What is this?
What is this?
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it's T H I C C
That's your complementary Nurgle-aligned waifu
Pregnancy monster.
Paizo has a weird complex when it comes to that sort of thing.
It's a monster dummy, better question is can I fuck it?
Unbirth porn.
For real thought what is this?
Your mother
The Draikaina, a pregnancy monster
Drakaina a mythic boss demon thing that has a "mother of monsters"/alien queen thing going on.
It can force embryos down your stomach and make you give birth to monsters in under a few rounds.
It's just like my Japanese mermaid porn comics.
She's perfect!
Your mom
>chest bursters rather than ass-birth
I know what I'm changing.
My wife and I'd rather not you show indecent pictures of her on the internet!!!
yes but can you satisfy her?
Daemonlady of Nurgle
a shitpost
It's Experiment Kraj
Or Mormir Vig's waifu.
all the writers at paizo agreeing to combine their fetishes into one monster.
though i don't remember if this was the good-aligned poo poo demon or something else but that one was gold too
This is Veeky Forums, user-chan.
Nurgle-Isha spawn.
>hyper titties
Where do I stick it in?
Where DON'T you stick it in?
You don't, it does all the sticking you can reasonably enjoy and then some more.
> good-aligned poo poo demon
I love how many blatant lies get spouted about pathfinder.
I assume your talking about the Ommox in Wrath of the rigteous. In the AP there's a demon that is pissed a demonic dragon took over it's layer. It tries to convince to PC's to ally with it to kick the dragon out(the Ommox takes the form of a succubus made of filth in an effort to look more 'friendly" and have PC's drop their guard).
It attacks the party when the dragon is dead.
She is directly based upon the Echidna:
>EKHIDNA (Echidna) was a monstrous she-dragon (drakaina) with the head and breast of a woman and the tail of a coiling serpent. She probably represented the corruptions of the earth--rot, slime, fetid waters, illness and disease.
>Ekhidna was sometimes equated with Python "the Rotting One", a dragon born of the fetid slime left behind by the great Deluge. Others name her the Tartarean lamprey, and place in her to the dark, swampy pit of Tartaros beneath the earth. Hesiod, makes her a daughter of monstrous sea-gods, and presumably associates her with rotting sea-scum and fetid salt-marshes.
But as Veeky Forums sometimes fails to check bestiaries without stats, they think its design is somehow representative of Pathfinder's writers. I don't like Pathfinder at all, but thinking like that says more about Veeky Forums than those bad writers.
What module does that encounter take place in, out of morbid curiosity?
My waifu
Wrath of the Righteous-The Midnight Isle
haha, literally magical realm impreg monster
abilities:Birth Spawn, Gestation Aura, Impregnate Surrogate, ...
Pathfinder: not even once
me on the right
>Guys listen
>Guys, it's not just impreg fetishism
>Guys, it's a real monster from a real fantasy
>Guys stop laughing
Literally Noelle from Worm, which was based on the mother of monsters, Echidna.
Its heresy....
>good-aligned poo poo demon
Just found my new band name.
Suit yourself, ill have my Mexican(?) waifu.
You don't stick it in you crawl in
My F e t i s h
There isn't actually any unbirth involved, unless you count her ability to teleport inside one of her spawn and explode out in a shower of gore. Just spawning gribblies and implanting Alien-style chestbursters into people.
Echidna doesn't make other people pregnant and mutate already pregnant people into giving birth to her children.
I dunno man, this bait looks deadly. And very alive and dangerous.
It's pretty rare to find hyper-preg pics that don't also have hyper tits.
My new fetish apparently
patreon of a guy called saburox
Thanks man.
Man, you guys are fucking insane. Apparently anything with tits or having to do with reproduction is somehow now magical realm to the thirsty fucks here. Its also a massive failure of imagination where you guys can only imagine this as a pleasant thing when it's designed to be disgusting and abhorrent, which it is to any not insane person.
Let's start with the smell, since that's a pretty prominent sense and massively decides if something sexy or disgusting. The drakainia pretty much smells like death and rotting. Covered in an abhorrent sliem composed of amniotic fluid and afterbirth, this is eaten away by bacteria and maggots who have been bolstered by her gestation aura. Being within a hundred yards of her will make you gag as if you had entered a hot barn filled with rotting cattle.
The picture of her is static, leaving out the gut wrenching and loathsome appearance of her queen ant style body which pulses and throbs with horrific spawn. Don't forget the rotting slime filled with disease and ick. Tumors and tentacles round out an appearance that disturbs and disgusts.
As to her abilities, they're not pleasant at all. Any normal person would see how utterly horrific her abilities are, like the xenomorphs from the Alien franchise. The Impregnate Surrogate ability isnt pleasant, from unwillingly having something vomited into your mouth and forced into your gut, to the pain of your gut being distended in ways its not meant to do as the horrific spawn grows, to the tearing and blood from it bursting from your flesh.
If you've seen birth videos, you'll know the repulsive and bloody ways in which her giving birth to her spawn happens. There is no sex with this abomination of life and fertility.
If the only thing you can think of when it comes to this monster is sex and fetishes, you're a moron who doesn't understand body horror. You're not meant to get off to this, you're meant to be repulsed and to want to end its existence.
I think most people are repulsed by it, but assume that whoever designed the thing had some weird fetish and was jacking off to it.
How hot is the barn?
Like, can I hit on it?
