Nurgle is love edition!
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Nurgle is love edition!
>Latest news :
>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
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>WIP Math-hammer doc
Posts ending in 7 get decimated
I hope it's Bob. I want to beat him up.
>mfw I realised death guard couldn't take forgefiends or maulerfiends
I just want to play with my favourite dinobots
I rly dont get why people dont like Pert, he looks so friendly.
Bloat drones, do you like them? I think they are super cool and hope they be good addition to mostly footslogin(for now) DG army with Nurgle demons alies.
Learn what decimated means
how about u decimate deez nutz lmao
man i love pre heresy mortarion.
colors, shapes, weapons called lantern and silence. all totally my thing.
>New space marine and death guard
>All the new primaris marines get new rules
>None of the new Death Guard models do
Man what the hell?
waiting for the chaos codex i guess
just started reading some 40k lore, why is Nurgle so happy? I get that he IS happy but what's the thematic reason for the god of decay to be unnaturally jovial? I mean aside from the fact that it's disconcerting to us
Everything ends in time, just be happy with it.
Its melancholic joy of release, not joy of excess.
So it's sort of a nihilistic joy where he and his followers have accepted their inevitable end and don't fear it?
What are Krieg good for besides cavalry and holding their ground ignoring shooting morale but also without FRFSRF?
>Krieg can't put Engineer squads inna Hades drill, whose Vets are WS4+
>Krieg also lacks LORD Commissars, despite their regular Commissars on foot do pretty much the same as the others
Nigga what
Bell guy have new rules.
Poxwalker too.
We also have awesome wizzard.
And better models than smurfs. We won this ed :D
They get heavy weapon teams with heavy flamers. By RAW you can also shove 4 squads of them into valkyrie since they only count as 1 model as they are neither heavy weapon team nor veteran heavy weapon team
>taking away FRFSRF
What the FUCK was FW THINKING?!?
Nothing wholesome grows in earth tilled by this plow.
What? I meant the models announced today.
4 is better but you can still put 2 squads in there. Hell, you could take Stormlord and fill it to the brim with heavy weapon teams sporting heavy flamers and then just go full speed towards opponent. Only takes 20 h.flamers to kill a leman russ!
STILL no new units, pics of mort, announcement of codex. Gw is shit.
>Hey guys, new Death Guard!
Oh, wait, no. It's literally nothing.
The only neat thing is that there will be plague champions without power fists and the blight launcher available. What does this "easy to build" shit mean though?
Probably the same as in the Dark Imperium box set. Non-customisable -- they'll come in like 3 different parts and can only be constructed in one way.
When the actual box finally releases, you'll be able to combine any bits you like to create a variety of different looking models, just like any other marines.
I keep forgetting to use mine. They look like tanky anti-infantry pieces. The plague probe seems very situational though.
Snap fit.
You need glue for the Dark Imperium stuff.
Dark angels player here, I keep playing VS chadmarines + Rowboat Girlyman, no matter how I switch it around I get fucked.
I send in deathwing knights to kill hellblasters, girlyman comes in an rapes them as soon as they finish them off.
my tacts get cucked by their intercessors and my blackknights rarely gets to close combat
Decimated means destroying 1 in 10.
7 is one number in ten.
Although the totals are skewered because people post elsewhere, I think the spirit of his post carried over perfectly well. Don't you?
You can take them, they have the Chaos keyword at the very least, they just cant be DEATH GUARD, meaning all the aura buffs don't affect them.
>blackknights rarely gets to close combat
>Dudes on bikes
>Not making it into combat
Unless he deploys his units way back those bikes should be able to charge turn one
He deploys them with intercessors and girlyman in the front.
I have a squad of 3 black knights currently, so far thay haven't made it into combat unless I sacrifice my 2 bike squads
Do you even terrain, bro?
we play on a kitchen table with a few candles and a box as terrain so far hasn't worked out
Yeah you need lots of terrain pieces that block line of sight or you will be shot to death very quickly. A good rule of thumb is to fill up about a quarter of the playing area with big terrain pieces you can hide behind then spread it out over the entire field.
More shitty memes
Does this thing have rules for Chaos Space Marines to use?
