Glory to Chaos edition.
>Latest news :
>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
List Builder
It's dead Jim.
>WIP Math-hammer doc
Glory to Chaos edition.
>Latest news :
>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
List Builder
It's dead Jim.
>WIP Math-hammer doc
first for tau point drops
Clearly FAQs have already begun. I believe they've stated that point-tweaks will be on a yearly basis, though I wouldn't be surprised if they did the first tweak after 6 months or something, as the edition settles.
>mfw the codex release/generals handbook prevents you from mixing guard/marines/admech etc now that people have bought them for their combined lists.
BattleScribe is making an absurdly long list.
2000/100 list are resulting in about 20 pages. The hell is wrong?
It's silly that right now Commanders are almost categorically better than equal points' worth of Crisis Suits in every department. Crisis aren't unplayable or anything right now, but a small price drop would be nice.
What do you think of Duncan's WB recipe? Trying to find some colors that I'd like to use for my Word Bearers.
They said the same thing about age of sigmar.
Where's the points tweak?
Where's the generals handbook second edition?
Just gotta wait to squat some more races.
So are the primaries marines vat borne clones or are they created the same way as older marines just with better gene seed?
Was originally supposed to release this summer but they - smartly IMO - didn't want to steal any thunder from 40k's release so they pushed it back.
>he doesn't play to win
Even toddlers play to win.
You have all the rules added to the end?
The first tweak shouldn't take nearly that long.
The "oh shit that was broken and we failed to catch it" needs to be sorted quickly. After that per year will probably be fine.
Hide unit profiles from showing option?
Man, getting the charge off, then using the pile in move to tie up other units into close combat is fucking cheesy and yet amazing.
The latter. They can even take oldMarines and implant the good stuff inside to improve them.
This is so GW can scrap oldmarines in 9th but keep the special characters
How would the IG get techpriests and ministrorum priests then?
How many posts until we can argue about politics and hordes?
There's a big difference between "playing to win", and being a massive WAACFAGGOT that takes 6 riptides to the table in a 1k game.
>Post yfw Harlequins are harder to kill than Plague Marines
Rate my Custarts
>he doesn't want to be Gundam wing
Fucking casual, break out the mecha.
Can Disgustingly Resilient and other FnP rules negate mortal wounds?
Simply that shit and green-text it so it can be read.
>and being a massive WAACFAGGOT that takes 6 riptides to the table in a 1k game.
Why would a WAAC fag do that?
That does make your army any more efficient, it should hamstring your army
I miss the stupid Image list builder. Dominions go in Repressor and BSS go in Immolators. Canoness and Imagifier sit back for buff to the heavy support
Battalion Detachment [101 PL, 1985pts]
Canoness [4 PL, 53pts]: Power maul, Storm bolter
Celestine [14 PL, 250pts]: Celestine, 2x Geminae Superia
3x Battle Sister Squad [4 PL, 74pts]
. 2x Battle Sister
. Battle Sister w/ Special or Heavy Weapon: Flamer
. Battle Sister w/ Special Weapon: Flamer
. Sister Superior: Bolt pistol, Combi-flamer
Imagifier [2 PL, 40pts]
Fast Attack
2x Dominion Squad [5 PL, 137pts]
. Dominion Superior: Bolt pistol, Combi-melta
. 4x Dominion w/ Special Weapon: Meltagun
Seraphim Squad [8 PL, 169pts]
. 7x Seraphim
. Seraphim Superior: Plasma pistol, Power sword
. 2x Seraphim w/ Special Weapons: 2x Inferno Pistols
Heavy Support
2x Exorcist [8 PL, 160pts]
Retributor Squad [10 PL, 134pts]
. 5x Retributor
. Retributor Superior: Bolt pistol, Storm bolter
. 4x Retributor w/ Heavy Weapon: Heavy bolter
Dedicated Transport
3x Immolator [5 PL, 103pts]: Immolation Flamer
2x Sororitas Repressor [5 PL, 107pts]: Heavy flamer, Heavy flamer, Storm bolter
Yes, not being a save.
The question is how long do they need to collect information from the community in order to do the "oh shit" tweak in an informed manner? I feel like some of the current complaints may or may not work themselves out once people have had time to adjust to the system.
Of course toddlers play to win, children are a bunch of impulsive, self-centered little shits. WAACfags are just those toddlers who didn't learn how to grow up.
Same way as before.
Separate unit entries in their respective books.
If you premake a list there is no reason to ever be over points, if a five year old can draw within the lines you guys can do that. I can forgive it if the list is made on the spot for whatever reason tho.
