The Conclave
The Galactic Invaders
-The Horde
-The Perfected
-Traitor/Renegade Eortans
And I'm assuming that the Hive's weapons didn't get through just because of the sheer mass of the Horde defenses but breaking through the outer Horde defenses to attack the coreworlds will be a big objective.
Victory Conditions
-Conquer Coalition capitals/Serenity station and key worlds
-Drive the Horde out of Eortan space and drive the Perfected out of the galaxy.
Current situation:
-The Dukedom is suffering heavily after the invasion of it's space and the battle of Yss
-Heavy Coalition and Invader losses
-Ploraxians,UE and parts of the Dukedom under occupation and invasion from the enemy
-Rumar defeated by the Perfected. Rukaars fate still unknown.
Anything I should add?
>A massive black shape slams through the ceiling, before crashing straight into the floor of the chamber
>There is a young boy riding directly on top of it
>"Hi there Federation! How are you doing?"
>He seems to be in high spirits
>the vox crackles and seems to shimmer. a voice rings from the speakers
"this.... is the federationnn?"
>it seems hesitant, the vox sending static blasting at a irksome volume
greeting being
who are you?
>the vox conveys the beings confusion
Who's this?
Hey Asmodeus anything new?
And Ovaa any war plans? Gonna join us?
I am.... I don't know. I don't have a name, I would like one but for now. astral, yes astral will do.
I am astral
I like this name, I realy do.
who are you?
The Stubborn Ones Fall Today
>"Names Asmodeus, and that big birdie lying dazed on the ground is Stollie! Who are you?"
>The boy seems giddy to meet new people
>Not so much the other one
what are you asmodeus? and why did stolas talk? is that normal, what is normal? what is stolas? where am I? what am I?
>the vox seems to strain as the being trys to think of answers to its own questions
why am I here? who are they?and why are they here? what is this place?
calm lost child we are here to give you forgiveness for your crimes, come and gaze upon us as the "Rumar" fall
I am a child? who are you? what crimes? I have only now become conscious? do you wan t to hurt me? who is rumar? lets see here.
>the station flickers for a moment, then the perfected sense something in their comms units.
this place is not nice, its to cramped and orderly, why isn't it a bit chaotic and exiting? what do I want to see? ohh why are ships dying?
Child yo-
God curse that beast,fire!
>The vox goes dark and sounds of metal tearing metal echo
>the being leaps back through the comms units screaming all the while
>a small whimpering breaths through the vox on the station
You can't kill me
You can't kill me
>the whimpering continues
It hurts, pain and it hurts. Why did it hurt me?
>"We're members of the Court, I'm specifically one of it's Lords trapped in a human form. Also Stolas talking is completely normal, don't worry about. Also on another note, try to ignore the Perfected, it/they will try to corrupt you."
((Know.......Why........The......Perfected Ones...)) ((Are.......Assailing......The......Federation))
I don't know, let me try to find out
>he vanishes a moment seemingly swimming through the data currents of the perfected before returning
they think they are better, they can do no wrong. you are all inferior, you must all be fixed
I think they are wrong
Well the Perfected and the Horde and their allies are invading the Federation and the Grand Galactic War as it has started to be known is raging all over our space.
Rukaar what has happened? Has your empire fallen to these Perfected?
Pushed back...Defending Ru...Out Number...AR...
Now that I've managed to to secure my postion I can explain the Situation.
Currently my forces have secured our battle lines at the outskirts of Rome thanks in part to the aid from Carter and Schimmel.
As for Heirarch Ezekiel, his whereabouts are unkown but I know for sure Cabalists have him.
Rukaar we're spread too thin to offer aid fall back with as many troops as you can and link up with our forces on the front lines and we'll make taking back your worlds a high priority.
Well in his place can you take temporary power Director? And are our forces no longer needed in Dominion space? I know it is selfish of me but we have battles of our own to fight.
To fight the horde no doubt. They can be recalled since I managed to entrench myself in the capital city. And I dont plan to take his place since his word will be the salvation or damnation of the factions in this war depending on who he sides with and I need to make sure he aligns with mine.
Well I hope your fight goes well perhaps the Dominion can even provide us some aid in our battles. Against the might of two Earths and of humans fighting together as brothers the enemy will have no chance.
>A depleted but still large Imperial fleet jumps into the system the Admiral leading them as they try to break the blockade.
>Mass drivers and lasers firing as they help evacuate as many ships and warships as you can
We got you covered Rukaar now jump. There are too many for us to handle.
No...Fired...ARK...perfected defeated...Ru...gone
>Carter's Vox turns on.
I return,fellow ambassadors.Just needed to help the Ploraxians kill a Horde queen.Everything should be fine in that system now.
Okay.Also,I have a proposition to fix your psionic issues.
But you may not like it.At all.
Hello,ASMODEUS.Can you speak of the interloper now?
I have an offer,but I need to know the goal.
Karl,get his people out of there.They have multiple colony worlds,last I heard,and they have a galactic empire.However,the loss of Ru is a horrible price to pay.
