Mistakes were made edition
I bake, I get butthurt, I bake again edition
Fuck everyone and everything REEEEE edition

First attempt at baking resulted in an aborted mess without even the subject being correctly filled out. A large number of anons (OP included) got incredibly salty. Nothing of any importance in .

>Thread FAQ
pastebin.com/iUqNrrA8 ()

>Official HH 7th Edition Errata (not updated since January 2016)

What to include in a HH list, how to format it, what makes each legion special (crunch), tactics, Tutorials for Heresy-era minis and more
pastebin.com/Tm2P4QLp ()

>HH Books, Novels and Rulebooks galore
pastebin.com/k9uvqsub ()
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.docdroid.net%2Ffz1OuHK%2Fcrusade-imperialis-army-lists.pdf.html
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.docdroid.net%2FZTK72gs%2Flegiones-astartes-age-of-darkness-army-list.pdf.html
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmega.nz%2F%23F!BxI1HSgI!0tKymKh9RZTzGpgIA5EyCg

>/HHG/'s Legion demographics

>/HHG/'s allegiances

>Primarch Popularity Poll


>Crimson King

>NEW Mega Folder

Other urls found in this thread:


>errs by making a thread before the bump limit
>compounds this by failing to name it correctly (it should be /hhg/ - Horus Heresy General, for future reference)
>doubly fucks his own reputation over forevermore by making a second neigh-identical thread and tells disgruntled anons to migrate over to that

Pls tell me you're Curzefag, I am loathe to believe there are two faggots of immense proportion on this tiny of a general.

Centurion-Delegatus Plasma McPointyhand claims this fresh bread in the name of the IV Legion. Previous bread was suitably bitter.

Does anyone know if HH is going to be brought in line with 8th edition rules wise? I might start collecting it but, from what I've read, I'd rather play with the current rules opposed to an 8th ed HH.

You should give the model realistic muddy weathering by shoving it up your ass.

Not for the time being, sadly enough. We'll get something along the lines of 7.5 produced entirely by FW, i.e. a total mess now that Bligh is gone.

No, FW apparently listened to the whiners and decided to stick with a patched-up 7th ed for the foreseeable future. Which is kinda funny, considering 7th ed is already a patched-up frankensteinian monstrosity.

Did you really saw off a model's feet to make it look like it's standing in ankle-deep shit?

Oh fuck, don't remind we that we'll need to stick with fucking 7th...

They're sticking with 7th at least until all the Legions have their rules and units.

7th was cluttered but from what I've seen it dosnt seem like HH is suffering from the problems associated with 7th ed 40k. Crazy daemon summoning, re rollable 2+ saves, ect don't appear to be a huge issue in HH. Am I wrong in that sense?

There's a little bit of both of those, in that Word Bearers can summon and ally Daemons and the Custodes Tribune can have T5 W4 3++ rerollable EW, which means he beats down literally everyone aside from one specific Mechanicum character who ties, but the Tribune is slow and expensive and thanks to the way allies work in 30k Word Bearers can't exactly run a Daemon factory, it's more dropping Plague Drones and Bloodletters around the place to provide support.

I-I'm not a faggot...

Agrax Earthshade Gloss over Stirland Mud gives a nicer finish than that, user.

No, he's literally standing in it. The joys of texture paint.

Go play your shitty game instead then.

You're on Veeky Forums, you are, de facto, a faggot.

Buy raffle tickets for a fully-painted knight house and fund medical research for the sake of a podcaster's son. I don't think anyone's complained in here about Freddy the Swede yet (Varangian Heresy podcast).

(He has Duschenne muscular dystrophy, which mostly affects boys and limits your lifespan to your late '20s, maybe more if you get good health care.)

Get fucked cunt. Release episode 100 and maybe I'll help

Basic marine resin resculpts that aren't lanklets when?

Eh... the Eye of Horus released ep 100 (vol. 1) this week. And they aren't organizing this telethon anyway.

So, how's everyone dealing with the 8E Blues? Still getting any games in with Horus Heresy?

Never. You'll get plastic marines and you'll like them.

But I need mkII...

Good anons, could anybody upload Crimson King audio? Long week ahead and I will not have time to read.

Get 20 of the box set with the different armours

He sure is on point.

Guys, post your HQs please

>gather together all the parts I need to make my Thousand Sons army
>8E hits
>FW comes out with 7.5
>FW looks like a mess after Bligh's death

Honestly I'm contemplating just storing away all the TS bits I prepared and turn all my HH stuff into Carcharadons. At least I'll have a Blackshields option if I do that if FW ever manages to move to 8E.

Probably a good idea. If you only had 40k people to play against, HH is dead at this point.

I feel awful for everyone who bought all the Custodes products, honestly. All those tanks and special units are absolutely unusable outside of 30k.

Well, I guess that is how they nerf Cuckstodes.


