We have a considerable lack of the emperor's finest here on Veeky Forums. I aim to fix this.
Imperial Guard Thread
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Only faction I'm even remotely interested in.
There's my boys.
The real men of the Imperium.
You have good taste in guard regiments sir.
Holding the line for the last 10,000 years.
The Steel Legion combine old school looks with new school tactics.
They're one of my personal favorites.
>Kriegers finally seems viable with the latest index.
anyone know if Z's Steel Legion are decent?
Enjoy it while we can lads, with Robot Guidoman mass producing space marines again Guard will be back to being reserves and garrisons again like during the crusade
Why couldn't it have been Sangunius...
I must say, i'm quite comfortable with the size of this image.
anywhere I can find cool art prints of IG online?
black library only has prints of shitty space marines. I'm trying to get some badass art for my new place.
Are the rules for all their stuff up?
How're the Hades now?
How good are the Eylisian Drop Sentinels with Multi-Melta's in this edition?
>Replace with death korps and the infantry gets the cult of sacrifice (ignore deaths from being shot when working out morale)
The drill itself seems okay, with a CP you have a fair chance of making 9 inch charges and destroying a vehicle. The vets though lack the ws3+ of other krieg, and inexplicably lack the bs3+ of other vets, whilst still being 6ppm (the drill is 65).
I'm thinking of getting a vet unit with shotguns for counter-charges, does anyone know where you get 40k scale (as in, ludicrously big for 28mm) shotguns from?
anvil industries?
is there actually anyone out there that makes good female guard models? the victoria miniature ones look alright but there dont seem to be any other alternatives other than female heads on male bodies..... which looks a bit daft
I don't think you can gain special rules by changing keywords. Otherwise you could take conscripts with cult of sacrifice.
I might be wrong. Haven't played a game of 8th yet.
Anvil industry. Victeria miniatuires sells them as well but the anvil ones are more detailed.
60 points a pop, so pretty cheap given their weapon, but terrible at actually shooting it. Compared with something like melta command squad vets, who clock in at only 19 points, and have a 3+ BS, the poor meltinels get left in the dust. When you do have to shoot over bubblewrap, where the superior range of the multi-melta would help, I'd probably still rather drop missile HW teams.
What the sentinels can do is drop down and offer a somewhat hard-to-remove presence on objectives, but for that you want heavy flamers. (If you can't aim in the first place, set things on fire.)
There's a list of units that let you Krieg them up - infantry models on that specific list do gain Cult of Sacrifice.
Sadly, the only pure infantry unit on the list is the Master of Ordnance - beyond him, the only non-vehicles are artillery crew.
...and, yeah, I guess the drill isn't technically artillery, but it's also on the list.
but the kriegers have a krieg version of the drill, which unloads combat engineers instead of vets (and fuck, the acid gas grenades looks good)
Im thinking about making two separate detachements, one thats going to be full krieg infantry and mars pattern leman russes and death riders, the other a spearhead with artyllery (maybe some styges pattern tanks) and a vendetta.
could i load some grenadiers on a vendetta? since they share the imperial guard keyword?
The Vendetta can carry anything that is ASTRA MILITARUM INFANTRY (but not OGRYN) or has the Authority of the Inquisition ability, so yes, your grenadiers will happily ride your plane.
[fortunate son in german]
I'll be ordering some soon. I have his dkk and they are good, if not a bit battle damaged.
Post Guard? Yes please!
Kreigers used to have a krieg version of the drill which unloaded combat engineers.
>Imperial Guard Thread
So basically "NPC thread"?
Huh, that almost looks real at first glance
>this unit can shoot this phase even if it advanced in the movement phase
Do I suffer a minus one to hit for rapid fire weapons if I issue this to a unit that advanced?
Is there a pdf?
Not bad, other than the lack of demo charges or mole mortars
7's not exactly huge, but it's hardly made out of paper
Hey, bros.
Wait, did you say that's just for normal IG and there's a slightly better unit (man-wise, at least) for Kreigers?
Hot damn!
Does anyone actually play Renegade Guard?
And women.
i Just checked, and sadly they lost their engineer hades for now, i guess we will have to wait for the codices, but at least you will have hades vets with krieg rules which is nice, as they are tagged as infantry
Arkurion makes quite some good pics
Nothing against Cadians but I would love to see a more "standardized" and regular style IG models with some customization. Maybe as part of Guillimane's efforts to streamline most worlds to some level of tithe standards while leaving the more unique planets free reign to produce their specialized troops.
The "many worlds emulate Cadia" line of fluff was written specifically to make Cadians the 'standardized with some customisation' guard models.
>Z's Steel Legion
What is this that you speak of? I would like to know places to buy Steel Legion men that is not GW.
>muh Normal dudes
Eat shit loyalists, your time is coming
Looking into it myself although I'm waiting for the updated rules for 8th.
I've always liked the Steel Legion, since they're just a bunch of regular factory worker dudes given lasguns and told to stop the baddest ork Warboss in the Galaxy.
What do people use for Steel Legion Models anyway? I don't think Games Workshop sells them anymore and even if they did, I'm guessing they're overpriced and made of Finecast.
They still are and are metal only and are 30 pounds a squad.
check blackmartketminiatures periodically
>heck blackmartketminiatures periodically
Is there any reason that their product doesn't show up?