> a horrible scream is heard, like that of hundred forlorn cries of pain
Gravy,is that you?It's been a while.
Well,that's them.I don't need "perfection".
What do you even mean by that?Genetic perfection?Spiritual perfection?Something else?
Look,I don't see why you would want to kill us.That's pretty retarded.You want to bring perfection to the Wastes?
Fucking try me.Even Ploraxian special ops didn't survive for a minute,and they're the best of the best.
Your death will come but the Stubborn Ones and The birds will fall first
No it won't you mong.And it won't come to my allies,either.
Honestly,with the way you're going you might as well slam yourself into the Wastes now and save yourself some time.
How about you explain yourself first rather than dying unceremoniously in a hail of Federation fire?
>But you may not like it.At all.
If it will stop the shroud gods from consuming the souls of my people I'll take it.
I have tried my best Carter but the UE is spread thin. I can send defenses to aid the colonies but apart from that not much can be done.
Ooc been thinking and I think this war should be turn based with each side being able to take only a few actions at a strategic level per turn but we'll have to figure out how many is too many dude.
Shall we conduct the final assault on Rome Director? At least before my troops pull out of course.
I already performed an assault and Rome and took the city now I'm trying to find the Dominions Leader Hierarch Ezekiel so he can out the Cabals plot which will turn most of the Dominion against them.
Once the Perfected are stopped,your forces will have less to defend,and can group up.
Maybe.I mean.the Combat rules are built for fleet skirmishes and battles,but for wars,and especially galactic wars,this may seem too much.This is political RP,after all,not a wargame or something.
I think it'd be best if we just RP it,but it's your guys call.I'm not really in the war.
I can severe all your people from psionics permanently.You would not be null,but would effectively be dead to the Shroud.
Severing the psionic links!....That's about as radical an action the Dominion could possibly take,[sigh] drastic times call for drastic measures. I need to speak with Ezekiel before we even try to severe the connection but be ready to do so if it becomes a necessity Carter.
>The boy seems more alert now,eyes focusing and gleaming with power
>"Ah yes, the interloper. Last we heard from it it was holed up in Northern Space, nesting in one of the sectors there. We have theorized that it is leeching energy from the surrounding space to support it's existence. we have been thinking of cutting off it's connection to the area in order to starve it before striking, but what are your ideas?"
>Asmodeus and Stolas both radiate an aura of cold rage
>"As for this parasite, do you require assistance in it's destruction?"
Ooc that's fine dude. I just wanted it to feel like a war.
Well without Rome and without their troops to defend them the conspiracy should be effectively dead. You shouldn't have to worry about the Shroud once you execute them all.
Understood.I mean,it's easy for me and I wouldn't see why not,but I know that your people hold psionics as a holy gift.It will be on standby.
I could either capture it and bring it,or kill it.And by kill it,I mean permanently.
I wish to test one of my new prototype weapons.
Or I could rough it up enough for you to pick it up.
Either way,I would track its location and strike.
But if we are to do this,I would need something in return.Nothing big,just....
What is your time limit on cessation?50 years?100 years?Do you have a deadline at all?
Oh,no.Don't worry about what I think.I'm all for making it feel like a war,and if you need help making the rules I'll oblige of course.
Just was saying that those rules seem a little restricting.
But if you and the others want to,let's do this!We could make a map of the galaxy,and then use turns on it!Two birds with one stone.
Or just have it like fleets,but larger and with new mechanics.
If you want to and everyone agrees,I will certainly help you out.
Rolled 65 (1d100)
Remember the Cabal is made up of the majority of the Dominions upper-class their presence is on any dominion world that's of worth. and still I need to find Him in alive and in decent enough condition to out the cabal if I cant it will become a full blown civil war.
OOC rolling for my search and rescue efforts
>The large form of the Duke enters flanked by two Orga Guards
Hail ambassadors, what has transpired.
Ooc I say we really need a map with different strategic locations and showing where the territories are so people know where they're fighting and where their fleets are.
With rolls like what Markon does to see how good fleets do or for ground engagements when it would be too tedious to fight them out. Because I definitely want a full scale epic fucking war. Something for the galactic history books in scale that no one will forget.
Well if it comes to war even in it's weakened state you will have the United Empire's full support. We hope our two peoples can form an alliance as well so the favor can be returned in the future.
Carter and the Ploraxians defeated a Perfected Queen and ambushed a Perfected fleet earlier. While my fleet was able to evacuate as many of the Rumar as we could but Ru is gone. And the Invaders are currently invading Ploraxian space in earnest Duke. We're forming a defensive line with them there but we can barely hold.
Hm. The Avarians have created our brand new vessels and I intend to deploy them to the front. They should be able to break the deadlock.
OOC that was a simple tracking roll but depending on what happens may turn into a serious engagement between the Voidwatch trackers and the Cabal capture teams.
