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So did that pathfinder fag get sick of trolling /pfg/ and is now trying to fuck with WoD?
Actually, fuck it, I got a better question:
Have you ever used decidedly NOT WoD/CofD material as inspiration for a WoD/CofD game? Such as a fantasy movie or superhero comics?
nah, I actually want the threads to not be shit
this is my first time making the thread, sorry if I fucked up
Get rid of your fucking name then, and next time, avoid weeb garbage. All it does is attract kids who believe anime is the pinnacle of art and media.
How do we prevent this thread from devolving into magefag circlejerk?
Too late, you've started it.
>Played an 8 year Mage campaign where each story arc was a song.
Dealing with the Spiders from Mars was a bitch.
First off, we need both Vampire and Mage fags to stop being fucking idiots
that's it, that's the only step
What did A Thousand Years of Night say about Mages?
Question, do we even have Garoufags?
I feel like I never see any.
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A Series of one-off missions centered around the International Task Force 'Blessed 21' and the perils they face defending a society set upon by insurrection, terrorism and self-destructive cults.
Here's the page. Enjoy your half page.
"Weeb garbage"
You seriously believe he didn't do this on purpose?
Look at the picture again.
Look at it.
He's jacking off right now.
Werewolf Fags, or Woofs as they are more commonly known, are a much tamer breed. See, they take out all of their rage and aggression when their characters inevitably Frenzy/Deathrage and therefore do not have the frothing madness that the Vampire Fags have due to the Beast always being there, and do not have to hide behind a false civility like Mages.
We also don't have to go around yelling about our favorite game every post of every thread like SOME PEOPLE.
Is there already a scan of that? I missed it.
Its true, blood is like my biggest fetish
The PDF was in the last thread, I cut that single page into a PDF.
At least you took my advice and changed your fucking name back to normal.
Most mages *only* control 30-40% of reality.
It's good art. Much better than the usual western shit.
If it was something by Takeshi Obata, Katsuya Terada, Sui Ishida, Ayami Kojima, or Tsutomu Nihei I'd say it's comparable to your average western artist.
But OPs image is low effort garbage.
So, we can all agree that outside of the core three, demon is the most fun to play, followed by changeling right?
>Question, do we even have Garoufags?
Even though woofs are one of the "Big Three," it sometimes feels like they're treated as second class supes. Heck, they weren't even included as a crossover option in A Thousand Years of Night.
>I actually want the threads to not be shit
Your first mistake was dreaming the undreamable.
I'd swap those personally.
I enjoyed the Dreaming much more than the Fallen.
Guess they're going out of style.
Use an actual WODG thread pic? Have a starting discussion Question?
I'm not against using images that don't lack the WoDG text on it as long as it is relevant but how the fuck does someone forget the question?
Wow, I managed to negative my way into disagreeing with my own opinion. I meant I don't think it has to have the text thing
So I just noticed something in Thousand Years of Night that kinda amuses me
>He just needs to get her out of bed, show her that
the world is still beautiful, and he’s found the perfect gift: a
living Dryococelus Australis, to leave on her pillow tonight.
I know the example character being talked about is supposed to be a entomologist but nigga that vampire just left a fuckin Tree Lobster on his pillow
fucker is gonna flip his shit
Fallen or Descent? Because hells yeah for Descent, but Fallen sucks my taint.
Honestly I love the world of Wraith but don't care for the overly weepy tone it tries to take.
You're in a darkly fantastic new world, with a new chance for life, ironic as it is, and these asshole specters are trying to ruin it. So grab ahold of one and beat them into a sword which you can use to kill even more asshole specters.
What Question? Here's the other one I made, btw.
Whoever did this has been spending too much time around mages.
>Dryococelus Australis
>vampires can become so tied to a place or infrastructure that they have that it becomes something else if doing so would keep them from losing all their power/whatever advantage it would give
Neat. Makes for an interesting way to set up cities with an ancient population
>Thousand Years of Night
Did anyone notice that the antagonist Deborah (p.124-26) appears to have been created by a mage?
What Arcana would a mage to create something like her?
>TFW you actually enjoy Demon: The Fallen
You're not alone user. I just enjoyed changeling more.
But I also enjoy Dark Ages, so I'm not exactly a paragon of taste.
Nothing represents the love of ages than giant insects.