All their Infinity and Kingdom Death shit shows up but none of their 40k stuff.
their entire 40k catalogue vanishes and reappears perodically
mad robot miniatures makes models that are perfect steel legion replicas except for the lasguns - if you want authenticity for that, you'll need catachan lasguns
I did, pretty sad now honestly. I ran Bloody Handed Reavers menaing a guard regiment that became space pirate so I can't really run them anymore. At least I can still convert and paint them I guess.
Hey Veeky Forums what should I take for an IG list as sniper, Ratlings or Vindicare Assassin?
Sure did. Bloody-Handed Reaver, Mutant Overlord, and Shock Legion Taskmaster were my favorites.
I haven't seen the new rules for 8th yet, but I'm hoping my entire army isn't trash now. At lesat I could salvage the armor.
Just take marauders. They are vets who are good in melee and can take a special upgrade for free (carapace, stealth or better melee). Marauder spam would do the space pirate theme better than grenadiers.
so, if felinids are in the Imperium, does that mean that they can join the IG?
There's plenty of subhuman's ordained worthy to serve in the Most Holy Emperor's Imperial Guard.
Ogryns, ratlings, squats... Well, at least there's two.
There is legitimately no advantage to taking a Felinid guardsmen over the average human guardsmen.
People in 40k are killed over minor mutations, an entire planet of retarded cat people? That calls for an exterminatus
>The Emperor's 18 sons are the only PCs in this world
Go tell the Commissar that you love the 4-armed Emperor, user.
Quick, quick, hide! Nobody tell him-
Oh, too late! Look, your side's got normal dudes all over it! See?
If you wanted to be overly extravagent, you could use forge world's death korps models
Guard for life
Is a multilaser good for anything?
I've always wanted to die in a riveted box by a red hot rivet to the head, said no one ever.
Yeah its there to make the heavy bolter look good
Cadians are pretty good but I prefer a bit more ornamentation on my dark-age space soldiers.
Man I wish we finally got plastic Vostroyans.
Tell me again why the imperial guard basically uses a couple of aircraft, with just some variations. No designs for jets, helicopters, bombers. Only those vtols or craft with turbines straight from a WWII era book.
>No designs for jets, helicopters, bombers.
Forge World has a few things to say about that.
I will admit there are no Guard helis, but this is mostly because their VTOL tech is good enough that they don't particularly need it. The Vulture is one of the best gunships that flies (particularly in 8th) and it uses the Valkyrie airframe because those hover jets work just fine.
I DID entertain the notion of converting my Vulture using Samson-style tilt rotor wings (think the Avatar gunships) but I decided it was too much of an aesthetic divergence.
We are here to confiscate any heretical narcotics and entertainment. And uh...dispose of them.
When playing krieger list can I also use all the normal units from the normal codex?
What makes the vulture so good "particularly in 8th"? I ordered one after 8th was announced but before I saw any rules for the Vulture because I hadn't wanted one for my 7th ed force
Goddammit I hate the scion models. They look like toys. I wish kasrkin were less expensive.
I do like how they changed up Schola's and made them more grimdark but at the same time I miss the Schola's of the Cain days.
I'm not home now but I have a squad of engineers that I got when vraks first dropped because I loved the models so much. I flicked some red ink from a brush onto their fronts, just gibbed some poor bastard. Still one of my favorite things, certainly my favorite krieg unit in my army.
Where in the FUCK are best boys in this thread? C'mon guys.
Take a look.
112 points base. Twin miniguns are 40. Everything else costed as you might expect.
Right here
Actually they are only slightly more expensive than Cadians on GW's website and include a squad heavy weapon.
You can use the units listed in the FW Index in addition to pic related.
Whenever i see those guys i can't but wonder about Catachan fertility and sexual activity rates.
Wrong pic. Sorry.
I'm not sure, but doesn't that mean that I still could use them, they jus don't have the death korps of krieg keyword?
Those units listed in the box can be used in addition to the units detailed in FW Index Astra Militarum.
They gain the DKoK keyword.
Wait, shouldn't the heavy stubber be a twin heavy stubber?
I think FW might have dropped the ball on that considering there is both an option for Heavy Stubber and Twin Stubbers.
So I've been modeling some IG and I've come up with my own custom regiment. It even has a special rule, an infantry squad can take 2 special weapons so long as both are flamers.
uhm, flamers are pretty damn good in this edition, are you going to implement something more to balance other than the flamer restrictions?
I'm pretty hyped. I'm going to be mixing all kinds of regiments and characters and mixing in ministorum units. I know some people at my store get super bum roasted when people mix regiments, but they are all my custom regiment. Count as shit shouldn't be a problem as long as you're not cheating.
>Watch Guard bat reps
>Almost every report has a super heavy
How boring. Baneblades and Knights are so boring and lame.
To save our Holy Terra from any Xenos attacks,
From vicious vile creatures who have once again come back.
We'll unleash all our forces, we won't cut them any slack.
The Imperial Guard deploys!
Newest abhuman fluff leaves felinids ambiguous as to nature, but according to the description which can be read several ways, they're almost like Fenrisians but with cat instead of dog.
So DKoK Engineers can't use these anymore?
Preparing my IG for the new global campaign next month. Repainting all of my IG, and just finished painting 3 Vostroyan squads and command squad
Rats any day