>Quests are banned
>CYOAs, Generals, Magical Realm threads and /pol/ shittery is completely fine
I used to know you, Veeky Forums
Quests are banned
/pol/ is never welcome.
Everything else, however is fine
Excuse me commisar
Fuck off. You're probably the spamming cunt who's making and bumping those shit threads and now you just want more attention.
Frogposting should be banned too. Until then, fuck off.
It's the exact opposite.
Shit eaters like this is why the board sucks and I hardly bother keeping it open anymore.
Like I said mods, Dynamic IP Addresses make your ban system a joke. I'm just a symptom of the problems Veeky Forums has, like this thread. You want to stop the ban evasion? Come up with something new, and find a way to fix the board communities while you're at it.
sage goes in all fields
/pol/ threads are getting deleted
Fuck no they're not.
>Devs blatently shoving their political views into all their material.
>Can't have a problem with it or discuss it or you're suddenly the evil /pol/ man invading Veeky Forums
Political shit has its own board
If you want to talk about political stuff go to /pol/
Gee, it's almost like there's a board for politics.
>Implying any political discussion happens on /pol/
>Implying it's for anything aside from shitposting Hitler memes.
and how exactly does that validate you from posting off topic on another board
fuck off and die, in either order
There's no political discussion going on in the /pol/ shitposts here either. It's all /pol/ and veddit cross boarders bringing their garbage here. Just because the politics board is garbage doesn't give them the right to spread their shit to other ones, and if the mods weren't also crossboarding newfags they'd actually do their jobs.
> he doesn't browse the board, yet he feels he is in a position to assume things about the board
>Devs forcing something that has a huge impact on their game and on the hobby as a whole is off topic.
>Getting this angry someone brings it up.
So should we be screeching that any Kickstarter talk goes to Veeky Forums because money has no place on Veeky Forums?
And no, anons. /pol/ is not for polite political discussion, it says it right in the goddamn board name.
if you can't have political discussion on /pol/ or Veeky Forums maybe it's because no one cares about what you have to say and you're boring us half to death.
I think Veeky Forums could really use a dedicated Politics board. And not try to shove that into the "Offensive political humor" board.
Feel free to close it any time user.
>complaining about /pol/ with a frogpost
like complaining about tumblr with a tumblr pic
Talking about traditional games is not off-topic.
/qst/ was a mistake
it would just turn into a offensive political humor board anyway
look at Veeky Forums, /int/, and /news/
/pol/ is better than magical realm shit. Kill yourself.
Were Veeky Forums and /int/ ever not shitposting general? I can't recall a time where they weren't.
Except it would become /pol/ the same way.
How about you grow some thick skin and stop getting triggered at the n word instead?
there was a time when they just installed the flag system were it was somewhat civil
but then they realized the flags made their post automatically international in nature so they became /b/ quickly
if you don't like magical realm shit then why are you here? Noone here wants to talk about your gamergate tier bullshit so why even bother?
talking about contemporary identity politics and social media is off topic
>if you don't like magical realm shit then why are you here?
Gee, I dunno, for all the other threads that aren't it?
Nobody cares about your fetishes, it's even more annoying than /pol/ talking about niggers and jews. Go kill yourself.
>He things I don't browse /pol/
user I'd want a legit political board because if I want /pol/ I go to /pol/
Just like if I want innawoods stories I'll go to /k/ or /x/ and not go spam /out/ for them.
>Hiding a thread is so hard.
>I demand the board change to suit my bitching
>I use /pol/, but I want a dedicated political board
Then use /pol/. Make a thread and ignore the lolanswers. So hard user.
>Hiding a thread is so hard.
>while I complain about /pol/ threads.
So your point is that you are an idiot?
fetishes? what the fuck are you on about now dude, you're on the traditional games board people are going to talk about related topics. there are scifi threads but noone wants you in there either. did you just admit to being here just to shitpost?
Different user dipshit.
>go to the traditional game board
>get OC banned
>get traditional games banned
>suddenly get surprised that the only threads are /pol/ bitching threads
kinda brought it on yourselves really
But it's related to the company and therefore to the game/hobby. It's as relevant discussion as threads about 8th edition
I think you didn't turn on your brain.
You complained about /pol/ threads, I said that magical realms are more annoying than those. And like it or not, politics interconnect with practically anything. So really, you have no point and should stfu.
So you pick a conversation and just butt in, without looking what it was about? Good job retard.
The user autisticly reeeeeees about Magical Realm threads, gets told he can just hide them if he gets so triggered by someone's fetish, gets butthurt.
The user autisticly reeeeeees about political threads, gets told he can just hide them if he gets so triggered by someone's fetish, gets butthurt.
Unless you are going to go 'I'm not him' excuse, which shows that you are an even bigger retard for jumping into something without following it.
It's easy to follow the fact that you're a butthurt little faggot user. Literally anyone in the thread can see this.
The fact you're so massively assblasted for getting called out on it only proves the point further.