>creepy vampires
I mean, giving gifts like that is cool. I just have a thing against bugs. It'd be even WORSE if he'd, y'know, ghouled the thing ahead of time.
>treel obster as big as a bulldog
I think that the book was more implying that someone used her as a Yantra at some point rather than created her
Thanks a bunch. I've been waiting for this book for a long while.
>I think that the book was more implying that someone used her as a Yantra at some point rather than created her
I'm thinking the creation of Deborah involved some archmage shenanigans, and she was either the subject of the spell or a quintessence with some lasting side effects.
Maybe it was a unique case because of her already legendary status. Something that couldn't be really done again easily, but similar to the spell Create Fate (Fate 5) which gives out some supernatural merits. High potency due to high desperation/emotions, use on an already legendary figure as a yantra (easily a +3 or +4) and no real desired goal for the spell other than "Make her fucking awesome to kill those vampires"
What's wrong with Descent?
I'm not the guy, but Descent is a INCREDIBLY different game
Its like enjoying apples but then someone buys you a tube of toothpaste because there is an apple on it
>"Make her fucking awesome to kill those vampires"
An quite admirable goal for any respectable mage.
Anything to help eradicate the infernal vampire infestation should always be lauded and encouraged.
Well the ones in question were Draugr. Draugr are open season for everyone.
My reading of it is that she's perhaps some sort of summoned entity. It's the thing that makes the most sense, something summoned up in the form/name of Deborah.
You realize they're referring to the Arcana right?
>elder vampires afraid of mortal mages
I already hate the new supplement
>elder vampires afraid of mortal mages
From a raw power standpoint, elders are not that much more impressive that regular vampires, and they have some additional weaknesses to go along with their slight increase in abilities. When Rose said that TYoN wasn't going to be an Imperial Mysteries-equivalent for Requiem, she definitely wasn't kidding.
The book implies that the best strategy to deal with mages is not antagonize them and avoid them until they die. The few truly long-lived mages are some of the most dangerous, and should be avoided at all costs.
Come on, man. You and I both know that there is every good reason to fear a Mage. After a certain powerlevel, even an Elder's only real recourse is go to ground, wait a couple centuries and hope they either die of old age or ascend beyond the concerns of this mortal plane.
>she's perhaps some sort of summoned entity. It's the thing that makes the most sense, something summoned up in the form/name of Deborah.
I think she's supposed to be the Biblical Dvora, just enhanced with magic. Note that she also still has a living family, and it's implied that some, including Asher, have some supernatural abilities. The bless/curse cast on her appears to have affected her entire family line.
However, I certainly like the idea that she's some kind of supernal entity or spirit of justice and vampire ass-kicking.
If I ever run a Mage game (again) I'm going to have this be a quirk of the game. Any time someone uses Forces (or even Matter) to fuck with/make fire they gotta Clash of Wills against 10 dice
You're a dumbass
What, it makes for a mildly interesting mystery
How would a vampire even wait out a Lich?
Some never waste souls and wait til' the last year (apparently mages can push up to 130 years) to regain their years.
Some look the same for all time, at any age, old or young. Others have even moved beyond a corporeal existence.
Despite it not being 'true immortality', I reckon Lichdom entails far more freedom than vampirism.
The ability is useless against any sensory fire magic instantly targeting the vampire. The will already be extra crispy as the flames recede.
The vampire is little more than a glorified fire extinguisher, and to an experienced Obrimos or other mage proficient in Forces, the vampire is, at best, a nuisance.
BTW, how effective is Smother against sunlight or gravity...?
>it makes for a mildly interesting mystery
Indeed. The slow and methodical vivisection of the leech will be most informative and entertaining.
Wait for another Mage, disgusted by the Lich, to kill them.
I wonder who the oldest Mage in history was.
I bet Archmages can live immensely long lives if their obsessions demand such patience.
Archmages can easily make themselves immortal, but like many liches, they're not really human any more.
Archmages can remove the concept of Death from themselves using the Practice of Excisions.
If Imperial Magic deals with Template shenanigans, then Seeker driven immortality is as "true" as Vampirism.
>Wait for another Mage, disgusted by the Lich, to kill them.
Playing one mage against another is both smart and a very vampire thing to do.
It's also disgustingly easy.
I suggest the vampire leave the immediate vicinity when it happens though.
Mage duels aren't epic affairs in WoD, they're quick and vicious.
