No one making a new thread, edition.
>Latest news :
>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
Got Squatted, if you've been living under a rock.
>WIP Math-hammer doc
No one making a new thread, edition.
>Latest news :
>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
Got Squatted, if you've been living under a rock.
>WIP Math-hammer doc
First for Chaplains fucking blow.
I-Cs are even worse.
I claim this for the alpha legion
Second for anyone wanting femMarines is a faggot.
>marines use high heels to get taller
Good call.
Moving forward with the Alpha Legion Ultramarine project -
Should I do decals or get all raised hydra pads from that 3rd party guy, or Forgeworld?
Immortan Joe made out well for himself in the future, I see.
rowboats head is the same size as a regular marine head so you'll be fine, you will have to cut one of the neck parts though (you get two sets of two halves, one for unhelmeted and one for helmeted) to get it to fit
Looking for feedback on this. Obviously only a small amount of content so far, mostly looking for errors in formating, style advice, etc. Would be very helpful if you could take a look at it and comment, even if it's just 'looks fine, finish it'.
So, now we can officially add Overwatch to the ever-growing list of things GW is stealing from. Took longer than expected.
anyone have any idea how to make Orks more competitive in 8th edition, I have an army consisting of 20 boyz, 10 nobz, 20 gretchins, a trukk, a battle wagon, 5 burna boyz, a mek gun and a warboss
how is that stealing from overwatch?
which itself is literally TF2 with blizzard characters?
>7E GK 'dex
>PassBacks are so OP
>"Umm, ya know those are gone, right"
>*as he unpacks his White Scars Grav spam list
>8E Index
REEE GKs ar so OP fuck anyone who plays them
It's been THREE (3!) editions now, git gud.
>mfw most of this general doesn't even know what PassBacks are
> we want the call of duty crowd
kys faggot
That's clearly stealing from Marvel Comics.
nothing wrong with high heels if you're a femarine
Decals, if this was in universe alpha legion would have coat of temporary um paint over their normal paint scheme.
I don't care what advantages Gravis Armor gives me, I'll field this captain every time.
I just discovered that you can get these things for a tenner or so. Going to try and make a gargantuan squiggoth. Looks to be about 12 inches long, which is roughly right, but a little low, which should be fixable with a nice big howdah. Picked up a Dimetrodon kit too to loot the head. Will still need to bulk the jaw out, add tusks and so on, but it will be a better basis than the trike's. Weirdly, I haven't seen anyone else try this, so there might be some flaw I'm not spotting.
Too much of that weird brown
Thank you. I'm better than most at sculpting/converting which should help. I shouldn't have to do very much of that though due to how clean Alpha Legion are.
I think armor colour-wise I'm doing a brighter blue with the classic silver trim. See attached.
I would love it if you guys would post pictures for inspiration
I really want there to be female prirmaris marines, it's a shame there are so few female 40k characters.
I dont why people are so against it, mention it here and 99% of people will REEE over it.
Aaand the new Libby is a old white male. Way to go, GW. Continue to perpetuate the patriarchy.
Pls don't rate things in future fampai
Buy way more boyz, ditch the battlewagon and other toyz.
Boyz before toyz lad.
first model with eyebrows?
You can build them just fine just don't try and force them into the fluff where they don't belong.
It would be very difficult to make that look good so I may eschew it unless you can give me some examples.
What's the point if it's not valided in the fluff?
These are dope AF famalam
Who's to say they don't belong? Do you know how extraordinarily sexist that is?
I am just worried about that 'easy to build line' that sounds like the crap with aos where everything is monopose. I liked the complex kits makes it easier to convert for people like me who can't handle a hobby knife for shit.
Thoughts on list?
Playing a small 1000pt game against Necrons next week.
Give him black skin and you got old Jonah Orion
This... I like to convert and the new models seem to go out of their way to make it more and more difficult. No idea why though
So why despite having thousands of planets does the imperium of man have no scientific advancement?
That head is badass, though. Might implement it into one of my Magi Dominus if it's a separate bit.
"Looted Chimera: A looted Rhino is a single model equipped with 2 big shootas"
C'mon dude, a fuck-up on the first entry?
Because grim dark.
The new Infinity starter looks pretty cool.
What? Scouts?
Notice how the logos are light and flat
Only put valuable units in transports, but don't run (most) valuable units without them.
30 boys and a weirdboy with Da Jump is nice.
Nobz are probably the best trukk filler.
Make kommando squads out of two slugga-choppa boyz, 2 burna boyz and 1 nob.
Mek guns are good if they are KMK, acceptable if bubblechukkas and trash otherwise.
Gretchin are objective grabbers and troop slot fillers.
Warboss is a decent HQ choice, others are fairly questionable, except for the jump weirboy. Big mek with KFF on bike is probably third best.
If you're going to run a battlewagon, load it with flash gitz and lootas or a maximum size block of burna boys for re-roll abuse (both lootas and burnas roll for their number of shots as a unit, so you can spend command points to increase your average damage output).
Ideally you want to be mostly boyz or mostly elite units in transports plus walkers, so the enemy can't use all their weapons effectively (unless they were lucky enough to guess what you were bringing).
models or art?
U wot mate?
