Help picking from two campaigns

There's these two different ads on the local bulletin board at my FLGS, and I'm trying to decide which to join:

>DM of 22 years experience running a 3.5 campaign

>GURPS GM running a Superheroes campaign imspireed by Injustice.

Never played either system before, though I've read through GURPS rules. GURPS looks well and fine enough, though honestly I'm not looking forward to playing a Capeshit campaign with it.

3.5 on the other hand... well, we've memed enough about it on here that I'm sure everyone is familiar enough with its flaws on here. An experienced DM, if they're any good, would probably make the game enjoyable.

So, thoughts?

I'd recommend talking to both DMs and seeing what happens.

3.5 has a high chance of being an autistic shitshow, but that doesn't mean the GURPS guys won't be just as bad.

I'd take the experienced GM, mainly because if the campaign starts to derail he will most likely have the capacity to get it back on track. If the GURPS guy is also rather experienced then I I'd suggest getting an idea of what kind of campaign both GMs are planning and see which one seems the most fun for you. This is my advice to you good sir/madame/attack helicopter, in return you must conduct story times if anything interesting happens. Best of luck on your adventures!

I'd do this, talk with both of them.

Plus you kind of solved your own problem with
>I'm not looking forward to playing a capeshit campaign.

Avoid both. They sound terrible.

Honestly, they both sound horrible. If I had to pick one I'd actually take Capeshit GURPS because that could be anything. Someone with 22 years of neckbeardery running 3.5 only ends one way, and I want none of it.

>Inspired by Injustice
It's going to be grimderp. Skip. Give the old neckbeard a try, he might be decent.

OP here... looks like the GURPS was even worse than I thought: it's not Capeshit, it's Multiversal, superheroes were just one of the first options chosen, which means he's running with ALL the supplements.

Old Neckbeard GM it is. Never played 3.5, just 5e. What do I have to expect? Thinking of playing an Artificer if everyone is in a similar tier, or a Weaboo Fightan Man if not.

3.5 is one of the worst piles of shit I've had the misfortune of playing. I'd go on about the balance issues, but if you somehow think a tier system is an acceptable fix for an inherently broken game there's nothing anyone here can say to convince you otherwise.

Oh, I don't. The fact that it even needs a tier system is something that absolutely fills me with disgust. I'd honestly rather play RuneQuest than any edition of D&D... but I'm looking for some buddies to hang out with, and like the old meme goes, Good Friends, bad system, you'll have fun no matter what you play.

Actually... you know what, I'll show you guys the billboard. Give me like 30 minutes and I'll show you guys everything available to me to play.

First up, we have this GoT campaign using the Riddle of Steel system...

Here's the 3.5 guy.

And lastly, one of the FLGS Owners wants me to join his monthly Dragon Age campaign using the official system... as well as run a couple of One-Shots for a 24-hour one-shot rpg event thing.

Cool, what system you thinking of running?

GURPS is best

...Except when it's the Multiversal clusterfuck of someone who's desperate to run GURPS, period, not someone desperate enough to run a setting that they'd resort to using GURPS.

Huh, neat... two memes in my thread. Either Savage Worlds or Traveller.

can't read shit, captain

wouldn't go near

I remember the DA system being actually fairly well received.

You're right about being disorganized... though that's probably because the LGS charges $0.25 to print a sheet... MTG must've skewed their view of paper costs.

For those who aren't able to read scribbles, it says:
"DM of 20 Years Exp Looking to start a 3.5 D&D Campaign(Other races and classes optional) Needing at least 3 players to start, MAX 6."

Yeah, how so?

Whoops, meant


Meet with both groups and pick the one you gel with more

At this point, join neither, desu. Better you play video games and have fun or paint your minis than spend time with a group/GM/game you don't enjoy.