When is he gonna reveal his own chaos Primaris Marines?
When is he gonna reveal his own chaos Primaris Marines?
>imperialfags get primaris mooks
>chaos gets an equivalent for each chaos god
>2 wound super berzerkers running up the field with raging hate boners
>getting better models than the imperium
Where have you been the last decade?
I hope Fulgrim gives him patronage again.
If the chad-virus spreads to Chaos, I don't think I'm playing Marines anymore.
It's likely to spread to Orks as well, so there's another faction to preemptively cross off the list.
Might even spread to Eldar with everything going on.
>inb4 Faggius Bile gets asshurt some rando Ad Mech guy just showed him up on a galactic scale and proceeds to spam Primarch clones all over again, enough to build his own private legion of Primarchs.
>Cawl robo-chuckles and reveals one of his pet projects of Primaris Primarchs (or called Patriarchs or Dominartis or something) causing much asshurt to the lowly wannabe apothecary again.
>Guilliman pulls a mary sue and somehow manages to rescue Bile's pet Primarchs via some stupid relic and Cawl gizmo, and gets all the Primarch clones instead to further Expand Imperial Clay.
Orks have had those forever, they're called nobz.
Pretty sure he is chill, and only the titan squads getting wiped out by him are butthurt
>Pretty sure he is chill, and only the titan squads getting wiped out by him are butthurt
Cawl is a better loyal(ish) version of him fluffwise.
I like Fabius too, and am kinda glad he sort of broke off from the Emperor's Children to do his own shit.
But the fact remains that with all these new uber-humans replacing astartes like the Primaris and even guys like the Custodes running around again, that Bile's creations need a step up.
I'm more interested in all of his fucking Primarch and other clones, the fucking man does not stop no matter what.
>Pretty sure he is chill, and only the titan squads getting wiped out by him are butthurt
Haven't been keeping track with the leaked stats from 8th, but how is this supposed to happen now?
He just does instant death to all toughness squads or something?
>tfw he actually made pure versions of Ferrus clones that constantly cucked Fulgrim's corruption attempts.
>tfw he tries to make the Emprah but might actually get too close and make a GOOD non-corrupted version that might get real sick of his shit.
IT would be like the reverse version of Frankenstein, with the evil scientists getting BTFO by a near perfect being.
But he can't possibly make perfect clones of Primarchs. He needs their souls for that, souls which only The Emperor could possibly make. He's probably making perfect physical replicas and just stuffing them full of warp stuff.
Isn't he going die real soon because of space cancer that not even his clones can escape.
It's a copypasta/meme brought on by the threads leading up to 8th ed release, before people knew/understood the new rules.
Fabius used to do instant death, and with the new battleshock rules, it was meme'ed that he could instantly take out one titan and then drop the others when they failed their leadership roles and fled the board
In actuality it doesn't work like that, and Instant Death has been removed anyway. But it got spammed every 8th ed thread and became memetic
He's too busy killing titans.
Titans have poor leadership, so once his special rule lets him instakill one, the rest die unless you really luck out on battleshock.
Kind of weird, but that is how the rules are.
Just wait till he finds out about Malal or his fake gene-code gift from Omegon, shit will get real fucky after that.
Well his ferrus clones were good enough to resist Fulgrim tempting him, and this was the creation of an chaos madnman.
So maybe there is still a bit of a soul left, or one that might not be Ferrus but is still somehow loyal.
>souls which only The Emperor could possibly make
The Emperor made the Primarchs with power given to him by Chaos. Chaos could give Fabius that power if they were so inclined.
Bile was only really responsible for making sustainable geneseed production in the warp possible without wildly negative consequences. It doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of CSM created through his method are 3rd rate jobbers who are only good as angry meat shields.
He also can clone the Primarchs, but either he gets defiant loyalist or retarded Horus.
Fuck off Graham.
We have been told that while Chaos Marines aren't getting Primaris direct counter parts that the Dark Gods cooked up something cool for Chaos.
A lot of people are guessing this means new Cult Marines focused around the themes of each chaos god. Which would mean new improved Noise Marines with new sonic weapons, New Berzerkers, new Tzeench things. ect.
No. Friendly reminder that Perturabo is the best and way better than Magnus. Nykona Sharrowkyn is cool and NOT a Mary Sue.
Or alternately, Fabius being unable to do so proves that bit of fluff to be bullshit.
Bile is a fucking hack, Cawl is better at literally everything.
More like the Chaos Gods don't give a fuck. They already have 6 Primarchs who haven't done shit in 10,000 years.