Tiberius > Scanlan > Grog > Percy > Pike > Vax > Vex > Keylith
Critical Role
Other urls found in this thread:
Anything > Critical Role
The Adventure Zone > Critical Role
The Adventure Zone = Critical Role = shit
Every time Orion Acaba opened his mouth it was as bad if not worse than Marisha's "Avatar the last mary sue" bullshit
>remotely good
laughing at ur life desu
How do people watch these? Do you sit and watch them? Do you skip ahead? Are they background noise? Perhaps on a second monitor?
I'd be willing to listen to them as podcasts while commuting, but staring at other people play D&D gets really boring after 30 minutes, let alone hundreds of hours.
Background noise for me while I'm coming up with new pc ideas
They've actually just started converting them to podcasts
i enjoy it enough to watch it like i would a tv show
when you're not paying attention or without the visual element you can miss a lot
then again i'm a super autist
Good background noise. Helps get a feel for/inspiration for NPC voices and description, even though I wouldn't go as ham as Matt Mercer.
Background noise while I work or paint minis. Thank God for my second screen.
It's completely okay, though once I caught up I more or less lost interest.
Decent background noise.
Grog > Scanlan > Matt as every NPC > Percy > Pike > Vax >Tiberius > Power gap > Vex = Keyleth
Orion Acaba was also pretty severely That Guy.
Where does the Rollplay stuff from ItmeJP fit into this?
Pike (Because I've had a crush on Ashley Johnson since RECESS first aired) > Grog > Matt (At all times) > Scanlan> Percy > Vex = Vax > Taryon = Tiberius > Keyleth
Vex got better when she stopped being ranged jewish liam and started being her own character with percy.
Travis>Ashley>Matt>Sam>Taliesin>Laura>Liam>Stuffed Bear>Marisha
Mary Elizabeth McGlynn best guest, Felicia Day worst guest.
>How do people watch these?
Do work while it's going.
>Do you sit and watch them?
Sometimes I'll watch particular encounters for a bit.
>Do you skip ahead?
>Are they background noise?
>Perhaps on a second monitor?
>Felicia Day worst guest
You've forgotten about meme candle dragonborn man
He ranks higher by being more forgettable.
I've been enjoying it so far. Just kinda jumping in at the current arc and flipping through random episodes as background noise. I gotta say I enjoy it and it makes me want to find a DnD group again.
I have it on while I exercise. The episode lengths tend to work out pretty well with my schedule.
>How do people watch these?
Because they are brainless drooling slobs who can watch that kind of mind numbing shit. Ever see Rooster teeth videos? People actually watch that garbage. The only reason to watch Critical Roll is to lose your last miniscule speck of faith in humanity before killing yourself. It is a gathering of hipster nu-males and screeching whores they plop at a table, add a ton of boring shit on the screen, and then proceed to laugh autistically over inane shit for 2.5 hours. It is basically a RoosterTeeth video, except with a D&D session attached. These people are the biggest faggots on the planet. Matt Mercer's homebrew is shit, he's passable at best as a DM, and the women can't do anything except make fart / period jokes because they are disgusting whores. The other fat-asses aren't much better and are likely just there for the free attention and a chance at scoring with used up voice actress cunts. If you spend your free time watching D&D, it is because you are a fucking social reject. Because you clearly cannot find a game. Because if you could find a game you would not be watching 2 to 3 hour episodes of these fags' "banter". I cannot think of anything more boring than watching some other people I don't give a fuck about, playing D&D. I'd rather paint my toenails with my dick cheese. What a fucking waste of time. I seriously hope Critical Roll charters a bus and the bus crashes and they all fucking die. I am not even memeing, I fucking hate these cocksuckers, they are more obxnoious than the Yogscast/Roosterteeth, and they are flooding our hobby with these autistic youtube gaming addicts who will fuck up your D&D campaign and whine that it should be more like Skyrim.
Is this a copypaste?
