/twgg/ TowerGirls CYOA General

We're currently working on Expansion 4

No Toll for the Troll Edition

Here's the current worklog:


Discussion of the Towergirls CYOA, RPG, Setting, or Video Games welcome here!

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Imgur Album - imgur.com/a/maXHJ
Tower Girls infinity Chan Board - https:// infinity ch.net/twgrl
Booru - tower-girls.booru.org/
Brushes, Fonts, and Templates mediafire.com/file/k83sgc5t5dfvv3s/Towergirls_Files.zip

Spreadsheet Princess - docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12IcT_vwIHKAMz-ghvB3fgHTr7DkHvjrbu4Hzlw4XCIU/edit#gid=0

Games & Tabletop Rulebooks:

towergirlsquest.tumblr.com/ (Gats)
towergirlschivalryedition.tumblr.com/ (Eversor)

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B) "Tired Knight" on Steam

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First for Sir Vile

Megaman X was the shittiest part of megaman.

>Not those terrible spinoffs after the X series
Megaman died with the X series.

Furries killed megaman.

Update on Leech Princess

One part of me wants to love Leech Princess, the other parts of me are too scared

Reposting all of the current Vilegirls writeups.
As always, feedback is nice, and don't be opposed to brainstorming or statting up any Vilegirls yourself.

Why don't you put them all into a single pastebin?

Friendly reminder that Dog Princess loves you and will always be there for you.

You got it.

Final on Leech. Which Princess would you guys like to see done next?

maybe one of the vilegirls?

Maybe! Is there a central area where I can find their concepts, and any in particular you'd want to see?

Whale Princess

Ahahha "Axe Princess", like dota2 -> Likes Guro and Snuff.

Ok nevermind.

Also i don't get why you need to do an entire new expansion for have an Evil Knight.

i think they're all on / as of right now
in terms of ones i want to see, i wouldn't mind knave, derro, or noon elf (and i also know a lot of people would be pleased to see witch 2)

why not Firework Princess riding a giant fireworks rocket Dr. Strangelove style

Imp Princess playing a "cruel" joke on Sir Knight

Hmm.. Ok, I'm starting to notice more repetition here. Axe seems to cover much of the same territory knave does. While having similar princesses isn;t a bad thing, you should kep this in mind in the future. I;m not saying axe needs to be changed right now, but there are some patterns here that could make things more difficult in the future if they continue. Otherwise great work, these are great first drafts.

Onto Noon elf, though, I do like her Skilled Diplomat and harlot queen skills mixing with a heart of gold, creates some interesting scenarios, Especially for this gen.

Also,here's all the links talking about this gen's dragon stand in, so you don;t have to go scrolling for them later.

Seriously, man, I'm liking this chart so far. I obviously have concerns, but this has quite a bit of promise.
Stay cool, user. Stay cool.

Sir Vile with an enslaved princess of your choice

I'll shill for squid again, but I suppose Candy would also be cute (On the same chart)

Damn man, that was fucking FAST for such quality.
Cat Princess parkouring.

I'll be sure to keep the rep it ion thing in mind; from here on out I was going to go for more neutral or subbier princesses anyway since we have around four or five big time doms (not even counting Dragon).

Squid was done already

I meant the new squid design, though I also suggested Candy, he needs some lovin' too.

Damn, man, is there, like, an artblog I can follow you at? this is some Amazing art!

nth for Princess Ao Guang

After you finish your current request, would you consider doing Lillend

And here I thought the super nintendo X games where the highlight of Megaman. The climb function opened up a lot of gameplay.

Empress Ao Guang show the proper respect

Shut up, you heretic

What's your favorite vilegirl, Veeky Forums?

Bimbo with Witch second

Witch 2 with Frost as a 2nd.

What gen is she?

I wonder what it is about Witch 2 that got her so many fans the second she appeared.

gen 3 expansion

>Fat fetish
>Endless free food
>Bursting out of clothes
Fat fetishism isn't insanely common, but it's pretty common.

a few more knights


Witch 2, definitely. Then probably Knave Princess.

Okay, I know took me a while to decided, but I'm gonna go ahead and do Frost Princess.

Knave and Witch. I like 'em.

Oh my, that is looking quite good, user~

>Bald ice fae
I dig it actually. It has just enough slutty to be good without losing the royal demeanor of it.

Yet another duo of Vilegirls, these ones more submissive. With this, we now have the "last" princess using the god worship system, assuming nothing changes in the future.

Yeah I tried to capture that, so I went with a very confident posture given her stats. Also, to avoid confusion, here eyes are black and heavily lidded. Just realized it may look like they're closed

That first one is absolutely fucking horrid. Not my thing, but is pretty good overall.
2nd one is good overall, also not my thing tho.

Needs more Ice

Agree. Piss-drinking should be changed to something less foul, maybe mud-play?

I'll add more ice in the final, however, I didn't want to go full out-polar icecaps, mainly because she's a frost princess, so that implied(at least to me) less intense iciness

Yeah, try to add more details to her, or it will looks more like a Bald Elf than something related to frost.

personally, I think piss drinking fits well enough because of what the princess is based on, but if it really had to be changed I would go with something like ass eating or sweat licking to fit the theme of lapping at normally unpleasant things

I'm adding icicles and frosty bits right now to the final linework, but in the final color, it will be more clear as to here nature, because I'l be able to show her skin as being covered in frost and ice. Putting that in the linework would just look like wrinkles, veins

*or veins

Even more Vilegirls, a little bit more vanilla this time, and also finishing off the dowry row.

