How heretical are the Dark Angels?
How heretical are the Dark Angels?
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the most loyal chapter
I thought that was the Black Templars.
They're so non-heretical, even heretics who happen to be around them can feel the waves of non-heresy washing over them and just spontaneously combust.
as heretical as the Alpha Legion is loyal
Exactly 0%
About 50% heretical
They're the most pious
They only serve their own interests and wont doubt in killing friends to accomplish them, stuff like the Imperium matters not to them. So go figure.
>They only serve their own interests
This is true, because their interests are in being loyal and serving the Emperor.
is this the supposedly gay one?
Anyone love how the Grey Knights and the Custodes already know they have traitor fallen running around and clearly think its silly?
pretty heretical
Their primarch was based on the homosexual poet, Lionel Johnson. Lionel wrote a poem called "The Dark Angel". Yes, they're all homosexuals.
calling yourself dark angels, edgy mate. oh and they are traitors, cypher is a good goy.
>being this triggered by the best legion
Only youngins never made that connection.
I don't know but they have pet silent midget shadow xenos that BTFO any daemon that sees them.
>implying there's anything wrong with engaging in sweaty locker-room cuddles with your beloved battle-brothers
get a load of this fag
50% to 75% heretical
It's not gay if balls don't touch, user.
>Dark Angels
No such thing
>How heretical are the Dark Angels?
They are dead
>Dark Angels
It's pronounced 'Worst Angels', user.
I think the Dark Angel poem may have been more about its theme and how it's similar to the way Dark Angels agonize over having traitors.
Somewhere between not at all to accidentally a little depending on what individual we're talking about.
Asmodai. We're talking about Asmodai
But user, nuance is for faggots. Or whatever.
- 100 %
You fucking heretic.