APOLOGIZE, Veeky Forums
APOLOGIZE, Veeky Forums
I'm sorry
Not sorry. Fuck you.
I'm sorry... what is it I'm apologizing for again? There's a lot of Shit I'm supposed to answer for.
You laughed at beer belly commander.
>when you try and put your feet on a rock like old-captain senpai always does, but the rock is too small for you and you end up just bending the knee a little
Blanche Canoness did it better.
He went from beer gut to ripped in just 1 week using this simple trick: Chaos.
I did no such thing! I merely stated that choosing a general merely because he's a Fatty is just the wrong way to play Commander.
Well, he's not anymore, he's now a Chad. If you don't agree you're just a butthurt marinelet player
This is the first primaris model that I like. Still, that does not excuse the buzz lightyear marines dual-wielding heavy bolters.
First thing I thought of once I stopped laughing at these guys. It's the combination of the mask and the undersuit.
Wait is this real
Umbubu! Fetch my carnifex gun!
the modelling possibilities pleases me... the fluff/tech/aesthetic-heresy INFURIATES ME.
Reminds me of those times people used to put space marine models in Unreal Tournament.
I look forward to someone making that into a Minotaur hoplite.
What did the beer belly commander look like?
First bionic eye primaris
Just as planned, they fight amongst themselves
Go back to /toy/
Marinelets? Never played that tribe. I mostly do Fungus and Tokens. Meren's my General
Please tell me this is a modified miniature?
What's wrong with his left foot?!
Now we have dainty-pose commander who wears fucking heels.
sick-ass power sneakers, bro.
How could anyone like these models or think they were intimidating? They look like they're about to do some kind of synchronized dance routine
Fuck that, I'll never apologize for mocking Warhammer Space Marines AKA a malignant tumor on tabletop gaming.
I like him a lot, apart from the bolter arm, too close to the body to my liking.
Jesus fuck those helmets are edgy
Welcome to 40k, glad you realised the Imperium puts skulls on every fucking thing.
>not being intimidated by a solid dance routine
There's nothing worse for squad morale than getting served on the battlefield.
the best part is the Skull is supposed to represent humanity and the Emperors sacrifice
It's the Imperiums version of the Cross
Those guys are wearing Cross Mask's. Deus Vult.
I honestly can't tell what's not working here, but something just isn't right.
Lack of pauldrons? skullhelms on tacticool marines instead of ornate chaplains? (seriously wish they'd do at least some of the new releases in Mk 7 helmets) Are they just too high speed low drag for the chunky SM aesthetic?
I don't know, but it bothers me
Skulls were used before Horus Heresy.
Only because 30k is an abortion and should fucking die
>represents humanity
You're thinking of the Aquila.
Skulls are skulls. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
30k is objectively better in every way, better balance, none of the NPC races, tells a cohesive narrative
How much will it cost?
>literally just space marines but more expensive
>community is filled with obnoxious neckbeards who unironically believe that spending more money on their space marines makes them superior
>objectively better in every way
>tells a cohesive narrative
best thing to happen
>>community is filled with obnoxious neckbeards who unironically believe that spending more money on their space marines makes them superior
So basically it's 40k community
These helmets would be perfect on Nightlords. Just got to give them their bat wings.
Since when? I don't remember seeing 40k marinefags looking down their nose at plastic models and only accepting FW resins, let alone bitching about "muh aesthetics!"
>better balance
Yes, 12 phosphex mortars with leviathans and shit are just peachy.
>tells a cohesive narrative
That changes with every publication and depends entirely who writes it.
>Since when?
Since DoW, Each thread about wargames
>skulls are skulls
>skulls on everything
Hans... Are we the baddies?
They don't look bulky enough. The way I see it, spess marines where supposed to look bulky and imposing. These look way too lithe, especially without something near them to give a sense of scale.
theyre going to get road rash with those tire treads around their tummies
Warhammer UT20040000 is my wet dream.
Now, this is just ridiculous.
Skulls are used because it's a universally recognizable symbol of humanity. The Imperium is enormous and has virtually limitless variation between culture and society between its worlds, but even the most backwards Feral World inhabitant can recognize a human skull and be taught that all who have one are sacred in the eyes of the emperor.
In a galaxy full of terrifying alien and demonic threats, something as undeniably human as the skull becomes a unifying symbol.
It's also totally fucking metal to put skulls on everything which is all the justification GW has ever needed because they want to sell models
For what exactly?
No. Primaris marines were a silly idea to begin with. They could have sold them as true scale marines, or marine with mark "whatever" power armor, and even without changing their stats people would have bought the fuck out of them anyway.
Marinelets players are already quite triggered as it is, that would have been even worse. I agree thoguh
>we need something like Riptide/Knight for Space Marines
>let's just zoom dreadnought
I don't see how the Aquila represents the Emperor's sacrifice. Skulls make a lot more sense for that and the martyr cult that is the Imperial religion and culture. Makes more sense than it being universal to humanity.