I'll never understand how quests got banned but CYOA manages to stick around. With Quests the community came together to creatively make stories happen together, CYOA is just a collection of nerds wanking to their own waifu choices in niche ways and not really being productive.
because noone wanted to join on in his "they're pushing the gay agenda" thread and took it personally
>lose the argument
>I will call him butthurt, that will show him!
Kek, now you are a waste. Come back to me when you have an argument. Or a brain.
there was no argument, we don't wanna talk about politics, you can't refute what we don't wanna do
We don't want to talk about your fetishes either, but look here we are.
Better take your own advice and just hide then?
Veeky Forums was best when we had quest threads but moot hadn't yet moved the anime quests onto Veeky Forums.
>But it's related to the company and therefore to the game/hobby.
We can't talk about the official My Little Pony RPG on Veeky Forums. I don't know why you would think we were allowed to talk about gay politics on Veeky Forums.
I'm just here because you had a breakdown
>if you d-dont wanna talk about sjews
>you're a pervert
kid you're just making yourself upset whats the point
(also before you say that I'm stupid because you're actually in your late twenties/ thirties, that is just really sad)
moot was a dumb retard who also didn't understand generals and had to run off because they triggered his le open board culture.
Dude was a faggot.
Their business, their choice.
>Lose the argument
Whatever makes you feel better user. Keep getting triggered at magical realm threads.
>>get OC banned
>>get traditional games banned
Questfag detected. Better get used to your containment board, it's going to be there forever.
and /pol/ will be on your board forever
Veeky Forums's time has long passed now is the era of shitposting and edition wars
>Implying Veeky Forums was ever free of shitposting and edition wars.
yeah but now it's nothing but
for how much you hate this nerd board you sure do love larping don't you user? go outside, smell the flowers, fuck a bee, ground yourself
If you never liked what Veeky Forums has always been, why are you so butthurt about the thing you do like getting its own board away from us?
>mfw this entire thread.
/qst/ is only the final straw
content on Veeky Forums keeps getting removed and removed with the largest threads nowadays being about what more content can we remove next.
pretty soon Veeky Forums will be to traditional games what /v/ is to video games. We will probably get a /40k/ board in the future.
>content on Veeky Forums keeps getting removed and removed
This "content" being what, aside from quests?
They got banned because everyone and their mother who wanted to run a quest but got kicked off /a/ or wherever else flooded the board so the mods just quarantined everything.
What's kind of stupid is that I don't think quest threads were actually a problem anywhere until they started getting shunted off onto fewer boards.
Silly, but take up less space than quests so I mind them even less than I did quests
I literally see no problem with them
>Magical Realm threads and /pol/ shittery
Report and hide (and maybe wish mods were more active), and you'll be happier. Like, in general, so you're less prone to waste your time with shitty threads like this.
There isn't a GR15 for politics.
There really should be, though
All gone. Now only generals and shitposting remain.
>Literally a Drawthread up 24/7
>L5R Storythread has been going for a month strong
>We will probably get a /40k/ board in the future.
I hope so.
/CYOA/ is full of turbo autists from /a/ that do nothing but shitpost constsntly about waifus. Shit needs to be moved to /b/ or /qst/
What about moving them to /a/?
They should've just purged the non-illustrated quests.
Shit like Dungeon Quest was great, but it got lumped in with Generic Harem Smut Quest #325
/a/ recognizes them for the /trash/ they are.
>the board for politics is shit so we should let the shit leak into other boards
/pol/ is a board of shitskin faggots larping their magical realm 24/7 on a Underwater Goat-Herding forum
I've always wondered: if 4chans mods are so bad, why don't you try to become one, user? I mean, it's not like you're not already wasting tons of time on Veeky Forums.
That's exactly what we did the last time Quests were banned. Moderation operates the same way the U.S. Presidency does: The people in power push their own agenda and bullshit happens, so we get new people with their own agendas so new bullshit can happen.
Odd, two of my filters should have removed this thread.
that and /DnD/ board
and a /tgg/ board as well
CYOA is one thread and they don't bother anybody, they can do what they want. Same with Jumpchain.
It's a shame that the time to merge /qst/ back into Veeky Forums passed a long time ago.
I get your point, but quest threads were shit and so is your face.
The rest of the crap happens because reporting leads to bans, I've never reported something that didn't result in me being banned for a "false report". So I let the /pol/shit happen because the mods are fine with it and will ban me to protect it.
is Veeky Forums going the way of Veeky Forums and /v/?
were they are too wrapped up in /pol/-tier threads and their main subject isn't allowed anymore?
Who WANTS that? That would just cause the same problems that led to our current state. Here's my proposal from Meta Thread #2:
>Quests should never have been limited to just Veeky Forums, they should have been removed from the other boards based on each individual community, never all at once. This way there would have never been this overflow of quests on Veeky Forums we complain about that may or may not have existed would never have become a thing, Yuri and Anime quests could probably have been left to their respective boards, and /qst/ would've just been leftover space for banned boards.
>Quests are basically Filename Threads. Are they good? Not always, in fact, most often not. But they're inherently unique to the culture they belong to and they're a stable of any board. What the Mods have done is basically create Filename Threads, the board, and killed them in the process.