Yesterday, my Dark Heresy group finally realized I've been playing a StarCraft character for the last seven years.
Yesterday, my Dark Heresy group finally realized I've been playing a StarCraft character for the last seven years
Well done.
You have my attention, but not my interest.
Post story now.
Hell, it's about time.
>i played Tychus for seven years
wow, what a story.
Rolled 35 (1d100)
post stories or be punished by the dice gods for withholding story time
So y'all be sayin'
*puffs cigar*
So y'all be sayin'
*rebel yells*
So y'all be sayin'
*polishes zerg skull*
So y'all be sayin'
*takes a swig of whiskey*
So y'all be sayin'
*builds siege tank*
So y'all be sayin'
*strums guitar*
So y'all be sayin'
*walls himself in*
So y'all be sayin'
*listens to Sweet Home Alabama*
So y'all be sayin'
*starts another revolution*
So y'all be sayin'
*gets zerg rushed*
we were terranz n shiet?
Which one? Tychus?
I just settled all my lawsuits, fuck you Debbie!
Jubal Tecumseh Hinson, Feral World Guardsman; a mountain of a man occasionally mistaken for an ogryn due to the fact that he's about as dumb as one (but twice as pretty) - just don't ever suggest he's got an abhuman in his woodpile, because his pappy was a preacher and his momma was a saint. In his very first session, he killed an underhive bar bouncer for suggesting some sort of miscegenation in his heredity - with one punch.
He's from some podunk backwater of a world where the days are long, the sun is hot and the wildlife is hostile, possibly owing to a tyranid invasion some time in its recent past. He's partial to barbecue and sweet tea, and he only learned to read so he could make sure his tattoos were spelled proper. His tribal dialect is a deep Southern drawl. He fought on the wrong side when the Imperium annexed his sector and the Inquisition recruited him when he tried to escape the rebel purge with forged orders identifying himself as an Imperial officer.
During his most recent adventure, he beat one Khorne Cultist to death with another Khorne Cultist.
>His tribal dialect is a deep Southern drawl
this got me
Tychus was the best thing to come out of SC2.
He and Selendis, who of course, is a cute.
But user, Abathur exists. Those two come joint second, though, with Stukov in third.
If only she had been used for something actually interesting and fun, instead of being ayymons' sock puppet.
I liked when she was soaking wet for Jimmy in Wings of Liberty.
She can't be wet. She has no vagoo.
Protoss have zero orifices.
Shoo, autismo.
>sticking to the lore instead of fapfiction
Go back to /d/ smutfaggot. Your ilk were exiled for a reason.
>"Selendis, why are your nerve chords moist?"
>"N-no reason!"
>docking ensues
>implying that smutfags ever left
It's funny to me that you believe that.
how babby is made then if no orifice?
Don't know much about sc, but it's probably some mind melding bullshit
No official explanation.
My headcanon is that protoss pass genetic material trough skin contact and that mommy protoss form a pouch like pocket of skin on their bellies where their babby grows, which is shed when the baby is ready to be born.
Obviously they bud off.
Is that from the Field Manual?
>pooping from your skin
>expanded universe bullshit
>he beat one Khorne Cultist to death with another Khorne Cultist.
Isn't that how every Khorne Cultist wants to die?
>official lorebook that came with collectors version of LotV.
>expanded universe
You don't know what that term means senpai.
>a feely packed in with a limited edition of the game
>never referenced anywhere in the game, itself
>supported only by licensed novelizations
>not expanded universe
Sit down before you make a bigger fool of yourself than you already have.
The whole fucking point of the god damn field guide is to have lore that DIDN'T FUCKING FIT IN THE GAME you moron. The whole fucking book was completely authorized by Blizzard and it is as canocial as the games themselves. The bloody fucking thing has CONCEPT ART of the fucking game in it, and features lore on the new units introduced by the fucking expansion. Just because you don't like the explanation of Protoss biology, which, by the way, was also stated in SC1 lore (protoss being photosynthetic, Field guide just explained more of their lore), does not make the book part of "expanded universe".
Expanded universe shit is shit like the Star Wars novels that were released that barely had anything to do with the fucking movies, and had zero to do with Lucas and his vision.
The Field guide was not made by some forces outside of Blizzard. The fucking book is full of Blizzard artwork blizzard fucking advertised the book as a must have for SC lore enthusiasts. Have you even read it?
t. autismo
Nice argument.
You're a monster
I felt nothing for Tychus. They push him forward as this friend youre supposed to care about like Jim does but they dont really build up anything.