In this case I imagine the skulls serve a similar purpose to Chaplain's helmet and for terror tactics. Renegade and Chaos worshiping humans are going to be scared of skull masks, possibly Tau and Craftworld Eldar Guardians too.
Fuck you eat railguns.
>Hans... Are we the baddies?
Yes, but everyone else is worse.
I'll be kitbashing some beakies on those bodies.
They are very cool but kinda "off" as if they are not really 40k minis.
Thy stopped chasing Warmahordes (because PP seppuku-ed) and now they go after Infinity?
Yes it kills all the style of 40k.
I don't get the Buzz Lightyear meme considering the old marines have proportions more like Buzz than Primaris Marines do
Ouch, I cut myself on thieir edges
>I don't like change, change is bad.
This is about 120% it. Made worse by the fact that the faction caters to nerds' hatred of the need for adaptation once they've settled into complacency.
By releasing them as a new type of marine, instead of truescale replacements for old tactical squads, people didn't freak out going IVE GOT TO REPLACE ALL MY MARINES!
>went to Warhammer World
>heard some women go "so Forge world is 30k exclusive right?" to an employee
>can't help but laugh yo myself while looking at some aos stuff
Which is going to happen eventually anyway
Anyone that was into the hobby to such a degree that they would think they had to replace all their marines with primaris marines is still going to do that.
Hell, we all know that's the direction they're going with anyways. Eventually all marines are going to be primaris-sized, whether they're actually primaris marines or just new upsized CSM units.
>looking at some aos stuff
I'm having the last laugh.
but are you?
What exactly are these supposed to be?
Primaris scouts?
Didn't this start with the deathwatch models? Are NuMarines described as taller in the lore or are they just going to slowly release marines that fit the existing size? Would be very expensive for GW, to upscale an entire range.
>What exactly are these supposed to be?
Prophet and Nomad
>Are NuMarines described as taller in the lore
>Didn't this start with the deathwatch models?
They just aren't squatting as much. They aren't really any taller.
Plague Marines, and to a lesser extent Rubric Marines, are both taller than old marinelets, even accounting for the squat. Primaris are obviously quite a bit larger.
I don't think they'll redo the entire range, but the primaris are clearly intended to be the next generation of generic marines. They wouldn't be opening with Tactical Marines v2.0 otherwise. A lot of the older crap just won't ever get new models and will eventually be phased out. Rhinos look absurdly undersized once a full squad of chad marines pop out.
>Rhinos look absurdly undersized
Nope, they just made in 1:28 scale
These are extra heretical
40k had the best models and unique designs of all tabletop games and now they instead go for generic future soldier look every fucking sci-fi game has
Great direction
I'm so sorry for sharing a board with marine obsessed faggots
I'm so sorry I'll never understand the appeal for these all-look-the-same-except-this-tiny-extra-detail models.
I'm so sorry GW fans are so close minded and don't know any better.
I'm so sorry these guys are missing out on a ton of great charismatic and unique miniatures from other companies in favour of more of the same rehashed shit.
I'm so sorry the international miniature painting scene is oversaturated by these uninteresting unoriginal models, all the fucking time.
I'm so sorry they are the only thing keeping GW afloat anymore.
I'm so sorry you are an obvious redshirt shill.
>Butthurt Warmafaggots
>everyone who dislikes my action figures are just butthurt
>Implying I even play Warhammer
I can just spot your Queermahordes kids from a mile away.
All the new models so far have been shit. I got the dark imperium starter set and then traded the primaris dudes because they look like shit. Then I got 2 sets of death Guard models and realized they were shit too.
I'm worried about not shit armies being updated. If this is going to be the trend of releasing shit models I don't want new ones.
>>Implying I even play Warhammer
So you just shilling here?
>I can just spot your Queermahordes kids from a mile away.
Then fix you detector, I've never touched any PP mini
>great charismatic and unique miniatures from other companies in favour of more of the same rehashed shit.
Well why dont you post some and talk about them rather than bitch about 40k?
Not bitching about 40k, bitching about marinefaggots.
And I'm not spoonfeeding, if you want to see nice miniatures there are plenty of sites for that.
>Muh spoonfeeding
Well fuck you than, you elitest twat.
Triggered much? Just go to coolminiornot and browse the gallery, you'll probably find shit you like.
shitty helmet desu
40k is marines. That's like saying you're not bitching about star wars, you're bitching about jedi and troopers, you're not bitching about fantasy, you're bitching about swords and magic.
>bitching about marinefaggots.
damn, your tears are just delicious
>it is the entire planet that is wrong and has bad taste, not i!
If you took a break from being so bitter and stupid, you could probably solve both those problems by no longer being bitter, and not being constantly bitter and stupid would give you time to think that maybe the saturation is because people DO find them interesting and your personal tastes don't dictate trends.
this i understand. I think they look pretty good they just dont look like 40k. Looks too sleek efficient and modern
also lets them make the marines more fluffy by making each model way more powerful like they are in well... the fluff
Getting those heads for kitbashing chaplains. Other than that, the kit has little uses.