>BBC mandigo marine
Truest scale?
Was that leftmost marine sculpted out of playdough?
I hate this fucking meme
>Manlet detected
When will you learn?
I hate this fucking meme
I actually agree. It's gone too far and now it's drug out, posted as an obligation out of set precedent than out of any humor or joy that could be derived from it.
It doesn't help that there's very little leeway for any permutations, all variations of the meme are purely:
>thing is shorter than other thing
>text to the variation of "when will they learn"
There's no more cleverness to be derived from it, at least none any of its parrots are sharp enough to glean.
It's not a meme anymore; it's a chore.
>he says while bitterly fighting back tears of impotent resentment
Is there such a thing as "too" truescale? I usually like it when people do truescale marines but that thing on the left is hardly recognizable as one.
Like, that silhouette does not register in my head as "space marine". It looks like a regular guy in power armor. Gives me the same kind of weird vibe as pic related.
I despise that leftmost conversion
Holy shit if you're stapling it all over your blog as LOOK AT OUR COOL TRUE SCALE MARINE you could at least fucking sculpt it in a way that makes it not look like he's melting.
Or they could, you know, paint him.
Anything that makes him look like anything but a giant black melting blob of tar?
It's unfunny and leaves no room for variation. It's like that fucking meme where spongebob looked like a bird and spoke L1Ke tH15
I hate this meme.
Me too; the sad thing it's that it's forced by cucks who are "totally above average"
>when will he learn?
I hate this fucking meme.
>when will he learn?
The one on the far left looks horrible though.
100% average here, I just like insulting things. Manlet marine and chadmarines. I still call stormcast sigmarines, and when I've occasionally forgotten the former I'll always remember the latter.
I hate this fucking meme
>when will he learn?
I'm so glad girls don't date guys shorter than 6ft so you never reproduce.
It originally a Veeky Forums meme and some of the magic is lost in translation to this thing with the Primaris marines. The original meme was poignantly funny because every Veeky Forumsbro knows that one short guy who overcompensates in the gym.
Chadmarines, manlet marines and other variants are still funny though. Just give it time. It'll organically evolve into something unique that can stand separate from its Veeky Forums origins.
Until then, stay mad manlet :^)
The truescalers were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should. It's time to stop.
why's left guy so damn lumpy? you whittle him out of pine?
I hate
This fucking meme
Try looking into platform shoes.
>when will he learn?
I know it's a joke but in 5-10 years I would not be surprised if GW released something like that.
GW has slowly been working their way to making action figures by constantly creeping the size and simplifying the rules. Pretty soon we'll all just be children smashing toys together on the playground.
Kek they already started with gorillaman
You just don't learn, do you
t. irl manlet
You know when your group of friends come up with a funny story or joke and it gets repeated over and over and over, and eventually stops being funny and loses all meaning, but there's that one guy who keeps repeating it over and over and over even though no one's laughing anymore?
t. short person
I'm average sized, and I take it well. Never stopped me from doing anything or geting laid, if that's what matters to you.
>t. average sized person
>Is there such a thing as "too" truescale?
No, and to prefer anything other than the divine human form is a vile heresy.
>getting laid
Yeah okay buddy
Christ this.
Not even just Veeky Forums memes but it seems like thar across Veeky Forums now.
Most memes/jokes would pop up with some variations for a few months then die down with the occasional resurface for a quick nod or laugh. Now everything gets beaten to death where there is little or no humor to be had from it.
But woe be unto you for pointing out that it's tired and overused lest you be responded to with the >t. manlet, cuck, leddit, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck , [insert target of overused joke here]
and every other variation of >u mad
You got 'eem.
That's why manlets no longer exist and everyone is 7'37" because short guys never breed.
Nah. I don't like squished gorilla marines. Looks dumb. "Heroic" scale just makes it look like your dudes have severe birth defects
Looks fucking dope
>that shin to thigh ratio
Took'em long enough,
Truescale: It's for the worst people you'll ever meet!
They should put the Inquisitor space marine model next to that.
Why anyone saying that nuMarines are truescale? It's basicslly usual marines but larger and with taller legs,
t. manlet
I, for one, welcome our new Veeky Forums overlords.
I mean, if it's between them doing all the shitposting, or /pol/, sure, I'll deal with chads.
Yeah, okay tiny
I don't thunk you understand what the average Veeky Forums poster looks like user.
Even my manlet friends love this meme
t. manlet