>"Take heart ronan, the spirits of your buried craftworld will be sacrificed to Khorne, rather than Slaanesh"
Do you think, all things considerd, this is preferable to an eternity of torture inside Slannesh? What would Khorne's afterlife be like.
>"Take heart ronan, the spirits of your buried craftworld will be sacrificed to Khorne, rather than Slaanesh"
Do you think, all things considerd, this is preferable to an eternity of torture inside Slannesh? What would Khorne's afterlife be like.
>What would Khorne's afterlife be like.
Khorne isn't the god of death, he's not the good of torture or pain.
He's the god of violence, so you'd probably be fighting. Most likely not a fair fight, but I'd rather fight for eternity than get raped for eternity.
It sounds like a shit sandwhich eitherway.
Khorne Eldar sounds awesome as fuck.
Like Striking Scorpions or Incubus on steroids. Or a really brutal version of that Ynnari champion in the traditional eldar empire armor except with more blood and viking influence.
Literally waging an eternal war of vengence against that upstart purple whore that destroyed his race, and unleashing all that rage knowing that Khorne has his back.
>khornate psyker
still makes me mad
>if Khaine wasn't a bitch
>Khorne actually treats the Eldar souls like kings to make Slaanesh mad.
I actually fluffed an army of eldars whose goal is exactly that : killing eldar warriors and giving their souls to khorne. Khorne's afterlife of endless fighting is much preferable to whatever slaanesh's one is. Especially if the subject is an already crazed up khaine worshiper whose faith can be twisted into khorne worship.
Best fusion.
I don't think it matters who they're "sacrificed" to and they'll still and up with Slaanesh.
>I don't think it matters what the gamefluff says, my headcanon is the greater authority.
When Eldar die for real, they end up with Slaanesh. That's why they really don't like dying. That's their codex lore.
Depends on how Khorne views the Eldar soul in question.
Remember that the souls of weaklings and cowards are placed on anvils and smashed for all eternity. The whole deal about the Eldar is that their entire race is constantly on the run like cowards and fewls, tend to avoid conflict except as a last resort, and engage in dishonorable combat whenever it suits them (pick their battles).
Khorne also hates psykers, so Seers are fucked by default, no matter how brave they were.
I can imagine Exarchs and Autarchs being dumped into one of his arenas, but it's not much of a good end for anyone else.
t. Swordwind player.
Why? They aren't sorcerers and you still need a way to summon daemons.
But Kyras, the orchestrator of the sacrifice, explicitly says they will be sacrificed to Khorne and not Slaanesh.
Lore states that the gods themselves don't share, they want the souls for themselves.
dying "for real" is kind of a washy concept
Eldar either die into soul stones or for real.
Not that user but when you go back and look at the lore of the fall it mentions Khorne wanted Khaine for himself but couldn't beat Slaanesh for it and he tore into peices in their struggle.
That being said it's not impossible, Nurgle keeps Isha in his garden after all
>Of Khorne
>Who sacrifices Eldar to snub Slaanesh
>And summons a demon of Nurgle
I still maintain that shit was so convoluted that Kyras was actually a servant of Tzeentch
It would be better. Instead of being raped and/or eaten by Slaanesh, they practice martial combat for eternity.
More like being practice dummies for all eternity.
>Have every orifice jammed with some kind of genitalia as you're digested for all of eternity, with no respite until the end of time
>Have to 'duel' with a new mook every day, which means you have to rest at some point or you're not worth the duel
Khorne forcing dead Eldar to fight his Daemons in order to make them better at killing living Eldar, which he then claims for continued effect. Sounds unlikely, but within the realm of possibility.
The point is, the soul can obviously be moved before it goes to Slaanesh, so it can also moved to another chaos god.
But even mortals are able to prevent that. Mortal Eldar use soulstones to stop it from happening.
Immortal Eldar Gods are able to intervene too.
So why couldn't Khorne?
As I understand it the daemon of nurgle occurred before Kyras went full khorne. Been ages since I played through the DoWIIs though so who knows.
What if the Eldar is into that though? They did create Slaanesh out of their desire for pleasure. It seems like Slaanesh would probably reflect whatever makes an Eldar Horny.
That was back when Slaanesh was hopped up on the souls of 90% of the entire Eldar empire. Slaanesh is nowhere near that strong now.
Slaanesh gets Eldar souls because it has a prior claim and, as mentioned, Eldar tend to live and die like bitches. Khorne could, in theory, just muscle Slaanesh out of the way and take any given Eldar soul for himself, but he doesn't because he doesn't consider them worth the effort, and because doing so might give the other two gods an opportunity to dick with his stuff while he's occupied.
