>GM or Player
>Time availability
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
Game Finder! Gamefinder!
Bumpie bumpie doo
>GM or Player
See the additional info
Tuesdays 8:30 EST
>Text or Voice
Voice (Skype), Roll20
>Contact Information
[email protected]
>Additional Information
The game is Oriental Adventures (adnd 2e), AKA the precursor to l5r and other cool weeb games. Before you run away, hear me out: Don't be intimidated by second edition. It's easy to learn and super rad. We're going to start a brand spankin' new campaign as soon as we get a couple more peeps involved. It's gonna be bangin'.
Ctrl+f gamefinder next time, ok ?
>GM or Player
player advertising for the game
>Time availability
as of now the game is set for Saturdays at 5pm GMT
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
Here's a link to the game on Roll20, read more about and post if you are interested
>Additional Information
The game is set in a neo WW1 scenario at north america.
Years after the nuclear Armageddon of 1992 the world is slowly returning it's days of old.
New nations arise and with it large scale conflict has returned.
We play as a group of soldiers sent with a secret task to disrupt our foes behind enemy lines at a region of allied occupied territory.
>GM or Player
D20 modern/D&D 3.5
>Time availability
Mountain time
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
I need at least two players for a gamma worlds game, i can provide books. just need players willing to learn a tiny bit and who will show up noon-ish every sunday.
>GM or Player
Dark Heresy 2
>Time availability
Sundays from 8pm - 11pm EST
>Text or Voice
Voice via Discord, Rolls via Roll20
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
I'm opening up applications for the All Sisters Party 2.0. Session 0 will be July 2nd. Everything else I think I've answered in the LFG post on roll20. Give it a read if you're interested!
Friday evening
Voice, Roll20, Discord
Healslut #3726 on discord
Its a low magic high fantasy game set in a brutally realistic and challenging world with a huge focus on customization and revolutionary combat mechanics
Bump because I need players
Can't you just run L5R? I've been jonesing to play that forever.
Who are you bumping?
reminder that
>everyone who recruits for "anime games" is LCD
>everyone who recruits for D&D is the hyena furry
>the rest are shitters
Never play with anyone from Veeky Forums
>I wanna play a supers game
>Varies, but I'm in EST timezone
>Prefer voice because I'm not autistic.
>Tipsyrooster on discord
>I'm looking for some shit to do during the week, have a sort of booked weekend.
>Prefer voice because I'm not autistic
filthy casual
>cause i'm not autistic
yeah good thing you're talking out loud about how your gay elf is fucking the undead's femur instead of typing it out.
I love this GM's persistence and enthusiasm, but man, 2e AD&D OA... yikes.
Keep checking the Game Finders dude, I'm hosting an MnM game soon-ish
>want to do a freeform RP
>without combat
>or shitters
>in text
How fucked am I, Veeky Forums?
Because second edition is rad as fuck.
I've been playing with a steady group from Veeky Forums for four years. 75% of the people i get from here are totally fine, and the rest we push out.
I mean, does the ruleset make THAT much of a difference? I've run SR:5e, mouseguard, d&d, l5r, masque, etc.
Isn't it more about the setting, tone, GM, and fellow players? I guess I don't really see why the dice you're rolling matter.
No combat will basically mean high concept, which you won't find in freeform, or romance/slice of life, which only attracts shitters
>GM or Player
Anything, I will learn if dont know it
>Time availability
Weekends, maybe weekday evenings, no fridays, EST
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
Discord Healslut #3726
>Additional Information
Im so bored pls I am a great roleplayer just let me play your reindeer games
>GM or Player
Any 40k RPG
>Time availability
Mondays tuesdays thursdays, fridays and weekends. afternoons in GMT timezone prerefered
>Text or Voice
I've done both plenty of times either is fine
>Contact Information
Discord Tango#9271 supertango on steam
>Additional information
I'd like to play tabletop roleplaying games if that's possible : ^ )
I get what you're saying and partially agree.
If a GM I enjoyed with a group of players I enjoy said "I have a great idea for a 2e OA game, lets give it a go." I'd be up for it, because I enjoy playing with them no matter the rules.