How does one address an Empress?

Poor guy looks pretty beaten up.

Your imperial majesty of course he demands the deserved respect

Ehh, Akaname just kinda seems boring, if I'm gonna be honest. Not interesting enough for me to want and not Disgusting enough for me to be intrigued. She's just too middle of the road.

Nymph, on the otherhand, seems much more interesting, especially since your a conqueror, and thus, The Man.
I'm liking that some of these princesses have traits that directly oppose a conqueror, gives them some uniqueness and gives the chart as a whole a better, more varied feel.

Keep the baldness, though, it looks cute.

"Findom" was not a term I ever thought would here, but damn, that is interesting, especially since it's both ways.
The king's Cutlass is also one of the best fantasy weapons I've ever seen. Love it.
overall, nice princess. not the most unique, but she doesn't need to be.

Hero also seems like a nice princess, though i don;t have much to say on her. Though, it seems like being a 'Nice' conqueror, or conquering kingdoms that are "Evil" or "corrupt" will get her on your side pretty fast, which I like. there should be alternate ways to get princesses, especially if it prevents you from getting other princesses the alternate way..

you know what vilegirls needs?
a slave or advisor companion that lets you enslave a princess or two from another gen. no one is safe, not even your waifu.

I like how this went from "theres are to many femdoms" to "just ntr and enslave everything" Guess it goes to show the kinda people who were complaining.

I don't see too much ntr, personally. Not sure where people are getting that.

>Guess it goes to show the kinda people who were complaining.
I mean, yeah. Doms like it when the princesses sub, of course they wouldn't be too happy with a glut of dom princesses.

Update on Frost Princess

That is Cute, and looks 'Cool' Nice work~

>Ice-spike heels
Yes. This is wonderful.

We didn't have one. Someone actually counted the pre-complaint princesses, and dominant princesses outnumbered submissive princesses by the slimmest margin they could.

Now we've got a flood of princesses whose primary gimmick is submission, humiliation, and degradation, creating an equal and opposite (real) version of the false problem that inspired their overcorrection.

It seems that the problem wasn't that their fetish wasn't being represented, so much as that the alternative was.

Yes, I have a blog now. Here it is! Though its not much, really only to archive my posts on Veeky Forums


Aww nice! good to archive your amazing art~

Thank you very much!

Does Red have an art tumblr?

just did a mass dump on my sfw page

and heres the nsfw

Mimic is bae

>Tongue sword

The link to your sfw tumblr doesn't work

Seconding this. Lillend is one of my favorites and has pretty much no art.

Maybe it was intentional, but I think that you accidentally posted some SFW pictures on your NSFW tumblr.

on the bright side, niw that the doms are getting an expansion the will have no right to complain any longer.


A new duo of Vilegirls, with these two finishing off the companion row. Next up is our dragon princess and one other girl.
As always, feedback is appreciated.

Who wins: Sir Knight or Sir Vile?

Ill be working on current gens we are doing tonight, gen one needs new item art to finalize it, so ill be doing that. Ill post when the stream starts but expect around 8pm est

Also i have just one more row of text fixes to do for warhammer. Im also adding points costs to the chart too.

After that i will be working on the our most up to date exp chart too. Hup hup!

Does 2chan know about Towergirls?
It seems like they would enjoy it.

I want this to happen

Sir Knight obviously, Sir vile is just some new kid on the block compared to him

You have to be logged in to use it, try red-creepin.tumblr.com instead

the final set of Vilegirls, including Amphitere Princess.

Astromi's definitely a nice princess, though I have very little to say.

Reptoid steps a bit on Mimic;'s territory, but she does enough different to where it's not really a problem.

I love the fact Amphitere is just a nice, chill, posh body builder. That's definitely rather unique for TG, as pretty much every other "Strong" princess we get is usually a jerk or an independent princess who don't need no knight.
Except for knight, Who IS the knight.

Slaver... Confuses me.
Is she supposed to be a slaver or a slave? Because they are two VERY different things, and you seem to be trying to mix the two, which is a recipe for disaster, both here and IRL.

Overall, very nice first drafts.. This definitely has potential. a few of the princesses overlap in some areas,but this is a first draft, things like this are to be expected.

Nice work, user.

>Is she supposed to be a slaver or a slave?
The idea was that she's a Slaver who would rather some hunky knight come along and make her the slave, with her class abilities putting her at a sort of "top bitch" position where she helps you manage other slaves.

Hmm... not sure how much I like that, actually...
much more interesting then Akaname, at least, who she treads some ground with.
Again, I think your combining Slave and Slaver far too much. I would maybe tone down her slave fetish a bit, it's an interesting idea, but she's still a slaver, and has to have some self control. She can like to be treated like a slave,but I don;t think she should actually want to be a slave.

Just my opinion, though, of a guy who doesn't even like slave fetish to boot, so take it with a grain of salt.

>been so long
>goblin princess still a best

Goblin is best by default, you basically have to omit her to choose a "best"

I'm sorry, but Witch 2 seems to have stolen that spot~

should vilegirls get a companions page?

Whenever I hear Vilegirls now I just think of megaman Xs Vile with a harem of women dressing up in a sexy version of his outfit

Update on Frost Princess