>Khorne Eldar sounds awesome as fuck
Theyre supposedly one of the most deadly beings in the universe, but mostly stick to crone worlds, however having your soul sacrificed to Khorne doesn't make you a chaos eldar, you will be his play thing, to fight his daemons for eternity, but it is slightly better than slaanesh "rape torture" for eternity
Ideally, Khorne would take only the more martial souls like Autarchs and Exarchs, who would not only be better at fighting, but also be more receptive to fighting daemons forever.
>Slaanesh is nowhere near that strong now.
Wait, really?
Why did they get weaker?
It's better, because they might meet CalaMentos Kaine
If you read the Codex: My Ass, you will learn everything you need to know.
The other three are powered by a perpetual concept that is always in abundance (War, Change, Stagnation) while Slaanesh was powered by the excess of the Eldar Empire. As the Eldar fell, Slaanesh gained a massive temporary boost that put them on par with the other four, if not ever so slightly stronger. However, as Slaanesh gained this birth-boost by consuming the Eldar, effectively eating away its own source of power. This caused a massive decline in power similar to one coming off a drug high, and leaving a void in Slaanesh the likes of which hasn't been filled.
I don't think you understand slaanesh? In the dawn of war game, ronan describes it as having acid dripped into your ears for all eternity, or thorns pressed into your eyes forever
Even if it reflected some extremes the Eldar liked, it would be taken to such extremes and excess it wouldn't be great, you like sex and being lightly? Slaanesh is gonna get daemons to stuff your lungs with the smoothest silk and fuck you with barbed with claws appendages
Why ISN'T there an Eldar Khorne or Tzeentch army ?
It makes sense for them to seek protection or even vengeance for there race.
But isn't this shallow? None of the other Chaos Gods have such miserable fates for their followers. Khorne, Nurgle, and Tzeentch all have some degree of 'reward' for people who submit to them (fun fights, a good time, oblivion), but Slaanesh only offers an eternity of unpleasantness interspersed with one or two fetishes you may appreciate.
>None of the other Chaos Gods have such miserable fates for their followers
The Eldar aren't followers? Theyre being taken forcefully by slaanesh
Path of the Dark Eldar has individual Eldar 7 Dark Eldar corrupted by the other gods if you're interested, it's also a pretty good read besides those points.
But even Slaaneshi followers are f-u-c-k-e-d.
>Heavy Venom Cannon
>only AP -1
>Seething after an imperfect regrowth that he judges to be a deliberate slight, the disfigured Acothyst Mydilian gifts his masters in the Coven of Twelve with a flock of Aelindrachi shaderavens. The avian terrors are well received, for though it is rumoured their caw slowly drives those who hear it insane, it would be seen as an act of cowardice to refuse them. Given the inherent strangeness of the Haemonculi, few notice that the Coven of Twelve are becoming ever more eccentric.
>A year to the day after Mydilian’s gift, several of the Coven’s senior Haemonculi depart into a shattered spar of the webway without warning. Their clarity of thought long gone, they plunge through a forbidden gate onto a long-lost crone world, rubbing their clammy hands in anticipation of having daemonic ‘specimens’ to experiment upon.
>Upon a plain of burning bones the Covenites find more in the way of Daemons than they bargained for. The horizon is scarlet from end to end with the footsoldiers of the dreaded Blood God. A never-ending cycle of battle begins as the souls of the Haemonculi are claimed as playthings by Khorne himself, denying them any chance of regeneration in their Commorrite lairs. They are condemned to an endless grind of unimaginative but extremely gory deaths, whilst Mydilian and three of his peers enjoy a sudden promotion.
I guess it depends on the perspective of the Aledari in question. I am guess the guys in the story above would like to have been consumed by Slaanesh instead of Khorne.
Khorne doesn't generally torture the soul he claimed but there are exceptions.
Souls of those who trespassed in his realm and attempted to steal him are turned into anvils in his war foundries. They scream from all eternity as hammers of intense heat falls of them again and again to forge his hellspawned weapons.
Of course then there are his warriors who died on their beds instead of the battlefield. Instead of joining him in Khornate Valhalla, they become slaves in his forges forging weapons for more worthy warriors.
And then there are the sorcerers.....
Well yeah, it's just some are pleasantly fucked.
Slaanesh is an Eldar God, so why would he torture all of them?
>What would Khorne's afterlife be like.
GWAR Concert
>Slaanesh is an Eldar God, so why would he torture all of them?
In moment of Slaanesh's birth, 99% of the Eldar subconsciously recoiled and rejected Slaanesh rather than embracing the bundle of joy that they created. Ever since, Slaanesh have viewed the Eldar with great love for being his parents as well as an abandoned and unloved child's hurt and scorn.