Whilst this is copypasta b8, a good 2/3rds of the information is basically correct
AH fuck he's back
I stopped watching because I ran into that problem, but then I started a campaign with physical battlemaps and started watching while drawing which has worked greatly.
here. Would you believe I fucking managed to accidentally the joke and mix up Vex and Vax?
I convert them to audio and listen to them to/from work
i will listen at work as background noise never actually "watch" i find it helps pass the time and as an inexpirienced player has taught me what reading the rules cant
>It's a Vax grinds everything to a halt to do stilted cringe RP multiple times in a session episode
Oh wait that's all of them
Not true, sometimes Keyleth wrenches the spotlight onto her and proceeds to do terrible things under the guise of being a tee-hee so sweet, innocent and naïve person. As a YT commenter points out:
"First actions as Voice of the Tempest
1. Racially profile a farmer
2. Bring my friends to hell
3. Devour soul"
And on especially heinous occasions, the two intersect, and they have the romance devoid of anything reminiscent of chemistry.
Though, at least Matt manages to mostly not give Marisha unfair advantages just for being his fiancé, but she does get a lot of hints due to her being more than a little slow on the uptake.
Also, Liam cheeses me off to no end when he starts with his "NUH UH THIS IS IMPROV I SAID IT IT'S REAL MNYEEHHH" shite, even trying to contradict Matt.
>Scanlan > Grog > Percy > Vex > Pike > Keyleth > Vax > Tiberius
b8, but basically true
But everything I have said so far is true. Matthew Mercer is contributing more to the downfall of the D&D community than anyone else in history. Not even Monte Cook, not even Lorraine Williams, not even Micheal Merals, not even Gary Gygax himself have done as much damage to D&D. Mercer has made the game palatable to the kind of person who spends his Friday nights playing Cards Against Humanity while slobbering microbrews all over his beard while his wife's son is sleeping in the next room. The kind of moron who thinks mirthful laughter is the end goal of everything, and fails to understand the potential that RPGs have as a fulfilling hobby. Instead, he shits on that creative potential by turning the entire game into a joke, refusing to take anything seriously and making gimmick characters, bringing along his fat girlfriend to make a shitty elf druid character that she hardly roleplays, screeching autistically whenever she rolls a natural 20 because that is the only aspect of the game that her tiny female brain can comprehend, taking copious pictures of the game and posting them to Snapchat and Instagram to show what a geek she is, before getting tired at 11 and tugging at her cuck boyfriend's shoulder so that they both leave and disrupt the immersion even further, because the game doesn't matter to these people at all. It is a mode of entertainment, nothing else. And by entertainment, I mean they consider it nothing more than a Netflix special that they can pause at any time, because it is meant entirely to pander to their enjoyment and make them laugh to cover up how empty their soulless lives are. This hobby used to be full of passionate people who cared about the game and weren't afraid to show it. Now the hobby is being diluted by hordes of casuals who couldn't give a fuck.
When did the Liam contradicting Matt stuff happen?
don't be bitter someone more well known than you is enjoying success. it's beneath you. it happens all the time and you just don't know it. you're simply aware of it this time. deal with your emotions in a more constructive manner than "he's ruining my fun!"
if you have time to be bitter about how someone else is ruining your hobby, put that energy into making it better yourself. case in point- Pathfinder being the direct result of 4th Edition. even if you don't like it, you can't ignore its success.
stop being angry, just do better.
No no no no, it's
>Scanlan/Grog > Matt > Pike > Percy > Vex > Trinket > Taryon > The farmer from the cows episode > A pile of shit > Vax > Keyleth
How was my nigga Mcginiss? The ep before that was my last one
>but true
This shit's meta, boi
I listen to critical hit at work. As background noise.
Is there anything like it. Most shit is garbage, badly edited with people saying fuck every other word.
>Scanlan/Grog > Matt > Pike > Percy > Vex > Trinket > Taryon > Keyleth > The farmer from the cows episode > A pile of shit > Vax
That's pretty generous for Keyleth, though she did earn some points by killing herself. Although Vax had the decency to get disintegrated, and therefore may stay dead.
Wait what?