Yeah, I get the flat logo part - It was more making it look like they were scraping the UM logo off or the UM paint, etc. while in theory that sounds great it is hard to execute.
Any idea where I can get some good white hydra decals? I've never actually done decals before, I've always told it to essentially "fuck off" and bought Forgeworld pads.
They do, it's just regulated as fuck because unless you've got High Magos levels of precautions, knowledge and skill you're going to be fucked by Chaos or something. They keep it locked down because otherwise some fuck would come up with/be Tzeenched into a way to build something like a Higgs-Grounding Bomb without knowing what he's doing. The Admech does innovate, see: Cawl, Kotov, Pre-Heretek Telok, Arkhan "I just found this somewhere" Land, etcetera.
The only reason the Tau AI and Tech hasn't been buttfucked by Chaos yet is plot armour.
Why is the one on the left standing like a qt anime grill
I think it's because the Emperor advanced the human race so fast and beyond the normal levels that when he went to sit on the golden throne they have to catch up. That or the cult like reverence of the Emperor makes them not want to advance much as it's like "improving on God's work" even though big E was against that train of thought.
Question to anons who have played:
How is Defiler in 8th?
How dose Obliterators do?
>he thinks he will be able to paint the chest details
save yourself the pain and go with primer-coloured torsos
>implying underneath the armour she isn't
Probably to attract kiddies. Considering they now also sell special stuff in toystores. That and primaris and deathguard seem to be the stormcast and bloodbound of 40k and those two factions have the same problem of monoposes.
The sculpts look cool, but the poses are fucking assinine. These spec ops troops look like they're out on a morning jog
Both. They won't be chaos-looking at all, though so I'd stick to pre-heresy.
This looks okay. Everyone paints them differently, art has them all different colours it's really hard to know wtf colour they are supposed to be.
Space Marine 76 reporting in
First thing in google my friend
Because it goes against all of the fluff, and doesn't make any sense in a galaxy where not only is manpower a virtually unlimited resource, but 99.999999999% of all humans are incapable of being space marines, so why would they waste time making female marines when it would take a shitload of rework of genetic science (which is barely tolerated when even Cawl did it, and his changes were very minor all things considered) in a process that is already barely understood, extremely expensive and resource-intensive, and has a low rate of success even when all requirements are met perfectly? That doesn't make any sense whatsoever, so the injection of female marines would be perceived as nothing more than unnecessary "diversity" in a setting where there is so much potential for diversity in other parts of the setting it's not even funny.
What GW needs to do is add female Guard bitz, redo Sisters and give them an actual range, and give us more female Inquisitors/acolytes. Also, maybe flesh out a female-only regiment like my OC donut steel 35th Velusian Banshees.
Read the dark eldar 5th edition codex, the part about the cornucopia or whatever the fuck it was called explains pretty well what happens when the imperium trys to do that.
Think buckled knees is a stronger stance or something.
>no forgeworld rules for Tau Empire human auxiliaries
What the fuck gw?
Defilers are fun but still overpriced. Oblits are basically expensive close range autocannons with the chance to git lucky.
>it's really hard to know wtf colour they are supposed to be.
And that's exactly the way the Alpha Legion like it.
Herp derp fuck my life. Time to forgeworld order 1 transfer sheet. :( Maybe I'll get one of those OP dreadnaughts while I'm at it.
Thank you. I really need an editor.
Just use guard.
Oblits got fucked hard
Defilers seem ok now doe
Reality, biology, common sense, the financial market... need I go on?
I like'em
You're obviously new here.
Enough of this shit.
I would rather play 7 edition Solo Herecy than this kindergarden version of 40k.
At least it can make better tactical decisions than someone who have the stupidity to consider this mess a good game.
You are faggot or a cunt, in both cases your opinion is shit. Pls drink bleach.
When Veeky Forums was infected with tumblr faggots?
Love em.
>baww i can't cheese with psychic powers stacking anymore bawww
Kek, get fucked faggot.
>just don't try and force them into the fluff where they don't belong
No him but the prirmaris program was the prefect excuse to have Cawl figure out making the gene seed work regardless of the Y chromosome. Each chapter can then have their own recruiting process for prirmaris abominations. Like having the Dark Angles still only recruit dudes so they can keep The Rock as a gay club for shooting hot plasma.
samefag is same
Captain isn't Easy to Build.
Did you actually just work yourself into a shoot over that b8? Guess its Summer.
I don't recognise the formatting/line spacing. Where's user got this one from, out of interest?
Pic unrelated.
Gonna add a looted leman Russ soon?
I cant tell if your extreme gullibility to trolls is itself trolling
thanks alot guy I'll be on the lookout for these units to buy
There are whole faction of crazy nuns, female inquisitors, eldar have lot of chicks in their army, and dark/harlies as well.
This. It's about time GW's misogyny came to an end.
Fuck this advice. Tau are still as shooty as ever and 30-man mobs disappear in two turns.
Run a shitload of Trukks, Stormboyz, Bikerz--anything that gets you into combat and out of firing lines quicker
I started this shitposting like yesterday.
>I am too shit to play without my overpowered bullshit, that can delete your army at the end of turn 2
Get fucked shitter.
You could always just paint them without the arms on them, user.