just a question Veeky Forums but how do the mechanicum organise their armed forces, like titans and knights and so forth. do they have a set amount of skittari for each classification?
I would like to know because I want to join a game and its almost exclusively on mars and I think we will be in a few titan fights so I want to know what's actually happening and why.
1) that scale is sadly (or fortunately) incorrect, titans, while large, are not THAT large.
2) is this the Mechanicum, or the Adeptus Mechanicus? Or, to put it a less confusing way, Pr-heresy/Heresy Era, or regular 40k? Because they have quite different organisations.
Either way though, knights and titans are actually both pretty separate from the main forces of both:
Knight houses are (mostly) independent groups which have their own worlds and their own organisation - they're small individual organisations a bit like a Marine chapter, and only associate with the tech-priests more commonly than anyone else because tech-priests are usually pretty helpful to knight houses. As such there's nothing that would set up any amount of skitarii deployed with them save for tradition of deployment - aka, you can feel free to make that shit up as you like
Titan legions on the other hand are part of the organisation of tech priests, though they maintain a distinction and distance. They also operate largely independently, but, being based on a Forge World, will commonly deploy with the forces of said forge world anyway. They also maintain a standing body of their own ground troops, who are basically skitarii equipped to best defend the feet of titans, called the Secutarii (yeah, it's a bit of a confusing name)
Ryan Myers
this is the "present" emprorer is a corpse on a throne and heresy is the most used word after kill
and thanks for that, hmm maybe I will be a knight is my DM allows it.
thanks for the info, and thanks for the pic of mars.
I don't know much about them I am more of a tyranid guy so this helps a lot
Aaron Stewart
There are 3 main military forces on each Forgeworld
1.) Legiones Skitarii. Organized into Legions/Regiments/Cohorts
2.) Collegia Titanicca. Most worlds have a single titan legion for protection
3.) Taghmata Omnissiah. Called battle congregations in M41. They're a mixture of feudal-style forces from minor military orders called (Ordo Reductor, Auxilia Myrmidon, Centurio Ordinatus, Prefecture Magisterium, Legio Cybernetica, Knight Houses, Basilikon Astra)
Zachary Lopez
and wouldany of this play into politics? with the cog men pacts and feuds play as much a part here as the rest of the imperium right?
Jason Foster
The difference is that in 30K the armed forces were quite individualistic and ruled by the Archmagos Intendant of each world. It could get a bit fiddly where there were colonies of the world who contributed armed forces to the main world in lieu or other tribute. In 40K the Legiones Skitarri seem to be organized within the Cult Mechanicum rather then being under direct control of the Fabricator Locum.
Jordan Miller
Of course, although if Titans are about they tend to put those aside to help the blessed God-Machines. Expect the Titans to have truly absurd quantities of support (Millions if not billions of troops, aircraft squadrons by the dozen, Autokrator brigades and Secutarii, Knight Houses, fucking EVERYTHING).
Dominic Torres
hmm how quickly can you climb the ranks? I'm either a war hound driver or a preist who fixes shit on a warlord when they come back from wars. I'm told if we see an imperator, run the fuck away.
any traitors to be wary of? I know of legio mortis the arch-traitor titan legion. any others I could find in combat? like big players in chaos ranks.
David Moore
Not a 40K player, but out of curiousity, I've seen some of the 40K stats for titans...
Is there a cap on strength ratings? It seems like for their size, titan weapons should be considerably more powerful than any tanks, but their guns seem to cap out at strength 10.
Caleb Miller
in lore, they are. in crunch I assume that its for balancing the army.
Justin Morris
You see Legio Vulturum or Legio Kydianos (Gore Crows or Death Cry, in Low Gothic), GTFO as quickly as possible, as where they go, Anacharis Scoria follows, and he can beat Primarchs up easily and has legions of daemonic combat robots. They're rare as fuck, though.
Otherwise, any hostile Imperator Titan is a FUCK NO situation without at least a Demi-Legio to take it on.
RE: ranks, you won't be picking up a new Titan full stop, although if a Moderatii on a higher Titan is killed you could get his spot if you do well. Magi it's more ad hoc, they get toys when they need them or they impress an Archmagos or something.
Also, if you're a Warhound princeps, don't duel shit and don't stand still, or they will blow the fuck out of your titchy ass. Flank, harass, scout and bully weaker stuff than you.