What are your 8th ed. records? How many games have you played? How many have you won and lost? What have you taken away from the games.
My Necrons are 6/2/1.
4 games at 500 points for escalation league.
>Won versus Space Marines
>Won versus Tyranids
>Won versus Tau
>Tied versus Harlequins
Played a 1k game against Necrons and lost
Played a 2k versus IG with a knight and won
Won a 4 player FFA versus Blood Angels, IG Praetorian Guard (Lovely models) and Chaos (Nurgle marines) at 1k points each
Won 1k points game versus Eldar.
Lost 1k game versus Mechanized IG
>Lychguard in low point games are a destructive force to be reckoned with.
>Baiting charges with Annihilation barge is hilarious because of tesla special rule.
>Warriors are as good as ever if not better, especially with an ark and a Triarch Stalker
>Praetorians assfuck terminators and light tanks
>CCB is middling quality since you cant dismount the overlord now.
>Monolith is really strong in general and has the NOM NOM gate
>Wraiths are decent, can still shoot particle caster in melee but whip coils is mediocre now.
>Zendrehk Obyron combo is extremely good for surprise warrior blob teleportation.
>Trayzn is nigh invincible
>Immortals are meh, I dont bring them because I can just bring more warriors or upgrades for HQ.
>Doom Scythe is death for anything that raise its ire
>Obelisk still fucks Eldar jetbike armies and Space Marine armies heavy on jump infantry.
>Nightbringer is A tremendously good beatstick.
That's not how you spell Narrative.
Yeah. Run them as renegade basilisks.
Narrative with Power Points is fucking Primo.
And HQ Platoon comanders instead of being elites.
At least their Leman Russ seems better than the normal ones, Annihilators and Conqueror looks pretty good.
What would be a good addon for 2k points?
I mainly play vs GK and primaris
>Deathwing Knights losing to Guilliman
>>Deathwing Knights losing to Guilliman
I want to say it's bad rolls... but him rerolling the to hit and to wound for himself every time is fucking hell
>no ancients
>Lost 1k game versus Mechanized IG
care to talk a more about that battle? i am pretty interested since i am making a Mechanized IG myself
Anybody tried the new cities of death mission yet? Seems like it's be well suited for GSC against guard or troop heavy marines
Alpha legion thread?
an inceptor squad would do you wonders for softening up targets for your bikes
>>Doom Scythe is death for anything that raise its ire
>Hits on 4+
>Death to anything ever
Meme Legion
Almost your entire army is basically "really tough infantry" so stuff like plasma (hellblasters) will fuck you over. Have you considered adding some vehicles maybe or a flyer to mix things up? Maybe take something like an eversor or callidus assassin to surprise your foe? If you play against GK a lot a Culexus would be pretty cool and he would do pretty well vs primaris too thanks to etherium and life drain.
It's not very exciting or sexy, but simply adding some more dudemans to the tactical & scout squads might help. Just to give them a bit more resilience for capping objectives.
Thinking of doing what this guy did with his Alpha Legion and paint their helmets white. It looks great, and gives the model more colour.
Doing a pure Primaris Alpha Legion army.
Wouldn't that work vs stuff like girlyman?
I don't know how the assasin stuff works, do I need to fill certain criteria to take them?
good luck dogfighting chaos xiphons or deldar razorwings
Banners suck ass user. There's a reason I'm not playing WFB.
Am I allowed to take, for example, a riptide in an all eldar force so long as the riptide is in its own detachment?
>Banners suck ass.
Haha look at this fuccboi
DA are one of the better melee armies in the game, their banners are the best there. Just git gud.
>If I see tits on my marines, I'm gonna quit. And I'll take all my friends with me.
Ok, bye.
Krieg are not known for their shooting discipline, never have been. Small arms are used for two things in the Death Korp: protecting artillery
storming a trench as they close to hand to hand
Lasguns have never been their main offensive weapon which is why they use a higher powered gun for those short bursts of contact in opposition to fire discipline and logistics.
Yet they still suck. Enjoy your tapestry-wielding sacks of shit
It should work against most things, at worst it will be a huge pain in the ass he needs to remove fast.