Two issues though:
One, maybe it's a personal issue but I feel the system as a fair amount of impact on my character. My character is the prism through which I experience the game. If I don't like my character it's going to hurt my enjoyment of the game.
Second, in a group finder you're rolling the dice on if you like the GM or players at all. Making joining a game of a setting you're not interested in, a system you dislike and a group you don't know, well that is too much of a gamble for me.
Again, maybe it's just me being a grumpy old man. Maybe I just played enough 2e AD&D to have no interest in going back to it.
Sure, and that is very true that you never know what sort of weirdo players and GM's are out there.
But, like ya said, I've already sold you on at least one person in the group. And there's always room to back out if you hate us.
A fair point! Maybe I have to look to see if I have any 2e books around. Think I got rid of them though.
I got 'em all digital.
Anyone running any FATE games?
Bonus points if its a tuesday evening GMT.
what about FATAL? close enough rite
>>GM or Player
Fragged Empire
>>Time availability
EST, Mondays & Tuesdays after 6 PM
>>Text or Voice
Voice, but no Skype
>>Contact Information
Proktor#4139 on Discord.
>>Additional Information
This system looks really neat, but nobody local is interested.
take it from me its not that great
i played it once and you can break the game really easily by just making a dodge build that translates to no one being able to hit you ever
and this is with out even trying to break the game
Beggars can't be choosers, I guess.
>everyone who recruits for "anime games" is LCD
No, no, no. Look for the keywords: caveat emptor, kawaii and waifu.
LCD here. Thanks for the heads-up, now I can sneak by and avoid the shitposters.
Kawaii waifus, caveat emptor.
Way I see it playing in voice would dissuade people who want to do something like that. Also?
>Game with fantasy races
Making some assumptions about what I wanna play.
You worthless flake, you've never managed to get a lasting game and you never will. Get out of my goddamn sight.
>>GM or Player
>>Time availability
Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, hopefully later in the evening starting anywhere from 6-9 PM EST.
>>Text or Voice
Either works; Discord for voice, Roll20 for rolls and/or text if we favor it.
>>Contact Information
>>Additional Information
Personally, I'm hoping to find people willing to run the adventure paths, or just a Pathfinder game at the very least. I consider myself more focused on roleplay over combat-focus; however, I can optimize my character just fine as long as it fits whatever concept I have in mind for them.
>>GM or Player
>>Time availability
Everyday at anytime except Saturday. I have to go back to College in the middle of August though, but I should still be available most nights including Saturday
>>Text or Voice
Either works, I prefer to use discord for most things, but if you have a preferred program such as skype or roll20, I can make an account for those.
>>Contact Information
Dickrazor#6789 on discord
>>Additional Information
I'm down for any type of setting but I'm not very good at being a courtier. I can do it if you need one and I could probably use the practice, just be prepared to help me out a little bit.
Uhhh... I feel like if you want to do a non-combat text, you *have* to at least have some form of stats to demarcate what you can and can't do, which takes away freeform.
Though I have interest in trying such a thing, if you move forward with it
Question: would asking about Kingdom Death games for Tabletop Simulator is okay in this thread? I'm about to buy it, but most of the people who I usually play with aren't interested.
Is Game Finder tolerant of homebrew games and GMs?
I don't think anyone is gonna shit on you for it. Veeky Forums includes board games, after all.
I've seen quite a few homebrew ads in my day, sally.
>GM or Player
Whatever, as long as a heist may possibly occur at some point.
>Time availability
Past 5pm EST weekdays, weekends probably whatever.
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
ManDudeBro#7473 on discord or [email protected] if you're not a discord having autist
>Additional Information
My desire for intricate planning is endless, it is not required but I will probably silently judge you for not having it.
Also all of us are autistic retards
>Freeform non-combat needs stat
>Freeform combat somehow gets by without it
>>Without Combat
Learn to read you shit
Bump for games.
>GM or Player
>Time availability
GMT +0, afternoons and evenings.
>Text or Voice
Text only
>Contact Information
Miro / Panda#9181
>Additional Information
I am a notable 'Adult' player who prefers dumb characters. I'm also mainly looking for ship-themed game, Sci-Fi or Fantasy.