Even his relationship with the Crone Eldar is tainted by his spite to all the Eldar. Never granting them true peace.
Because moderation is not part of the Slaaneshi playbook. So, when stuffed full of the souls of the Entire Eldar empire, Slaanesh chose to go on an apshit bender, eat the entire pantheon, fistfight Khorne, create the Eye of Terror, drag every Eldar world in reach into the Warp to be ground up onto powder and snuffed, and in the process wipe out his entire power base.
Once he came down, all the Eldar whose excesses had created and fueled his birth were dead and their souls consumed, leaving jackshit to work with, and leaving Slaanesh the weakest of the four.
>In moment of Slaanesh's birth, 99% of the Eldar subconsciously recoiled and rejected Slaanesh rather than embracing the bundle of joy that they created
Completely false. The vast majority walked right into his mouth and screamed in joy as they were consumed. It was only those outside the soon-to-be Eye who could flee.
They are veterans of millions of years of wars, after all.
Eldar just aren't used to war in the 40th millennium.
>Well yeah, it's just some are pleasantly fucked.
No, it's that some of them are sufficiently corrupted and mindwarped by Slaanesh that they enjoy the eternity of Rape
>not pleasant
IIRC at that point it wasn't even Kyras, rather a Daemon posessing him.
>The vast majority walked right into his mouth and screamed in joy as they were consumed
You wonder if they don't or do regret the choice.
I mean, in life they sort of lived like Xenobites and basked in pain and pleasure.
I think you meant Cenobites.
Can a Daemon possessing a human ascend to a daemon prince though? I thought they were explicitly humans that have become elevated into daemonic form.
I think it's a pun.
Because they're, you know, xenos.
I dunno, could just be a plot hole or an attempt by a lower ranking demon to rise up. Seems like ol cornflakes would shit on any attempts at those shenanigans to me though as that falls under "being a sneaky git".
>Completely false.
I read the HH and The Phoenix Lord novels. Ingethel told that exact story , and we have PoV perspective from the people who became the Phoenix Lords. They were in the impact zone alongside many degenerate Eldar. All of them weren't consumed by Slaanesh. They lived for some while in a post-apocalyptic daemon terror world until they escaped the planet.
>But isn't this shallow? None of the other Chaos Gods have such miserable fates for their followers.
>Chaos fafa actually believe this
Barring the .0001% who ascend to daemonhood, chaos damn and torments all of it's followers. There is no afterlife or reward for you. At best your soul is swept into the warp and torn apart by daemons the same as everyone else. Where on Earth do you get the idea that Chaos is GOOD to its followers
Actually no.
We have seen the afterlives of Chaos mortals. Most of the followers (low key ones) are drawn into the Chaos Gods themselves and merge with them. Becoming one with a god. Such a glorious end.
Other have their souls live in the Realm of Chaos. As we have seen in the recent AoS novel where the Stormcast invade Nurgle's realm, Nurglites souls spend their eternity tending to the garden and wallowing in blissful despair and stagnation.
Slaanesh has great tortures and pleasures for the souls trapped in his domain, willingly or not.
Khorne warriors live in a Valhalla like place where they fight for all eternity.
Tzeentch well I am not sure what Tzeentch does to with follower mortal souls. We are just told that not even death will make you stop being a puppet for Tzeentch.
>drawn into the Chaos Gods themselves and merge with them. Becoming one with a god. Such a glorious end.
This is the level of delusion chaos fags are on
They aren't merged, they're consumed. They're called the lost and the damned for a reason
He'd probably transform all Eldar into daemon princes.
Eldar can reach greater heights of emotion than other races so their anger and hatred would fuel him to greater levels than human servants. They'd be uplifted (in the hypothetical situation that they could be saved from Slaanesh by Khorne). Eldar would be given the greatest gifts of Khorne necessary to allow them to express their rage and bloodlust wherever they went. Humans would serve their Eldar leaders, Eldar would report directly to Khorne.
>I read the HH and The Phoenix Lord novels.
Not that guy, but you should try reading the original lore from the codices. Even Craftworlds of non-decadent Eldar had their souls consumed by Slaanesh. His birthcry killed every Eldar in the vicinity of what is now the Eye of Terror. No one survived. Those that were too far away (outside of the Eye of Terror) were spared, kind of. He still siphons their souls, but does it slowly. Soulstones can help to a degree, but there is no way they'd protect against a cataclysmic event, like Slaanesh's birth, that ripped a giant hole in the universe. It's impossible that any Eldar survived Slaanesh's birth in the Eye of Terror of their own free will.
Sounds like this is a case of modern GW writing sucking ass. You really shouldn't read their numale shit.