8th edition suck so much,same Aos shit but with dumb people (at least WFB player start to play 9th age)

I made some competitive tourname t test in 8th i win or lost the match the 2-3* round,never arrived at 4* round in 10 matches,i rape or have been raped befor it,the gunfire is soofucking heavy,manticora and wyvern are soo wrong,as for plasma aip-guns,and all various shit

>so mad hes lost literacy skill

I gotta wonder, does it improve the bait or distract from it?
Assuming it isn't an honest attempt at a post, in which case it is really sad for multiple reasons.

Despite typing like a chimp you're right. The best thing 7th has going for it is the perfect balance. There's literally no overpowered or worthless options.

Are you being sarcastic?

The sarcasm in that post could melt a hole in the bow of a Mars class Battlecruiser

True. And don't forget the speedy gameplay of 7th. It's so quick and efficient.

Sometimes, people are trully retarded here, but you good sir, show such a clear sarcasm as exploding plasma generator. Cheers.

New SoH player here looking to buy things other than legionaries but no idea where or with what to start. I'm guessing Dreadclaw drop pods and a tank? What kind of tank?

Also I want to field Maloghurst but it doesn't seem he has a particular model. Do I just use a legion support cadre?

Get some legionaries and metal boxes to transport them in. One or two HQs and then decide what Rite of War you want to focus on first and go from there.

You should do some conversion work for maloghurst like pic related

>metal boxes to transport them in
There are 20 different tanks, which one would you recommend? Do I need more?

Metal boxes is a meme name for rhinos

How many do you think I need?
Deimos or Damocles?

Are there other comparable tanks, in case I want variety?

Sweet. What bits have you used?

SoH command squad has a Maloghurst model.

Awesome, thanks! It didn't show up when I searched FW.

Fuck off. I can guess who this is you lousy cunt. I was watching you on that shitty forgottenlegion livestream.

You're the worst podcast and you're opinionated as fuck.
>I only like narrative
Keep to your tournament making. And you can pay for that kid since you can afford fucking resin straight from the source maybe you should spend it on the charity instead.

Dude. Get some rhinos. Read up on different units. Starting at 1d4chan's legion tactics list would be nice. Don't ask us all these basic things.

If you want to discuss tactics, we got you senpai.

If I'm running Orbital Assault can I just replace all the Rhinos with Drop Pods?

Yeah? Isn't that literally what the RoW says?

Guys, Mechanicum question here.

In MoM, Hieronyma of the Reductor became *the* Archimandrite. Do the stats represent the absolute assrape she unleashed in the Webway? Do you use large, heavily converted robot models to represent her?

How do I field lots of Castellax-class bots?

Not my work it was posted in B&C the thread is called 'Let the galaxy burn. Balefire legion'

If I recall correctly it literally says that any squad that can normally take a Rhino as a dedicated transport is allowed to take a Droppod instead.

Hey fellas. Where can I get my hands on the new Perturabo ebook? I can't seem to find it in any of the MEGAs.

Black Library.

I'm not entirely sure what was going on there, since Archimandrite is also a term for the one or few Archmagi that rule a Forge World and deal with logistics and such, it's not a unique massive warbot. You could convert her up, but the stats don't really match the lore, a tabletop Archi is just a normal Archmagos that gives all your vehicles IWND and boosts reserves. I suspect that that monstrosity would better match the capabilities of Anacharis Scoria.

As for Castellax, they're Troops. Mandatory Troops, for Cybernetica. Take 40 or so Adsecularis to score shit (in two units) then go nuts with the Castys and Domini to keep a leash on them. In almost all larger games you'll want your choice of Archmagos and two lesser Domini with Machinator Arrays as your HQ slots. I would also recommend some Vulturax, Arlatax and Thanatars, since they all just utterly destroy shit.

Sorry, what I'm trying to ask is is there some situation where a Rhino might be preferable to the drop pod so I should take a Rhino or two instead of using only drop pods?

Why not read the rules, like the bit where only deepstriking units can be taken.

Look at the limitations for the Rite of War.
"Units that cannot be deployed by Deep Strike, either by having access to the special rule themselves or because they cannot be carried in a transport vehicle that has it (infantry in Drop Pods, for example), may not be chosen as part of the army.

So either your squads Deep Strike by themselves or in a Drop Pod of some kind or they're not in the list.
So no, you cannot take Rhinos if you prefer, it's Drop Pods or not at all.
Unless your Rhinos have Deep Strike, which they do not.


>RAW you don't need to have everyone Deep Strike. The rules say that units must either have the Deep Strike rule or have access to a transport that has the Deep Strike rule, and that if a unit purchased a dedicated transport then it must begin the game deployed inside it. Do remember Flyer DTs still start the game in reserves, though.

from the 1d4 wiki

My apologies, I'm really having trouble parsing these rules.

anyone got the audio version?

It's really simple.
You're allowed to take a unit if:
1) The unit has Deep Strike ; or
2) The unit has bought a Dedicated Transport that has Deep Strike (Drop Pods or Transport Flyers, as those all have Deep Strike too).

no exceptions.

admittedly, the usual RAW-asshole will say that your unit is allowed if it could have bought a Deep Striking transport but didn't, but there is such a thing as RAI, which means that everything arrived by Deep Strike or it's not going in the list.