Also, I find the whole "pulses and throbs" thing kinda hot, too.
Look user, has it right.
One of the things I get off to is girls being buried alive in concrete. You can't have sex with that and most people rightly find that horrifying because it is, but you can absolutely spot the difference between porn of people being buried alive and mobster hit snuff images. What OP posted was not body horror. It's 100% "dare you enter my pissy forest" magical realm BS and if you force this on your players without being 100% certain this is also their fetish you are an awful person who cannot contain their degeneracy.
Or its fuckign body horror and they used a bunch of abilities thematically tied to fertility and body horror to make the creature. Like the xenomorphs from ALien. I mean quite literally, the Drakainia is basically a Queen alien who deposits aliens directly into people instead of laying facehuggers. Then they added in a teleport power which relies on her spawn, and a supernatural quick grow aura. Only fucked up fetishists think everything was made with masturbation in mind.
Seriously, just like this fellow , the problem is that there is far too many thirsty fucking virgins and teenagers on Veeky Forums whose only thought is how to get off. And because their constant need to get off colors the way they think, they think everyone else does the same. Sometimes a cigar is literally just a cigar, and a horrifying monster was made because its a horrifying monster.
When in doubt, think of Lovecraft.
Can you just imagine Lovecraft writing The Shadow Over Innsmouth while furiously masturbating to the thought of those ugly little fish people forcibly impregnating some nubile human maidens?
It is entirely possible to write about sexual things without being turned on by them.
>Can you just imagine Lovecraft writing The Shadow Over Innsmouth while furiously masturbating to the thought of those ugly little fish people forcibly impregnating some nubile human maidens?
I always assumed he did...
Sometimes a joke is literally just a joke, and a thirsty virgin is actually a guy making a joke.
Make sure your autism doesn't shove monster-spawn down our throats, user.
Look at Geiger's art and tell me the rape monsters that Aliens are aren't his fetish. Even if it was made because it was someone's fetish, it isn't mine, so it's incredibly horrifying on every level.
Or at least it would be except any time you post anything on Veeky Forums it is someone's fetish and that is the only part about that thing that will ever be discussed so if I ever come across this thing in an actual game at least 30% of my brain will be dedicated to thinking of it sexually even if that disgusts me.
I actually have a preg fetish, but I don't find the drakainia particularly fetishy. Nothing in the way it looks or acts really fits in with my fetish. The drakainia is more about forcibly implanting Alien-style parasites into people that burst out of their chests than about pregnancy stuff. It doesn't even have a pregnant belly despite the description mentioning it (I suppose the lower half of the body is an insect-style abdomen, but that's hardly the same thing).
Alan Moore did
Fine, but the fact that Lovecraft didn't means it's theoretically possible, and that assumptions should not be made until we know more.
I would like to point out that most of the time it was FEMALE horror married to human males.
It was about race mixing
And his own fear of women
Probably more about his fear of women
And his fear of fish.
They're based on things he's seen in his drama and nightmares.
>concrete burial
But why?
Dreams, rather
Forgot about that
Dude was scared of freaking everything
>Can you just imagine Lovecraft writing The Shadow Over Innsmouth while furiously masturbating to the thought of those ugly little fish people forcibly impregnating some nubile human maidens?
>I am still traumatized.
Looks like something from Monster Musume.
fuck, wrong image
Hey now Deep Ones never raped anyone, it was always a bargain they made with coastal towns and it usually involved a man with a female Deep One.
Dunno if 1 or 2
>Can you just imagine Lovecraft writing The Shadow Over Innsmouth while furiously masturbating to the thought of those ugly little fish people forcibly impregnating some nubile human maidens?
Yes, but sometimes he fucks up and imagines them as niggers, and then he feels absolute shame.
The shadow over innsmouth was inspired by Lovecraft's discovery that he had distant welsh ancestry. Granted that's even worse but black people likely weren't even in his thought process for that specific story, since he was too busy processing the horror that his family may not have been 100% WASP up unto prehistoric times
>Reading a biography on Lovecraft
>He was so obsessed with the "Anglo" english gentry that he tried dressing like them and speaking in a british accent sometimes
>Literally LARPing as your ideal master race despite being a mostly Irish mutt of various races
>denied his wife was Jewish after marrying her saying she was "a Lovecraft now"
Lovecraft was literally /pol/ 100 years early. What a strange, sad, fascinating man.
he was like us
/pol/ pls go
Same fetish here can confirm if I wanted to make her more "magical realm" like I would change her a lot....(First by removing mpreg attack)
I can't believe GW is using my wife's picture like this. I may have to sue.
Clearly you've never seen Roman graffiti.
Patrician taste, anons.
Personally, I think the drakainia is way too cute to be used as an antagonist; I simply have a lot of affection for her, beyond her fetish-y appeal.The horrible monster thing ( ) would be no fun for me; I'd rather have a naive pregnancy monster causing trouble in innocent ways. (I mean, she can basically birth out a town of weird mutants in pretty short while. Someone has to convince her to stop, or maybe slow it down a little.) But this does reflect my general disposition, which is a lot more Undertale than it is hack'n'slash.
Not that I would inflict this sort of plot on hapless, unsuspecting players, obviously.
Oddly, I do have an unbirth fetish, and I find it kind of hot... although that makes no sense whatsoever, and I'm not turned on by the chestburster bit.
In fairness, it is possible that sexual frustration has driven me insane. Can't discount that one.