the good guys
The good guys
good thread
Relatively speaking, which says a lot about the other guys.
"He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved The Greater Good."
I'd call them 'The Nice Guys'
No one's really good in 40K, but fuck do the Tau try.
They're filthy fucking Xenos but hey, I like them.
>Belisarius Cawl circa 41.1k
And the fucked up thing about the 40k universe is you could still do worse. I mean, that's not the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable.
full automated gay space communist weeaboos and thats why I play them
It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize this ending meant that he was also executed.
It's a pretty misleading intro though, since the Imperium is flat out stated to have "bright spots" in 6e and 7e.
Only the Farsight Enclaves can be considered good guys. The rest of the Tau are still shits.
the joke is that, transplanted whole sale, they would be just under the covenant from halo in terms of evil
but since their enemies are so much worse than them, they come across as naive good guys, but in star wars or star trek they would exist as villains
so yes they are "good guys" but only in the context of warhammer
Just finished my first stealth suit a few minutes ago, what do you guys think?
Isn't Guilliman writing a new book or something so that the citizens of the Imperium are no longer abused? Cawl isn't scared of innovation like the rest of the Mechanicus so technological advancement is actually a thing now. It seems like the Imperium is becoming more stereotypically "good guy" recently.
That's pretty kickass
>Isn't Guilliman writing a new book or something so that the citizens of the Imperium are no longer abused?
No. Instead he's reconstituting Greater Ultramar. He says disbanding it down to a handful of worlds was a mistake, because Ultramar was supposed to be a beacon, a model of what the Imperium could be. And by making it a small handful of systems, he made that beacon nothing more than a small candle.
dont forget to drill out barrels in the future. other wise pretty fuckin nice user
it's great, but imagine if you could remodel the gray bits in transparent plastic
Being a cuckold doesn't make you a good guy. Tau just like getting chirped by Kroot and other space races.
>Marneus Cruzgar
>hand over the Ultramarines, Rahboute
low quality b8
Damn straight, Tau'va is amazing.
A place for everyone and everyone in their place.
I don't think so depending on what fluff is canon on the Ethereals they could fit with Star Trek, probably have a similar deal with the Federation the same way the Klingons did.
Any good place to read about Tau killing stuff like humans and turning marines into swiss cheese?
>technological advancement is actually a thing now
Tech advancement was always a thing, it's just forbidden outside of the mechanicus because when unregulated it inevitably leads to disaster.
I mean, when you're lucky you end up like the planet that cured every sickness. Nurgle didn't like that.
I like them because in most other sci-fi settings, they'd be the evil imperialistic aliens.
>because when unregulated it inevitably leads to disaster
The Tau have been building new shit all the time and have never had any disasters. The Imperium is even fascinated by their technology as evidenced by how Tech-Priests steal it. Meanwhile the Mechanicus sits around with their thumbs up their asses until Cawl comes along. He built better designs by himself in the last ten thousand years than the rest of the Mechanicus combined. Those red robed fucks are pathetic.
Tau are still young, how long until they start looking into better warp travel and catch somethings eye. Or what if they bump into one of the C'tan shards. Hell what if they have a Men of Iron scenario that would be devastating.
If the Tau's policy on technological innovation results in some sort of giant disaster then the AdMech will be vindicated. Until that event occurs they will continue to be a bunch of useless retards.
It's not really an if it's a when. This is 40k and there are good reasons the AdMech have their beliefs humanity and technology have a bad history.
>It's not really an if it's a when.
I guess we'll have to wait and see. Currently the Tau way of doing things is far superior.
For the most part, although the suppression of chaos by the Ethereals while good on paper is probably going to end badly like the last time chaos was suppressed.
Helps that Tau have an incredibly faint warp presence for sapients.
That always stuck with me. Just the sadistic self aggrandizement of it. You catch a dissenter. You have the evidence to convict him under whatever passes for a justice system. But that's not enoigh; you then spend the time and effort to completely break this individual and convince him that this entire time he has been wrong. That the very thing that crushed his soul and is about to kill him is in fact worthy of adoration and respect. Grimdark isn't just about casual brutality and insignificance. the true horror is not only do you not matter, it's that there's a vested and tested methodology in convincing you that this is the right thing to do
>Implying you want to get castrated and live in a collectivist shithole, instead of the greater shithole, where you can at least a individual and if you really work hard, can achieve atleast a bit better live.
