>combat is the only way to get things done
>literally no other subsystems for manipulation besides sucking the GM's cock
>all games naturally devolve into three hour combat sessions
Just, why.
>combat is the only way to get things done
>literally no other subsystems for manipulation besides sucking the GM's cock
>all games naturally devolve into three hour combat sessions
Just, why.
Just fuck off already.
I'm not fan of D&D but can you please stop making these threads at least for a month?
btw guys these threads keep happening because quest threads left
also the same for /pol/posters.
We need to bring Thulsa Doom back. He will deliver us from this evil.
It would be more accurate if they started talking about world war 2 tanks or some shit in the meantime
So OP is just a salty ex-questfag?
I seem to remember these sort of threads even when quests were at their most cancerous,
>sucking the GM's cock
IIRC 4e published 4 sourcebooks for this mechanic and launched an online community to collect tips on improving your "game"
No, these threads happened before quests left. You just didn't pay attention because you were busy complaining about quests on /qa/.
>I dunno hau tu reed
>ruuls is haard
Not OP but diplomacy takes at least 1 minute, try that once enemies roll initiative.
When I read GURPS
These threads happen because people feed the troll. Don't post in it and it will die.
At this point, these threads are just for Veeky Forums goers to gather and have a friendly talk. Let's relax everyone.
How about we make a completely new friendly thread?
>btw guys these threads keep happening because quest threads left
Bullshit but even if it were true it's a good trade. Unlike quests these are actually Veeky Forums-related.
There's a feat that allows you to do it in 1 round...but gives you -20 to diplomacy or something like that
>posting the same thread every day without a ban
Just, why.
All rpg systems are shit, because dice are hella gay,
Why should he ever try anything new when literally each and every one of those threads goes to the bump limit?
>When did you realize Veeky Forums was garbage?
Around the 4th or 5th time I played because we never went beyond 4-5 level and that time we reached 8th level...and I was a monk.
>Fall for the "D&D isn't the greatest system ever!!" meme
>Try non D&D games like GURPS (AKA TURDS), WoD (more like world of dicks 'cuz it's for homos and girls), Cuck Phase (lmao just lmao'ing at this meme), PF (this was OK), Anima (why is this weebshit even allowed to exist?), WarHammer RPGs (More like discount D&D for retards lol), OSR (More like dumb mechanics renaissance), burning wheel (more like burning shit), dungeon world (more like D&D but extra retard), fantasy craft (more like fantasy CRAP), rolemaster (more like tables of wishing to be d20), IKRPG (more like DEDrpg!) and many more shit that was worthless and crap
>they're all dogshit
Who here /D&Donly/???
This happens because retards who think Veeky Forums is for non-D&D games or that non-D&D games are even worth considering. Kiddo there is a reason D&D is BEST you fucking RETARDS HIPSTERS.
just ban non D&D game discussion already ffs. Make a new board called /shit/ - Non-D&D rpgs and scat fetishits.
Honestly I care less about some faggot posting a bait thread than someone who goes into legit threads and shits them up.
Quit bumping your shit OP.
When retards who DON'T play D&D (the most epic system) where allowed to post, DUH!!!
excuse me sweetie, but OPs can't bump, you'd know this if you weren't a newfag.
Which you're btw, D&D ubermensch hunt and genocided nigger apes that didn't play D&D back in early Veeky Forums they where exiled to /pol/, /trash/, /v/ and /b/ because they're SHIT.
>OPs can't bump
Since when? I've bumped my own threads plenty of times.
Is this some kind of a meme?
he is a /v/irgin
confirmed newfag... Even if you bump your shit of a system thread it'd die anyways wonder why retard?
Siiiigh go back to your containment general.
hey this guy's making some good points
>WarHammer RPGs (More like discount D&D for retards lol)
It really is. I don't know why people praise it so much.
Can't be OP, OP dislikes, more than understandably, D&D because is pure garbage, that other user is baiting making you think D&D, and other shit like PF, are ok.
Do you have any idea how many times I've argued with myself in order to keep my troll thread up?
Actually, several of these threads only got nine or so replies before falling off. It's only when OP started bumping them every time they hit page 10 that they started to get to bump limit.
It's the "there's no way I can fail" form of trolling, because it just depends on one person's severe autism, and the mods not simply stepping in and banning him.