Predictions or observations on whats strong so far and general opinions. Currently sitting at 3-0 with my chaos.
8th-ed Meta - 40k
Inquisition acolytes.
>Cost 10 ppm with stormbolters.
>Cost 21 ppm with plasma.
>Reroll hits and wounds.
>Can ride in any Imperium transport
Put them in a pod, or any valkyrie, and you can drop them in and kill pretty much anything.
24 shots of S8, AP -3, D2 can kill pretty much anything. Does a mean damage of 18 wounds to something T8 with a 5+ effective save.
With good rolls 250 points of acolytes can kill a knight in one turn of shooting. With bad rolls they'll heavily cripple it.
Not to mention, they are 3 wounds each
Wow I didn't even notice that. What the fuck.
I am predicting that most LGS's will quickly have a rule "Imperial" is not sufficient a "faction" keyword to define a detatchment. Enough to define an army, yes, but not a detatchment.This will have to come with some house rules for Custodes and Assassins, so they can be used in any detatchments at all, but that's not a difficult house-rule to make.
OMG, I also didn't notice that. Inquisitorial vanguard detatchments just got scary as FUCK... I mean not quite conscript-horde-scary, but still damn scary.
Relax, I'm almost certain it's a typo and will get FAQd. But enjoy it while you still can
Why not both? Acolytes are cheap as shit, and you'll probably take them alongside IG for chimeras and valkyries anyways.
The Acolytes blast the shit out of hard targets, while the conscripts form an unbreakable mass to sit on objectives.
My Necrons are 6/2/1.
4 games at 500 points for escalation league.
>Won versus Space Marines
>Won versus Tyranids
>Won versus Tau
>Tied versus Harlequins
Played a 1k game against Necrons and lost
Played a 2k versus IG with a knight and won
Won a 4 player FFA versus Blood Angels, IG Praetorian Guard (Lovely models) and Chaos (Nurgle marines) at 1k points each
Won 1k points game versus Eldar.
Lost 1k game versus Mechanized IG
>Lychguard in low point games are a destructive force to be reckoned with.
>Baiting charges with Annihilation barge is hilarious because of tesla special rule.
>Warriors are as good as ever if not better, especially with an ark and a Triarch Stalker
>Praetorians assfuck terminators and light tanks
>CCB is middling quality since you cant dismount the overlord now.
>Monolith is really strong in general and has the NOM NOM gate
>Wraiths are decent, can still shoot particle caster in melee but whip coils is mediocre now.
>Zendrehk Obyron combo is extremely good for surprise warrior blob teleportation.
>Trayzn is nigh invincible
>Immortals are meh, I dont bring them because I can just bring more warriors or upgrades for HQ.
>Doom Scythe is death for anything that raise its ire
>Obelisk still fucks Eldar jetbike armies and Space Marine armies heavy on jump infantry.
>Nightbringer is A tremendously good beatstick.
>silver and green
You're putting me to sleep man.
You are going to start having problems as you approach 2000 points. But yeah, Necrons are okay these days.
That gold needs a few more coats, and do base the poor sods.
Is it possible to run Heretic Astartes without cultists and be competitive? I tried using just marines for my troops and they don't out-shoot Tau nor do they survive to get into CC.
>Insults my dudes
>Doesnt post his dudes
Soon. Im doing the second gold coat once I finish base coating all my primed warriors. And I am trying to find a way to make the bases look like they are walking on the ground inside the Tomb Complex.
Acolytes and Crusaders / death cult assassins / arcos supported by heavy weapon squads or artillery.
Non space marine imperial stuff is really strong this edition because of how cheap and points effective it all is. They've got all ranges covered. Long range with guard, close combat with Bullgryn and ministorum units, mobility with Valkyries and scions, cheap as hell bodies like acolytes and Conscripts and cheap access to psychic powers.
Are you putting them in rhinos to get there? Cultists are terrible but cheap which is why people use them so they can cover mandatory troop expenses and leave more points for other things.
>mandatory troop expenses
or you could just use a different detatchment type....
did you read the rulebook yet?
>10 Plasma Acolytes: 210
>Drop Pod: 105
>315 for 20 Plasma Shots
>10 Vanguard Veterans w/ Jump Packs & 2 Plasma Pistols each: 320
>320 for 20 plasma shots
for five more points, you can improve the BS by 1 and get the same effect.
It's actually kind of rediculous that vangaurd veterans can dual wield whatever special pistols they want with no restrictions on number-per-unit.
do armies have to be defined by a faction? i couldn't find anywhere that said anything more than a detachment has to share a faction.
