40K images

Post all 40k images safe and unsafe. Please give me some stuff for my 40k anime folder. Also just post funny pics from 40k.

>trying to make le epic nerd maymay out of the most mainstream wargame there is
>using 'normie', not 'normalfag'
>badly spelled and unfunny


fuck yeah

Posts for the OP! Awesome for the awesome dude!

thanks man


Mechanicus is best faction, prove me wrong!





shit wrong pic, isn't there a primarch one of this though?

As you wish.



I sure wish you had your own board.





I serve at your leisure, honorable battle brother


You dun goofed


Hush, if we know not where we began then we know nothing


There used to be Hobbits in 40k?

Also why are those goblins wearing space marine armor?

Did someone make this ironically?

Fuckin normans...


Dwarfs, actually. They were called Squats.

The orks are drawn after the models at the time (or modelled after the drawing, I don't know) and were a lot cleaner looking in the old days than they are now.

Those are just nid food.

>normie infriendly
pick one

grim derp
I pick grim derp

part one

>grim derp

part two

yep, there is no difference between those two options there

This is the single worst headcanon of all 40 headcannon meme

and part three

shit droped the image

kek, but fuck you ultra tards

Since when Halo became grim derp?


I don't know where you live but usually no one who hasn't had at least a short episode of complete social inpetitude in ther lives knows what 40k is

>namefagging with a discord link begging for sage maymays

Not that user.
40k is pretty much well known, at least among 16-30 y/o male people. c'mon man, even the most average normie has passed a GW store in his life, wondering about those painted figures.

i havent met anyone in my entire life that knew what it was that i didnt first see at a flgs or whatever. even after explaining it to someone they still think its a videogame.

What country do you live in where people don't know what boardgames are?

Second worst.

Not that user, but i live in germany, probably the second biggest market for wargaming after the uk, and while board games are somewhat common in family settings you'll still be an outsider freak for playing wargames
Part of that is probably the war part though

Why Magnus look so damn smug

Halo was always grimderp. The basic plotline is mankind has been reduced from 100 worlds back to Earth, then gets saved by a galactic civil war while shouting USA! USA! under our breaths while hiding behind the Elites.

More like everyone wants you to step outside and die.

>basketball player
>7'6" 350 lbs
they are about an entire foot and about 100 lbs too high

I'll name my son Sangohanus after the two greatest jobbers in the universe

>shouting usa when hungary is the main military power and reason for victory
There is so much wrong with this post but this one kinda stings

Germany? You have internet over there?

>straight at a gay bar
>not gay at a straight bar


I'm from Hungary myself. All the people I know who knew about this shit are guys who were social retards and/or outcasts at some point in their lives, me included. Also a girl who is very weird and fits the stereotype quite well.

I'm quite sad to hear that as I was planning to move there and thought it's more of a normal thing to do over there, given German national autism.

hey you go OP

I live in the southern us and can't think of a single person that would know what 40k was.

implying the southern us knows anything
