>one of the biggest badass who has ever lived
>didn't have kids because he "didn't want one dynasty to rule the empire"
So Sigmar was infertile right?
One of the biggest badass who has ever lived
More like physically incompatible with any potential mate save for maybe ogresses.
>unironically using wodr "badass"
>>didn't have kids because he "didn't want one dynasty to rule the empire"
Is whatever became of the Empire really that better? Well, the Empire is doing fine, all things considered.
You fucking moron.
Sigmar fathered a twin sons from a warrior queen. She and him choose not to reveal their linage because Sigmar saw all the Imperials as his heir.
From these two sons, Sigmar bloodline spread through the ages spawning great heroes like Magnus and Karl Franzs (And implied Archaon as well).
>the Empire is doing fine
Turtling up and being reactive to everything isn't how you win the game. A competent Empire would conquer and build up Kislev and the Border Princes considering how many threats come from those directions, instead of waiting for the next Waagh or Chaos Horde to march through and strike at the Imperial Heartlands.
Headcanon doesn't count.
>isn't how you win the game
To win what game? Didn't know that the Empire has a endgame.
According to end times the supreme patriarch is a descendant of sigmar he just doesn't know it
>. A competent Empire would conquer and build up Kislev
>According to end times
And they are doing that, if we disregard End Times. And we have every right to do so
Great argument 10/10
Yourself and your allies getting weaker and weaker while your enemies get stronger and stronger isn't a long term strategy for survival.
Why would Empire need in conquering Kislev instead of using it as buffer-state against Chaos?
Because it sucks ass as a buffer-state. Pay attention.
So instead you waste resources engaging the Kislevites in a guerrilla war across tundra and their expert horse archers.
This is land war in Asia tier stupid due to how many men and supplies would be needed to just take Kislev, let alone hold the one city, and then keep that up for the decades it would take to pacify them.
They're better off burning Sylvania.
Maybe he was gay
Worked for the Roman Empire.
>I am a god and everything is dead
>but I can rebuild it
>should I remake the world but without the nasty shit?
>no, I'll make my magical realms with the help of fucking greenskins
>this will surely not backfire
Sigmar is an awful deity, Ulric for life.
Roman empire wasn't getting eaten by beastmen within its own borders.
Shit, the forests are deathtraps even in Reikland.
>t. TWWH is my intro to WFB lore
>So Sigmar was infertile right?
No, just a cuckold.
>discussing the jizz of a fictional character
Nah, the Empire should be focusing on centralizing and developing infrastructure to make rapid response to threats easier. K-F-C should be doing what Tzarina Katarin is doing and trying to centralize the military in government hands. It would behoove the Empire to strongly aid Kislev (cheaper than conquering them, and they understand some of its 'natural defenses,' like ice magic) and continue to cultivate relations with Bretonnia.
The Border Princedoms are not worth taking any time soon. Entry to and from them is controlled mostly by heavily defended and imminently defensible locations like Black Fire Pass.
If there's one place the Empire needs to conquer, it's Jewienburg, though they'll have to wait for another elven chimpout so the fleet of Ulthuan doesn't just show up to drive out Imperial forces. Of course, they'd need some way to mollify Bretonnia, who wants it too.
He canonically had bastard sons he did not acknowledge, at least two.
It seems very likely that Karl Franz and Valten are both distant blood descendants. Archaon the Nuthin Personnel might be too.
Little known fact that Sigmar actually fathered countless illegitimate children.
He didn't have a single heir, his heir was the Empire itself.
He's gay.
>Sigmar had super secret kids that nobody knew about and there were never any civil wars to put them on the throne.
I hope you know it would make more sense if he just never had kids, by trying to fix the setting you've made it more retarded. Hell the best option would be to say Sigmar's entire family died because even if he had no children there would still be civil war if he had any cousins or nephews
Would you prefer the original Mordheim where the Sisters Of Sigmar are lead by his direct descendant Bertha?
Its not a retcon.
Sigmar having kept his bastards secrets is original canon.
The Empire also spent more of its history in a succession crisis than it wasn't.