I'll give this thread one more bump, that's all.
>GM or Player
40kRP, FATE, Mekton, Pathfinder, Ryuutama, whatever really.
>Time availability
Monday's, Tuesday's, and every other Friday. EST
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
[email protected]
>Additional Information
Looking to find a group and see if we mesh well; would more than likely run something eventually if that were the case.
Correction: [email protected]
You've been hounding at least 3 people and ruined several games for the crime of wanting to run AdEva, none of which are your boogeyman.
Source: I'm one of them, asswipe.
As in nautical?
>GM or Player
Gm and player
D&D: 3.5, pathfinder, 5e
Shadowrun 5e
>Time availability
Anytime after 1pm GMT-5 anyday
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
Discord: A Name#9549
>Additional Information
I am currently running a game of 5e D&D that could use another player or 2. But I would like to join other games.
what's your 5e game like?
I've played with fa/tg/uys. Hell, I'm playing with them still and we're all mature people capable of dealing with each other's shortcomings in a mature way
if youre playing a courtier, if you arent that great of a roleplayer, you should state what you are trying to do, exactly like a fighter in D&D would.
Here's an example:
>since I'm sitting with this dragon samurai talking about the upcoming matches, I want to shift the focus of discussion carefully to the arrival of numerous ronin from Unicorn lands and see what his take on that is
If the GM is not a shitter, he'll let you roll your Courtier skill in order to do so in a subtle/good fashion. Let's say you fail the roll
>the dragon shifts the focus to your topic, however he also attempts to find out what your stake in all of this is
then he'll have you roll your Etiquette if you want to fend off/focus the conversation on another facet of the discussion or sincerity if you want to deceive or give him a satisfying answer.
personally, I sometimes lack the words to express what my character wants to say so I just state how he tries to approach the subject instead. It's no different from the fighter saying "I want to lift the lid of the sarcophagus using the lever of the crowbar."
I agree with this 100%, but some people insist this is "roll playing, not role playing" or some such and totally not interested in a person playing this way.
I love playing social characters as I very much like solving problems through clever diplomacy than fighting. In real life though my health is poor and brain doesn't always work right, so while some sessions I can give stirring 20 minute speeches to rally PC and NPC alike, others I can barely mumble a coherent sentence about what I'm trying to accomplish. This makes me shy away from social characters in online games as I worry what the GM thinks is "roll playing vs. role playing".
Should I run an all-Sister of Battle ERP Dark Heresy 2e game? Regular gurls and futa both accepted.
>GM or Player
I Play 5e but am down to learn mostly anything
>Time availability
Saturdays are iffy and another day may be iffy because of a campaign I'm running but other than that i'm free most of the time. Also i'm US Central
>Text or Voice
Voice perferably but am willing to do text chat.
>Contact Information
Darren#3794 on discord
>Additional Information
I like roleplay focused gameplay and like i stated earlier can learn mostly any systems.
There's a Gamefinder Discord! It's as easy as clicking the link!
kill yourself
All SoB is boring, and not even ERP can make up for it.
Out of a five person party maybe I'd allow 2 female non-SoB just to highlight the difference in discipline and mentality.
I can get behind that.
If you have a group that thinks like that, drop them like it's hot. They suck and are not worth keeping around.
Sorry, the sisters have to room for vile mutants. Please incarcerate yourself with a flamer.
Not falling for that one again.
Typical fantasy setting. If you're a fan of matt colville, you'll recognize the map. Though I've fleshed out the world quite a bit.
I tend to try to make adventures relevant to character backstory. So narrative can be a bit dependent on character choices.
What did you want to know?
>fan of Matt Colville
And that's all I need to know.
Is it cursed?
It is a wretched hive of flakes and shittery, possibly because it takes even less effort to advertise and join games than here.
I liked the setting. Thought I could make something fun out of it. And I think I did.
Fair enough, just please tell me you don't take the man's gming advice seriously.
Only if you lack imagination. There are other Ordos besides Militant you know.
It's boring because they all have similar backgrounds and indoctrination; not because of a supposed lack of variety in skills and talents.