No one is sure if tau is good/mediocre/bad
Conscripts may or may not be a meme
Necrons are regretting their new meta position or will be because people whine about necrons now
256 for the same thing in Scion command squads, except you get native deepstrike and guard orders (reroll to hit).
Ironically, I suppose W3 5+ Acolytes are more durable than W1 4+ stormies.
I think it's cool. Now we can have John Woo Marines.
this sums up 8th edition on tg pretty well for now, aside from the wu-tang clan meme that was going around.
the only current meme is this useless piece of shit from FW which can't fire it's main weapons
Hmm, I can't find anything specific, but the passage in the GSC section of Xenos2 strongly implies it, and IDK about your local groups, but where I play, we play RAOI rather than RAW
Knight lancer yes or no? It looks fucking stronk.
There's a guy here with 200+ conscripts and he's been positively giddy since 8e came out. Have played against. Maximum size conscript mobs with commissar are scary (200 lasgun shots is a whole lot of diddly), but if you snipe the commissar they melt in the morale phase. They're very hard to get rid of otherwise she to sheer fucking numbers and only ever losing one in the morale phase if there's a commissar within 6.
>not posting current 40k players
Steel rehn and surprise terminators is how you get there, similarly to how loyalmarines work. You can also swap cultists for poxwalkers or plug demons if you want meatshields. Both options work.
Anyone look through the FW knight rules? I've been eyeing a chinacast Castigator for a while and that Heavy 14 looks decent for chopping through 10 man squads.
Can confirm, even 2 squads of 10man Scions with 4 super-charged plasma guns can melt things with ridiculous ease, but massed command teams work a little better and spread the targets around. Tempestus Scions as an army actually got better now that deep strikes and orders are always successful.
Though, seeing how the index is setup Tempestus Militarum as a codex might just be slotted back into the regular guard codex.
>Nightbringer is A tremendously good beatstick.
All C'tan got a large boost with the new character rules.
It's fun hiding them in scarabs and watching them fruitlessly try to shoot him
yea i'm not trying to bend rules or anything for cheese. it'd be kinda cool to see eldar bring another army since they goad unwitting armies into fighting battles for them and the like.
You need to share one faction keyword, so alas, All The Elves is about as good as it gets for now. On the other hand, with how fluff is progressing, there may be combined elf/imperial options for duping the humies.
What he means is so you can take detachments like the battalion to get those +3 cp cheaply, maybe double it. If you can take 6 really cheap troops and 4 hq, that's a total of 9cp in a game, which is good, and room to take whatever the hell else you want
Reecius from Frontline Gaming has all but stated that Scion Command Squads are getting heavily nerfed in GWs balance-patch.
>Though, seeing how the index is setup Tempestus Militarum as a codex might just be slotted back into the regular guard codex.
Probably better that way, but I hope they change it so they aren't locked into one regiment. Means you can't field Kasrkin or Mordian/Praetorian Grenadiers and such.
Really they aren't that bad. They're effective glass cannons, but they are JUST THAT--glass. Put any kind of volume of fire or AP -1 into them and they drop like flies.
>some retarded blogger has all but stated his opinion
It really does, A few of the games I played I threw in some Ratlings and a Vindicare along with some Lacannon Sentinels and it went surprisingly well. Plasma/Volley guns may just end up being the base upgrades for scions now that both are just straight upgrades over the Hot-shot Lasgun. The melta works a little less well what with the whole 9" thing, but it still works out on hard targets.
I do want my custom orders back, sniper hot-shots in this addition would be hilarious.
Digging the blue-green combo on the weapons.
When is that balance patch coming, anything else broken?
Plasma only being 7 points is the kicker, I think. Really it should be switched: 9 ppm plasma, 7 ppm volleyguns.
>play spiky elves
>stomp on guard
>stomp on tau
>get my shit kicked in by slaanesh
>mandrakes kill two squads of tacmarines
>drazhar and the murderfuckers back on the stage and worth it
I like the new rules, but it feels like bizarrohammer. Nothing for my race works like it did for fifteen years.
Orks player here
Am I fucked for this edition? Haven't played since 5th
This edition unfucks you.
all armies are good now and orks are no exception
5+ saves aren't very good though.
Is the old melta suicide drop with new frills. You deploy, you kill the thing, you die.
I'm not that keen on sinking serious points into a one-shot unit.