RAW is generally the home of WAAC idiots, especially in HH, where the lore is more important.

Remember your protein shake, bois.

Anyone got the BoP IW paint guide, can't find it in the megas

Sure thing, I got your butt user.

What happens to Maloghurst post-Heresy. He a pretty cool guy.

I bet he died during Siege of Terra with Loken.

Nobody knows. Surely he became a warlord on his own after Horus died, leading a warband or joined the Black Legion. Maybe he became a daemon prince, who knows?

Nobody knows what happened to him.
I want to make a CSM warband with the SoH colours lead by Maloghurst who rejected Abaddon's leadership

If you hate yourself buy Dreadclaws, if you hate yourself a little less buy Drop Pods.

Sons of Horus do great combi-weapon veterans, probably the best in the game. There's nothing wrong with just buying more legionaries and combi-weapons.

Another problem is that RAW in many HH missions you auto-lose if you null deploy.

How many Archmagi are there on your typical Forge World? A dozen? A hundred? A few thousand? It seems to vary. The Martian Synod is a few thousand members, but Archmagos Kotov had three Forge Worlds, but his High Magos counterpart was just the 2IC of a small observation platform.

I'm trying to write a Dark (Horus) Heresy adventure based on a Mechanicum Sector Meet, when representatives of all the major organisations and factions and Forge Worlds meet to talk about whatever, trade and do deals. AKA MechaniCon.

New Primaris and Death Guard up.

These guys (Reivers) would make good Night Lords, or Moritats.

these guys would suit 30k more than the Dark Millenium guys who are a bit more Chaosy.

I'd use some of the new Plague Marines as Gal Vorbak, what with the mutations and such.


I'm sure those helmets will come in handy for something besides Chaplain conversions

Gee, Guilliman, how comes you get to have three Chaplains?

Yeah they could be really cool as a Nurgle-oriented Gal Vorbak force.

>grenade launchers wielded by the Deathshroud Terminators

GW is trying to be so FW they even try to emulate their proofreading...

Snapffit lol

Dark Imperium models are not snap-fit, though. You need glue to put them together. They are more monopose, but for example all the primarine heads are separate and can be swapped, as people have done. Don't see why these dudes would have ones moulded on.

That Librarian head might work pretty well as a Magos. Given the fluff for my Secutarii Axiarch I might use it on him. Otherwise, Primaris stuff looks meh. DG might make sweet Gal Vorbak, though.

You speak as though we live in a world without x-acto knives, clippers of various sizes, saws, and other implements designed to cut and dismember.

And it's the Dark Imperium units that are mono-pose minis. These would probably follow the same kind of standards as normal marines. And even if they aren't, it wouldn't be hard to cut them down into their respective parts either.

whaaat, we Night Lord now

I've had the same idea, it works well.

Grave Wardens, not Deathshroud.

>In July, both the Primaris Space Marines and the Death Guard are getting new units, starting with the Reivers of the Adeptus Astartes. Many of these Getting Started kits will be in the Easy to Build format, meaning they’ll be easy to assemble – they’re made of coloured plastic and you won’t even need glue. There are also two new Getting Started boxes and a Getting Started with Warhammer 40,000 book coming soon, giving you a range of options for beginning your journey in the 41st Millennium.

The 2 new easyfit boxes will presumably be stuff from the edition boxset.
Basically all the new models for the forseeable future are going to be snapfit or monopose, with the option to swap heads around. Even putting on custom shoulder pads on everyone looks iffy.

So, made for the newbies or people who don't care about converting. Kind of not really useful for us all that much.

I like the gas mask

Yeah the 2 new boxes are the stuff from the main box split in two.

Wow, this general is dead as fuck. GG 8th edition

>Only three models in the box
>Probably going to cost as much as a normal 10 tac squad.
Oh fuck

>How many Archmagi are there on your typical Forge World? A dozen? A hundred? A few thousand?
Only one.
In fact, some Archmagi may have many forgeworlds at his disposal, like Kotov did.
Most of the higher ups in a forgeworld are Magi with their corresponding High Technoarcana.
A few may be exhalted and attain Archmagos stats, but Archimandrites are rare as fuck, like Chapter Masters.
Example, in the EC of 110000 dudes there were only 30 Millenials, their Praetor equivalent. Most battlegroups were led by captains instead.
The same how there were only 7 """captains""" (aka Praetors) in the 90000 strong Death Guard.

In MY day we converting monopose metal models. Using nothing but our tears of regret to stick them together. In pitch darkness. Uphill both ways.

Deep striking units like Land Speeders, Jetbikes, maybe a couple of legions' Terminators that can teleport, and not sure what else (I don't think flyers can be deployed, even hovering ones) can start on the board. They're still part of the orbital assault, but they arrived a moment earlier I guess.

Everyone else is in flyers held in reserve, or drop pods. That includes Dreadnought Drop Pods, Dreadclaws, and Kharybdises - the latter two are necessary for your assault-oriented units and larger squads.