Yes, and why does non-combat need stats when combat freeform gets by without it?
Again only if you lack imagination. A Hospitaller is going to be a very different character than a Famulous or Dialogus. And no two Hospitallers are the same either.
I didn't say they would be 'the same', I said they would be 'too similar'. They're all raised in the Schola, they're all inducted into various Ordos of the Ministorum, they're all provided with more-or-less the same indoctrination upon being inducted into those orders.
Sure, Sister A might be more of a hothead than Sister B (who uses a flamer instead of a bolter), and Sister C might be from a non-militant order, but that doesn't sound like an especially diverse cast, does it? Just copy-pastes of the same background with (marginally) different skills, equipment, and personality (which might be non-existent, depending on the players).
You're basically saying that all Adepts from the Administratum would be the same, or that any with the Astra Telepathica background would be the same cookie-cutter individual. Or that any Arbite is basically Judge Dredd.
You must love Only War if all you can think about is how characters "must be X" because of a similar background.
Wrong. All those sorts of characters can be from different worlds, and have wildly different backgrounds and convictions. Sisters from different orders have different functions, but sameness is metaphorically beaten into them during their time at the schola progenium, and their training with their specific order.
They're nuns, and some of them have guns, but not all of them, and their leadership is highly superstitious, pious, and xenophobic; thinking differently isn't just frowned upon, but might get you burned at the stake for being a witch, or sent to a prison colony to live in a little box for the rest of their wretched life.
Only War has a similar problem, but at least Imperial Guardsmen (with specific regimental exceptions, such as the Death Korps of Krieg) have the capacity to be their own person, and not a brainwashed fanatic.
One or more Sisters (regardless of which Order they belong to) among other kinds of party members can be really interesting due to contrast, conflict, and so on. A party solely comprised of them isn't terribly exciting.
>Only War has a similar problem, but at least Imperial Guardsmen (with specific regimental exceptions, such as the Death Korps of Krieg) have the capacity to be their own person, and not a brainwashed fanatic.
Sisters are honestly one of the most versatile groups in the imperium. They have a whole heap of people with training other than 'Shoot dudes'. You can have archaeologists, medics, diplomats and spymasters all without leaving the Sisters.
SOB, going by the novels, are also one of the more rational and thoughtful imperial groups. That's a part of the major conflict with them and the Mechanicus in the second SOB novel. They don't just blindly accept what the mechanicus spouts and want to independently verify stuff.
>LCD STILL pushing this "not me" meme
Everybody knows when it's you.
can i play a shota instead?
And you've been on record claiming that you accuse random people of being LCD just to ruin games in these very threads.
If there are any males I'd prefer they be bottom only played against the futas. I also don't like eroticizing children as a general rule, but a young feminine teen would be okay, if they had some skills to offer an inquisitor's warband.
>SOB, going by the novels, are also one of the more rational and thoughtful imperial groups
Which is bullshit, seeing that their zealotry is so out of control that it gives them magical powers.
"Hey boy, want to serve the Emperor?"
>Role: GM
>Setting: Mouse Adventures in the Post Apoc
>System: TBD
>Time: Friday or Sunday
>Format: Discord
>Contact: NoEyesZalgo #1547
>Other Info: One day in the 80s Anime World Kaiju showed up and killed everyone before sleeping. Now the world has changed, twisted in some ways. The bigger creatures are smarter but once you're bigger than a cat you end up warping and twisting into unholy abominations. The smaller creatures gained a hunger like zombies, these included nearly all insects. Mice on the other hand have hit a sweet spot, instead of the hunger they gained a weak subconscious hive mind that helped build communities and have some psychic powers. Instead of going mad they merely became nearly as intelligent as humans.
They began learning about human culture and adopting their clothes and mannerisms, though they've ended up in a feudal society. Most use swords and crossbows, few use mechanical contraptions, nobody uses guns.
Lastly the Kaiju brought with them their own creatures, riding on them were extra-dimensional fleas and bacteria. These are by far the most dangerous foes.
Seems like there's at least a couple of interested folks; got any contact info?
Voice or text?
Add FestinaLente#0295 for the ERP Dark Heresy game.