Which part, Keyleth killing herself (she got rezzed) or Vax chowing down on an 8th level disintegrate?
Both. Last thing I heard was Scanlan left after dying and being rez'd because he wants to be with his daughter and the shit Vox Machina deals with is too dangerous for his liking. Also that they're a bunch of cunts that will solve all of their emotional traumas but they never bothered to get to know him.
All true. Since you seem not to mind, I'll just lay out the spoilers.
So, Keyleth jumped off of a thousand foot cliff after dealing with some shenanigans from Pike's past, you can find the relevant clip on youtube, just search "Keyleth goldfish" or something to that effect. Basically, she proclaimed herself a god, and jumped off a cliff, wildshaped into a goldfish, Matt (in one of his best home rules ever) ignored the damage cap on fall damage, and rolled 100d6, resulting in a total of 360-some fall damage, instantly killing her. Unfortunately, she got better.
As for Vax, this happened just last week, they were fighting Vecna (which I personally disagree with, making him the big bad and not the god he rightfully is, but he fucked VM up, so w/e) Vecna cast Disintegrate on Vax while he was paralyzed, turning him to dust. When Marisha stated that he'd be fine because she has True Resurrection (which she has stated in the past that Keyleth wouldn't be comfortable using as it fucks with the natural order, but that's Marisha) Matt shut her up with, "Marisha. There will be a discussion."
Also didn't space my post cuz I'm a half-awake retard, sorry about that.
So did Marisha expect to come out of that okay because she's fucking the DM?
>Better than anything but dog shit
I didn't mind Tiberius at first. It was only after K'varn he showed how fucking shitty he could be.
>The entire mirror debacle
>That entire episode where Travis was barely containing himself from lashing out at the fucker
Mind if I get episodes for this? I'm not trying to fish through multiple hours of this shit to find someone almost getting their throat ripped out.
I don't believe she was thinking anything at all, to be honest.
The mirrors and Travis wanting to rip his throat out through his ass both occurred in episode 27, his last appearance.
That's all post K'varn.
>crying this much over other people having fun differently than yourself
remember when tiberius wanted to basically negate percy's arc by summoning a dragon army
im so glad orion got hiv and cancer, self centered fuck
Scanlan isn't half as fun as Pike, and nowhere near Grog tier. Sam is a decent player, but he can only successfully be funny, while Travis can run any emotion. Pike is just as funny as Scanlan, but can also pull off cutesy/motherly with Grog.
A dragon army invasion could have been cool but still a dick move
Sam is god-tier, and a genius player as well. Perfect example of good roleplayer with an optimized, powerful character utilized well.
As for Pike being as funny as Scanlan, that's certainly an unique opinion, even if it were true though, I would say Pike doesn't get half as many laughs as Scanlan does even dismissing the episodes she didn't appear in, but Scanlan did.
I'm now remembering the episode where he says TWICE that vex is giving him a half-chub, and spends 30 minutes shopping and trying to create some device that matt has to say no to
I've never seen murderous rage in travis' eyes like that before
When does it start getting good?
I'm a couple of hours in and am kind of bored, not overly bored just kind of.
Is it just not for me or is the good stuff only about to begin?
honestly the first arc (1-14) isn't amazing, but i'd give it some more time than the first few hours of the first episode they ever did
The Whitestone arc was pretty great but you can totally skip the Chromaconclave
Don't skip the beginning of the conclave. The opening episode or two were the shit. Then it went downhill.
Most of Pike's humor relies on her being with Scanlan or Grog while those two can be entertaining on their own.
I ain't hating on best CR girl, I'm just saying
I mean most of her best moments are where she actually fucks up roleplaying pretty badly, but when she does it she manages to make it funny and cute, whereas when others do it its annoying.
Scanlan and Grog never fuck up.
Percy tries to be cool but fucks up.
Vex blends in too much to fuck up.
Vax fucks up every time he wanks to the Raven Bitch.
Keyleth is a fuck up.