Alright good news I know where Ezekiel's being held bad news is the Cabalists are trying to move him out of the city before I can rescue him by reaching safety behind the E.D.F. lines.
I say we make two maps.One for locations,and another for war.
Then,we use rolls to decide certain things,like movement,searches,etc.
Not everything,of course.Some things can be done with RP,qnd some things are ridiculous.
Like,you can't roll for the Dukedom to allow non avians,or to have the Wastes explode,and you should RP negotiations instead of rolling for it.
Would that sound good?
How is Baron Taxla?
I see.Can you not send a special ops team?
>An image from the front lines appears over the Vox
>A ring of UE and Ploraxian warships over a world of the IPR. Space suddenly lights up as a vast fleet of Eortan war cruisers and Horde vessels jumps in right in front of the fleet. Advanced Eortan lasers and energy weapons tearing into the fleet as the traitors engage. Coalition forces disengaging and fleeing towards the more defended core worlds as landing ships head to the planet's surface.
I hope they can arrive to the combined Coalition fleets soon Duke. This is just one world of many facing full scale assault. And should we formally declare an alliance and declaration of War against the Invaders now? Let's give these bastards a damn fight.
>Asmodeus and Stolas exchange glances for a moment
>"We don't have a deadline on Cessation exactly, it usually just happens after a point, sometimes sooner rather than later."
>"Yeah, it kinda has." The boy scratches his head sheepishly. "There's been a HUGE schism over whether or not this reality should Cease, so we might have to come back to you on that."
Rolled 51 (1d100)
The trackers are en route to the Cabal safehouse now. I can only hope nothing compels them to move the Hierarch.
Stable, but he hasn't woken yet. The wind is very deep and it has damaged several organs.
These primitive vessels should prove no threat to the new vessels. Worry not Karl, salvation is at hand.
>The trackers have taken up positions near the Cabalist safe house to avoid giving their presence away after almost revealing themselves to the sentries stationed around the area surrounding the house.
"This is Captain Jerak were ready to move in once everyone gives an all clear."
OOC anyone who wants to join in the raid can do so by saying they sent elite forces to aid the Federation aligned forces on Dominion Earth.
Okay.So,if you were going to cease us,what timeframe would you roughly give?Off the top of your head?
Just asking.Want candy?
Several organs?
Hmm.Do you require assistance?
Markon,fear not.I had already sent some scouts of my own,to search for Dominion test subjects on psionic removal.They may aid you,if you wish.
Ooc I know Rukaar/The Perfected guy was working on a map but he probably needs help with it. I don't know how much progress he's gotten done so far.
>Asmodeus and Stolas share another look.
>"Mmmmm, not sure honestly. Maybe half an eternity, maybe a couple thousand years. i really don't know. But what I DO know is that candy is delicious, so I shall accept that offer
Okay,sure.Take some,it's on the table.
So,what do you want me to do with the interloper?
Kill him?Capture him?Feed him carrots?
He should make it, his stomach was repaired recently, but the lungs are currently being worked on. His heart was in much better condition that presumed.
The Sons of Mars will join you. Their power armor should prove most useful.
Good,then.I can provide new organs if needed.
Actually,I could give you all new internal organs.Upgrades,if you will.
A kind offer, if any are interested I will be sure to let them know your are willing to supplicant their own.
Well why the Horde vessels are quite simple the Eortan warships are providing the precision and skill behind most of the assaults. Damn we've lost so many...
Forest formation one is enroute to assist in bolstering your defensive line. Do not panic if you find your ships coated in ablative sacrificial Thorns. They are distributing themselves to any vessels the Root network deems priority to the survival of the over all defensive formation.
We are projecting a 96% termination rate to all deployed formations. This is deemed acceptable by all investors, given that the living buy more than the dead. All Roots are prepared to sacrifice their Trunks and their consciousness to assist in minimizing organic cessation of consciousness.
Lead Pith is preparing his ground assault formation to assist. May your warriors ride into battle upon metal steeds, powered by the force of the stars and armed with the finest energy weapon we can design. He awaits your orders.
>The Duke laughs slightly and lights his pipe
Boy I've seen many desperate moments through me whole life. This is seemingly one of them, but I promise you we'll beat them. Never let despair conquer you.
>Munching on candy, whilst sharing a bit of it with Stolas, Asmodeus swallows before addressing the Ambassador
>"Kill it. Honestly, we're rather curious as to what this new invention of yours is, especially since you say it can harm beings like us."
Okay.I'll have to do it tomorrow,though.I must go.See you all tomorrow.
Good night guys
Thank you my friend. And even though we are spread thin we have assigned a fleet to guard your homeworld so if you see a large fleet coming out of space it will be the remnants of the 10th Star fleet straight from the battle of Caamas. But we must discuss reclaiming Rumar space as well. I hope your economy is up to supporting a massive war effort.
I'll try my best. But we do need to organize a small counter attack to at least have another victory to keep up morale in the population. I say a raid into Rumar space to hit the Perfected there and rescue more of Rukaar's people.