/dcg/ Dropzone/Dropfleet Commander General

/dcg/ Dropzone/Dropfleet Commander General

Bullshit Fuckery edition

Last Thread:
>Hawk Wargames website, with links to models, rules, and forums

>DZC rules, units, errata, etc

>DZC Phase 2 Rules and Scenarios
>DZC Phase 2 Units
>DZC Phase 2 Fluff

>free DZC army builders

>DFC Rules and Scenarios
>DFC Units
>DFC Fluff

>free DFC fleet builder

Reminder to ignore bait, unless it is masterfully crafted.

Other urls found in this thread:


since the old thread reached it's bump limit I'll re ask, what kind of cars did you use for those?

Reposting polls for next shipgirl.


Fucker should've used Samurai instead. As all good reconquestors know, the best way to not get btfo in CQB is to not get into CQB in the first place.

Posting my table




Again, what kind of cars did you use for your table?

>Shaltari is winning
>Voidgate is tied with Diamond
>we might be getting voidgate shipgirl

UCM Legionaires can express only two emotions.
Stoic dourness and rapturous bloodlust.

It's all you need for a good time.

Not him, but they look like N scale architectural model cares, can usally pick up a hundred of so off of eBay for less than a fiver

Those are definitely cheapo ebay N scale cars. Pic related: it's mine.

So I've been working on my dropfleet stuff, and letting my dropzone stuff build up; I didn't realise how much of a backlog I've got until I put it together just now...

Gonna get into DZC Scourge stuff. Any tips on things to get? How are Screamers? They seem so different to any other units it's a little hard to comprehend how they're meant to be used.

personally I don't play scourge, but Iirc people generally agree that the tormenter is, generally, not a competitive option, same goes for their corsairs.

I hate fighting Screamers. Everyone hates to fight Destroyers but they're an exotic choice and that means filling out an Occupation Patrol scourge troopslot.

survive thread!

I think screamers are cool, but you don't really need them. You have your searching troops and then units like destroyers, to fight CQBs. If you need to. With them I can do multiple role, where the screamer just really fills one.

Any info on how many pieces the advanced sector pack contains? It's sensors/power plant/laser from what I recall, but any word on how many of each?

Made some trees for DZC

I don't think we have heard anything.


What was the method?

Set up the table again tonight

China cars, cheap. Buy off eBay for 5-7$

WIP scourge battleship, daddylobster.

Need to buy a giant enemy crab

A clickytech Jupiter?

With the quality of Scourge scouts that doesn't seem like a big problem. It's not like UCM where the only scout you'll ever need is in a support slot.

Little parallel I noticed while painting up my scimitars.

At top: BTL from cruiser kit
At bottom: Scimitar turret

...and for some reason it's rotated 90 degrees. I'm sure you can tell which is which

I've noticed similar things with my PHR for the Hyperion laser and supernova laser as well as the railguns with heavy broadsides. I like seeing the designs carry through.

God corsairs are shit.

Why can't their accuracy just be improved one step? It would be a huge fix.

Tormentors aren't so bad. They're still not great, but the biggest reason they aren't picked is that people don't recognize the value of area denial, assuming a unit that doesn't get to shoot is worthless.

Tormentors just don't offer that much to the faction, especially nowadays. They're not a bad unit in a vacuum though armour 9 wouldn't go amiss but a flame unit that isn't super speedy and doesn't do anything else can't have that much of a place in the faction with the best CQB in the game.
Compare it to Fireblades. Almost the same unit, yet Fireblades are well loved while Tormentors are ignored. That's because UCM takes to CQB like a fish takes to an oil spill, so they need a flame unit to offset that. Whereas Scourge can just shoot a few Razorworms through a wall and fly in some Destroyers/Eviscerators.

But you can't have a discussion about shitty Scourge units without Vampires and Invaders. Old Ones can come too.

Night bump


Now that's a damn nice paint job.