>Look at them all, laughing together. See their oblivious smiles, the twinkle of childlike glee in their eyes? Slobs! Simpletons! This was once a serious hobby, meant only for people with a real passion for the craft. Now it is nothing more than a cheap novelty for the masses. A momentary distraction from the gnawing emptiness of their lives! How dare they! They will never know the real, true joy of role playing games, nor will I know that joy ever again, for they have tread upon my hobby and stolen what I loved!
These threads are pathetic. The show is a how to for first time D&D and trying to breathe new life (successfully) into a dead hobby. Some moments are fun, some are boring, like any campaign if you have ever played one. Not every episode is amazing, Mercer does his best and is very entertaining (he is in front of thousands of viewers doing his improv not reading from his word doc at a kitchen table like a lot of people here). The other characters are fun in their own way, except for Keylith and I get the hate for her. At the end of the day it's a group of friends playing a game and it's kind of entertaining. I've already wasted too much energy with this response.
Go back to being cool Veeky Forums, I remember loving this board for the community.
Fuck you
The Adventure Zone has been shit lately. I miss the early episodes
Sam is 100% funnier than Ashley, but, as Scanlan, his antics aren't any funnier than Pike interacting with Grog. Sure, he does it more often, but he's also more hit and miss. I tired of poop humor the first time it happened.
Note that Travis is the only one to do literal toilet humor and have it be actually funny.
This whole not D&D thing is just listening to god awful story telling. Sure, they were rules light before, but now its nonsensical and just a platform to wrap up the shitty story.
>a dead hobby
Yeah, no.
grog and pike are the best, but grog interacting with anyone is great
scanlan is more of a solo artist
also, i've seen tumblr nose before, but never tumblr shoulder and elbow
I think it's just that, it's comedy and i don't find half his stuff funny. The songs tend to be ok, but i actually find Sam funnier out of character than i do Scanlan. The openings/ad breaks are the funniest things he does.
Bigby's Hand and magical poop just don't do it for me.
Oh, and Grog+Vax and Grog+Keyleth aren't great, but that's because Liam and Marisha aren't funny, they lack the comedic flow/timing that makes it work with everyone else. Hell, Taliesin isn't funny at all, but he can quip back so at least Travis carries their conversations.
background noise, usually while replaying a game for the xth time so i don't have to listen to the same dialog again
Let me know when Wil Wheaton comes back. Watching him play is some beautiful fucking schadenfreude.
Really anything with Wheaton's great.
Except for his characters.
And Wheaton
those were the only episodes of critical role i skipped
i could even handle felicia day for two episodes, but wil wheaton is unbearable
The dude literally covered every edgelord character stereotype in the first episode he appeared in, and the worst part was he's supposed to be experienced and know better.
That's why he's so fun to watch, because he tries to be hardcore and fails miserably
Who was the edgelord character who actually played a Mary Sue background straight and did it well? They had him as a guest a couple of times I think.
The only one I can think of would be the writer guy that gets mentioned here a couple of times, he played a paladin named Kerrik, he wrote Name of the Wind, was that it?
He's the only edgelord guest I can think of, Percy is sometimes quoted as doing a good job as well.
Kash is who he probably meant, he played a giant snowflake cleric, with an edgy backstory. He plays well enough in general that it's not really an issue.
It helps that he showed up with McGlynn, so he definitely had the best possible start.
Friedle? Dude's legit, he made Edgy Darkness McEdgerson and then played him funny and likeable.
That's right, forgot about him. Yeah, dude is a massive snowflake, yet down shockingly well.
Liam can be funny when he's the butt of the joke. Like when Vax decided to take a bath with Percy and Vex was giving head the entire time.
Have watched, wasn't impressed. Matt Colville's stream is better. Really I think the main value of these streams are for improving your own game, & I don't see how Crtitical role does that.
Agreed. I didn't even notice that he's a Mary Sue until someone on here mentioned it. I wish Matt would have let him come play some more
Best parts are when Grog is toying with the Deck of Many Things
>watching CR
>watching Adventure zone
>watching any kind of actual play
Please explain why, this all sounds boring as shit.