They've got 3 wounds each and Instant Death no longer exists. They might actually make it if you drop into cover.
Then don't. You can get the same thing cheaper, or use the acolyte unit as an anchor instead. Is all good now.
They do have a solid combination of oomph and survivability with their 3 wounds, and you can chuck them into cover for 4+ saves, so they're not necessarily one-shot, and they will draw a fuckton of fire more than meltadrops.
Infantry hordes are the flavor of the year (just like they were back before you could fit more than three templates into a list because oldschool FOC) and green tide is no exception to this rule. Hell, given the fact that the main means of destroying hordes is morale-losses, and boy-hordes get mob-rule, that's ALMOST conscripts with a commissar.
>I have no idea who Reecius is
Hilarious. Tell me more about yourself brother. Dunno. He won't say what or how, I assume he's still under some kind of NDA
>desperately defending some retarded blogger that nobody gives a fuck about
Orks are really good. No more templates is a god send.
It's essential to run mobs of 30 boyz and have a Weirdboy. Weirdboy can teleport the boyz within 9" of an enemy unit anywhere on the board and the 30 boyz give a +3 modifier to the weirdboy's psychic roll. Then, the boyz can charge at a unit getting to re-roll if failed from 'Ere we go. After they make their charge, the boyz each get 4 attacks because of Green Tide and Choppas. It's disgusting to do.
And then you realize that you're never actually getting all of those models engaged
If you can engage 15+ you're going to invite serious losses on anything anyway, and you have the numbers to do it again and again. Plus you do get to shoot pistols even if the unit is engaged.
Can Tempestus even take orders? They don't have a keyword
I'm 0-1 against Tau as Orks and have no fucking clue what to do. Someone please help. I've been fucking around in BattleScribe.
What I know doesn't work:
>Da Jump Weirdboy + 30 Sluggas
I wanted this to work really badly, but in a world where every T'au unit can overwatch for each other, deepstriking a single unit into their backline is useless.
>30 model footsloggers
I just walk into a firing range and lose all my models. Also since there's only two-three units, they can get fucked by For the Greater Good.
It's not difficult to get 20 boys stuck in, 30 is only impossible because you will suffer casualties.
lol your army idea fucking sucks
180 boyz is only 1080pts...
You can bubble wrap them with grots or killa kanz if you really want.
You're a retard and I'm not entirely sure you've played this game before.
Obviously you won't get all 30 engaged. That's why you bring 30. So casualties don't reduce their effectiveness.
Pretty tiny sample size
Try fast vehicles to soak up fire then follow up with dudez?
Would it make sense to literally just throw 5 trukks at his line? Even if they're empty/just full of 12 boyz each?
Everyone seems concerned with the hoard factions looking really scary now.
We solved that problem easily, no one plays unless its painted (3 colors minimum).
If you bring hundreds of Orks/Conscripts/you name it, to the table, your welcome as long as its all painted.
See this is what differs the "internet world" to the real world. Most of the time, no one in their right mind will actually go out and buy the shit that's on the army´o the month list. Just the same as the mathhammer experts who rarely, if ever, plays the actual game but still knowing "everything" about it. Compared to someone not sitting in moms basement, but instead is out there playing the actual game and knows what to take in to account during an actual match.
Yes. They can charge to soak overwatch too. Alternatively, consider lobbas and burna bommers to soften the infantry positions up.
Quite a few people use Vassal or TTS to play. Oh, and go fuck yourself with a ghostkeel.
Blobs of demons are cheap but still murder things, also a CSM demon print e gives your Heretics AND your demons rerolls
How's this list VS. Tau?
Warboss, Attack Squig, PK, Kustom Shoota
Big Mek with Choppa, KFF
29 Slugga Boyz, Nob w/BC
19 Slugga Boyz, Nob w/BC
11 Slugga Boyz, Nob w/BC
11 Slugga Boyz, Nob w/BC
11 Slugga Boyz, Nob w/BC
4 Nobz, 1 Boss Nob w/BC. Each has an Ammo Runt
3 Nobz on Bikes, 1 PK, 1 BC, 1 Choppa
Battlewagon w/Deff Rolla
Battlewagon w/Deff Rolla
10 Lootas w/Deffguns
Trukk w/BS
Trukk w/BS
Trukk w/BS
Trukk w/BS
Trukk w/BS
Basically everything except the 30 boyz are in vehicles. Boss and Painboy ride in the 5th trukk, while Lootas and 20 Boyz ride in the Battlewagons.
