Happy Pride, everyone!
Happy Pride, everyone!
What I don't get about this is that if being gay and shit was normal why have a holiday and shit just for being gay.
Thanks user, I had fun at the pride parade today.
Their target audience isn't people who notice such contradictions.
>magic has become so gay that even the dragons have a token queer
>Dragons and Elves belong in our games
Fucking liars, I didn't see a dragon or an elf in a store like ever, sure they put them in cards, but where's the dragon player base? where?
Double trips of truth.
Thanks satan.
its not normal, its a state only experienced by a small, historically degraded, subset of the population, but it is natural, which seems to be what you mean.
Christianity is normal but it has like two, arguably three holidays.
The concept is to show that its not something to feel bad about. People tend to try and make people feel bad for being gay, the whole gay pride thing is to show those people who were taught that way that its nothing to be ashamed of.
Its like if you were raised being taught having black hair meant you're a horrible person and you're going to die horrible and you deserve it. Seeing other people with black hair not giving a fuck might open you up and make you less depressed.
>He doesn't get snowflakes
Kek, they want to be treated normally while being treated specially. They want the same as everyone else while being rewarded for what they're.
fucking witnessed
Yeah exactly.
It's natural. Why celebrate it?
Joke on them, M: tg already gay as fuuuuck.
All gay pride seems to do now though is to make gay people look like a bunch of utter weirdos.
Why can't a Pride parade be like a bunch of normal dudes, a few banners and like a fair or something. Not a bunch of people barely dressed flinging dildos everywhere.
Which Christinal holidays make them parade around screaming "look at me! I'm Christian! fuck you, I'm Christian!, stop oppressing me! I'm Christian!", because I don't remember those.
I remember the kind of they go to church, go church things and then everybody else buys gifts and shit.
Anyone celebrating diversity today with their white-washed skittles?
Not in my city. They aren't even trying to be anything more than a cash grab here.
>don't bring politics into X
>every single western company is pushing genocide and degeneracy
There was actually an old Greek legend about a dragon who kidnapped a young man (as opposed to the typical young maiden). The man's lover (also a man) dressed himself in spiked armour and sacrificed himself to the dragon instead, the dragon ate him whole and was killed by the spikes.
I don't know where I was going with this but it seemed more interesting than what the rest of this thread will be about.
Don't really mind gays, it's their business, however I do think that some shit that has become part of pride needs to stay behind closed doors. Also, pride is the sin which spawns all others or something like that.
Having a laugh at all these companies who suddenly realize that supporting gays is now safe and profitable
It's funny, lots of gay groups are against it in my city, mostly because the ones participating on them are the violent kind of LGTB people who go there burning and destroying stuff.
To be fair, most the stuff you see is extremely cherry picked to make it look stupid. For the most part its a lot more subdued and casual. Fuck if I know why it turned out that way for so many people though, I'm just speaking of the general concept of it.
The idea is just to showcase "the other side" of a community that is usually shit on constantly. Though it depends on where you live a lot, if you go to fuck all nowhere alabama, you'd see them get shit more often. Meanwhile if you're in godgobbling california you'd think its pointless cause gays are treated more naturally
>Which Christinal holidays make them parade around screaming "look at me! I'm Christian! fuck you, I'm Christian!, stop oppressing me! I'm Christian!"
This sounds like something Christians do every day of the year, they don't need a holiday for it.
Christ has been out of those holidays for a while.
Society nowadays is a lot more caring about people who have dealt with it. You'd most likely be able to go a therapist/group and be at home there.
No need to have a huge ass parade.
Many people are like that yeah.
It's depressing.
Religious holidays are centered around a person (mythical or otherwise,) or event of historical significance to that religion.
Pride month is literally "There's gays! Validate their life choice!" It would be the same as creating a month where we celebrate someone for having green eyes. It's meaningless positive reinforcement of a choice that really doesn't matter.
>People tend to try and make people feel bad for being gay, the whole gay pride thing is to show those people who were taught that way that its nothing to be ashamed of.
As a gay man, most gay pride events do absolutely nothing but show that gays are a gradating force that is quickly eroding the decency of society.
This, all pride parades do is make gay people look like a bunch of even greater weirdos than even religious preachers manage to.
Are you this stupid?
Ah, you meant crazy (mostly American), Christians, ok.
>elves belong
They've gone too far.
>elves confirmed fags
Fucking Westboro. They do it to fish for lawsuits you know. Bait a guy into throwing a punch and then run screaming for their lawyers.
Also because they're lunatics.
Namecalling this early into the conversation? For shame.
This picture sums it up.
Part (or most) of the idea is being open about sexuality. The idea that a parade hinging on sexual identity needs to consist of a bunch of people in suits seems odd.
Wow it's almost like if group identities develop in entirely different contexts and with entirely different relationships to power, they express themselves differently. weird.
To be honest, people try and make people feel bad for EVERYTHING.
Because while being gay, you aren't treated normally, and it sucks.
IT's almost like every group has its sane people and its fuckwits and that painting them with a broad brush is retarded.
I hate how pervasive american homosexual propaganda is in the world today
eh nothing wrong with wanting to market to fags, just means more people to play with. my problem is that they are forgetting that like 98% of their player base is white males between the ages of 16 and 30. tired of having fag stuff forced down my throat constantly
Honestly I'm from a fairly decent city, I always figured the whole racism and gay thing was pretty much gone and its just overplayed for people to play the victim card.
Then I was roommates with 3 guys from the country and realized people are still fucking retarded.
studies show rational debate doesn't change minds. Humans are irrational. I'm not going to cite a million figures when actual studies show doing so doesn't work to change minds.
Your notion that "arguments" and "debates" are valid just shows how clueless you are.
The point is that these companies push far left views as corporate policy and that any debate or discussion about this fact is censored across most platforms.
>Oh boy! It sure is time to look at stuff that offends me and post about it on tumblr!
>Time to go to my safespace and screech about asinine horseshit!
This is you. Please kill yourself, I want to talk about overpriced plastic dolls and make-believe games in peace.