I don't think Mages much care for casualties either.
Worth the expense, they would say.
>I suggest the vampire leave the immediate vicinity when it happens though.
Immediate vicinity? Shit, I'd leave the country, just to be safe.
Well on both points it really counts on how prepared the mages both are, and what paths they take
A battle between a pair of Moros who have both protected themselves from their various Arcana might devolve quickly into a battle of "Who can beat the other to death with a Shadow Tentacle" rather quick, while a battle between Obrimos is destined to be a light show no matter which Arcana they are both skilled in
That said, unless its a battle between two Space users, Mastigos is gonna be the most boring of the fight
Thyrsus is a tossup. Despite being the most primal of the mages, it could easily turn into a Proxy War of Spirits fighting Spirits to try and get to each other, or an attempt to try and cripple each other so a deathblow can be struck
Acanthus though is just fucking silly. You could get anything from both mages constantly casting Serendipity to try and get into the right place at the right time to fuck over each other, or you could get a straight up Acme tier battle of dropping anvils and pianos on each other.
Whether you wanna be a vampire watching all of this though I'll leave up to you
>I don't think Mages much care for casualties either.
Why should they? They're only sleepers.
>It's also disgustingly easy.
Not always. While most mages will gladly kill a predatory liche, mages are not stupid and generally quite capable of seeing throughs lies, deception and misdirection. Assuming the Wise are mere dupes is a terminally dangerous mistake.
If the vampire's gambit fails, mages have more than ample means to make him regret every single moment of his immortality.
jesus, the people in this thread forget real quick that blatant disregard for Sleepers is a good way to become one of The Mad
Magefags don't care about the rules of their own game, user.
Just remember that it may not go hot any time soon. Each and every mage holds a nuke and knows damn well that every other mage has one has well. That's why their society is basically built to stop them from going nuclear on each other.
>forget real quick that blatant disregard for Sleepers is a good way to become one of The Mad
Did you read the section on the Seers or the Mysterium?
>it's not easy being Wise
>Just remember that it may not go hot any time soon. Each and every mage holds a nuke and knows damn well that every other mage has one has well. That's why their society is basically built to stop them from going nuclear on each other.
An armed society is a polite society.
>Don't be rude to your local mage
Well, the original prompt just called for "waiting out" the Lich, so we're presuming the Elder in question doesn't need the conflict to go hot immediately. That said, valid point.
I like your take on Acanthus duels.
>Each and every mage holds a nuke and knows damn well that every other mage has one has well.
Some mages can literally go nuclear.
>Don't screw with an Obrimos
Does anyone else find the universe of Wraith fascinating or is it just me?
Has anyone ever played a Extraordinary Citizen?
Sea of Shadows and Doomslayers, man. Fucking mindbending.
>Thousand Years of Night includes a decent trans character who isn't just written as such to draw attention to it
>Like ten pages later includes a shitty character whose motivation is trans rage and soul addiction
Did two different writers work on this part? Like did Rose do the first then a different writer work on the second?
Or maybe not all Trans characters need to be shitting rainbows and good feels.
I concur, but the villainy being 'oh my god fuck the last thousand years of sexist men' feels thin. A trans villain can be villainous with more nuance like anyone else
Do they have a section on spriits and the shadow?
>Do they have a section on spriits and the shadow?
No, but that's not surprising since vampires rarely interact with ephemeral entities.
Any word on Deviant's release?
>Any word on Deviant's release?
I believe in one of the recent Monday Meeting Notes that Rich indicated the Deviant outline was just provided to nuWW for approval. I wouldn't expect Deviant to be released for 2-3 years, at the earliest.
Eh. There are a few bloodlines. High end auspex. Dragon nests are basically loci or hallows. Elders are more likely to have ended up picking up a trick or two that let's them know they've got a supernatural pervert in their house.
Where are those? I must have missed them
Goddamnit. I've been looking forward to that line. Looks like it'll combine the hunted aspect of Demon and the monstrous aspect of Vampire. And now I get to wait another 2-3 years before release.
At least another 2-3 years. OPP still hasn't released Changeling 2e, Hunter 2e, and Geist 2e.
We'll probably hear more about the schedule of releases around GenCon (and then given OPP's tack record, you can add a year or two to any announcements).
What i wouldn't do for a leak. Oh well. Until then, pic related.