Nop, fucking retard things sometimes does it like:
2x Bolter dude
While others it goes:
Melta dude
Melta dude
Melta dude
Melta dude
You need to consider also how long people have had their indexes. I literally just got mine a week ago and would be seriously unimpressed if they invalidated the entire release line 3 weeks after launch.
Within 1-2 months maybe.
FAQs and errata to curb anything that is really an outlier. After that, slow down immensely.
Couple of noob questions, about how long does a thing of paint last? Like, for the main color I'll be paining my marine's armor, how many marines will a can of paint give me? Also, am I and idiot for buying manlet marines as my first army? I think primaris marines are pretty lame compared to bloodclaws.
Because they want to cheese, they're not actually good at the game.
Here's my Ynnari list - took first place at a small tournament this weekend.
>11x Guardians - Shruiken Cannon
>5x Harlequins
>5x Kabalite Warriors - Blaster
>5x Kabalite Warriors - Blaster
>5x Wraithguard - D-Scythes
>Wave Serpent - TL Shruiken Cannon, Shruiken Cannon, Vectored Engine
>Wave Serpent - TL Bright Lance, Shruiken Cannon, Crystal Targeting Matrix, Spirit Stones
>Starweaver - 2x Shruiken Cannon
>Venom - 2x Splinter Cannon
>Venom - 2x Splinter Cannon
>7x Shining Spears
>Hemlock Wraithfighter
>Ravager - 3x Dark Lances
Played against Necrons, IG, and AdMech - went 3-0, was pretty pleased with the list.
>LIVE to fortify the fuck out of shit in games
>also love being a sneaky cunt
For my first ever army, picking between RG and IF is too difficult
Well I got my Vyridian that I bought in December two weeks ago.
No rules for her, but every Big fat cows has her rules so win?
I have 3 of them (3 Valks too) now because I honestly thought they lost it three times. Even when buying from Chinaman it takes 3 month 5 if it is retardedly slow.
Anybody have the Dark Imperium pdf? Either it's not in the mega, or i'm retarded and need an adult.
How'd the shining spears do
>>Much harder to kill with heavy weapons
So use small arms? Invuls don't matter if you took 10+ wounds. Are you seriously complaining about T3 4++?
Being fast is sorta their thing. Are you saying T3 20-ish ppm assault infantry should be SLOW?
Can't, blocked as spam
Very well - they get a lot of synergy with SfD. I think the thing that surprised most people about them is their shooting output - 7 of them get 24 Catapult shots and 7 lance shots before charging. I was generally able to sling shot charge them quickly - move 16, kill a unit, SfD another 16 to position the charge against the unit I wanted.
Fucking halo fags leave my setting REEEEEEEE!
Just do IF with some bonus sneaky dudes, like Sniper Scouts or the Reivers. Every chapter makes use of every thing.
Warning you that neither are easy to paint. And that Crimson Fists are better than either
How does this look for a commander spam list?
++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (T'au Empire) [34 PL, 562pts] ++
+ HQ [16 PL, 299pts] +
Cadre Fireblade [2 PL, 42pts]: Markerlight [3pts]
Commander [7 PL, 130pts]: Advanced targeting system [8pts], 3x Burst cannon [30pts], 2x MV4 Shield Drone [16pts]
Commander [7 PL, 127pts]: 3x Flamer [27pts], 2x MV4 Shield Drone [16pts], Shield generator [8pts]
+ Troops [12 PL, 160pts] +
Strike Team [3 PL, 40pts]: 5x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle [40pts]
Strike Team [3 PL, 40pts]: 5x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle [40pts]
Strike Team [3 PL, 40pts]: 5x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle [40pts]
Strike Team [3 PL, 40pts]: 5x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle [40pts]
+ Elites [6 PL, 103pts] +
XV25 Stealth Battlesuits [6 PL, 103pts]
. 2x Stealth Shas'ui (no upgrade) [60pts]: 2x Burst cannon [20pts]
. Stealth Shas'vre [43pts]: Fusion blaster [21pts], Velocity tracker [2pts]
++ Outrider Detachment +1CP (T'au Empire) [26 PL, 435pts] ++
+ HQ [14 PL, 287pts] +
Commander [7 PL, 154pts]: 3x Cyclic ion blaster [54pts], 2x MV4 Shield Drone [16pts], Shield generator [8pts]
Commander [7 PL, 133pts]: 2x MV4 Shield Drone [16pts], 3x Plasma rifle [33pts], Shield generator [8pts]
+ Fast Attack [12 PL, 148pts] +
Pathfinder Team [6 PL, 68pts]
. 4x Pathfinder [32pts]: 4x Markerlight [12pts]
. 3x Pathfinder w/ Ion Rifle [36pts]: 3x Ion rifle [21pts]
Pathfinder Team [3 PL, 40pts]
. 5x Pathfinder [40pts]: 5x Markerlight [15pts]
Pathfinder Team [3 PL, 40pts]
. 5x Pathfinder [40pts]: 5x Markerlight [15pts]
++ Total: [60 PL, 997pts] ++
Also when is it a good points level to add a riptide?
holy shit the one on the right looks like sarge
Looks a little dark for my tastes there, but probably pretty good once everything else has been done up.
