Alright Teeg, let's pretend that all your minis come to life, what happens? How screwed are you?
Alright Teeg, let's pretend that all your minis come to life, what happens? How screwed are you?
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I tell my kriegers and cadians that I am a scion of the God Emperor and drill them, preparing them for combat against other peoples living minis.
>ywn have your minis come to life and be active pest control in your house
>shoo shoo stinkbugs
>shoo shoo centipedes
>mfw watching the grudge death match AdMech/Skiitari forces fight the Strike gundams, corvette riding Nazguls, Titan Quest hero, a few dragons, and a really pissed off Roman Legion done in Angry Marine style
Something like pic related
>all those half complete projects
Their screams will haunt me forever
If stinkbugs and centipedes are the worst of your bug problems then I truly envy you. I moved to New Orleans about two months ago, and I have learned that this is the realm of cockroaches and flies. Surprisingly few fleas, however. Back home my cat used to be eaten up by the little fuckers before I put him on flea meds.
>Bought the Reaver Strumpets
I've got about twenty some dragon miniatures of various sizes.
I'm expecting my house will burn before nightfall.
Or my animals murder each last mini.
My craftworld eldar and dark eldar either talk out their differences or gun each other down wild-west style. My converted Ork baneblade might make life difficult for both of them, however.
I don't own minis, I play digital.
>You're a fat neckbeard who can't socialize
Yes, well minus the fat thing. Been trying to slim down for vanity reasons.
>30 shade of zakus
Time to Sieg Zeon then
>my zoggin gob when ~400 ork boyz, 30 nobz, 5 warbosses, and all their buggies and tanks and shit come to life.
I feel as though there will be a waaagh.
Well, I'm glad it happened now and not in a few months when my order of Kingdom Death gets here.
That said, I now have a pile of assorted Malifaux monstrosities crawling around on my table, while a couple of Kingdom Death pinups stand on top of the lamp to hide.
Meanwhile, in a storage closet in my hometown, a hundred necrons eyes flash green in the glowing light of their powering-up Monolith.
I wonder if the artist was trying to invoke any real world parallels with that image.
[nervous humming]
What? Nah...
>Thousand Sons
>Iron Warriors
>Black Lantern Heroclix team
>Green Lantern Heroclix team
I really hope I get on Magnus or Black Hand's good side.
Depending, what would a bolter of that size do?
You gotta have a really teenis weenis to fit in that
Rip clothes, maybe bruise or something
these small enough and would they come to life
How would you go around securing the loyalty of your minis though? Or would they just tear you to shreds?
>Tiny Orks
>A discorded razor supports 50 choppas
>A tin can becomes a killa kan in the most literal sense
>A phone drives their technological capacity so far forward you soon have fleets of freebootas riding near the roof of your home
>How screwed are you?
Not much, for they are wee men
All two of my handmade minis (D&D characters)?
I could squash them easily. Or well, one is a wizard... if she's got the actual character's powers, I'm screwed, no matter how tiny she is.
Time to train the cat for emergencies.
But they have large swords.
As the universe's largest Chaos warlord, I lead my men on an unholy crusade against the hateful W'asp nests infesting my backyard,
let them get to toy cars and drones and the mekboyz will have a field day
How powerful are our minis? Space Marines run around at ~100mph or something in fluff, so I'm imagining my little squad of Paladins zipping around my house at the 2 inch equivalent.
That being said, my roommate has tyranids, so I have to kill those before they get to the fridge and start making more of themselves. And then probably get shot by my paladins/dreadknight for being some kind of monstrous daemon. If I can convince them I'm not a Daemon then I break out the paint and let them redo their armour. Then I tell them that their are more tyranids outside and wage war on the wasp nest somewhere near my house.
>Being woken up at 4 every morning by pic related to pray to the Emperor
>Not making the most of having a personal army.
>implying they would be your stando
>Implying you wouldn't be purged like any other xeno
My 100ish marines team up with the 200ish guard and the 40ish empire soldiers against the 300+ orcs and goblins and the few chaos marines I have.
They'd all get caught up fighting each other to be honest. Orks, Space Marines, and Chaos don't exactly mix well. Not to mention I've got Dark Angels and Black Templars so they aren't on the best terms either.
