Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Dakka Scorpion edition.

>Latest news :

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
List Builder
It's dead Jim.

>WIP Math-hammer doc




You mean female marines edition. Women are tougher and live longer than men, they are better candidates for geneseed in every possible way.

So blanks are okay but Psykers aren't? Step it up lads.

Roll for your Primaris chapter.

Well 40kg? What goes through his mind?

>Believing the Emperor is divine
>Refusing to use the only effective means of countering Chaos bullshit

Worst Chapter. Prove me wrong.

You can't.

What will the 8th edition panel for this comic look like?

How are y'all relaxing the Sunday night? Any fun WIP?

*angry burrito noises*

How would a Psyker know if he's sensing an Eldar artifact instead of a Chaos thing?


I would have never tought to say that, but power points are becoming my personal favourite way to play.
balance isnt that shit like it would seem, and making a list oin the go in 30 seconds is just way too good.

For friendly games(aka everything i ever gonna play because comp. whar is cancer) is just the best.


I have 5 of the Scarab Occult Sorcerecers with the fancy cape.

what fancy weapons should I give them, I want them to be maximum Fashion Hammer

Are you the user who went GW dumpster diving?

Why the fuck are the space sharks on there fucking twice?
Bullshit chart is bullshit. No Astral Knights? user just KYS and be done with it.

Probably only through experience. I imagine it would feel different, but he couldn't tell you which one was which unless he'd come into contact with both before.


Lots and lots of Poxwalkers... got the skin/tentacle/warts done... just need to do the rest of them.

Well it's rules are terrible



They are for the Primarch only, not unworthy scum like you.

> marinlets
When will they learn?

If user came to this thread before I finished my thought process.

Having a cryptek is amazing. It is almost a 100% take, but they have been sold out for so long I havent been able to get one despite trying since late april. In games 500>


This is the best image.

96 please

>Black Templars the worst chapter

>Not the chapter I play, the Dark Angels

A bunch of shitty exploding vehicles, gay jokes and being the biggest dicks in the galaxy to protect the galaxy's worst kept secret.

At least we don't fuck wolves though.

It would be him weeping tears of joy at his eldar now finally becoming tier 3 instead of tier 0 for the entire duration of 40k's existence. He can now get actual games with people outside of tournaments.
> Followed by tears of rage as he gets tabled by Orks and Conscripts.

I don't even play Space Marines.


Carcharoons deserve more spots.

>astral knights
ded chap

Space Furries are low-hanging fruit when it comes to shit Chapters desu

Nah I just bought a girlyman and will be bathing them in blue.

Truly, Space Wolves are the worst chapter.
Remove Yiff when?

>not putting him in Blood Angels red
what are you some kind of faggot?

Already removed. After PETA complained, GW will no longer have any models with fur. All new woofs will be bland primaris

Sorry user but Is making a very strong point

30k was better.

Rollan because ultramarine successor chapters best chaptor

PETA did something good for once
Besides that commercial with all those famous models whoring out with veggies during Super Bowl.

Base your minis, scum.

An axe typically.

I just wish Primaris weren't snapfit. Why this sudden move to all snapfit?

>Being this assmad
>implying I don't play best Chapter, aka. Blood Angels.

for the kiddies, also I don't think they are all going to be snap-fit just they are for the time being.

Here goes.

I built and painted them in 24 hours, give me a break

It's a starter boxed set, user. They've been snapfit for quite some time already. They're usually followed by regular boxes afterwards.

It's probably cheaper to design monopose models, and snapfit makes it easier for newbies.

Big bucks no whammies


>No 5th edition

The age of the tier 0 imperial guard.

Anyone here kind enough to give me a link to the Dark Imperium book that came out recently? I'm hoping there's a pdf or something of it doing the rounds?

Can a kind user provide me with the points for a loyalist Fire Raptor Gunship?

Minotaurs pls

check the OP mega links

Well my All Dreadnought army is Blood Angels.