>my face when microsoft sues GW for infringing on the halo IP.
Is it just me, or is the Primus Redoubt a really good Titanic killer for it's points? The damn thing is 300 points with it's Dual Turbo-laser Destructor and it has a ~41% chance to kill a GW index Imperial Knight in one round of shooting with an additional ~38% chance to kill it in a second round if the first round fails.
The redoubt is damn near useless against any unit larger than a few models unless you stack more guns on it, but it puts out an insane level of damage with it's 2D6 damage, which is doubled against Titanics.
>that old as hell sculpt
>going to get in kronor
Use the options on the print preview to change what gets printed. Jesus.
That's what's stopping me from bothering to buy them right now. I'm just painting my old shit and starting to get back into the hobby. I'd rather wait until the dust settles a bit.
Also, the amount of errors, typos, retarded mistakes, etc. In the FW index books is absolutely ridiculous. Idk who would actually pay for those books.
How do you deal with lots of bodies? Or Rhino rush?
I'm getting trigger by it is fucking annoying.
How the fuck is black hard to paint?
>being this desperate to excuse your inability to add
When will the "power level is fine" meme die?
How many more times do the many problems it presents need to be spelled out for you retards?
Lots of bodies is fairly easy, I'm producing (without my guardians out) - 40+ shruiken/splinter shots a turn. That doesn't include the Shining Spears catapults, the guardians, rapid fire range on the venoms, etc. I played against 100 conscripts and moved through him with relative ease. Doom is a real bitch when you apply it to 50 models and it affects your entire army.
Rhino Rush isn't that scary either. I've got 5 Lances on the table, plus the hemlock, 2 blaster shots, and shruiken cannons work well enough when you have enough shots.
>only children try to be good at what they do
Maybe a game where everyone gets a participation prize and there are no winners or losers would be more your speed.
It won't die because it's simply better than everything else. Faggots only hate it because it's intended for people who want to play the game for fun.
How viable/useful are Chaos bikers this edition?
Why the fuck do you have flamers on a Commander.
>implying that I play in tournaments and that being good at playing with plastic toys is worth anything to a majority of people
are abhuman sisters possible in the fluff?
Tryhards are the worst people to play games with.
>abhuman sisters
The only advantage it has is that it takes slightly less time to build a list. The balance and list building issues it presents do not outweigh that minor advantage, unless you are literally a child and/or a retarded person.
What are commanders better at than crisis suits?
And what don't flamers need to do?
Fluff wise no.
Adepta Sororita come exclusively from the Schola. Yes that applies to all the Orders and variations.
Now an abhuman getting a SoB armour because reasons is another story.
How many points?
How come SM can only take 10 in a squad when CSM can take 20?
What the fuck is even going on in that pic
I dont think so, abhuman populations are not as numerous as human populations so sending your source of soldiers to die is a really dumb idea.
Besides that abhumans are second class citizens and that wont join into the elite ranks of the church that is the Sisters of Battle.