The black lanterns would probably give you the most trouble
Those were fun threads.
I have some 8k points of Dark Eldar.
Wake me up inside.
>my kriegers and my roomate's tau&chaos are sitting on the same shelf
Well I have about 60 saurus warriors, 60 skinks, 24 temple guard, 3 ripperdactyls, 1 bastiladon, 2 stegadons, 1 carnosaur and 3 skink priests.
I hope that I can establish peaceful contact, or atleast that they view me not as an enemy.
I could probably take them out but depending on who gets the drop on who and how prepared I am I'll probably end up with my legs all bloody and torn. Then it also depends on how powerful magic at their scale is.
>have about10 each of assorted fantasy minis, Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle, and Skitarii rangers.
>Including one trygon, an armored Sentinel with an autocannon and a Celty Sturluson kit I painted.
>They're all aimed at the front door.
If the trygon doesn't slaughter them all, I might loose an eye to snap firing,
It would be terrible, I play tyranids. Bugs everywhere.
My Tau are packed away in two large, multi-tiered, plastic bins.
Tanks are located at the bottom, Suits and Kroot make up the middle and top layer. The second bin contains Broadsides, Stealth Suits on the bottoms and troops for the next two layers. All weapons (Suit and Tank) are magnetically attached to the inside of the lid, suspended just beyond their reach. The bins are sitting atop a shelf in a closet in my toddler's room.
My guys would somehow have to remove the lid, pry themselves out, remove the layer plate, form a "human-ladder" to negotiate the steep incline to the second and bottom layers, pull their comrades to safety, and then secure their weapons from the magnetic strips. They then face the perils of the closet and the daunting drop to the floor, where they're greeted by the trapdoor to the sump-pump. IF they escape the bin, and IF they survive the sump, they're greatest challenge still lay before them... For the closet, has a Child-Lock!
Anyone remember this movie?
Similar to that, I guess
But do the tervigons spawn more gaunts? If so I hope you only have one tervigon.
>A 12-man squad from Infinity's Nomad faction
>1 statue of the Sorceress from Dragon's Crown
This actually gave me an idea for a deathwatch game where through some warp fuckery a killteam ends up in a 21st century house and they're scaled down to the size of minis.
>child is a latent psychic
>dreams manifest as warp abominations
>Mini-Deathwatch must hold off the nightmares until morning
Deathwatch Teddy Bears... I would play this...
>10 Assault Marines watching from the kitchen counter.
>10 Battle Brothers on patrol in a Rhino.
>30 Battle Brothers hunting through the hallway.
>40 Guardsmen broken up into squads of 5 each in support of each unit of Marines.
>Land Raider with Termies and Land Raider Crusader with Assault Termies and Termie Captain escorting Basilisk into more advantageous position.
>Genestealers, Termagaunts and Tyranid Prime go into hiding, probably under the fridge to begin spawning more units.
>mfw I have to move the fridge so that my Marines and Guard support can purge the slowly growing Hive Fleet.
Ok so here's who is in my spare bedroom full of cardboard boxes, paints, and warhammer figures
>100 red scorpions (specifically the ones who were on vraks)
>35 Blood ravens
>10 grey knights and captain stern
>azrael and 8 ravenwing bikers
>16 flesh tearers
>two 5-man deathwatch kill teams and a watch captain
>200+ chaos renegades, heretics, and mutants
>5 alpha legion chosen and arkos the faithless
>30 khorne berserkers, along with kharn and zhufor the impaler
>20 plague marines and necrosius the undying
>50 black legion and abbadon the despoiler
>10 khorne bloodletters
>Like 20 nids and thats it
I also have 17 gundam models and one giant 1/48th scale zaku in my living room. So god fuckin knows what they would do
The marines are all up on my painting table and the chaos forces are all in the corner of the room near all my terrain and a lot of boxes
I imagine that the chaos forces would dig in with their backs against the wall (literally) while the space marines lay seige to them from their high ground
>tfw i'll never get to witness the (mini) siege of vraks irl
I don't have any minis yet :'(
Holy shit dude, you're fucked
As long as i kill the fuckin time wizard bird and the invisible dick ass spider quickly enough things shouldnt be too bad. Ill probably end up having tiny followers worshipping me i guess. Good pest control too.
