Playing, Hating etc
>Current Modern Metagame
Playing, Hating etc
>Current Modern Metagame
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What was your favourite set?
Mines was not!greece
Ravnica or Time Spiral
Alara with the innistrad block and the scars of mirrodin/mirrodin besieged/new phyrexia being a close second.
Is this the cad we need to save us from death shadow?
No, we just need this. :^)
Should I get x2 thoughtseizes for the sideboard of ad nauseam or save up for a new deck?
Depends, if you enjoy playing ad nauseam get them. Thoughtseize is one of the most useful cards in the format anyways.
If you enjoy playing it why not? It has been a solid tier 2 deck for ages now and will probably continue to be one unless they suddenly decide to ban SSG,
You mean this?
Rate and critique my U/R delver list.
Not sure about the 2x Flame slash and would like suggestions as to what should go into those slots instead.
When the format is tasigur and death's shadow, a 4 damage spell isn't removal, and sorcery isn't where you want to be with counters and snapcaster. I'd look at remand, which is a kinda bad spell in the format right now, but pretty solid in delver decks generally. You're trying to land a cheap threat early then just disrupt them while you swing for 3 a turn, and so cheap countermagic is very much on plan. Course, if you're after that spice Shadow of Doubt is the only real option.
So I splurged and got a set of goyfs a few months back to start getting into modern, and of course immediately they fell out of the meta. What's the best goyf deck these days? Bonus points: best goyf deck that I don't have to buy 4 lili 4 thoughtseize?
I'd say deaths shadow jund but that is kind of expensive. You only need one lili but four thoughtseizes
Good point about the Flame slashes. Im not so sure about remand, I have never really liked it. Perhaps Harvest pyre, roast or even dismembers instead?
I'm torn between Time Spiral and Planar Chaos.
Anything green. Goyf is the most cost effective creature in modern, at minimum it will be a 3/4 for 2 that keeps getting bigger. Even some basic stompy green deck with rancors can do huge work.
yeah DSJ allows you replace some lilianas of the veil with the last hope
that's not really true, goyf is only really good in a deck with lots of non creature spells, otherwise you are completely reliant on your opponent to grow it
A large portion of the current decks do a lot of the heavy lifting in terms of getting stuff in the graveyard for you, storm/DS/grixis control/anything delver. Just being thoughtseized usually counts for two which is still decent stats for a 2 drop.
Splinter Twin unban when?
I'm thinking of tinkering with a U/R Prowess deck with a mainly burn focus. Should I get a Locust God as a finisher because of things like Serum Visions, Slip Through Space, and the like? I'm just in the early stages of brewing and want to try something that is not Jund or Ad Nausem
>6 mana card
If you want something U/R prowess like, there were 2 decks like that posted in the previous thread.
The issue with DSJ is more the baubles than anything else. I'm not trying to drop damn near 100 dollars on a set of uncommons, and you really need them both for simple deck velocity and to make sure traverse is demonic tutor.
Really depends on if they have control like Swan Song, Remand, etc etc. It could be helpful in the side board if the game goes long maybe?
>UR Prowess
>6cc card
Are you new to magic?
Bedlam Reveler
Yeah, I can get behind that. I wouldn't spend that much on an uncommon either, kind of shitty they didn't get reprinted in MM17.
I mean regular jund is an option too or you could try something weird like sultai deaths shadow.
Could be they're just used to playing in the childrens ball pit they call Commander
>built a mono green infect deck when I was like 13 that had a full playset of ink moth nexus thanks to constant pack cracking and trading
>have no idea where the deck ended up
Should i sleeve up Grixis Shadow, Sultai Shadow, or Esper Shadow for Modern Monday?
>look through my old cards
>find two street wraiths
>look up the price online
How? I remember getting a playset for like 8€ last summer, is everyone and their mother playing them now?