>Implying purging the heretic and xenos scum with sword and fire isn't the most effective way

very nice


they better be followed by regular. Those Reivers are perfect for my chapter.
Helps that I hate the scout models

Oh shit I've always secretly wanted to do Iron Hands anyways


Hopefully the Eldar player hanging himself.

I saw it in both threads, but thanks. If having a Cryptek is that important I could probably just ask the person I'm playing if it's okay to substitute the Overlord (Or any other HQ, I guess) model with a Cryptek, most people at my local GW are fine with that as long as it's just a few models, especially since it will probably be hard to buy a real Cryptek for a while.
I'll Probably do the 14 Warrior/5 Guard you were mentioning for mt beginning 500 point list and then add more stuff to it later, probably a stalker and more Warriors, then see what I need from there.
Thanks for your help though.

it's a choppah u git

Holy fuck this model gives me a boner. How big is it?

>Black Templars vs. non-retard Sorcerer
>Sorcerer summons daemons, teleports away
>Lacking psykers, the BT have no way to track him
>Sorcerer rests up a bit, summons more daemons, teleports again
>Repeat until all BT are dead

You know you can just proxy it as a Kastellan robot right?

>Non-retard sorcerer
>Summoning daemons

Smart people don't summon daemons, user.

keep rollin


Just coming back to the game after, like, 3 editions away. I hear my Orks aren't shit anymore, and in fact possibly broken. I've got the models to play just about anything; green tide, trukks boys, bikers, kan wall. If i don't want to be pegged as a cheesy fuck is there anything I should avoid? Is it just KFF spam and doks everywhere that ruins everything? are 30 man slugga mobs OP not that they hit on 3 and wound on 4, while still having 4 attacks a pop? are 45 lootas still the answer to all of life's problems?

Catch me up on 8th ed Orks, yo

>Implying anyone plays Black Templars for anything other than glorious Crusader Memes

>Implying the black Templars and their ecclesiarchy allies don't have ways to deal with witches and psykers

Come on user.

The smartest people summon daemons.

From the Forgeworld site were they have always been.

Alpha Legion get

Proxy it as a slab bullgyrn. Problem solved.

Build a balanced list and don't spam anything and you should be fine.

>End up fucking over humanity by destroying emperor's special project
>End up with big nipple horns and redder than a baboons ass


How the fuck would Primaris Space Sharks work? Rules would suck for their models

Considering how fucking often daemons pop up despite a heavy Ecclesiarchy presence on literally every planet, they don't. Hence the need for Grey Knights.

That's what I was hoping, I just didn't want to end up like my buddy who built a full wraithguard elder list back in 3rd cuz it was fluffy then 3 editions later he got buffed into all his shit being busted

>Heavy ecclesiarchy presence everywhere

Come on user

Just fucking convert a Cryptek Jesus Christ what is wrong with tabletop players these days?

Here I'll talk you the fuck through it:

-Deathmark head
-Parts from a Lychguard/Praetorian kit.


What, you want a different build?

-Deathmark head
-Cairn Wraith
-Necron hands


Need more?

-Deathmark head
-Warrior body


-Deathmark head
-Transdimensional Beamer from the wraith kit
-Anrakyr, replace the front of his head with the Deathmark's, head of his Warscythe with the Beamer.


Winners don't do daemons.

I did and it's not there, unless you're telling me that it is there and I'm an idiot, which is entirely possible.

I saw it in one of them last time I looked. Look harder.

But I want it for my CSM

But how do I convert Crazy Amenthotron?

Why not.

Im loyal to alpha legion but fuck it


I want to use this in my imperial fists successor chapter who are actually descended from loyalist iron warriors
What could I proxy this as? Even a forgeworld proxy, it just needs to be acceptable in a codex compliant 40k space marine army.

I had just starting earning comfy money and was about to start building a tau army, but i got a short notice offer of enlistment for the Australian defence force so I've been living under a rock for 3 months doing basic training and just finished Friday.

How well received are the new indexes? Aside from all the sensationalism and knee jerk reactions. Also how shuffled are the overall tiers of each army? Are things more balanced and fun to play?

Take trazyen the infinite model
Green stuff turban onto head