Taulets, when will they get themselfes some backbone?
Thin your paints, and be more careful with the base next time. Other than that, pretty neat. Loving the cloak effect
I'm imagining alien covenant with tau fire warriors now.
I know they're the good guys. They wouldn't have plot armor thicker than their the Water caste's collective head and be able to Mary Sue their way to victory otherwise
>good guys
O i am laffin
I can't wait for the extra, extra good guy faction that rebels against farsight.
I wonder if you can cut out the unpainted part and replace it with translucent plastic?
You again? Dumbass, unregulated peace leads to Khornate invasions. The very same codex has Khorne genociding the solidarity of two worlds when they struck peace with each other.
You don't make decisions based on the fickle nature of the Chaos Gods. You just prepare for their invasions.
Also the admech codex says that the Admech are leading mankind's technology to ruination, having lost the ability to truly innovate a long time ago.
It's just baby's first 1984 dude.
The idea of the dispersing cloak effect is super cool but I think you need to be more delicate and detailed with your paints. Work on that and it'll be absolutely amazing.
Where in this article does a Kroot fuck the Tau's wife?
Otherwise you're not using the right fucking word you retard.
>I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Not that user, but this isn't real life faggot, you can't "wait and see" because unless the GW writers decide to squat the faction, it's never actually going to happen.
And despite that, it's still just about a sure thing that their Drones will go Skynet on them.
They did in the Falls of Medusa V campaign iirc. They had some experiments which did not work well and the Earth Caste nixed further development along these lines. From the Lexuicanum:
"The Tau expedition's goal, to gather information about the warp, was largely successful; however, analysis of the gathered data, and the fates of those Tau who remained behind, caused Earth Caste scientists to believe that further research would be infeasible. The Fourth Expansion of the Tau Empire was thus delayed in order to further consolidate the recent Third Expansion."
Tau are about as close to good guys as there are in the setting. Which is to say, kinda darkish grey.
Chemically castrating civilians and putting them in death camps is definitely something the good guys would do. Glad we're on the same page OP.
The only time the Tau have ever sterilized humans in canon was on a world where the locals had attempted multiple bloody uprisings and rebellions for generations. They didnt even sterilize all the humans, just the dissenters so they would stop raising dissenter kids. 100 years later and the planet is peaceful now, because only loyal humans got to breed.
So the Tau solved their problem without just murdering everyone. Thats good shit by 40k standards.
And not like the Imperium doesnt do worse. Chem Gelding in a common enough punishment that the IoM has a term for it. They use it on psykers, space marines, and prisoners all the time.
>Implying "Good" can ever accomplish anything
Submit to true power
As expected no Tau art in the Tau thread. Get better 40k fags
>the least bad of the bad guys
>muh sterilisation maymay
>wanting children in the first place, even if it's true
>not wanting plasma weapons that are actually reliable and outrange almost any equivalent weapon in the galaxy
space nuns don't know how to have fun anyway, it's like you don't know how much fun the forbidden fruit of fucking another species is
also sterilization are for dissidents
if you are an honest Gue'vesa nothing will happen to you and if you fight hard enough you can get a battlesuit
Honest question, Can/could or do the Tau get married to the humans who have allied with them? As far as I know they dont belive in warp fuckry and I think it would boss dramatic to have your loving husband of 15 years suddenly reveal that they can light people on fire from 50 paces.
i think humans and tau can't marry
the same way that vespid and kroot can't marry tau
you can't even fuck tau girls because that would ruin the eugenics program installed by Ethereals
I hear what your laying down. And I'll accept that for cultural reasons they wont " officially marry" but the eugenics things shouldn't be a problem. I dont think you can hybridize humans and Tau can you? It might make it even more saucy if you had human "special friend" on the sly.
>Further implying to betray your own race, just for some xenos puss, that actually are looking horrible if not drawn in anime style and thinking "Muh Advanced Tau Tech" will be a payoff for giving away your individuality as a human beeing.
And why you would want to?
Also Daily Reminder that this is how female tau actually would look like.
you can not call them the good guys, the ydo pict related and only on of them has the balls to melee.
0 out of 10 would purge again
forgot the fuckking pic.
and man kind is obviously superior, look at the tech and what that does for them
She has a great personality! shut up!