I've been working on an alternate rule for my games. What do you think, /tg?
Suppose you have 2 Dex, 1 Brawl. Everyboduy knows this gives you a 3 dice pool to use on attack rounds.
Well, what if you wanted some variety in your games? What if you wanted to make lower 'level' encounters more challenging, but defeatable? What if you wanted to make gigantic dice pools more scary than 10d10 and getting a bunch of failures randomly?
I propose a system where you can take each die of progression in a pool, be it an atttribute or ability, and raise its level the way you'd buy more dice. Only you don't buy more dice, you buy minimum bonuses for each individual die.
Lets color them. The first die is always red, the second orange, the third yellow, the fourth green, the fifth blue.
Suppose you leveled up your Red Die. It wouldn't give you more dice to roll, but it'd give you a bonus on your outcome value when you roll that specific die, trying to reach or exceed the target number. 10 is an automatic success, 1 is an automatic failure, so it stands to reason someone very intent at their craft could become inhumanly good. Good enough to almost guarantee at least a little success.
So Jerry Canns builds up his Brawl die. Jerry Canns is a teenager rapscallion. He's not a very good fighter when measured against professionals, but he can consistently hold his own for his skill level. Jerry has only 1 Brawl die, but he has ground up 8 levels. If Jerry rolls anything above a 1, he's guaranteed a success. He's just that good. It'd be a massive EXP sink, but it'd also offer some variance in low level characters.
Then you have those theatrically cheesy motherfucking vampires. 5d10+5d10 attribute/ability pools. Each die with a +8; in order to fail, they need to roll a 1 to negate that die completely. All but guaranteed to succeed and succeed with a magnum opus, relative to humanity.
What do you think?
Seems like there's no real incentive to level up your die levels aside from "argh-pee" and if you're that careful, then in game encounters aren't such a worry because your players won't bitch randomly about things the ST does so that the game isn't a shitfight.
I'm strictly a New World player. What are vampiric numbers like in oWoD? I'm guessing it isn't the 1/50000 ratio of nWoD.
Used to be 1/1,000 in olden times, in modern nights I believe they upped it to 1/100,000 although that's a generalization for the camarilla only as sabbat and such are infamous for raising armies out of nowhere and of course a blood hunt by everyone in an area can only root out so many frenzying panders before they become rando caitiff and of course it depends on who is siring because each Prince and Bishop has their own agenda and they regulate who is and isn't considered one of their own and thus protected by society from things like wereshit, huntards, independent ghouls, etc. who all want their shriveled, undead nuts
Ah. They ever give percentages for clans? All I know is that there aren't many Salubri/Tremere.
It's closer to 1/75,000-125,000
Mages are 1/1,000,000-2,500,000
Werewolves are somewhere in the middle of the two.
>I'm strictly a New World player. What are vampiric numbers like in oWoD? I'm guessing it isn't the 1/50000 ratio of nWoD.
The Camarilla had an "optimal" ratio of one vampire for every 100,000 people in a given city, believing that this number would be the best way to both uphold the Masquerade (and allow for a certain number of people to "disappear" each year without causing too much mortal upheaval) and give vampires enough space to move around and claim for their own without getting into meaningless turf wars.
Of course, in larger cities, this ratio could be a bit skewed, especially if the city had an uncaring Prince or a weak/nonexistent Camarilla presence. Sabbat cities have more vampires in them in general, but said cities are often Detroit-esque, with failing mortal businesses, poverty, a lot of crime and drug abuse, people moving out rather than moving in, etcetera.
Anarch cities and districts weren't *quite* as bad as Sabbat cities, and if a powerful and respected Baron kept the peace they could even be better than the Camarilla's... but in general, the Anarchs often had a large population of vampires (and a lot of thinbloods and caitiff) that were too large for the more "popular" mortal areas, leading to a lot of vampiric gangwars and vendettas.
But if the Prince of the city was a firm believer in the Camarilla's "golden ratio" (or at least pretended to be), the 1:100,000 ratio could serve as a good guide.
Of course, some communities like the Nosferatu couldn't give two shits about what the Prince said, and would instead just keep whatever number they felt appropriate... meaning that they presented a certain number of Nossies to the Prince, and kept a few others hidden away... just in case. And the nomadic Gangrel just embraced whoever the fuck they wanted while *outside* of the cities where no Prince had jurisdiction.