Forgot to say I might swap the Big Mek for a Weirdboy and zap the 30 boyz into their backline on the same turn the trukks all charge.
Oh and shit, if I do that then add a Loota to the Loota wagon.
All units must share at least one faction keyword.
Autocannon or multilaser scout sentinals? I'm thinking multilaser.
>do armies have to be defined by a faction?
In matched play yes. Narrative its just detatchment, so there you can still do the eldar allied with IG to kill chaos thing with multiple detatchments.
Most of your stuff is a bike or in a box. That's a good thing against Tau, giving you ablative armour so the boyz make it. I would consider a biker painboy for the nobz, and maybe a biker warboss instead of the box for added versatility with your charges.
Daemons are the exception
Demons seem like they're supposed to be taken as reinforcements for heretic astartes, since all Chaos characters may summon them. On their own they are kind of shit, but I hope that this heralds making Chaos whole again.
Tempestus is their regiment
been going well with the space marines, gone 7/0 so far
Swarmlord nids are gonna be high-tier for his ability to let a unit move+advance then move+advance again instead of shooting
multilaser is rubbish now, high strength bad ap low damage is the worst thing to be in 8th. Costs more than a HB and is effectively worse against almost everything in the game.
Go with AC or heavy flamer, depending on what you plan to use them for
Yeah, I can definitely see that. The only way daemons are any good is if you have half your army as chaos marines, which kind of ruins wanting a daemon army. So at the moment, I'm shelving 4000 points of daemons as I'm not interested in marine/bad marine armies outside of HH. Fun times.
>he doesn't know how to play 40k
>claims to have 4000 points of chaos demons
Not necessarily. You can take cultists, poxwalkers, and machines from heretic astartes, maybe a sorcerer, and pile in the summoning rituals to pop huge mobs of demons right into charge range. Or mix. Play Chaos, rather than just demons or just badmarines. It's very easy to make a fluffy and effective list based on a cult taking some Imperial gear over and summoning friends.
That's not the point of Boyz. They're decent enough in combat, though they'll struggle to bring down very tough stuff, and against dedicated CC units you'll be removing Boyz by the handful. That however is their secondary role. Their primary role is a buff unit. If you have a big unit of Boyz on the field, anything nearby that isn't a grot is straight up immune to Morale. That's amazing for units like Nobz, MANZ or even Koptas and Buggies, who can really suffer from models running on failed Morale.
Thats what I mean though, pure daemon armies are dead at the moment, getting shot off the board before they can get into combat.
I did try a summoning list on the weekend, and I can see why people say summoning is dead, absolutely not worth it any more.
In that case I agree. Summoning lists aren't dead as far as I can see (low sample because local flgs and some vassal shittery, played twice against that list and seen it a few times) , but they do require exceedingly clever positioning and lots of meatshields to deliver the demons, hence the cultist idea.
Throw vassal into a trashbin where it belongs and start using Tabletop Simulator. Much more enjoyable.
Alas, it's in the trash where it belongs.
>tabletop simulator
What I found with summoning, because of so many restrictions, you mas as well field them from the start as the models with lower movement like heralds wont get far enough up the board by turn 3 for it to matter that much and the fast units wont want to sit around not moving for a turn just to summon and then get fucked in your opponents turn
YMMV. I've played ~50+ games with it and never had any real problems that would have affected my enjoyment of the game.
You can if you stick some infantry into a transport with your summoner. You can derp strike the summoner. You can stick them on a bike or give them a jump pack. You can summon them to they summon demons, for no reason other than tasting the power of recursive satanism. There are options, especially if you consider terrain and objectives, instead of assuming a Tau gunline across a featureless plain.
You can summon t1 with the new renegades characters, assuming the transport issue gets FAQ'd.
>stick 12 renegade characters in a valkyrie
>reserve the rest of your points as summons
>guarantee first turn, move anywhere on the map with Valk, disembark, summon with characters.
Alternatively, you can deep strike in termies, bubbling around a unit of termi sorcs to summon t2.
hey Veeky Forums am I better off at 1500 points running
10xOccult Terminators w/hellfyre missiles with 3x10 man Rubric Marines w/soulreapers and two Exalted Sorcerors
3x10man Plague Marines with Plasma/Powerfist champions + 3 Terminator Armored HQ's + 2xBlightbringers
OR 3x10 man Bezerkers + Dark Apostle, 10XChaos Terminators + Duel Lightning Claws + Chaos Termi Lord w/claws + 7xWarp Talons?