RUG delver
Playing BW Eldrazi Taxes tomorrow night at the LGS. Finally got a playset of vials. I can't wait to be an asshole with this deck
More or less. Ad Nausem and Deaths Shadow is flavour of the month
Why the fuck would you run that when Condemn exists?
fucking kill yourself
I started playing magic at the time. I remember it being great.
memebrew modern babby on suicide watch
Because you want to be a memelord, but not so much that you're willing to play white in Modern?
This is all useless because of stubborn denial. Split Second is correct.
There isn't a Split Second card that can actually kill Shadows or Delve fatties.
What you really want is this.
Don't leave him without one
Honestly, just wait for Death Shadow to get banned (I don't want it to happen, but it might), and Jund will be back in the meta.
Shadow is on suicide watch, it's starting to get to where the couple pros wizards listens to are making a lot of noise of how shadow decks(not shadow itself, but the deck, mostly grixis) is far too good on it's own. I think this is a bullshit reason for a ban myself, but wizards usually listens to this shit.
Sultai Shadows? Tell me more. Honestly, play what you like.
>no bedlam reveler
good luck ever winning matey
Grixis DS is good vs so match ups becuase it main decks 8 one mana discard, snapcasters, and a fulk suite of removal of all kinds. Its less about supporting Deaths Shadow, its Death Shadow adding huge value when you T1 Thought, T2 Discard+Push T3 Snap+Thought again T4 YUGE Deaths Shaodw backed by stubborn denial and the fact you picked apart your opponents hand, and probably killed a creature or two. Most decks simply cant stand up to a start like that by Grixis DS.
nax, grixis without ds would never be fast enough, you would end up with a worse jund grinding your opponent. It's only thanks to shadow the gameplan works well.
Do you need Fetches if you're in 2 colour? Or will fasts and shocks work?
Fetches are still good but you don't absolutely need them. GW Hatebears and BW Eldrazi Taxes don't run fetches and they're dual color.
It's a budgetary concern for the long-term. I'm trying to plan out the evolution of how I'm approaching my decks, and since I'm in two colour, getting the Shocks is something I'd prefer to do first.
Thanks user.
imo unless you're super greedy for color(like needing triple G on turn 3 or something), you really only need some combination of fasts and checks.
Currently own Jund Death's Shadow as well. Probably gonna make the switch to Grixis, it just seems better and feels a little less glass cannony. I wonder how Claim/Fame will impact the deck.
>I wonder how Claim/Fame will impact the deck.
It'll cause it to get banned. 2 copies seems like a good place to start, seriously the value of being able to play a Snapcaster from your yard for B or bring back the namesake, and being able to turn Snapcasters into Shadows (or a chain of Snapcasters) as well as a fairly castable Flashback effect, assuming you don't meme out and overcommit on this card, it allows an already aggressive deck to cheat on mana in addition to all the value and tricks it provides.
You could argue that BW Eldrazi Taxes is triple colored even, and it functions fine (most of the time)
yeah but it also gets access to triple color painlands in that case
Would I be stupid to run Thundermaw Hellkite in my modern RDW as a finisher if they are still alive on turn 5?
grixis shadow with the latest technology avaible
shadowmoor because mythology
What the hell does that do in Shadow?
>if you do, return a creature card with 13 or less attack from your graveyard to the battlefield tapped and attacking
He thinks that Alesha will live to attack and be able to bring back Shadows..
Death's Shadow is the deck that is always balanced on a razor's edge between winning or losing by your wits alone.
Incredibly high risk, requires incredible skill to play. Has to out think opponents before your first land drop, because it isn't planning to win early game. Weak to hate.
Shadow is like Vintage put into a Modern. No one will reach peak with it for years probably.
stop that
This has to be some of the shittiest bait I've ever seen
Here's a (you) anyways
>in mid/late game your opponent have a perfect 7 cards hand that allow him to respond to any threat
modern is not legacy, dude...
If you've hit your first 5 land drops, then you've lost anyway due to a lack of gas.
