The zone is now in your setting.
What happens?
The zone is now in your setting
Get out of here stalker.
>The Zone
Roadside Picnic (you can read it for free online) did it better and was more interesting.
Try to move onto media outside of videogames you creatively bankrupt cuckold.
Turns out that STALKER is more widely known than Roadside Picnic, thus why OP used it for his thread question.
Also, saying that someone is a cuckold for asking a question based on a videogame is like calling someone Hitler because they have a mustache.
Watch if she's watching.
>Can't look for source material for your favourite genre/medium and instead use videgames as inspiration.
>What are books?
>I-I'm not a cuck!
Creatively Bankrupt.
A regular zone, or one based on magic/local equivalent?
If magic Zones are the common result of magical disasters, large-scale wizard conflicts, or bad feng shui, then adventurers would flock to them in the hopes of finding magical artifacts for use or sale. You could stick them anywhere.
My post apocalypse setting is inspired by a mix of my nighttime walks, bvdub ambient music, and post apocalyptic Garrys Mod roleplay maps. The world is gray and shadowy, there are lovecraftian horrors and spirits that wander about, no one s what caused the apocalypse, people live in small walls villages to keep the creepy things that howl at night out: scissor-jawed demon wolves, twelve foot monsters with mouths in their chests, six tentacled spider beasts, creatures that are basically miniature Dune worms (about forty feet long), all sorts of weird cults, psionics that can do various mindfuckery but nothing overt. Its nothing original but it's the kind of generic I like. The feels of imagining it at nice too. I love watching distant lights and imagining they are a mystery, might be people or something completely unknown. Oh and there's fleshcrafters too, so to introduce the 2nd major story arc the PCs had to defend theur village from what was basically a D&D 3.5 flesh golem armed with a ks23 shotgun.
>Literally being so butthurt that you can't spell video games correctly
My sides are in orbit.
there are places in faerun that are totally fucked by the spellplague. The people who live there mutated into monsters.
>Thinks someone has to be upset to make a typo.
>Thinks this is the height of hilarity.
Obligatory: CHEEKI BREEKI ruins the campaign
wew there, lad.
I already have the zone in my settting.
Its the reason theres magical creatures and beasts.
>Posts exdee tier reaction images thinking it's clever.
Under 18 confirmed.
>Flesh golem with a ks23 shotgun.
Tell more. My mind is now thinking about undead with guns.
OP here.
Dude chill out. It's not my fault that I enjoy vidya alright? I'll give roadside picnic a read but still, calm the hell down.
What the fuck did video games do to you?
He was raped by tetris
>Posting a image on an imageboard makes you underage
Shit, you must be a libcuck at this point.
Really refuting the fact that you're more assblasted then the morning after a round of questionable Chipotle, there guy. Get yourself some Preparation H, mellow the fuck out and maybe you'll be able to contribute to the thread, yeah?
>What the fuck did video games do to you?
Made retards like you who can't read and instead use video games for all their inspiration no matter the subject/content.
Also the reason we have endless "How do I run X videogame (usually dark souls or some other faggotry) in a rpg"
Probably also the reason why so many rpgs focus on killing shit instead of the human element. Which is why you should read Roadside Picnic in the first place. Because the main things to worry about aren't the stupid snorks or other dumb slav shit.
Don't worry though, I would have posted the same reply had you asked for a Metro game.
Veeky Forums is 18+
Try harder.
Man you are really, really triggered right now, user.
Roadside Picnic is pretty meh to be honest. And it's only related to stalker in the most vague way possible. There's a place with spooky things called "The Zone". Triggered user might as well be screeching that LOTR and Warhammer are the same because they both have Elves and swords.
They don't notice any difference
I like the book.
I also like the movie.
Please stop making it look bad with your autism.
Calm down.
Movie was terrible. You have shit taste.
It already kind of us. So the Russians walking around with automatic weapons would be considered the weird part instead of all the anomalies and monsters.
Roadside Picnic was used as the basis for Tarkovsky's film STALKER, which was in turn used as basis for the games, which were then used as basis for a bunch of popular books. In short, your argument is shit.