Kitten if you're going to post, at least remember to attached your image.
oh come on, saying that every tau female look like Shadowsun is like saying every human female look like this
>muh race
nigga you jelly of that blueberry, don't even deny it
>muh individuality
>what are Pathfinders
I meant the face. Fucking Fish People
That is actually correct, and if shes a nice person, you have my blessing. Still getting rightfully purged, though.
You've got me hooked user, i'm all ears; tell me more about the greater good
Shadowsun is probably more representative of all Shas Females.
Aun, Por, Kor, and Fio castes look a lot different.
Tau themselves think Shadowsun is beautiful.
Any story that involves them.
Doesn't matter.
Skulls are skulls.
Holes are holes.
Bodies are bodies.
And Plans are plans.
>you can get a battlesuit
Tau are stingy, even with pulse rifles.
Makes sense for the Tau, especially Shas Tau.
But given the fact the castes are not allowed to interbreed, I would be pretty surprised if a Fio'ui would find her attractive.
Not true. It absolutely does matter. The Tau's warp presence, or lack there of, more or less means it isn't worth the effort to use them to power Chaos.
Well, that's because their standards are different than hours. The Tau girls that think they're ugly are the ones who are beautiful to us humans. Which is why they're superior, there's nothing better than a beautiful girl who thinks she's ugly.
>muh race
Is the rightful supreme rule of the galaxy.
>muh individuality
Would willingly give for the future of mankind
>what are Pathfinders
Cowardly little shits that falls over as soon as you stab them.
>isn't worth the effort
No such thing. They are lucky they are shielded from the worst of it by the Imperium.
But no the guys having the most fun
For the same result turning a dozen Tau to Chaos you can get six humans or a single Eldar.
Isn't worth the investment.
>Chaos are now apparently venture capitalists
At least they'll actually give a shit if you're getting eaten by tyranids.
In a sense, sure.
But it isn't even just Chaos that does that. Everyone in 40k does that, hell you can expand it to just everyone who can think critically. Why would anyone invest in something that doesn't give them a good return?
And to 'your' previous point of
>hey are lucky they are shielded from the worst of it by the Imperium.
Chaos isn't hampered by distance. They could skip the Imperium by going through the Immeterium and enter Tau space directly. There is a good reason as to why there aren't more stories of major Chaos invasions of Tau space.
>rightful ruler
Don't let your people suffer then.
>giving up your individuality not for a weeb waifu and servant droids and cools suits but just to keep a brutal oppressive regime running
This is where you fail imperial, the Galactic East Anime Club is a far better place to live in than your squalid hives and penal planets with nothing to look forward to but death to end tour labors.
>Khorne corrupts several tau
>they're orks now pretty much, but with better gear
Picturing a tau with no suit shouting "Chop! Chop! Stomp! Stomp!" or "Blood for the blood god!" as he wields a massive axe cutting down primaris is hilarious.
>in the imperium of man
In the fluff they have like 85% casualty rates. Everyone in the Shas caste knows this, but they still have more volunteers than there are Pathfinder positions available. Pathfinders are some of the bravest people in the Tau Empire.
>Khornate Tau
Come on. They'd be a sniper reaping a terrible bounty of kills or some rifleman doing the same.
Eh, not really. Tau are pretty close morally to modern day Imperialism(the kind that Russia and the US typically employ).
Berserkers are funnier to me, and they'd be too twitchy to aim properly.
You do realize not all of Khorne's followers are bersekers right?
When I think khorne, I think DoW.
Then again, DoW is what comes to mind when I think 40k.
Khornate Berserkers are clearly the most famous and powerful, but far from the only. Or even majority, I would wager.
Mortal Khornates use guns like everyone else.
Yes. More than in the collectivist shitshow that is the tau empire. As long as you do it within the imperial system you can be who you want. The Tau are a society, which likes cast systems.
>More than in the collectivist shitshow that is the tau empire
You step out of line you get fucking executed and are worked to death by an overlord if you're not.
So much for individuality.
>the imperium isn't a collectivist shithole
>you can be an individual and achieve a better life through hard work.
>in the imperium
You've gone full retard m8
Because it's 40k it's actually more likely that they don't have a good reason. That is the point of the setting. The Imperium of man is needlessly cruel, it's technology is stunted needlessly.