>somebody selling "1 - 2 of everything" for Dropzone PHR including books and gear for $110 on eBay
I'd buy it in a heartbeat if literally anyone else played DZC around here

Good eye - yes

Are those bottlebrush trees?

Oh man that is great!

Is that the ghost tint method?

It's not mine, I just use pictures from the internet to bump thread. That particular one is from:

Damn nice paint job!

bump this thread Eurofags and Amerifats

Damn that is one slick paint job. I love the little vents on the Scylla.

Does anyone have suggestions for setting up a DZC demonstration game? I've got sufficient PHR, Shaltari, and UCM to host something, but I feel like the base starter scenario is a bit too limited on battlegroup variety.

I'd say bring the starter set then an equally priced 'big' unit to show differences between the factions. A Hades for PHR, perhaps a unit of heavy tanks in an albatross for the UCM, a big swarm of prowlers for Scourge, and a warstrider of your choice for Shaltari. Something to let each faction's different tastes show through. I definitely wouldn't bring command cards, just a suggestion.

You guys have such great stuff I am peanut butter and jelly.

Time to buy some n-scale stuff to make my board look better.

Same here user, same here. Though I get the feeling that most people on this board are way better painters than I so I'm not so sure how much I'll wanna show my work!

Believe in yourself user

Dave stop playing and get back to sculpting.

I need my Idris Elba.

I shall bump this thread by harnessing the pure rage of a true UCM Legionnaire.

Remove hedgehog. Nuke jelly. UCM stronk.


Some dingus is selling 1k worth of dropzone.

Why does he have so much unpainted.

Sure, $1100 sounds like a lot, but the listing offers you financing for an easy monthly payment of $52/mo! You'd be crazy not to jump on that deal!

All that and I don't even think it's one New Orleans worth of soldiers.

I assume he got a lot for real cheap, or otherwise he's actually an insane person. 6 Seraphim and 42 Legionnaire bases is more than anyone needs.

I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation but it's funnier to imagine someone throwing down four figures on every possible component for a game with no rhyme or reason and then never bothering to touch it again.

be the change you want to be.
consider picking up two different boxes and introduce people to the game, talk to your store owner.
I mean it could back fire, but it's better than nothing.

A store near me (well, in my country) had a similiar list of stuff when they went out of business. Got some cheap Falcon-As and Legionnaires that way.

Are either of the Menchits useful for anything these days?
Those spud rockets have got me curious.

A1 is still fucking terrible.

A2 is good. You can get away with being a slow flame unit when you double as an AT shitkicker and aren't stuck in a squad with long range units. They're perfect for going after big multi-wound things like Shaltari heavies and Resistance hovercraft.

Looking at UCM, PHR, and Shaltari, I have:

Kodiak in a Condor with Missiles
3x Sabres in a Condor with Missiles
3x Rapiers in a Condor with Missiles
2x3 bases of Legionnaires in 2x Bears in a Condor

2x Ares in a Neptune
2x Phobos in a Neptune
2x Immortals in 2x Triton A1s

3x Eden
2x Haven
3x Tomahawks
3x Kukri
2x Braves

Would the Tritons or added "cool" models skew things particularly hard in one faction's favor?

Triton's aren't all that great to begin with so...

Last I heard they were a lot better than Junos.

That UCM is a bit shit desu. Kodiak doesn't need transport and is pretty useless without spotters anyway, and Bears are a generally poor choice unless you're using heavy weapons teams.
Raven-As would be a good investment, and perhaps some Wolverines and Raven-Bs to spot for the Kodiak as well.

PHR on the other hand has Tritons and a Hades. Light dropships are just plain better than APCs, so that's a definite advantage they have over UCM (Havens are a bit of a weird outlier with their Shaltari warp fuckery, so they should be fine).
I'm not sure either rival faction really has the tools to deal with a Hades, especially a walk on Hades. At 900pts with a more concrete force, sure. But not at 700 with forces focused around the starter. And the big guy is going to be mostly demo and area denial anyway, since he wasn't designed as a walk on unit. Consider replacing it with Zeus+Odin in a Neptune.