++ Brigade Detachment +9CP (Orks) [118 PL, 1995pts] ++
+ HQ [21 PL, 363pts] +
Big Mek [5 PL, 84pts]: Big Choppa [9pts], Kustom Force Field [20pts]
Boss Snikrot [4 PL, 69pts]
Warboss [4 PL, 84pts]: Attack Squig, Kustom Shoota [4pts], Power Klaw [25pts]
Warboss [4 PL, 64pts]: Attack Squig, Big Choppa [9pts], Shoota
Weirdboy [4 PL, 62pts]: 2. Warpath
+ Troops [60 PL, 1000pts] +
Boyz [13 PL, 205pts]
. Boss Nob [31pts]: Power Klaw [25pts], Slugga
. 29x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa [174pts]
Boyz [13 PL, 205pts]
. Boss Nob [31pts]: Power Klaw [25pts], Slugga
. 29x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa [174pts]
Boyz [13 PL, 205pts]
. Boss Nob [31pts]: Power Klaw [25pts], Slugga
. 29x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa [174pts]
Boyz [13 PL, 205pts]
. Boss Nob [31pts]: Power Klaw [25pts], Slugga
. 29x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa [174pts]
Gretchin [4 PL, 90pts]: 30x Gretchin [90pts]
Gretchin [4 PL, 90pts]: 30x Gretchin [90pts]
+ Elites [14 PL, 234pts] +
Kommandos [6 PL, 90pts]
. 8x Kommando [72pts]
. Kommando W/ 'Eavy Weapon [9pts]: Burna
. Kommando W/ 'Eavy Weapon [9pts]: Burna
Nob w/ Waaagh! Banner [4 PL, 79pts]: Kustom Shoota [4pts]
Painboy [4 PL, 65pts]: Power Klaw [25pts]
+ Fast Attack [17 PL, 317pts] +
Skorcha Buggy [4 PL, 66pts]
. Skorcha [66pts]: Skorcha [17pts]
Skorcha Buggy [4 PL, 66pts]
. Skorcha [66pts]: Skorcha [17pts]
Stormboyz [9 PL, 185pts]
. Boss Nob [33pts]: Power Klaw [25pts]
. 19x Stormboy [152pts]
+ Heavy Support [6 PL, 81pts] +
Big Gunz [2 PL, 27pts]
. Gun [1 PL, 27pts]: 2x Grot Gunner [4pts], Kannon [15pts]
Big Gunz [2 PL, 27pts]
. Gun [1 PL, 27pts]: 2x Grot Gunner [4pts], Kannon [15pts]
Big Gunz [2 PL, 27pts]
. Gun [1 PL, 27pts]: 2x Grot Gunner [4pts], Kannon [15pts]
++ Total: [118 PL, 1995pts] ++
No, crybaby casuals are the worst people to play with.
How about Land Raiders?
I don't know, I just started the army, don't have a codex, and bought the old crisis suit box from flgs because it was on sale.
It's fine for what it is if someone wants to just throw down models and get a rough estimate, or for children, or for brand new beginners. But anyone who pretends that power level is balanced, or that it's just as balanced as points, is delusional.
Because loyalist hog all the nice toys so they can get fucked.
PL feels like putting the most expensive equipment possible.
When comparing points and levels I always end short in points, while PL are 1 to 6 levels over.
Same as rhinos?
I mean 5 S8/-4/D6 damage shots hurts any monster. Add in 2D3 S10/-4/2 damage shots that auto hit and you do OK.
Kinda? They're a sanctioned variant of humans, I guess so. Honestly Felinids are just an excuse so that people in Dark Heresy can play as catgirls whenever they feel like it.
Or my personal favourite concept:
> Crew of a rogue trader vessel hears about a Felinid joining the crew
> Automatically assumes it'll be a kawaii as fuck catgirl that they can fuck
> Hardened Veteran GuardsMAN with half-torn off ears, a tiny stump of a cat tail, and covered in scars shows up.
It was a 10,000 point game from over a year ago. Pic was of Leman Russ and his 25-man squad from a Spartan Assault Tank get out and charge my entire right hand flank. Which they proceeded to anally rape with a 10 foot pole-no lube. Which is understandable with a deathstar that consisted of the PRIMARCH LEMAN RUSS, with 10 custodians, a wolf-lord, salamander's Master Apothecary, Kaldor Draigo, and 6 librarians.
Chaos marines are mass produced.
Is this vomit of squars and color supposed to have any meaning to it?
You're too stupid to make a list the real way?
The fact that you don't see the irony in you trying to connect "trying to be good at" and "playing a game" is pretty sad actually.
So I haven't seen any good death gaurd and/or dark imperium battle reports. How do they play? are they any good?
I play AoS and I think I'm ready to jump into 40k. I've always loved the way nurgle looks and I already play tzeentch.
It means you can bring them all since they have the "Imperium" keyword.
How come boltguns are so fucking useless when SM's are GW's cash cow?
Oh! I thought that was like 1500, I won a local with Orks over the weekend, it was a small 1250 one.
>Brigade Detachment
>HQ: Big Mek with KFF
>HQ: Weird boy
>Troop: 29 Boyz + Nob with PK
>Troop: 29 Boyz + Nob with PK
>Troop: 29 Boyz + Nob with PK
>HS: Gorkauant
>HS: 5 lootas
>Elite: WAAAGH Banner Nob
I'm pretty happy with Shining Spears new incantation, did the lone Harliquens do anything?
The ecclesiarchy tends towards a very strict approach towards the human form. Abhumans are tolerated as auxiliaries in the Guard because the Munitorum sees fit to use them but the church still hates their guts.
Some of the more stringent Sororitas Orders even see space marines as mutants and therefore an affront.
>raging about the obviously superior method for tournament play
You must be a complete retard