Uhh hopefully nomad clockmakers can help me invent some sickass tech and get rich as fuck selling it, or have the interventors just hack the fucking planet for shits, giggles, and all the countries secrets.
Hey guys, OP here, I'm working on some green, do you guys think it'd be OK for me to post it here? It may or may not contain memes.
Do they get the backstory I made for them are do they just get the background of the model itself?
>slaaneshi Daemons
[prepare the syringes prepare the belts]
>60 termagants
>20 genestealers
>1 broodlord
>24 gargoyles
>3 Hive Tyrants
>4 Carnifexes
>2 Tervigons
>18 tyranid warriors
>3 zoanthropes
It's a pretty bad bug infestation for a single bedroom apartment.
Make sure you hire a good exterminator because I don't think simple poison will work on them.
The second one
I don't think exterminators will work either
>Father, why are we not painted? Do you not love us?
This is literally how the Horus Heresy started
>well-painted LOTR dwarfs holding their badly-painted brothers in their arms as they die screaming
>ditto for a few SM Scouts and some tac marines/terminators, Chaos Warriors, Orks, Guard, and the Fellowship of the Ring
I am going to die.
would paint thinner kill the minis if you dipped them in it?
it would be extremely painful
>Second company of Ultramarines will now keep watch over my apartment
>Smallish swarm of Orks is let loose in Long Beach, enthusiastically welcomed by the locals.
When there's a will, there's a way
Do it faggot, more OC is always welcome
Well basically, in the first shelf, a very confused Abaddon wonders where the hell his 14th Black Crusade ended him, and while he discusses the situation with just as confused Ahriman, Fabius Bile the formerly Chaos Undivided CSM wait for orders while their bosses are shaking their heads, my horde of Khornate Berzerkers (who don't give a fuck) start murderfucking the hell out of my much smaller army of Blood angels, Tyranids and Orks while my Lost & Damned cheer them on. (And probably end up murderfucked as well).
On the second shelf, Nagash and Feyd Mantis have a 'civilized discussion' to determine who is the supreme overlord of undeath where they are presently (crushing the smaller contingents of temporarily still living things to get more troops), and considering these discussions tend to take time they'll probably end up having to deal with a bunch of very angry guys in red power armor coming from the first shelf in search for more blood and skulls.
Depends who gets me first, if its the Night Lords, I'm fucked, either skinned or butchered or press ganged into an eternity of darkness aboard one of their vessels.
If it's the Salamanders, then I'm fine, they're good people, though if they get into fire fight with aforementioned Night Lords then their is going to be a lot of burning shit down in order to save me (and other civilians) so may not have much in the way of personal possessions when all is over and done with.
An entire 15mm Panzer Regiment so i guess my 50 Panzers and panzergrenadier Company support will try to Blitzkrieg my 1500 point of Imperial Guard, i don't know what would happen with my Zakus. Though i am sure my life will be happier with my Stylet alive.
>smart, funny and action-packed
I haven't seen but I'm willing to bet that it's neither.
>about 2000 points of very badly built eldars I bought when I wasn't even a teen
>a patrol-sized IG force
>A bunch of necrons
>At least 10.000 points of various dystopian wars stuff
Would make more an interested setup. Necrons, humans and deformed eldars fighting under heavy bombardment from really tiny boats.
It is a really good movie.
I'd be deeply concerned about my 4000pts of WHFB Dwarves that I haven't used in about two years for obvious reasons.
I'd be pretty worried about the Battlefleet Gothic and Dropfleet Commander stuff as well.
My Bloodbowl Stuff might interesting, assuming anybody survives the above.
>200 knights and soldiers from 1450-1500
>100 Imperial guardsman
>50 Greeks, Romans, Trojans and Celts
>20 Generic fantasy figures Including some nude women
> Some spaceships
> A german and English fleet for WW2
> 4 battletech mechs and some battletech vehicles
My room will be a warzone. I hope the IG don't melt the rest though.
> over 3000 6mm Napoleonics
Yeah, I don't think there's anything else in that collection that can actually stop them. You'd better have an Atrocitous or Bleez Heroclix floating around somewhere or you are screwed.