You nailed it with Shaltari imo. Gharial is a solid centerpiece that is very powerful and flashy, but can still be effectively engaged by Sabres and Ares.

Maybe try:
>4x Wolverine B in 2x Raven B with missiles
>3x Sabre in a Condor
>3x Rapier in a Condor
>4x Legionnaire bases in 2x Raven A

>Zeus+Odin in a Neptune
>2x Ares in a Neptune
>2x Phobos in a Neptune
>4x Immortal bases in 2x Triton A1

>3x Eden
>2x Haven
>3x Tomahawk
>3x Kukri
>4x Brave bases

My bad, the Triton's aren't the apcs. They're actually pretty good.

What wargame mats are available for dropfleet?

I know of the deep cut studios ones. Anything else?

There's one group that has a bunch on ebay. Most of the DZC-supporting companies do DFC too.

I dunno if I'd show up with 2 Immortals in 2 Tritons to a demo game. You get your infantry killed, and the game *stops*.

Just print out satellite view of parts of Earth that aren't super recognizable to whoever will be playing

With like google earth?

NASA has some pretty neat stuff, can't remember the site though


This guy I guess

Not the one I was thinking of, but fucking neat as


Whoops borked link

Now those are some damn nice paint jobs!

The tron PHR was classic. What a great scheme!

The infantry bases were amazing.

>The infantry bases were amazing.
Indeed. The tutorial for them brushesandbayonets.blogspot.lt/2016/10/dropzone-commander-creating-bases-and.html


one day I'll be that skilled, one day...

They are astounding.

Hey guys. I was just wondering if you could all have a look at my 1500 point fleet? I'm not sure on the pathfinder group, to be honest.

Fleet - 1475pts
PHR - 10 launch assets

SR16 Flag battlegroup (322pts)
1 x Calypso - 37pts - L
1 x Minos - 285pts - S
+ Director (80pts, 4AV)

SR21 Vanguard battlegroup (477pts)
1 x Priam - 210pts - H
2 x Ikarus - 230pts - M
1 x Calypso - 37pts - L

SR7 Line battlegroup (208pts)
2 x Medea - 78pts - L
1 x Orpheus - 130pts - M

SR7 Line battlegroup (208pts)
2 x Medea - 78pts - L
1 x Orpheus - 130pts - M

SR8 Pathfinder battlegroup (240pts)
3 x Echo - 90pts - L
3 x Echo - 90pts - L
2 x Echo - 60pts - L
------------- dflist.com -------------

I just bought one from here a couple days ago:

We'll see in a week or so when I get it how it is. There were positive comments on the Facebook Dropfleet group about them, so for only $25 I'm sure it'll be a worthwhile upgrade from the paper mats in the starter box.

Three days remain


>UCM neck-and-neck for 2nd
Wait your turn, normies

>not wanting to see what Toulon-chan looks like



I am more partial to fiesta Taipei chan

Damn nice job on that scheme!

Pssh. Who votes for ships that actually get used on the table? It's all about the Tokyo.

Split up corvettes. Otherwise they have to swarm.

Still not sure how those front guns are supposed to aim at different targets. Shaltari fuckery, I suppose.


Outlier special rule

Doesn't matter; all ships of the same type in a BG form a single group; outlier still has to maintain group coherency.

I'm not sure I like the breakaway from the Shaltari tripod aesthetic (since Scourge are mostly 4-legged and PHR are mostly 2-legged to differentiate the faction's walkers), and the fact that the gauss cannons blinker the pilot's sensor clusters really bothers me.
Chalk this one up to upstart tribes who cannot into practical engineering, I guess.

Sup man, didn't know you posted on tg

I'm not the guy who made it, I just use nice looking pictures from the web to bump thread.

and you're doing god's work man.


God damn, I assume those aren't yours user? I really wanna know how they were painted!


Our Lord and Saviour is at it again. Painted battlecruisers up close and personal.

(Except the Shaltari, suck it hedgehogs)