Roadside Picnic wasn't so much about the Zone as it was about people.
You can keep regurgitating the "underage" meme but you're still an incorrect cuck with a hateboner for media you don't like.
>when someone likes something you like, but they're also a complete faggot
Is there a worse feeling in life?
Motherfucker please.
Want me to get a photo of some of my books?
>cites Roadside Picnic, by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky
>rages about stupid slav shit
There's no way you're actually this stupid. I refuse to believe this.
Also, STALKER is based on Stalker much, much more than Roadside Picnic. It bares only the thinnest resemblance to the book.
>Roadside Picnic wasn't so much about the Zone as it was about people.
That's the point you neanderthal.
Roleplaying games are about playing a role.
Not a shitty gun game simulator.
You should probably be playing Song of Swords with a new coat of paint if you're going down that descent into autism.
>I don't like the movie because it isn't a 90 minute actionfest with overacting Hollywood celebs
Literally no one cares.
Snorks are stupid slav shit. Luckily Roadside picnic managed to avoid a lot of that stupid slav shit.
I know it's very complicated to figure out.
Now the more pressing question.
Is triggeredanon really this retarded or is he just hardcore shitposting because he has nothing better to do with his time?
I hope it's the latter but sadly expect the former.
>STALKER is a gun game simulator
Have you ever played the game? No? Then why do you think you are an authority on it?
You know what fine fuck you.
You come into my thread, shit all over it and have the audacity to act like a raging faggot. Whatever. I'll make a new thread and you can stay right here like the piece of shit that you are.
Honestly, I think he's actively shitposting and would recommend no longer engaging him in it.
I have.
It's pretty bad. Definitely overhyped.
Complaining about snorks as 'stupid slav shit' while lauding a book by Russian brothers (over a movie they ALSO wrote) lends significant credence to the latter, to be fair.
I feel like it might be attempted leadup to /pol/shit.
So a bit of both, really.
Read a book, it'll clam you down pal.
>calls others creatively bankrupt
>uses the term cuckold and uses it incorrectly
Get a load of this guy.
It's pretty much the zone plus Eldritch god+super powers.
Like there's an area called the scar that's basically the Zone but overcompensating.
So, uh, it's a new high lethality area?
Hiw about you first?
You obviously need something to do other then shitpost.
If you can't see how a snork and a story about people being people are different you may be retarded.
Does anyone have caps of the STALKER short stories from the weekly image write-thread?
I finally got around to reading Roadside picnic, and I liked it. It read very differently from the more modern stuff I'm used to and was a little hard to follow at times, but I'd highly recommend it.
The movie not so much, but I'll admit I just didn't 'get' it. It didn't feel anything like Roadside picnic at all.
Not really undead, just lots of blood pumps and syringes of strange drugs keeping their (still alive) victims going as they were cut apart and stiches together, each flesh crafter had his/ her own creation like pets, and got very emotional when they were killed. They also uses a lot of Gore analogies / sayings and compared things to ripped out organs etc, dressed in purple tan red and brown for flesh/ organ colors.
Most likely people would be flocking to it try and harness its magical energies to sell or to use for themselves.
Then actual wizards and shit show up and claim it all for themselves, maybe making a strong headquarters for magical research
>Movie was terrible
wow, confirmed really shit taste. Completely invalidates all your posts.
We're actually inside a zone right now...
We're a planetary defense force on an agri world, world has some crazy warp shit going on (as well as being prepped for a tyranid invasion...), cults are popping up, as well as mutants.
At some places literal demons are attempting to come into our reality.
Right now we're investigating a village that is shrouded in a green mist - completely fucked by nurgle. Everyone in the village has been turned into plaguebearers, we all got diseased as fuck after the first expedition (thankfully we have a good apothecary/chaplain). We all have to wear either enclosed carapace armor or hostile environment suits... its pretty messy.
I definitely get a 'zone' feel from the place, even though the DM isn't familiar with the setting.