It's very unlikely that it will swing AND you'll have a DS in the yard on T4.
Except you can't hit DS with that...
DS's p/t is 13 everywhere except on the battlefield
Ok guys, what's your opinion on bogles in the current meta?
Thoughtseize is real rough to deal with, otherwise it would be great
Nobody ever plays Bogles because they think it's a good deck in the metagame, famalam. People play it because they're dicks who can't be fucked interacting. Right now there isn't really a deck that's good in the overall metagame. There might be a niche to find in your own personal meta, but in Modern overall there's nothing.
Ignore this guy, who apparently hasn't heard of grixis shadow or eldrazi tron
I never said Modern didn't have a best deck, only that trying to build to beat the metagame is pointless. I mean just look at the two decks you mentioned, they're worlds apart.
bant spirits
lantern. It's infuriating to play against, even if I manage to win just with hierarch triggers
BtL Scapeshift + madcap experiment
>favorite double/triple color combo
>not playing with future sight goyfs and street wraiths
Poor form desu
Play abzan
Kamigawa block with close runner ups being Ravnica, and Time Spiral
Lorwyn or Morningtide
Deaths Shadow will be banned because WotC has a boner for LSV and a few other pros. So remember you can blame LSV for the ban when it comes.
why would they ban shadow just cause LSV said they should?
Luis Scott Vargas, pro tour winner made a video saying Shadow should be banned. Because WotC has a boner for him and a couple other pros and listen to what they say it probably will get a ban.
it's more like people will feel justified to ask for a shadow ban because LSV advocated for one, and wizards will see all the people asking for a ban and act on that.
- Does commentary at GP/PT events when he scrubs out
- Did articles for Wizards for a year
- Does LRCast with Marshall, who does full-time commentary for Wizards
- He is a ChannelFireball partner, one of the premier secondary card shops in the United States
- ChannelFireball just recently acquired the rights to host every single GP in the world
- The video was posted to the front page of the Magic Reddit in the middle of the work week, a place everyone knows Wizards browses
- Every fucking retard will parrot everything LSV says, he is (deservedly) the most beloved player in the community because he is actually smart enough to not act like a fucking asshole on camera
Given that Wizards has such a boner for "customer feedback"; it would be surprise if they didn't use this opportunity to let LSV do their fucking job for them. The only reason why they wouldn't ban it is because Death's Shadow just recently got a reprint; but that hasn't fucking stopped them in the past (Splinter Twin)
Faggots will parrot anything CFB says, shit's dumb. Like when they put out an article a bit back saying Faeries is gonna be good in Modern since Fatal Push slots perfectly into the deck.
Travis Woo is the best player to actually watch and take advice from
I remember seeing that one "faeries" deck at the last tourney that played only a playset of spellstutter sprite and bitterblossom.
Gonna show up with bant squirrels next event, playing three cards with changeling and mutavaults.
scars of mirrodin
> unglued was chickens (cock)
> unhinged was donkeys (ass)
fuck, I want unstable to be cats so bad, but pussy jokes are probably too edgy an not PC enough for WotC in the current year.
It'll be horses since it's unSTABLE.
It will be depressing to see what you said come true. "Pussy" just makes sense as the logical progression; it's brilliant.
I think the most depressing thing is that the people in charge of Unstable will be the same people who released the previous Un-sets and they won't have the stones to use cats.
I wonder if they even realize that the only right decision is to make it about cats and use the word pussy profusely. Fuck the current politics do the right poetic choice.
To be honest death's shadow needs a ban. It's doing everything a deck needs to do and pretty fast too. Almost all of the cards are 1 cmc or can be reduced to 1 cmc.
Just like to point out that the deck runs more cards with Delve than it does Death's Shadows.
If anything, unglued should have been horses
They could just ban a couple of enablers, honestly.
Street wraith and mishra's bauble would be what I'd ban if it were in my hands, more so now that the price of the second one is absurd