They can be Strength D, which is a tad more OP than S10, but yeah, that was always the problem. They removed the cap in new editions, but simultaneously removed Blast Templates, so now a Volcano Cannon that kills other Titans can only kill two Electro-Priest basic infantry per shot on average. Meh.
Dominic Collins
so I see bastard astartes in blue and red, I report it and retreat? command is going to love me, I wonder if there is a titan commissar? hmm that might be cool. any who so to recap avoid reb and blue arse holes, and be a fast moving bully killing anything smaller than me?
Robert Williams
Not sure where you got red and blue from, but pretty much yeah, unless you have help a Warhound isn't going to be soloing larger Titans. No Titan commissars, Princerps-grade individuals are one in a billion so you don't waste them like that. Tip - go read the book Titanicus, it's in the MEGA archive in the 40k general IIRC. It's basically an entire book of Titan fights.
Jackson Baker
Sorry, I'm not familiar with Strength D. Could you give me a primer, or at least point me to whether it's in the core rules or another sourcebook?
Noah Thompson
>with the cog men pacts and feuds play as much a part here as the rest of the imperium right?
The Taghmata got abolished to a degree, as says it was more individualistic, but this didn't actually change all that much, save for the standardisation of skitarii as the main admech troops
Any traitor titan legion is bad news, at least in part because a lot of the machines have become possessed (often in service of one god or another, becoming things like Banelord or a Subjugator ) and have mutated - they don't need trivial shit like ammunition and they can heal like daemons
In terms of other titan legions, the the Fire Masters are the other traitor legion from Mars, so they're pretty big news (they were on Calth)
Xavier Ramirez
Warhounds are nowhere near as tall as the Statue of Liberty, even just the actual statue, not the plinth as well. The statue is just under 50m tall; a Warhound model is about 10.5 inches when constructed to maximum height according to Forge World, so about 7.5 meters tall irl (assuming 1:28; 40k vehicles are typically in a smaller scale than infantry, so at 1:35 it would be more like 9.3 meters).
For reference, this is a 10m diving board. The top board is 10m above the surface of the pool below. A Warhound would be anywhere between 75% and 93% of that height.
A Reaver model without weapons on the carapace is about 16 inches; that's 11.4m (or 14m in 1:35).
A Warlord model is about twice the height of a Warhound model; around 22 inches at most, so anywhere between 16m and 20m depending on which scale you think they're really in.
The only Imperators ever produced, to the top of their highest spires, were about twice the height of contemporary Warlords (which were in Epic, which was nominally 6mm scale but actually not); an Imperator would then top out (assuming a 40k version were ever produced) around 40m at the most, and probably closer to 30m.
While the art was (and is) often inconsistent about scale, the troop-carrying capabilities of the Imperator are probably in scale - how they're expected to move around inside is another matter - if you consider that old sailing ships like HMS Victory (which still exists as a reliable example) had crews close on a thousand and were only 70m long and 15m wide at their most extreme points, with five decks maximum (including one simply open to the skies). When you take all the gunspace and other unusable area from each deck, you're left with some very cramped living/fighting conditions indeed.
But Liberty would tower over an Imperator irl.
As far as organisation goes; Skitarii legions are roughly analogous to common footsoldiers in a medieval army.
Carson Green
In the HH books it's S10, Ignore Cover, does D3+1 wounds/Hull Points and forces Invulnerable Saves to be rerolled. In the base 7e rules it's a special table to roll on:
1 nothing 2-5 take an Invuln/Cover save or take D3 +1 Wounds/HP 6 Take 6+D6 Wounds/HP, no saves allowed whatsoever.
Wounds don't spill over, by the way. So you can REALLY overkill one dude with a 6. In the new edition, no more D, just shit like S25 Volcano Cannon which still bounce off invulns all the damned time. 8e Titans are piss-weak.
Jayden Wilson
well shit.... I just thought it looked cool. nice maths but it wasn't supposed to be anything
Dylan Cox
no i get that
just thought if you were going to be on Mars you should know what to expect
Grayson Robinson
its bigger than me, and will probably crush me if I get near its feet, that's all I need to know. honestly as I said earlier I only know tyrandids and chaos marines. so I was asking what should a standard titan team priest/driver know
Thanks for the heads up. Does the new rulebook contain stats for stuff as big as Volcano Cannons, or will I need to look at a different book to find the 8e stats?
Colton Williams
Nope, they're in the Indexes for Forge World stuff, new rules are titchy so there's no stats in there. Honestly the best way to kill Titans ATM seems to be to line up hundreds of Ratling snipers and Electro-Priests.