>18 s5 -1ap from 3 models with 2w each that can spawn right in his face
Space wolves, blood angels, orks, tyranids, and
grey knights say hi
Hurt me Pert!.
>doesn't have 2 banners in every squad for the sergeant and squad leader
Deathwing Ancient+Asmodai+Ezekiel gives you +2 attacks, reroll hits and when you die, free swing.
What is Command Points? What is Triarch Stalkers? What is being a cohesive army?
I'm planning on starting again for 8th after quitting during 4th edition. One weird thing for me that completely passed me by despite keeping a limited eye on 40k was Knights.
At first I thought they were just a unit you could take one or two of but still needed a balanced army. Nope, you could make full knights lists. Then I figured that they were balanced and made with special rules that meant balanced infantry and tank armies could go up against them. Nope, they're just big vehicles with bells and whistles.
Like, why was this a good idea? It seems like such a bad and restrictive binary situation. Either you don't counter knights and you just can't kill them or you do, and you just melt them down with your full anti-tank list.
That's not fun... even if I don't have a great chance of winning, bringing 'your dudes' should be an option. Against knights it feels like you must cater your army and gameplay around them rather than being free to choose what you find cool.
All CSM Start Collecting are no longer available
Daemonettes and Plaguebearer too (probably a base change for them)
Chaos Space Marines and Cultists out of stock. Also Seekers.
fuck nurgle
Do you have a bigger version of the top image?
>following the codex
I had brought 40 warriors and an ark. He had as many guardsmen but his terrain placement was very good. I had not brought my Doom Scythe so I couldnt just delete his chimeras. I tried to move my Lychguard and Praetorians around the side of the board but I got bad rolls on advance so it took me an extra turn to get over there. My warriors suffered major casualties from 2 heavy flamers and several autocannons from the Chimeras. I got my praetorians into melee with some ogryns and killed them for first blood, but they were then killed off by focus fire from one of his veteran squads that had disembarked from the transport he was holding in reserve back with his Lord Commissar. My Annihilation Barge zapped the shit out of the veterans that jumped out of the 3 flanking Chimeras but was destroyed by a Leman Russ Executioner and a lucky shot by an autocannon. My Trazyn died to a charge from Ibram Gaunt and the Lord Commissar so he got slay the warlord, Trazyn came back with my warriors and my lychguard killed off the mortars that had been keeping my warrior count down, but it was too little too late. his remaining 2 chimeras that flanked my warriors tank shocked them off of my objective and the game ended after that turn.
I got Linebreaker and first blood and 1 objective siezed
He got Slay the Warlord, 2 objectives siezed and linebreaker.
It was a super fun game and I was quite surprised by how close it was at the end, I would have tied the game if the Game End roll had been 1 point higher on the dice.
I should have left 5 of my 10 Triarch Praetorians over as protection for the warriors on the objective. His use of the Ogryns as a meat shield to get his HQ's in range to beat Trayzn down before he could recover with Phylactery. Lychguard cemented themselves as my YOU SHALL NOT PASS infantry and if you play against Necrons, Obliterate Annihilation Barges and Immortals immediately because Tesla weapons roll 3 dice to wound on a To Hit roll of 6.
thanks you dear user
Even better, stick that DW champ in there.
Also Belial is fantastic as well.
No, you suck.
>blood angels
What the fuck?
>40k fans aren't racist
>why don't you like the things i like
>autocannons from the Chimeras
Stupid question.
Is this simply a matter of using any IG vehicle and it's rules and throwing a chaos star on it or is there something I should be reading
So will we ever get best Primarch back?
>codex adherent chapter
>not following the codex
Whatever, yiffbot.
In the FW IG index, the R&H section allows you to take certain guard vehicles after swapping for and for .
Fuck you, you dickbreathed Pertymouth fuckwit
Lions coming back soon mate, dont worry
>codex adherent chapter
Which chapter'?
7 dubs
But user, GW alternates releasing loyalist and traitor primarchs
Heavy weapons teams were inside them. My mistake for not clarifying
would this be a better list to fight girlyman? thinking the assasins cover the melee and ranged ground
Jaghatai ubermenchs Khan? never he isn't popular.
He's not happy he's insane, like he's so fucking done and at the end of his rope that he no longer gives a fuck.